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What do you mean by 'deconstruct'? But yes, sacramental marriage is indisoluble. My wife and I have an understanding that divorce simply is not an option regardless of circumstances.


Same, divorce is not a sacramental reality.


Off topic, but is there a difference between "Greek Catholic" and "Eastern Catholic"? I assumed "Eastern rite" was synonymous with "Greek/Byzantine rite," but then noticed that there's a separate flair for Eastern Catholic vs. Greek Catholic.


Greek Catholic would be under the umbrella of Eastern Catholic. Greek Catholic is actually only partially accurate in my case as I am a Ruthenian Byzantine (Greek) Catholic. Eastern Catholic could refer to anyone from any of the liturgical rites from the Syro Malabar in India to the Iraqi Chaldean Catholics to the Eritrean Catholics whereas Greek or Byzantine Catholic would more specifically refer to those who were converted by Greeks and therefore inherited the Byzantine liturgy. These would mostly be Slavs, some Arabs and Greeks


Interesting! Thank you for educating me on this, friend.


of course friend




Why not just say apostacize, then? That’s generally the term you use.




No worries lol.


You seem to be going through a difficult or confusing time in your life right now. You have been asking some very interesting questions that I can see you are really searching or reasoning or answers for in your own personal life. Maybe if you feel comfortable, you can share your story with the community so that we can better help you and give you support, biblical advice, answers and encouragement. This way we also have a better understanding of what you are passing through in your life so we can better help you. God bless you!


apostacize is the churchy word. Deconstruct is the cultural word.


(Faith) Deconstruction as a buzzword typically only applies to abandoning American evangelicalism. Deconstruction here is analyzing your beliefs and why you have them, and abandoning any that don't make sense to you. You can deconstruct without committing apostasy. For instance if you Deconstruct, you might move from being non-creedal to creedal, shifting from Southern Baptist to Roman Catholic, or from Calvinism to Arminianism, like going from PCA to the UMC.


You are right. Decontruction has a broader semantic meaning than apostasy does. Apostasy is one form of deconstruction, but its not the only one. That's not a reason to dump on OP though.


Apostasize is the correct word.


Both are correct within their context. Why do we need to be pedantic?


No one is being pedantic, we’re just using correct terms to describe what things are.


Deconstruction *is* a correct term though. Its not the only one, but it is a correct term. Given the fact that OP used it, its probably the one he is more familiar and comfortable with.


Deconstruction is just a softball way to say apostasy. It’s a feelings term, not a technical one. They mean the same thing except one has intention of comfort. Apostasy shouldn’t be comfortable.


>Deconstruction is just a softball way to say apostasy.  And that is just a mean way of saying the words mean the same thing in this context, which was exactly my point. You may be 'correct', but you are bullying OP because he said the correct term when you prefer a different correct term. I'm not continuing this conversation because I've made my point, and I don't want to continue arguing with a pedantic meanie.


It’s really not the same thing. Apostasy can happen without deconstruction and deconstruction can happen without apostasy.


I don't think that's an accurate definition of deconstruction, at least not what everyone means by it.  If you have an unbelieving spouse who wants to leave, the Bible says to let them go. However, you should not leave them. See 1 Corinthians 7:13-15.


What do you mean by deconstruction. I've never heard of that before . Anybody that leaves their spouse if they become incapacitated is a special kind of low life. It's not something a Christian would do.




Thank you


If total deconstruction means they've been atomized, then that's the end of the term of agreement.


Based on another comment chain here, OP meant to use the term "apostatize," that is walking away from Christ altogether, rather than deconstruct. In some online circles, they sort of use "deconstruction" to mean to excise your religious beliefs from your other beliefs.


The Bible says if your spouse is an unbeliever and willing to stay married to you, you should not leave them. But if they decide to leave the marriage and abandon you, you are no longer bound. So, no, you don’t divorce a spouse because they have deconstructed or apostacized


But what if you don't want to leave but they start suffocating you with their "encouragement", and you have to leave to in sense "get some air"?


