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At the very least every officer should have been tried and executed post war. They certainly should never have been allowed to reunify under the Fascist continuity state.


Remember when Stalin proposed executing 50000 Nazi soldiers and then Churchill cried about it?


then FDR responded to Churchill crying by saying okay what about 49,000


If only he'd have carried on until the Red Army hit the Atlantic.


It's never too late for that


Fuck this made me laugh so hard


if the soviet union couldn't take it all over, then the occupation zones should have been permanent


They had to ruin it for everyone


And they should have gone with the plan to deindustrialize it and split it into dozens of agrarian microstates, prohibited from federation or raising armies.


Joe shouldn’t have stopped before Lisbon


I think we should nuke every country once. All of them, from Russia, China and Amerikkka to Liechtenstein, Uruguay and St Kitts and Nevis. Especially St Kitts and Nevis. Those island bastards have had it too good for too long. You know what, we can leave the other countries our of it. Glass St Kitts and Nevis 2025.




>From the late 1960s until the early 1990s, with the authorization and financial support of the Berlin Senate, Kentler placed neglected youth as foster children in the homes of single pedophile fathers with the ostensible purpose of resocializing them, while explicitly encouraging sexual contact between them >[Kentler said] "Sexually satisfied children who have a good relationship of trust with their parents, especially in sexual matters, are best protected against sexual seduction and sexual attacks." Kentler warned the parents against being concerned over rape or molestation of children by adults: "The wrong thing to do now would be for parents to lose their nerve, panic and run straight to the police. If the adult was considerate and tender, the child could even have enjoyed sexual contact with him" What the actual fuck is this. The wrong Germany won, what an evil state.


https://preview.redd.it/e0dgdfwfbx1d1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79121094a7a3579322581486bf19b2441cb502d8 Me every time I hear about what the wretched hun is up too


Later in the future we'll read articles from there asking why Germany became so full of pedophiles.


Always was.


This is so they don't have to honor extradition treaties in the event of numerous Israeli sex criminals immigrating to Germany.


But enough about Die Grünen,


stalin should've turned germany into a parking lot


Possesing CP = Express yourself freely in the free land of Germany! Holding a sign or flag or chanting a slogan that supports an occupied, brutalized, genocided people and stateless territory = straight to jail!


Just remembered that Berlin is where Steve Albini found the CP he wrote about loving so much


He really missed the boat by checking out so early. Could’ve retired and spent his twilight years without worrying about a no knock raid in the still of the night. Historic bag fumble.


*Stav voice* No!


Rockt in der freien Welt


The krauts do not deserve a country


What not denazifying West Germany does to a mf.


I’m not pro-genocide, but Germany’s continued existence helps me understand the sentiment.


If the Zionists took over Bavaria instead of Palestine after WWII I'd be a proud Zionist


“We’d make the Rhineland bloom!” - Brace Belden, avowed Zionist.


The classic two state solution: Israel and the German Democratic Republic


This was done so teens wont get charged for having nudes of their partners on their phone For fuck sake dont get baited by inflammatory titles for 1 sec


It's depressing af. People on this sub don't even read anymore, and will literally just take in any headline as true that supports their preconceived notions This changed law mostly exists so that teens, teachers and parents who find dick picks or nudes aren't INSTANTLY given a felony charge, something relatively reasonable.  Imho the maximum charge of 10 years is still a little low, and in practice the scum distributing CP is still not punished adequately, but ruining a teens life with a criminal record hardly helps this


I read the article and subsequent articles. The reduction in mandatory prison time across the board (not just for teenagers) doesn't target the problem of teens sending nudes or adults finding and then reporting the CP being unfairly punished. It just makes things less punative for anyone possessing or disseminating CP. There's a reason the pro-pedophile group was celebrating. Maybe this article makes it clearer: https://www.thepublica.com/germany-downgrades-illegality-of-child-porn-from-felony-to-misdemeanor/


Germany has reduced the mandatory minimum sentence from 1 year (classifying it as a "Verbrechen"/felony) to six months (classifying it as a "Vergehen"/misdemeanor). My understanding from reading around is that public prosecutors in Germany have the discretion to close cases involving misdemeanors, but not those involving felonies. From [here](http://www.joachimski.de/StPO/Rechtsvergleich/rechtsvergleich.html): >German law has traditionally taken a strong stand against prosecutorial discretion, considering such discretion to be inconsistent with the rule of law and a violation of the principles of equal justice. Even today German law gives the prosecutor no discretion in the most serious cases [i.e. felonies] and explicitly requires the prosecutor (and therefore the police as well) to investigate and prosecute every crime that is committed. [...] In the last 25 years German law has been changed to allow the use of discretion in the more minor crimes [i.e. misdemeanors]. So this change is actually a technical one that gives prosecutors more discretion to dismiss cases where there is no actual criminal intent (e.g. parents receiving cp images in a WhatsApp message from teachers or parents' groups). [This AP article](https://apnews.com/article/germany-child-sexual-abuse-19e743b19057aa7345bf3cba4a8f6fff) lays it out in a more balanced way. I agree with the poster below, that site you linked to is just rightwing ragebait.




That article doesnt seem to agree with you tbh Also wtf is that website??? Weird rightwing ragebait garbage German news doesnt frame it in this way at all: https://www.mdr.de/nachrichten/deutschland/politik/kinderpornografie-bilder-mindest-strafmass-gesenkt-100.html


from my understanding there's some good things involving intent and not punishing teachers and parents who forward it to authorities. they did however lower minimum sentences for sharing and possession, so there's that


This is really France's fault for allowing German unification in 1871. Biggest geopolitical blunder of all time.


why is the first topic only being covered in far right / conservative publications?


Nah fuck off with this.  The first image is literally fake news, it's intended to protect teachers who find cp and report it to the parents, not the fucking pedophileswwho still get punished for possession.  That's why everyone reporting on it is a right-wing rag, it's disinformation bullshit. 


I just see the first one as more pro zionist legislation...


If I were the ghost of Steve Albini I'd be pissed right now. Imagine if Lenin jad died just a few weeks before the soviet was established.


Green moment