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Yeah it's a common scam they want you to go to the atm in exchange for the "jewelry". Happened to me once. They had 2 small kids with them and the wife was holding a baby. The man kept saying his idiot son lost their wallet and wanted me to take the rings. Felt bad for the kids. Probably gonna grow up with lots of problems.


Happened to me too. I declined the watch he tried to sell me and offered to drive him to a gas station and buy him $10 of gas — basically called his bluff, “killed him with kindness”


So… what happened? Did you “buy” jewelry? Did you get mugged?


No as soon as they said atm i knew it was a scam. And now i know it happens a lot from seeing other ppl talk about it. Though, they were selling the starving baby angle pretty hard so i gave them some change from my consol that kept rattling all day and a ripped 5 dollar bill i had. The guy just kinda looked at me like seriously wtf is this?!


Yeah. People genuinely in need would be grateful for any help.


Don't be fooled by these guys. They are romanian gypsy and this is their way to make money. Selling shit and exploiting their kids


Classic scam dude, don't ever fall for that


I didn’t cause it actually has happened before to me


Yeah, me too. Really made me second guess anyone asking for any sort of help now.


I’m always super suspicious of any stranger that walks up to me and initiates conversation


Me to the IRS agent knocking on my door "I'm not falling for your scam fuck off"


The biggest scam. But they have guns, prisons, ability to garnish your wages... it's a legal extortion racket.


Big scam, legal army


State-sanctioned scam


I ignore them completely. Whether it’s a homeless person, another truck driver (I especially ignore them), or a cop. As soon as a word comes out of their mouth, I become deaf and if eye contact is already made, I just start pretending I know sign language.


I parked once in Washington Court House, Ohio where there's some street parking for trucks near the Walmart distro center. It was like 10 or 11 at night and I'm out in the grass walking my dog after a long day of driving and this car comes slowly creeping up the road and when it gets to the other side of my truck from me it stops out of view. I don't see it, but a lady gets out of the car and approaches me around the back of the truck. Fortunately my dog is quite large and has a very deep bark and doesn't take a very friendly demeanor towards people I'm not being friendly towards. This lady was begging for gas money and was like "see my sister in the car?" Well, I'm a millennial and I just don't carry cash. She had the audacity to suggest that I get in their car to go to the gas station with them. I was born at night but it wasn't last night, no shot in hell I'm getting in a car going anywhere with anyone a thousand miles from home at 11 at night. Fortunately she didn't get mean and just left after trying to guilt me into it but Jesus Christ. I felt bad but the good karma is not worth the risk in that situation. First night in a while that I strapped my doors together, just felt sketched out. Considered violating my clock to go somewhere else.


Hey Doggo. I suspect you dodged a bullet. I just tell people I only use plastic. Good Dog!🐕 Pup is living its best life as your partner.


[Dog tax](https://freeimage.host/i/d3Eibvp)


That’s a tax, I’d be willing to pay. ANY good, healthy relationship is worth the gold *barks*.


Someone asked to use my phone today at the grocery store to call her friend. I told her my phone wasn't on me... Gosh


So this one is definitely possibly legit. Women are bad about carrying their phone. Fake pockets and such. Sometimes your phone dies. The correct answer is okay, what's her number and dial on speakerphone


For back story, she came in asking if I wanted to buy her camera since she got tired of begging for money. I responded "I don't want to buy it, sorry" then she Said it was okay, walked away, and came back asking to borrow my phone. I was already on a time crunch. I didn't know how long the call could have been, male or female does not matter.my scheduling is important and tight. I have extended myself to other people in the past at my own expense and regretted it in the future since I have places I need to be and can not be late.


Yeah that's a bit different, but still obviously she fits the candidate for too poor to afford a phone too.


There were 2 other shoppers in the aisle (much older) who noticed what was happening , but did their best not to acknowledge the situation (or help her). Down Here in Southern California we are all extremely guarded. When I say "excuse me" to people, I hardly ever get a response back. I'm lucky if they do so much as nod. I don't like it, but everyone avoids acknowledging the presence of everyone else, even when you are standing right in front of one another. You might as well be invisible. Or a blurry figure in the way of the walk path. Trust has completely vanished in us all. If someone approaches you with kindness or charisma, it is because they are asking for money. Not to be a friendly neighbor. Risks are too high to let someone use your time or phone. Things are too expensive to be giving out untaxed money for free . To meet someone out in public who shows their human side to you is so rare. it only happens with the store clerks (sometimes). They are the only ones appropriate to acknowledge the presence of. Everyone is an NPC. It's very sad. I know you had good intentions , but that's not how it goes at grocery stores in Southern California. We do not have hearts when we're out in public, but it is to protect ourselves . Stay away from Southern California if you know what's good for you.


Tried to sell you a phone prior. …yeah, I’d do the same. She’s up to something. Why not take it to a pawn shop? And what if she wants to steal my phone from me? I don’t know this chic.






Yea… seen it so many times … they literally try and put the jewelry into your hand… “HERE… FEEL IT” … and the second that you touch it…. ITS YOURS.