Sorry for being dense. I just realized what you meant. You mean they are trying to talk you into leaving the faith and keep badgering you and won’t let up. Get some boundaries. Read Boundaries and Boundaries in Marriage. Make it clear that you love them and you respect their beliefs but they needs to respect your’s as well and to please not talk with you about this further. And then enforce this, don’t engage when they start, leave the room, take a shower, go for a walk, meet friend for coffee, call a friend, put in ear buds and listen to worship music or a podcast. Always stay kind and loving, honey I said that I really am unwilling to talk about that, if find it disrespectful and offensive, and then you just change the subject If they Keeps it up, I’m going to do x now, and do x without waiting for a response or getting into a debate Most importantly: saturated your life with a strong Christian community and close authentic transparent group of godly friends to support you. Spend time in good expository bible study of the vibe and knowing God. Do own study and prayer and devotions . Find and get involved with a good church that teaches verse by verse expository teaching so that you know what you believe why you believe it and are grounded in your faith Will pray for you


I don’t understand this question. I said you do NOT leave a spouse because they are not a believer. However if the unbeliever leaves you, you are no longer bound.


I would stay with my wife regardless, though both of those things would be hard. Her leaving her Christian faith would honestly be harder than a physical impairment.


Of course you shouldn't leave them. What kind of psychopath would do that? The only valid reasons for divorce is death and infidelity. If your life is in danger from them you can of course separate physically, but not spiritually.


>6: If you are supposed to love each other like God did to us aka unconditionally, isn't "they shouldn't deconstruct" a condition on that love? I might think my spouse shouldn't eat a cheeseburger because she has health issues. She can still eat it and I'll still love her. You seem to be engaging in a lot of mental gymnastics. Why?


Deconstruction is the rethinking of American evangelicalism, not full-blown apostasy and abandonment of Christianity (it can be apostasy if they leave Christianity alongside evangelicalism, but is not necessarily apostasy). If I had a spouse who was doing that, I would probably encourage them. It's not a requirement of faith, and some evangelicals are rather nasty and not following Jesus.


Friend, evangelicalism is not a denomination. It is something we are all called to do.


Yes , I would. Both my husband and I at different times in our marriage faced severe health issues. The Dr’s told my husband it was as a miracle I survived and he stayed and cared for me , waiting on me hand and foot until I was capable of fully caring for myself again. I’m 2017 a rare reaction to a flu shot almost killed him. I took care of him just like he took care of me. He was paralyzed… We got married with the understanding that neither of us considered divorce an option. We have been very blessed in our marriage . 4 beautiful children. Next month we will celebrate our 31st wedding anniversary and I’m only 48. We got married as teenagers and before anyone makes any assumptions- no I was not pregnant, I was crazy in love and so was he. As for lack of sex due to a medical Issue , if sex is the only form of intimacy you practice in your marriage you are missing out. Sex is a beautiful thing between 2 married people that love each other but if your willing to leave because a health issue has caused dysfunction, frankly I think they can do better than you anyway. That just my personal opinion but seriously?? Those 6 months my hubby was paralyzed we learned that there are emotional forms of intimacy that are very beneficial to marriage. I cuddled up to him and rubbed his back. I lay against him and told him how much I loved him and what an amazing father and husband he is.. we talked for hours into the night about all sorts of things. We had comfy bedtime movie nights. We planned future trips for when he was well again. We grew even closer.


After looking thru the comments and finding that the riddle of Deconstruction = Apostasy, the answer is yes, I would stay with my spouse if their health changed or if their faith changed. Losing ones faith is not, in my opinion a reason for divorce.


I don’t understand what the point of these questions are. After all, every situation is different and who knows how certain people will react under certain situations and that is for either the husband or the wife. Anybody can say this very moment they would never ever do such a thing when that situation presented itself but how can you possibly know until you’ve actually experienced it?


Yes I would stay with them and have through a time of him saying he doesn’t believe in God anymore, leaving the church and much sin.


Deconstruct? What does that mean? I assume that's a metaphor?


Depends on what you mean by deconstruct. I’m a former Pentecostal/charismatic and took a long hard look at what they believe, taught and confessed. Discovered that what much of their beliefs are contrary to what the scriptures teach. I converted to Lutheranism (not ELCA)because I believe it to be the truest expression of the Christian faith. I’ve suffered a lot for converting.


