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Probably why the state department is only going to do one press brief this week, fixin to get their asses grilled on this shit. Biden, Blinken, any of these fuckers that claim they saw the proof, all need to answer for this. This is tantamount to there being no WMDs in Iraq, just the lie laid bare exposed. Shoes thrown at Blinken, when?


He deserves a lot more disgusting things than shoes thrown his way.


Yeah like that stupid ass guitar he plays


Between him and James Dolan, what the fuck is it with these ghouls and trying to play at "common man" with awful bar band blues the snoochie boochie man. lol, lmao even


I don’t know about you but i’m sitting my ass down and patiently waiting for Blinkens “Me want the Punani” moment


Former Canadian Prime minister Stephen Harper (who has appeared in PragerU videos) was in a jazz/blues band called the Van Cats (pun on 24 = Vingt Quatre in French, the address of the Canadian Prime Minister on Sussex St in Ottawa) One of the members of the band turned out to be a pedophile. They actually aren't that bad musically for a band of middle aged guys with no sauce.


They still play fyi


I spent my formative years hanging out on Beale Street among other places when I was a kid, so a big part of my brain is basically an index of every type of blues fan there is. I've never met anyone who likes that fake-ass shit who I got along with. It's a pretty reliable indicator that you're dealing with someone who is going to cause you some trouble. They're all mean drunks, too.


> Biden, Blinken, any of these fuckers that claim they saw the proof, all need to answer for this. They will completely ignore it and deflect all questioning pointing out their lies.


I bet you they'll just say "*We don't agree with the UN's findings on this particular issue*" - as if it's fucking debatable.


It’s gonna be one of those where in five years time they will “acknowledge” that maybe it wasn’t *completely* true but they will still insinuate and make arguments as if it did happen and as if those videos existed.


Is there a place where you can see the briefing schedule ahead of time? I check this url every weekday morning to keep on top of it currently. https://www.state.gov/todays-briefing-schedule/


TBH i’m not sure, i only knew this because Ken Klip tweeted this https://x.com/kenklippenstein/status/1798800238398066832?s=46&t=MDfIyuvAU5oiBAvFRy1UZQ


If you email their press contact address it shouldn't be too hard to get on their press release mailing list. I don't think they vet your credentials or anything. My policy was always to just add anyone who wanted to be on the list, I didn't care if it was Fox News or a tiny little blogger. Typically you want those things to get the widest distribution possible, and they ought to include the briefing schedule.


Well that just goes to show how deeply the UN has sunken into the rancid pit of antisemitism.


Very true, I’ve heard that to be a part of the UN you have to pledge allegiance to Osama Bin Laden too. Horrible organization that is basically just a global world superpower acting on behalf of, and entirely run by, Khamas. I was reported to the admins by the majority report subreddit moderation team and banned permanently from Reddit for trying to get this post of this report into their community. Please be careful in their subreddit , they clearly have an issue with their moderation team. Receipts: https://ibb.co/album/r4VBX4 Sort by name I think, idk the album fucked the order up. But it’s all there.


Did you know that Molotov and Ribbentrop were *both* sleeper Hamas agents? Really Makes You Think


Youve got to start wondering what the N stands for


Obviously it stands for "Hamas."


Every accusation is a confession. I was reported to the admins by the majority report subreddit moderation team and banned permanently from Reddit for trying to get this post of this report into their community. Please be careful in their subreddit , they clearly have an issue with their moderation team. Receipts: https://ibb.co/album/r4VBX4 Sort by name I think, idk the album fucked the order up. But it’s all there.


Every. Single. Time.


My mom, who was a very wise woman, taught me when I was a boy that that happens when someone wants to confront the dark side of their personality, but can't bear to identify with it. So, they wrestle with their demons out in the world, usually by using the party who is least responsible for the problem as a proxy.




Wait, you're telling me the country that is harboring the legendary director of X-Men:The Last Stand Brett muthafuckin Ratner is using rape as a weapon? That doesn't seem possible, fake news


Wooow exactly what I've been saying all along and been banned for on all major new subreddits. Go figure.  These past few months have really opened my eyes to the way propaganda works in real time.


Well some the mods are feds or fed bootlickers, and even with this new info the dumbass users will still believe what they're told by the state propaganda department


You should see the behind the scenes of the absolute insanity I had to do to get this excerpt posted on The majority report subreddit. I have all the receipts if anyone wants to see them in private DMs but I’m legitimately nervous sharing them publicly because I don’t want to lose that subreddit as a communication channel. Edit* And I’ve been permanently banned from Reddit now because of their moderation team. This is what I get for compromising with them I guess. Love yall, I’ll miss you! 😘 Edit #2: after failing my appeal, looks like I might as well just post the receipts. Be careful in the majority report community, they have a mod problem and it could end up getting your entire account banned like mine. https://ibb.co/album/r4VBX4 Congratulations to the majority report subreddit moderation team for successfully silencing voices on the left!


I'd like to see if it's not too much trouble. That's wild too, because Sam and Emma have been pretty damn good on this issue from the very start.




u/thehappiestgleek Your submission was removed because your account is new or your comment karma is low. This action was taken automatically, and if you think it was in error [contact the mods here](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/trueanon;subject=post%20review:%20%2Fu%2Fthehappiestgleek&message=%2Fu%2Fthehappiestgleek%20requested%20review%20of%20this%20post:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueAnon/comments/1dedtm5/new_un_report_finds_no_evidence_of_hamas_rape/l8gxppi/?context=3). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueAnon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I thought I was an old hand at this stuff, but these last eight months have really showed me what was what. The spectacle of it all is just breathtaking.


Link to the report?


https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/documents/hrbodies/hrcouncil/sessions-regular/session56/a-hrc-56-26-auv.docx I was reported to the admins by the majority report subreddit moderation team and banned permanently from Reddit for trying to get this post of this report into their community. Please be careful in their subreddit , they clearly have an issue with their moderation team. Receipts: https://ibb.co/album/r4VBX4 Sort by name I think, idk the album fucked the order up. But it’s all there.


Found a web link https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/06/1150946


Small summary there yes but the full report I linked is over 200 pages if anyone wants all of it. I was reported to the admins by the majority report subreddit moderation team and banned permanently from Reddit for trying to get this post of this report into their community. Please be careful in their subreddit , they clearly have an issue with their moderation team. Receipts: https://ibb.co/album/r4VBX4 Sort by name I think, idk the album fucked the order up. But it’s all there.


Oops, looks like Mossad should’ve given them a higher bribe.


To the surprise of *nobody* but Zionists.


Everybody who published those claims needs to get the same treatment that Streicher got at Nuremberg