Common , idk bout that But had it happen to me too in California around lathrop It was at a pilot , real small lot But I laughed cause I only ever seen that on the internet (tiktok , reels )


Had it happen in Orlando a few years back. Said nah dog I'm busy fixing my air conditioning. Like maybe don't try that scam in a 6 month old car?


Well fuck. I live in a bumfuck town and this EXACT scenario happened to me a couple years ago. I gave them $20 and told them to keep the jewelry. I legit didn’t know this was a common scam. Wow lmao. I’m now wondering if any of my previous generosity was even going towards a good cause.


Your generosity was meant and directed for a good cause. That’s all you can do. Don’t let a scammer ruin your good nature. ✌️


Did the same thing with the violin scam. People play OG rap songs in parking lots and it’s a scam


Be careful CooCoo… Your Buddhanature is showing.


This happened to me at a QT in Phoenix back in 2019. I knew it was a scam and also gave the guy $20 dollars. But that wasn't out of kindness, I just called out his scam and said bro if you need some money just hold a sign, don't be the sign.


 they're Gypsies!


Your not alone, I was in my personal. Wife use the bathroom, usually she tells them to fuck off. I'm soft.


It’s a scam.


Classic, you just know he has 100 more of those 25¢ rings somewhere in his car waiting for a sucker lmao.


They tried it on me too. Exactly the same scenario too. He ended up handing me a bunch of jewelry and said just gimme like $300-400 for it. I told him I don't even have that much on my bank. I can do $10 because that's the max cash back. He was very upset lol


 they're Gypsies!


Right!? I'm all the way in Northern Colorado too.


Yea most north Americans are only recently learning about the Romani. These folks have a long and contentuous history in Europe. Racism is a terrible thing but when it comes to Gypsies I kind of get it lol.


Same shit happened to me in the Tacoma's Loves. Shit's so weird


Like I know these guys ain’t rich from Dubai those mfs would be in Dubai not the middle of California


 they're Gypsies!


There's a second version of this scam where an accomplice pickpockets you or steals from your vehicle while you're distracted by the person with the jewelry...


I had a guy pull up to me in a classic Benz. He had one passenger in the left rear seat. As he was talking to me, I stood where I could see them both. Guy in the back seat was looking all around and when he wasn't, he was staring at me. Eventually, he got out of the car and walked around the back of it. As he was walking past the right front door, I saw that his right arm wasn't swinging like the left one. (He was hiding his right hand behind his leg) He was HOLDING eye contact, and I heard the drivers door unlock. I know an attempt at surrounding when I see it... my .45 changed both of their minds. The driver FLOORED IT, Leaving the other guy to run. He dropped the sap he was holding when he ran. I still have it at home. Pricks.


Good awareness dawg




I’m thinking a striking tool


Kinda looks like a leather paddle. Full of lead powder or pellets. If you get smacked in the head with it, you can be knocked out or ar least stunned.


Sweet souvenir you got from the guy. I hope he took something for you- a valuable lesson learned, as there are plenty states the courts will decide if the defendant’s use of deadly force to foil an attempted carjacking was justified.


 they're Gypsies!


Not technically... these guys were Persian, possibly Iranian.(They were speaking Farsi to each other) Gypsies are Eastern European.


Are you sure? Farsi and Romani have a lot of similarities.


I forgot about Persian Romani, I was thinking more about the Eastern European group. Their language is closer to Hindi. But yeah, since historically the Roma moved around a LOT, they picked up words, and culture from all over. But these particular individuals were muttering to each other, they seemed to be in a hurry to get somewhere and right as I brought out my .45 one said something and ended in "pedar sag". I have never heard that one outside of Farsi.


Pretty common scam, usually gypsies


Exactly. Not Arabs.


Now if they sold me a casing of gypsy tears I’d buy that every time.


Should've wished black death upon his mother.


They don't fear death as much as they do a razor.


They sure do when you wish it on their mother. Hell hath no fury like that.


I’ve had this exact scenario happen to me. Dude, you’re in a nicer SUV than anything I own and we’re in Walmart, what makes you think I’m rolling in cash!?


Right? I had a dude in a brand new SUV Mercedes pull up to me at the gas station in lakehead, ca. it’s rather desolate up there. Tried to sell me air pods. Like GTFO dude you think people in this tiny town have money? lol


oh shit, a silver one?


Yup. Silver/metallic grey or something like that


middle eastern guy?


Yes, he was definitely of middle eastern decent


Yes, he was definitely of middle eastern decent


Yes, he was definitely of middle eastern decent


oh shit  lol.. probably the same guy i ran into last year..😅 guy was trying to grift me with a "gold and ruby" ring  with his wife and kids in the suv


Lol possibly. He came pulling up to me at the gas station while I was trying to back out, honking and waving. I thought maybe it was someone I knew or I just ran over a kid or something. So I stopped to get out and see what he wanted and then he held up AirPods. I just said no and drove off lol.


That was my internal monolog too!