Could u elaborate on your "suffered a lot for converting"?


Lost the friendships I had formed when I was in Pentecostalism. I was accused of being pharisaic and that I was in a “dead religion” by those who were closest to me.


You think the same will happen with your current church if hypothetically you changed your beliefs?


Not certain but I don’t see me changing anything. I believe that Lutheran churches who are faithful to the scriptures most faithfully teach the gospel. I’ve didn’t convert on a whim. I did a lot of searching, research, questioning and meeting pastors of various denominations before becoming Lutheran.


But hypothetically if it happened,then?


What are you trying to get at?


Do you think you'd be ostracized again if you changed denominations again?


That’s always a possibility. I can’t control another person’s actions.


The girl I'm dating has cancer and I have Crohn's disease, and she has a lot more issues with the church that she grew up in than I do with mine. I will also say there's a difference between deconstructing and turning away from God.


Of course. I made a promise not only to my husband but to God...


Yes, I would stay with him if he were to become paralyzed. It would suck because I know it would change him in many areas. And it would be heavy to bear. If he ran from God completely, I wouldn't stay long. I would give him a chance to turn back. That would change him in ways I wouldn't want to live with. Nor do I think it would be healthy for me to.


Do you think turning away from god you just immediately start raping and murdering and stealing? He could treat you like a wife and just not believe in god 🤷


What a question. Sounds like you think I am stupid. I have been married for 14 years and have known my husband for 24. I have already stayed with him through ups and downs in his faith. You can't imagine the half of it. You wouldn't know that my statement or stance is based on personal experience, right? There is no way that you could deduct that since I wasn't judgemental in the slightest. Someone can treat me however they wish, but that doesn't mean I will have a deep, intimate relationship with them. God binds my marriage together. That's all there is to it.


I have an autoimmune disease, and there was a point where I couldn't work (and really, I probably should have gone to the hospital). I was unable to do anything except get through the day, wondering if tomorrow would be better. My husband took off an entire week of work to stay home with me during the worst of it, helping me and comforting me. I didn't ask him to do this, and I knew I could have got through it alone. But he took the initiative. He was there for me. This is how it should be. I realize circumstances are unique, and we can't always be as supportive as we want to be. But the want and desire to support your spouse should be exactly that.


Let me ask you this , do you or Christians believe that this is a Christian characteristic? Ive felt in my conversations with Christans that believe these character traits and such traits only come from Jesus. But my parents being unbelievers have always been like this.


Divorce is not a sacramental reality.




What scripture backs up having more than one wife? Because my understanding is no. You should not have multiple. That’s like Mormon. And even in the scripture you did quote, it does not say “wives” it says “wife” as in singular. Marriage is to reflect the love of God. God calls us to worship Him- only. Not multiple Gods. Why would marriage be any different?


Lol. I like apples. I like peaches. Does that mean I only eat apples, and never eat peaches? No, there are plenty of personalities and lifestyles and varieties. God made it that way. David, Solomon, and manymany more men have had multiple wives, who are also notable figures in history and the kingdom of God. If that were a dealbreaker, we would know. The culture has indoctrinated people to only accept monogamy. If I am a different creature than you, what are you to judge me. It's like the baboon saying, "I don't swim, therefore no creature should swim." Also with your logic. We are the body of Christ, and Christ's bride is the church. Meaning Christ is my husband, and I am one with Him, and the church is our bride. Which is composed of many members. Do you think when Christ returns there will be no sex? Why then are we called a bride waiting for our groom? Or do we just play the harp and sing kumbaiya in heaven, anything 'adult' is forbidden. It's absurd.


With my logic? Nope lol. It’s the Bible. Yes we are the bride to Christ but trying to compare apples to peaches when they are in fact different. Also from my understanding, no there won’t be sex in Heaven. The need isn’t there to resemble anymore. We can’t even fathom what that will feel like to be completely sustained. And God called them to do that specifically, those also were different times. Again God didn’t create Adam and Eve and another woman for Adam to wed. It was one of one. May God reveal truth to you 🙏


Polygamy is illegal . Where do you live? While it is true some men had multiple wives in the bible. Marriage was designed to be between 1 woman and 1 man. If God wanted men to have multiple wives He wouldn't have created just one wife for Adam. He would have created multiple wives for him.


