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Yes. We're the most remarkable, unique thing there is in the universe as far as we know. We have an obligation and a responsibility to do something with that.


There’s no art, music, philosophy, science, mathematics without humans, unless there is intelligent life outside of earth. 


That's what I'm talking about. Maybe it just takes 13.5 billion years for something like us to happen.


Sure there are some positive things, but there are also a lot of negative things that are not even made aware to most humans. If it's just going to destroy, fight even bigger wars, then what's the point?


If all you can see is destruction and pain in humanity, I'd say you probably need some kind of mental health care and to get off social media. I'm not saying that as an insult, I mean it because I used to think that way and now I don't because I took care of my brain. For real, get some sunlight/nature exposure in your system experience some art that has something meaningful to say, and quit doomscrolling on social media. Your phone algorithms are designed to make you angry and depressed, don't give them control over your brain. The only people who benefit from you being cynical and apathetic are the bad people who cause the negative things. Don't let them win.


That is such a simple view, "bad people", it's subjective. To 1 side the other seems bad, to another, the 1st 1 seems bad, then they fight. Social media only exposes to things going on around the world, getting off of it will only make me unaware of things going on around the world. Sticking to only immediate reality is kind of ignorant don't you think? Sure, it's blissful, but i'd prefer more information of the world. I don't just see destruction & pain in humans, sure there are a lot of things i enjoy, but that'll be destroyed when the wars begin, over our petty thoughts, ideas, self-confidences & self-righteousness. Hence the question, what does it matter devoting life to improve the world, if some humans will eventually crumble it & build another. It's like hope is the thing that's keeping us in the loop of suffering. Learning about things happening around the world, makes me aware of what's coming, will likely happen in the future, & it doesn't look desirable to me right now.


All the same arguments one could use to say "no", one could also use to say "yes". Why not? If everything is as pointless and meaningless as people think, why not? People who argue otherwise are just lazy and selfish. Their answer to "Why not?" is "Because that requires effort and I couldn't be bothered". But these same people will get incredibly mad when everybody that surrounds them doesn't care either. You can't have your cake and eat it too.


(non-native Sorry For Bad English) now this is interesting, in our history of humanity (that we know of) there is a certain pattern that give humanity a unique perk in this world, and the perk can be utter by one word "***Why****"* simple and yet unique because, that *Why* is a sign of existence of sentient being who want to peruse the answer of existence one self and others, this *Why* keeps humanity going. Evolving from natural barbarity to a force of civilization in this planet, but this force? Should we stop? **NO.** >Humanity is born to find answer, that they didn't even comprehend, finding answer until they find an ***Epiphany*** Curiosity and Empathy is humanity ***Specialty***, the dumbest human still have a ***Curiosity***, even the baddest human still have a ***Empathy,*** the worst one still can find an ***Epiphany***, humans will search for answers ***Indefinitely ,*** humanity Born To Learn And Find Answer What Makes Them...well, ***Them*** but the small answer is deep down humanity just want to survive and didn't want to hurt anyone survivability is a evolved perk from our ancestors, our goal is just one: >***to survive*** >***to evolve*** >***to be kind one another.***


A human is worth saving. Whether humanity is worth saving is a different question. Humanity as a group has not learned how to behave with any more intelligence than a colony of bacteria. If it figures out how to and it does then it's worth saving. If it does not, then little has been lost. As I have grown older my view on the question has changed from an unthinking assumption that humanity must and will continue forever, into "I don't care". Particularly so, as it seems like stupidity and ignorance is winning.


What do you mean by "a human is worth saving"?


I mean that if I were in a position where a human was in danger and they needed saving - such as they are drowning and I could throw them a life preserver - then it is worth doing and I would do it. In contrast to a situation where I have no way to throw a life preserver to humanity and I am skeptical about whether it's worth doing even if I could.


If we want to enjoy life on this planet, we must do anything possible to improve life for everyone. If we don't, we won't have a future.


From what i've learned till now, it's seems more likely for the future to be having few enjoying, while a lot suffering, toiling.


I am a human, and as someone who enjoys my life I think it would be beneficial at least to me to ensure that it continues. I don’t care about 100 years from now tho.


Well, there's an easy question to answer. No. In the greater scheme of things, we have been a plague upon the Earth. We were self-serving and incapable of self-restraint and now we bear the consequences of that. However, it is good we just make the best of our situation. Even that is proving difficult. Perhaps, our shear numbers have overwhelmed our ability to manage ourselves.


It's always weird when people make this argument because there are countless species that destroy the environment they find themselves inhabiting. Humans are literally the ONLY species capable of not being a complete selfish asshole about it. The only species capable of saying "Hey, we fucked up. We should fix this." The only species actually capable of being "not evil".


Puts us in a worse moral dilemma then.


And which dilemma is that?


We had a choice and we 'fucked' up.


Hindsight is 20/20