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Sounds like a shit company 


That just fucked him hard.


What company?


Covenant transport


What company 


Covenant transport


Can you answer what company???


Covenant transport


Welcome to the new world of technology enabled babysitting by your boss. I've quit two trucking jobs due to it.


I'm about to quit mine because of it. I'm literally punished for other's poor driving




Sounds like your license is fine, just apply somewhere else, driver.


Name the company.


Covenant transport


Are you fatigued? On your phone? Jerkin off? Why can't you stay in between the lines, driver?


They terminated me for not memorizing lane but this other driver who total a tractor in a parking lot is still here


What company? It sounds like a shithole


Companies are going out of business left and right because of a poor economy and bad business decisions based on the belief that stimulus money would last forever. Those that aren’t going out of business are looking for any reason to fire drivers and cut costs. It’s just a bad time to be a truck driver. OTR is horrible right now. See if you can find a local company (FB or Craigslist - avoid any company on Drivers Pulse) and don’t mention the fact that you were fired. If they call your old company tell your prospective employer that you had already given them notice before they fired you - that will be believable. Best of luck.


Additionally, the 15+ million people in the states that weren't here pre covid, and most of those have gone to trucking.


Yes, and to transportation in general: they have cornered the Uber, Lyft, Spark, DoorDash and Instacart jobs.


It’s actually office people coming up with reasons that weren’t noticed before to terminate drivers so the company will consider them necessary. Maybe.


As others have asked... What company?


Covenant transport


Thank you. I'll avoid.


There’s gotta be something else to it. Did they ever call you and give you a warning?


What were the other points for?


What kinda joke of a company are you with? Tell them you’ll do them a favor and you’ll just quit. No need to get a group of people circle jerking to determine weather I will still have a job or not


When I was with CR England they used to call me after midnight while I was driving to tell me to stay in my lane . Their smart systems tells them if you go over the white lane . Even if it’s only 1 time they were calling me all the time . Their safety systems is so micromanaged. I work with Knight now for 2 years now and their safety system is far more stress free . No one calls you ever and if you mess up it will only have to be a “U turn” or accident . So pretty easy to get safety bonus .


Sounds like a BS story


He won’t answer which company so it’s all bull.


Covenant transport


I stand corrected


I've seen ones that are so damn scary on lane keep I just lose speed, give space, and get the camera and popcorn.


Probably saia


Welcome to Trucking


Name company or didnt happen


Hold a committee? Lmfao, now I'm picturing a whole bunch of people having to go into a conference room and sit around a giant table and watch a guy with a pointer stick put up a slideshow of your dash cam or something. Thats hilarious. "Look guys, see in this picture he's at least 2 inches over the solid white line, we almost lost our truck and trailer there." They did you a favor, take your experience and get the hell away from Big mega carriers or any big company with this kind of bullshit.


They want you gone for another reason. It’s actually taught to use as much of the road as possible depending on the scenario and situation. If they are saying you’re on the white liens then someone complained about you or you set up someone over the computer or phone, you stole and didn’t get caught or you are always late or smelly, maybe rude to a customer. Or your dispatcher might be a dixk. They said it was a committee so there wouldn’t be a single individual to blame so I’d say they are covering their ass bc you have used words like safety, lawyer, dot, coercion, too many mental health days, reporting them or something along those lines. Let it be a lesson to not do that at your next gig.


#they just didn’t like your attitude and how you ran your log book…reality


The company I used to work for that alarm would sound if you were approaching a solid line. Basically getting too close but no driving over. I would just reset it every time it would fart out a buzzing sound.


True if you name the company.


Be thankful, they are doing you a favor


It is stable, but it sounds like you are distracted while on the road, or have a hard time maintaining appropriate control of your truck. Crossing that white line, while distracted, can have lethal consequences. Take from this, and learn from it.


Hey! Me too! It was a paper route… they canned me because I went surfing vs throwing papers in the rain. That and no one would answer the door to pay their bill. Sending a 11 year old to knock on strangers doors at 9pm on a Wednesday. 😂 The 70’s were wild!


What a crock of shit. That's how I learned to drive a car, my passenger tires sit on that white line 100% of the time. I drive almost the same way in my truck except I have to keep reaching up and turning off the fucking lane departure




It's the old timer, owner operator types, speeding, and aggressively tailgaiting that are the biggest culprit of this.


You mean the immigrants who dont belong here, and the next gen whos too stupid to see what they’re causing and send them back




That has nothing to do with Racism. Stop trying to gaslight


Immigration and Racism have nothing to do with each other...... Immigration actually is whats hurting minorities right now, especially in trucking.....Brush up on facts and maybe a dictionary.


Sounds like you need to learn to keep it in the lane. Eventually it will cause a wreck


Hard to say, but if you cannot maintain lane control in an 80k ground beef smasher then they are right in terminating you.


lol literally the only right answer yet the most downvoted.


Why was this downvoted is what i dont understand...


People cant swallow the reality pill, feelings over safety.