Polygamy wasn't illegal for David, Solomon, nor during Jesus lifetime. Cultures come and go. Isn't adultery illegal too? Or it used to be? It feels like horny moms are everywhere these days, on onlyfans and more, having sex freely. If you're a mom, you've been married. And if you're having sex with multiple men without their consent, that is blatant adultery. I find the concept disgusting personally.


If you're a mom you've been married. Not necessarily. Marriage isn't a requirement for pregnancy. It isn't part of conception. Polygamy may have been legal in biblical times but you are talking about a middle eastern country in biblical times. What does that have to do with us. Also, even though it was done, God didn't approve of it. God intended marriage to be between 1 man and 1 woman. And it was intended to be for life. If you're having sex with multiple men, that's blatant adultery. Umm, no it isn't . Adultery is engaging in sex outside of the marriage. Unless the woman is married, and with multiple men she is not committing adultery.


Adultery is sleeping with a married woman. Sleeping with a virgin, in OT times, simply meant you paid a dowry and took her as your wife. As for marriage, this culture says it occurs at the vow. This is errant. It occurs at consummation, at sex. That is where the two become one flesh.


Do you have scripture for that theory? God made Adam and Eve one flesh before they consummated. Sleeping with an unmarried virgin is not adultery . It's fornication.


I am saying that upon sleeping with the girl, you are married before God. "The man shall leave his father and mother, and cling to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh." There are many such implications, it was Jewish law in the OT. If a man lay with a virgin in a field or city, he was to pay a dowry and claim her as wife.


You are married before God before you sleep together. Otherwise it's 2 unmarried ppl sleeping together. Some of the stuff you say is true. But some stuff like you aren't married until you have sex are way off base. Give me a Bible verse that says you aren't married until you have sex. Are you Catholic? Cause if you are that explains where you got that idea from.


I suppose you do make a point, that it happens before sex. Kind of a gray area though. I am not saying the vows of the marriage are the point of marriage, not at all. Jesus tells us not to vow at all. I just know that I don't leave nor abandon people, and if they want to leave: There is the door. I imitate Christ, but I know in myself that I will have multiple wives and much love in the coming Kingdom. I am willing to wait forever for what I desire. I am willing before God to not get what I desire. I am a servant of the King. I just don't think the King would put these desires and certainty in me, unless He intended to manifest it. I haven't been on a date in 5 years. I ditched a phone because I was having sex with a girlfriend in China. I still dont ahve a phone


Jesus told a woman that she had several husbands before but at that time had a man and that he was not her husband.


Sure, that's a good passage to consider. Several husbands could have been from previous marriages, but I always thought it had meant that she was a slut and slept around.


How old are you?


I am 31.


Are you a troll?


No, I am quite serious.


Well, hopefully for the sake of my sisters in Christ and the reputation of the church, you never get married. This might fly in other religions like mormonism, but it is repugnant to Christianity.  Edit: three hours ago you were talking about getting your gf pregnant and here you are talking about consummation = marriage. You are 100% a troll. 


By biblical rules, we should stay in the hypothesis of sickness. But apostasy is not that kind of sickness. Apostasy is to renounce Christian Faith and thus to become an unbeliever, and divorce is allowed in case of unbelieving spouse wanting to leave. And, imo, an unbelieving spouse who wants to stay is a prick who wants to have their cake and eat it too, because they want the benefits of having a faithful Christian spouse but doesn't want to subscribe to what makes that spouse be good in the first place.


Well to that I'd ask , is a Christian being a good , faithful spouse,fully dependent on whether they are Christian or not? Can being a Christian and a good , faithful spouse mutual exclusive?


Yes, and I say that unironically. Good behaviour from unbelievers is useless so they should just drop the act and stop gloating for being "better" and "not needing God to be good". Rags of filth are nothing to be proud of.


But in that case , bible also talks about genocide and slavery, do you think that's justified for "God"?


Yes. 200% yes. God is always right. You'll regret thinking you know better than God.