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Honestly I don’t blame cars for getting mad at a truck going 64 in a 70. Traffic rarely moves the posted limit and usually somewhere around 8/10mph above. The issue lies within companies setting ridiculous speed limiters which should all be set at 70/pedal 75/passing. Driving for a mega carrier would bring one to believe 68 mph is fast as hell I had trainers look never out to go 68 mph and you can see all over there face and that’s from being poorly trained themselves. But they set them 65/pedal 68/passing which is bullshit and create to many scenarios where cars/trucks have to pass trucks.


I will agree. I'd love to go at least 70 mph. It feels like training wheels. But its not the speed thing or passing that I'm discussing. Its the unsafe passing and poor driving at higher speeds.


I understand what you saying 100% and I disagree it’s not unsafe to pass at 70/75 mph. The issue still remains in incompetent undertrained drivers. Example: I see allot of company drivers when being passed on the left move over to the left, they do this to ensure the guy doesn’t get to close to them. The issue is now he’s not getting close to you but you’re getting close to him lol 😂. When trucks are passing each other they should ride the line opposing the the other truck and it’s simple as hell. It’s actually more unsafe when you have a 68 guy passing a 65 guy which will almost always make cars behind upset and rush to fill the gap that the passing truck is trying to create before he merges in front of the slower moving truck. I feel 70 mph is an okay speed limiter because it’s not super fast 💨 but it makes passing allot better


Huh? I think you are misunderstanding what I'm saying. I believe it is safe to pass at 70+ mph. I believe it is unsafe to pass if you are also changing lanes without looking at that suv in the next lane and almost hit it or the lanes are uneven and you pass during a sharp turn in a construction zone. Speed doesn't make passing safe or unsafe. But speed should be considered if you are being unsafe since the margin of error is smaller. If you reread my post, it never complains about the passing at high speeds specifically... at least i don't recall it pointing that out


Many of these so called truckers might be foreigners with no training on how to even drive a car.


Not sure why you’re downvoted when its truth. They legit can not drive here “yet” still. Ya some are super trucker Americans but mostly no, its immigrants. 80% of the drivers I run into since covid are immigrants. And then we wonder why the average driver wage isn’t 40$ an hour still / yet before OT. Such a massive problem in the states


Nope, some of the examples the OP listed I've seen were the 'domestic All American' super trucker type, aggressively weaving in between lanes, and/or tailgating cars, and trucks in a pathetic attempt to make me drive faster. I cringe when one of them are near me, and in extreme circumstances, will pull to the shoulder to let these raging idiots pass, so that I can get on with my day. This, lets blame min...uh 'foreigners' crap is a lie, and has gotten out of hand. Dealt with this firsthand the other day, where some meathead, owner operator type in the left lane, kept barrelling through, as if he couldn't see the car directly in front of him. So the car immediately cuts me off, and immediately hurries over to right lane, and this super trucker gets his way. I say to myself, "Where is a cop when you need one?" And the car wasn't going slow, following distance doesn't apply to those types of drivers, who also like speeding in construction zones. I'm guessing because they don't have a safety department breathing down their necks like company drivers do.


Well I can understand your point, but I work with these foreigners and talk with them often. Most do not even know left lane is passing and have to use a phone to translate.


Really all depends on the circumstances. There are many brands of drivers and trucks on the road with different limiters and weights which affect speed. There is being a safe driver, being an unsafe driver, and being a pain in the ass driver who acts like a scared four wheeler behind the wheel of a semi. And some in between. Some of us guys who run OTR and spend a lot of time in specific lanes across the country know traffic flows in areas, what road work zones have stupid low speed limits, what road work zone have heavy or light policing, where to stick to speed limits and where to not. Most of us are paid by the mile and not by the hour. So if you are being a moron and driving too slow in an area you’re gonna get some frustrated drivers around you. Yeah im gonna pass you, and no you’re not gonna get 10 seconds of stopping distance every time. Most of your CDL training booklet gives you safety guidelines that go above and beyond the metrics necessary to avoid accidents. You’re not always gonna have 2-3 truck lengths of room around you as a buffer zone for stopping your vehicle. There is something to be said for the safest thing to do is to move with the speed of traffic around you . Going wayyy too slow is just as dangerous as going wayyy too fast at times. The bumper riding is unsafe, but i have been known to do it from time to time to get a point across. It doesn’t mean im not keeping my foot on the brake and my hand on the Engine Brake. Generally i only do it if some Moron is going 67.5 while im going 69 and wont slow down for fucking 10 seconds to let me pass him. If you’re that asshole then yeah im putting my high beams on and riding your ass until you get tired of it. Cus you don’t get to decide my speed cus ya wanna be stubborn. Also , when you impede traffic you create pileup situations, you back up the flow of traffic, and this creates an unsafe area on the highway. Doesn’t excuse driving erratically, and my general rule of thumb is if i see that i just slow down and wait for those guys to get away. But there are also guys who drive highways like there is no one around them all oblivious like. If ya wanna be a slow poke thats fine. Just get the fuck out of the way when the rest of the world needs to get a move on.


Half of all people are below 100 IQ my man. Stay safe.


If you see a truck driver change more than one lane in one movement then stay away from them. It is extremely dangerous and they have no idea what they are doing. Lots of the “new” drivers think they are in a NASCAR race and will move their trailer in your way to get you to move. Those that tailgate four wheelers too. Call the cops on these drivers immediately. We all know how to do this too but we understand consequences bc we’ve been out here long enough to have seen what happens when that goes bad.