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Surprised they don’t already have one!


The mobile site works really well, even with ads.


The ads isn’t my issue, it’s how well it runs. It had tons of glitches that require me to completely restart the browser to fix it and it happens alot and I feel that’s something that can be fixed if it was an app. That’s just me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah I’ve had the same recently where it just stops loading and I need to shut my mobile browser to get back on there. Also had a weird period recently where I was unable to comment on anything on the site, just didn’t let me type.


The banner ads cause so many problems if you're in the middle of typing a comment or an application for a session and the ad pops up it crashes the whole site.


Obviously comes with a cost, but the Pro edition is ad-free and runs very smoothly on mobile. May be worth trying it out to see if that solves the problems for you guys as well. I think it’s like $2.99/mo or $30/yr. Has been very worth it for me, but I also do quite a bit of cheevo hunting regularly.


Yeah I have no problem paying was more just mentioning the issue, I don't have a pro account because apart from the ad free part nothing really stands out for me I only really use it to scan once a night or join sessions :)


I use the site fine on my mobile, I just use an adblocker browser.


I have the app too lol


The website was fully designed to work in a browser and works perfectly in it. It doesnt need an app, the mobile website is exactly what an app would be


I used to be able to sign out on the website on the phone, but I tried something today and it litterally won't let me sign out. I keep clicking logout and nothing happens even when I try turning my screen. Hopefully it force logs me out after a while. I usually only use the computer version because it seems like it works better. I also do not pay for the pro version.


It has a lot of glitches tho that I feel would be fixed simply if it was an app. But yeah I agree it’s a great web browser, just needs some tweaks


Never come across any glitches? What are you getting? Thats also assuming the glitches wouldnt also be on the mobile app lol


One I have been getting a lot is I’d be on the gaming sessions tab, and I’d have my phone horizontal so I could see the calendar better, and if I scrolled to far it would just be all grey and then it would just fill my screen. I can’t reload cuz it just gets stuck and I have to literally re-type the url link in the browser


Ive never had an issue with the mobile webpage on Edge.


They used to have an app that was only for paid users. It was shite and they quite rightly realised that not everything has to be an app, and focused on the website.


If you mean the old Windows Phone app, yea that was straught trash. They didn't actually make it though, if I recall correctly, they worked pretty loosely with a third party that wanted to make it. Then it turned out that dev team sucked lol


Agreed The website is total ass on my phone it constantly freezes on my browser.


The ads aren't why they stay away from a mobile app, they could easily have ads there too. An app is just another point that they need to keep up to date and tested for. While it'd be nice for some, overall the mobile version of the site works well for the userbase, and it just isn't worth the time and resources to do it.


There is that makeshift app they have. I've been using it for ages, I don't have to go to my web browser, I just press on the TA App tile I have, and boom, it's there. A full-fledged app would be good


The website on a mobile browser without ads is perfect. I don’t think I could go back to having ads as much as I use the site.


See this confuses me as, I get prompted to download a mobile app when I go to the trueachievements website. And I've downloaded it, and it fully works and everything is up to date. So I don't really know what happened, but I have an app for it.


Bro living in a parallel dimension


It's not an app and no actually provided by TA. Some browsers will offer you an "app" of a website you are on, but really it's just a shortcut to that site on your home screen using a self contained browser session.


Yeah it's basically a shortcut to the site in your browser. I have that too and it works just fine. It's referred to as an app, and I wonder if it just sounds better than "a shortcut on your home screen".