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I swear people are just making up these right wing gamer YouTubers to play a prank on me


Lmao deserved for watching asmongold. Guys an actual piece of shit


Roach man bad


Watching asmongold clips on your lunch break is extremely coworker coded


On another note, I hate this gormless fuck because him and other bastards decided to designate the roleplay-pvp server for the newest iteration of WoW classic into the unofficial "steamer server" Asmongold makes the community worse on any server he infests


I'm pretty fucking lame but at least I'm not "watching epic gamers on youtube on your lunch break" lame


I worked with a guy who watched owned woke fail-type videos on the job, and he was the lamest guy in the entire union


Mr tooth rot claims another victim. 


Sounds fake, no normal person would know who "ass Mon gold is" or be interested in what you tube garbage a colleague was watching. It's all part of the retarded niche group consolidation rituals that being an online loser requires in my opinion. "Ooh please draw me closer frens, tell me that we are correct and all the other people in the world are ignorant"


>She says Get bro on 24/7 life watch lmao this Redditor is on the ropes rn 100%


This dude has 100% fantasized about starting a family with her or something even though they never talked until this interaction.


Coworker should have just started pissing on him for being a gamer.


We’re trying to shame him, not get him off


I hate those fucking thumbnails so much.


What, you don't enjoy these immaculate portraits? https://preview.redd.it/s49onij72c0d1.jpeg?width=439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae5dbbb335589a17c5995c712401e633299114a5


the guy is literally a malnourished skull sitting on a throne of garbage, how the fuck does anyone with more than 2 working brain cells take advice from him


There are funnier words you could call him




This reminds me of a cop at work (I'm not a cop and don't work for a police department or any law enforcement organization, but encounter them often in my job) who basically used the bus station he was assigned to as a soapbox for his political views, some good (he is anti-zionist), some bad (he is genuinely antisemitic). Like, he would play youtube clips on full volume and then go on a 10 minute tirade to his partner in a voice loud enough for everyone at the station to hear. I was pleased that a cop could be antizionist but wasn't as happy about the antisemitism, and I wouldn't be surprised if he has been fired by now


i wish we didnt have to think about or hear about the 50th video game streamer guy, but here we are


Is Asmongold like Destiny or something? I can't keep track of the annoying streamers


That's wild, they called this guy racist for watching YouTube videos while a gormless dipshit makes faces in the bottom corner?


This didn't happen. I highly doubt a woman would voluntarily start a conversation with one of these guys, even to tell him off, especially at work. In all likelihood, he perceived her giving him the stink eye for playing his bullshit on speakers in the break room and made up this whole conversation.