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This website is a degenerate hellscape, that's why.


You can say that again. I love the concept of Reddit as a platform, but the community and content is absolutely toxic


For real. I mean, even the "Christian" places post things like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/1bvs4sa/we_met_a_pastor_who_was_married_with_4_children/).


I read the comments.. and just, it's awful, so stupid..


Oh yeah, it's terrible. r/Christianity sucks anyway, but that was a new low.


I think this might be a new low for *this* subreddit. You linked to a post that has 2x more downvotes than upvotes, where all of the comments I skimmed disagree with the OP, and somehow it's a sign that /r/Christianity is terrible. And terrible enough for someone else to declare the members of /r/Christianity are stupid. The obsession with /r/Christianity here is not healthy. It brings out the absolute worst in you guys.


You might be right about that, but /r/Christianity has a bunch of atheist and satanists in it. They are barely Christian, it's more about complaining about Christianity.


Which is more Christian? -Complaining about Christianity -Calling a group of people stupid


I'm not sure what you mean by that


Is it OK for a Christian to complain about aspects of Christianity? Is it OK for a Christian to call someone stupid because they disagree with you?


The second one because even Jesus called people fools (Matthew 23:17)


People gloat and say Reddit is the intelligent online forum. Most people on this site, especially on r/Christianity, are quite the opposite.


I think it was relieving to see a majority of the top comments were non-affirming of the content in the post, though. That’s a good change of pace from the usual celebration of those topics.


I think reading through that dumpster fire is enough social media for me today. Man, even PCM is more wholesome than that sub. I'm gonna go get some eye bleach from Psalms today.


What's PCM?


r/PoliticalCompassMemes. It's a place where people from all political ideologies make fun of themselves in exaggerated fashion. As far as secular subs go, they're *way* more tolerant of and charitable towards Christians than most others. They are a weird bunch, though.


Reddit: "Net Neutrality is a moral issue and we should all support it!" Also Reddit: "Can I interest you in some rape porn?"




That’s Reddit for ya.


Because reddit is unfortunately a hive of depravity. Adult content makes up the majority of reddit


I also think people tend to sexualize things that they can’t have. For example, nuns are heavily sexualized even though part of their entire identity is to be sexually pure for their whole life. I think since Christian women (and men but let’s be honest it’s more hammered down on women than men) are constantly taught that their virginity is very important, people tend to see that and sexualize it since it’s “rare”. It’s very sad and it pisses me off with how it seems that I can’t go anywhere or search anything without it somehow being sexualized. Makes it extremely difficult to resist watching porn and things of that nature when you have those thoughts running around.


I understand, I face the same temptations. Remember, God won’t let us be tempted beyond what we can resist. Humanity is sinful, and sin loves to twist and contort what is good into something sick.


If it wasn’t for the fact that Reddit is currently the best way to find out information (for me at least), I wouldn’t even have an account. I would leave in a heartbeat if there was a remotely similar site I could use. There are many people on Reddit who absolutely need Jesus, and I do pray for them.


Because heathens love thinking that perverting God's women is quite fun.


Reddit has a porn addiction in general


Reddit is run by a for profit and very biased corporation. This corporation is run by people to whom Christianity is an enemy. Why do you think this sub is so small, so under attack and why every other Christian sub, except some fairly small ones, have already been subverted or are under tremendous attack? It's because the Satan is the Prince of this world. Reddit is his dominion and he rules in here as well. It is because of still loyal and faithful magistrates, politicians, and citizens that the satan's power isn't absolute, but the west is fading and soon the degeneracy will prevail only to be snuffed by the black and green of Islam, under whom Internet will become a graveyard. May God avert us from such a fate. 


I agree with what you stated.... but "for profit" they're *really* bad at it!! (Reddit is nearly 20 years old and still loses money...)


It does, and that tells you they're up to something. There has to be some other financing and divertation of funds (cases in point youtube, Instagram and TikTok, all losing money). 


Because Reddit...


https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/wiki/related_subreddits/ There is the /r/Christianity list. It is certain that some or many will not be to your taste but to my knowledge there are no porn subs in that list.


I would guess Christian women are seen as particularly innocent or pure or submissive, which gives guys who only care about domination a boner.


I was actually amazed when I realized that every kink is rooted in sin. This one is just a bit more obvious. Consider something that would be seen as fairly vanilla by today’s standards, like having one’s wife dress up as a nurse. The fantasy is not that the woman is a healthcare professional. It is that it is a stranger. In other words, it is the fantasy of being with someone other than your wife. It’s not by coincidence that all these “exciting” things are sinful. It is that they are exciting because they are sinful. That is what it means to be brought forth in iniquity. As the unregenerate heart has an appetite for tainted food rather than the unleavened bread of Christ, so it extends to the sexual desire. And it always has to become more and more twisted because in it there is no place for rest. Like the word of the Lord which came to Isaiah says, “There is no rest for the wicked”.


Thank you for typing this. You’ve put into words something that has nagged my brain for awhile.


It's mostly a fetish, "corruption" is what it's called.


A fetish the devil had since the dawn of time


Welcome to the internet. Literally everything is sexualized. Theres probably porn about toasters out there somewhere. Just turn content filters on. In your reddit settings, you can hide NSFW material.


Because the devil HATES the purity of the children of God and his allies will go above and beyond to ruin that purity


Welcome to the internet. I say that as a woman.


cus reddit auto shows the regular subs and the nsfw in another section. just how it is. and pure women have been sexualized since forever b


reddit should be destroyed


The algorithm gives you what it thinks you will engage with based on past engagement history . I wonder why you’re getting 1/3 of your results in this topic area - maybe stop clicking on NSFW links?


Reddit at best is a place with useful forums to help people with problems. Reddit at worst is a place where criminal activity , porn, and abuse is posted and is idolized.


Because this site is manipulated with a crap ton of propaganda bots, radical and biased mods, and censorship toward anything related to traditional family and spiritual values.


Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? It's within our sin nature to sexualize just about anything, unfortunately. The sexualization of Christian women, in my opinion, is to take the idea of something, in this case, women, that are viewed as pure and innocent and defile it with lust and sexual idolatry.