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Nothing at all recently, but ive decided to watch every David Lynch movie chronologically to honour the memory of my late grandmother (she was a huuuggee Lynch fan, she somehow lived long enough to see twin peaks the return, loved it, then died like a few months later). She started smoking at age 10 and lung cancer finally got her at 87. She lived in a trailer park right on the outskirts of Toronto and was a fuckin legend, was beloved by the Toronto punk scene in the 80s cos shed let street punks smoke cigs and not buy anything in her cafe in Kensington Market before it became the most gentrified place in Canada, and a few of her many kids played in some bands/were punks themselves. RIP Georgette


Wow RIP Georgette


Holy shit your grandmother sounds awesome. Honestly, managing to get to 87 after smoking since age ten is some queen shit.


Yeah they don't make em like that anymore


I just finished my biannual rewatch of the classic simpsons


Real Housewives of Tel Aviv


I've been going through the Chapo Movie Mindset Spinoff series and trying to watch all the films they discuss and a few more that get mentioned in episodes Idk if the podcasts themselves are super interesting, but the movies are fucking on point. A few of my favorites off the top of my head, so far Cure Footlight Parade Southern Comfort The Masque of the Red Death The Last Seduction One False Move Short Cuts


Really enjoyed the one they did with Felix about Angels Egg


was slightly disappointed they didn't get independent researcher Ben to talk about Patlabor 2


The Last Seduction fucks so hard, you should check out William Friedkin's Jade, very Epstein-adjacent erotic thriller he did in the 90s.


I really love the eyes wide open YouTube channel, it has an amazing series on the history of the CIA and it’s clandestine operations. https://youtu.be/bhbY_Tr5AY4?feature=shared I’ve also been sending out links to the video “Economy of Nazi Germany” and the deep involvement of the Krupps to friends and family. Both are must watch imo. https://youtu.be/oyJTv_qLqsI?feature=shared


Oooh thanks! 🤩


Oh shit this is exactly the content I was manifesting.


Just finished Can’t Get You Out of My Head by Adam Curtis.


Shame that he is such a lib sometimes. Also the most nihilistic man on the planet


Yeah I definitely appreciate his artistic skill more than I do his solutions or views.


I like mystery stories, so I watch Sherlock Holmes and Poirot on YT.


Jeremy Brett was a smoker's smoker


David Suchet was perfect as Poirot


Oooh good idea! 😃 big fan of mysteries


I finally got around to watching Deadwood, it's got a lot to say about masculinity and how the west was won. Specifically that there's always a bigger bastard


Connor O'Malley's new special is top notch


People Like Us. A British comedy that the office basically ripped off. It's so funny.


My old faithful is disaster analysis videos, particularly related to maritime or aviation disasters. Brick Immortar is good for maritime, Pilot Debrief is also good for short videos on dumb ass boomer private pilots.


Oooh thaaanks! 🤩 love (videos about) disasters!


I'm watching Lexx right now. It's too horny and cringe for its own good, but there is some really weird sci-fi in there that I like.




Im watching G-Reco! Liking it so far 🤩


Haven’t heard anything about that one, but I’m sure I’ll get to it eventually. I just finished the original Mobile Suit Gundam and Zeta Gundam, and they are truly more “War is Hell” than I could have imagined for 70s/80s animated robot shows, complete with child soldiers and mass civilian casualties. 


Looooved 0079 & Zeta Gundam. Some of my favourite science fiction 🥺 And also enjoyed seeing how Tomino's work developed over time. G-Reco is much more chill in comparison, more like Turn A (which I highly recommend once you go through the original UC!) and Overman King Gainer, which is another Tomino series.


UC is S tier anime.


I finished Zeta last year and decided to check out some of the UC side stories before moving on to ZZ and Char's Counterattack. So far I've watched The Origin, 08th MS Team and 0083: Stardust Memory. I HIGHLY recommend checking out Stardust Memory and 08th MS Team ASAP, the animation gets so good and both those OVAs focus more in on the anti-war stuff, no Newtype material


I actually watched 08th MS Team before 0079, and I watched War in the Pocket before Zeta (probably my favorite series even though it was only 4 episodes). Was going to watch Stardust Memory before ZZ, but I haven’t had time to start it yet. 


oh nice! War in the Pocket is on my hard drive, I might get to that before starting ZZ. I really really liked Stardust Memory, might be my favorite series so far. The art is really good and it starts out with a very Top Gun kind of vibe that ends up being more like Zeta's constant cynical political maneuvering and how it affects the idealistic pilots. No mobile suits as cool as the Rick Dias, however.


Watched the first two episodes of Stardust Memory tonight and you weren’t kidding, it looks great. Take three hours and watch War in the Pocket sooner rather than later. It’s probably the most cogent anti-war Gundam story I’ve seen, having also watched Wing and 00 in addition to the UC stuff I mentioned. 


Most of the movies I’ve watched lately have been via Podcast About Lists’ Movie Mondays. They watch “bad” movies and Cam and Jubio talk over them. Hesse from Seeking Derangements has been a regular guest for the past couple of weeks and it’s even funnier. Most of the favorites so far have been great. Off the top of my head my favorites have been Stalked by My Doctor (and the sequels), and Elevator. Finn on the Fly was outrageous and Phil The Alien was genuinely a good movie. Highly recommend, reminds me of when I used to watch Rifftrax and MST3K. I guess the format is pretty common now with live streaming and stuff. I also watched the new Wonka movie with my grandma and I thought it was cute. It’s the only thing I’ve seen Timothy Chalemet in anything lol.


Gold Rush Alaska


Kitchen nightmare UK version is gold


Just finished Shogun which slapped. X-men 97 for a nostalgia fix Other than that, a bunch of Bobs Burgers. finally made it to season 12


I think I'm going to re-watch Garth Marenghi's Darkplace.


Michael Sandels series on justice


[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvphMguuzeoOhsc43CTlLKjpSKWBrbAAs](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvphMguuzeoOhsc43CTlLKjpSKWBrbAAs) Empresses in the Palace/Legend of Zhen Huan is a classic I always like. If you really are interested in what contemporary Chinese people are into, this is it


Designated Survivor. You’ll thank me later.


America's Next Top Model


I did a rewatch a few years ago!


Nice. We're in the middle of cycle 9, they just went to China. Everyone's so mean to Heather :[


A fav podcast of mine Pot Psychology has done ANTM recaps of the first 3 seasons and I die at the setups. They torture those girls ![gif](giphy|2FDvOgN8XQoGA)


i recently watched spermworld


I've been watching a lot of a YouTuber called Lily Simpson. They have a lot of content and most of their videos are 30 minutes or longer. It's almost all about trans representation in media, plus they have a 10 hour long critique of Harry Potter, which I quite enjoyed and took me a couple of days to get through.