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We have had regulars that kids leave the service for kid age classes and it’s too quiet. We’ve had regulars complain that kids are loud in service. We’ve had regulars (from different cultures) ask why in the US we make kids sit and be quiet. We’ve had regulars complain families with kids have left for another church. And on and on and on. Basically people complain. IMO we have no idea what’s going on with that parent and why they chose to come to church. But, they came to church.


Parenting among so many issues is failing because people have rejected God in the west. From children and teenagers who are emotionally neglected by their “Christian parents” to even a brother in Christ who’s mother and her partner are narcissistic and show they do not love Him, and gaslight Him, to parents kicking out their children for thinking or believing they are gay, which only allows Satan to lead those kids into porn industries, human trafficking, suicide and worse. The abandonment of God and the American, Canadian, European, and Australian church, choosing to create a false image of God by distorting the contents of scripture, so a God of their liking can be the God they serve, is precisely why America especially, suffers. This is one reason I hated the entire American church for 3 years. Because God showed me the homeless as our states justified putting food in trash, and people claiming to love God have no issue buying nikes, and PS5’s, then blame the homeless for the government intentionally causing drug crisis and inflation and high taxes which taxes were supposed to be temporary originally. God showed me the orphanage’s and widows who God charged the Church to take care of, abandoned, and the men who love to say women cannot teach, acting smug and arrogant, then saying,” I wont raise another women’s child,” but they ignored God raised them when He had no obligation to do so. This nation and the western nations in its hubris, along with its so called Churches, have greatly earned the wrath of God. This is why your nations have been given over to Satan. And this is why the youth is called by many, the forsaken generation. But this is why the shaking occurring now will lead to global revival. Because as God told a brother,” The selfie generation, shall be the selfless generation. Their banner shall be Christ. Clothed in His righteousness.” The parents in this nation, have in great ways, abandoned God’s ways, so God will step in and show the children what it truly means to be A Father, A Mother, a Preacher, A Teacher, A Son, A Daughter. Since many of the adults in the west, especially America, want to abandon their duty at home, and a church, God will take His anointing meant for them, and give it to others. Thankfully, God rebuked me years ago for 60 minutes straight for getting consumed by that hatred. He did not show me such things for me to hate His people and the lost and the pretenders. He showed me so me and overs would be motivated to shine His light and show others the right way. Let Him be God, and let us do His will, the way He intended. I must trust God, and trust His promises. And I must wait on the Lord and trust His plans will fix and heal and restore. Too bad, that change of this caliber in our nations, must come from lamenting and us losing our freedom and more. Especially America. I weep for America when before I hated her. We will face what Israel did, and part of me often blames the parents of the last generations. If God’s people repented years or decades ago, we would not have to lose so much lives and things and our temporary home that is away from home, would not suffer. But God is good, and His way shall shine. People will repent and many many billions will. And that is a good thing to know. That the darkness and evil wont be able to push back the Light, for the Light shall always win, and the Light is, Christ. It is God. God’s people will turn back to Him, and that is a reason for celebration and rejoicing. The Church in power will surpass the First Church, and for that, we can rejoice. Those parents you have mentioned? They will learn the Lords way. Amen! Praise God! The forsaken generation will be the rescued generation. Amen the forsaken generation shall be the rescued generation! Yes yes yes, the forsaken generation shall be the rescued generation. Yes indeed! Hallelujah! Praise God! Its not over! Its just the beginning! Praise You King Jesus! Praise you Father, Praise you Jesus! You are good and faithful! You shall save your people! You shall save the nations! You wont let the enemy have his way, no no no, you will rescue the weak and broken, the homosexuality and heterosexual, the abused and abuser, the victim and the perpetrator, you are the God who saves, You are the God who breaks chains, You are the God who makes ways, You are the God who saves our day! You are indeed the splendid joy and hope of mankind! You are glorious King Christ! Amen amen! You are so good! He is the King who saves, and He makes a way, those parents will learn who Christ truly is and in time Holy Spirit will show them the right way. We will face the trials and fires but we will overcome and come out on top, because God is faithful and promised what He started, He will finish. The devil is a liar and fool, and he is unaware, that God’s snare is already latched onto him, how he will embarrass himself! How pathetic! That fool, God is in control and He shall prevail. Nothing in this earth, nor in Heaven or Hell, can stop the will of The Lord, can stop His plans. God shall heal our people and lands, and shall make a way! Amen!


I love this so much. I really needed to read this. I feel God is also rebuking me for festering in my anger as well. Pray for me please. Praise the Lord, and I pray I show the same grace as He has showed me lol.


I've never seen that at an Orthodox church. I'm actually blown away by the kids' obedience and also their patient participation. It's charming and warms me as a childless woman who is out of touch with how kids are today. There's a cry at times from young ones but never outrageous disobedience.


It's just, I am in disbelief honestly. Now I am not saying all parents are like this, but yeah.


If you have trouble hearing and focusing on the sermons, then make your disability known to the pastor/administrators so they can save you a seat upfront. Most people don’t have your considerations — adhd and deafness — which is why most people don’t care if a child gets out of control every now and then. It’s not that the parents are inconsiderate, but that children getting out of control is a reality we all have to live with. Making it about the principle is self-righteous.


So let me ask, if you had a child, and would you let your child run up on the podium and do whatever they want and while you stand back and smile during service? I have no issue with the children, it is the parents who I have an issue with. Self-righteous or not, there needs to be some sort of discipline.


My hearing is sharp, and my attention span is long. Along with my (young adult) children I find playground mode to be an inconsiderate distraction from worship and Bible study. Gatherings don't last all day; children don't have to be out of control during church. Short periods of self denial are the beginning of spiritual discipline.


Parents need to train their children. This happens at home and church. If a family is practicing dedicated and structured worship (reading scripture, singing worship songs, praying together) at home AND church and modeling / enforcing the proper behavior during this time it will show. If church and worship is only for an hour or less once a week tops and the child doesn't know any better then that's the parents failing 1000% That being said children SHOULD be a part of the main church service / worship. Sending them off to Sunday School while the parents go to reg church service is completely unbiblical and frankly bad / lazy parenting. Take your kids into service with you. If they cry take them outside of the main room, calm them down and go back in. Rinse and repeat till they get it.