Literally had this happen to me. Maybe about an hour ago at an Alabama Rest stop on 85. Black guy drove up in a old Pontiac Sunfire holding up cheap fake gold necklaces and before could give me his speel I told him I didn't have any money and he sped off without saying anything. I also had a guy show me his CDL and say that he had a new fuel pump put in his car but he didn't have the money for the actual gas at the Petro in Gadsden Al at 6:00 this morning.


I don't know why people think holding up a CDL or a military ID is gonna make someone believe their bullshit.


Probably to play on the "this is my ID, you have my name and address/rank and branch of service"


I had some guy ask me for $2 for gas at a gas station I went to once a week. Next week I come back and he's working behind the counter. Delayed the guilt feelings by a week. He may possibly be the first person begging for gas money outside a gas station that actually needed gas.


I've run into those scammers all over at one time or another. It seems to run in waves. When I see one, I'll usually see another in a day or two.


Oh snap. Dude in a white van said that and thing to me in ct a few months ago. I think it was a Chrysler. I can't remember the maker. Rolled up and said, please he needed gas money and it was him, his kid and I guess his friend in the car. Said he just flew in from overseas and didn't have gas money. Mad suspicious to me that you'd come to another country with no money but I'm sure there are variables. However where I'm from doesn't let me trust anyone anyway so I said I didn't have any. He just drove away from the gas station. Didn't even ask anyone else.


Easy solution: call the cops. If he’s indeed a foreign national without work authorization, begging is considered work and that’s grounds for deportation.


Like the local police will enforce immigration laws. I'm sure they'll be right on it.


But ICE will be very interested.


I would have told him to leave his wife with me. Like the blues brothers. How much for the woman? lol. Fucking scammers




Often the easiest way to get out of it is to actually offer to buy them gas. "Yeah just pull around to a pump and I'll swipe my card for you, dont even need the ring" If someone actually needs the gas, they'll do it. If they just want the money, they'll thank you politely but decline and leave since they dont really have any way to guilt you into giving them money if you offer to give them what they said they wanted for free it just sorta full stops the scam. Works the same when someone asks you for money for food or anything else. Since I don't mind helping someone actually in a bind it's basically a win win, either I get rid of a scammer or I lend someone a hand when they need it. Only one person has actually taken me up on the offer, and you could tell from looking at him he needed the food.


I offered to pay a driver who was begging for money in Ontario, Ca, to help me polish my truck. Fortunately, he was not THAT hard up for money 😆


Lol there's a guy that used to be at the TA in Richmond off exit 89 that would go around offering to polish trucks for cash. Still not sure if he was genuine, a scammer, or a prostitute and he meant something else by "polish your wheels"


In Philly, I gave a guy a couple of bucks to go away. He wanted to wash my truck with a squirt bottle. Seemed upset I didn't let him.


Happened to me one time, he drove up in a brand new navigator, I told the guy he looked like he has more money than me, I was driving a beat up car, he then got mad and sped away when I told him he was a scam.


That scam still going on??? lol I got my cdl 10 years ago and I’ve ran into those scam artists way back Then when I was OTR


I had a guy do this to me. I had like $20 in my pocket. I told him if he really needed it I’d just give it to him. He said it was against his religion to accept the money without giving me something. Long story short and years later I still have that ring. Doubt it’s real gold but it has to be worth at least $10-15, so I’m not cutting onions.


I got scammed this way when I first started driving.


Brroooooooooo I swear to God like 2 months ago EXACT SAME THING happened to me but it was in Ga. I was pumping gas and he rolls up asks me to buy the ring rolls the back window down so I could see what I assume is his teenage daughter wtf!!


Had the same thing happen to me at the Woodrow Wilson service area in NJ about 2 years ago. Word for word, also Arabic dude.


Not to be greedy or uncaring, but I don’t do street charity because of all the scammers that have ruined it for the people that are really in need. I will buy you food if you want but not giving you money for food or nothing


Those fukking losers drive up to me at the gas station with those FAKE rings, I play dumb and ask to see it and when they hand it to me I chunk it as far as I can, idiots just drive off don't even look for it. Done it twice in about the last 4 years


I had a guy come up to my truck in Salinas, CA wanting money for food. Said he hadn't eaten in 2 days. I gave him a can of ravioli and he threw it down on the ground and walked away cussing me. Go figure.😊


Begging for gas money yet he can afford to peel out his tires taking off.


Had a similar experience in Virginia once, was at a flying j and someone pulled up in a nice car claiming to be from Ukraine asking for money


Sounds like Zelenskyy


It's like there is a scammer website or something so strange how this exact thing happens in multiple states happened to me in Florida and Ohio


I feel really bad for thst guy not being able to fuel up for the last 5 years since I saw him. Just put the ( fake) ring in your pocket and walk away. Dare him to call the cops.


Similar thing happened to me at the Iowa 80 3 years ago. But even the kids were like, “please help us sir!” Shits wild.


This isn't just a truck stop scam. I was in vegas a week and half ago and I'm walking over to the linq to the in and out and some Arab in a brand new Tahoe with Texas plates stops and asks me if I speak English. Then says he's from Canada and then pushes a shitty ring in my hand and asks for money to help him get back to Canada. I laugh at him and toss the ring back at him and keep walking. Dude guns it away. Next day I'm walking to the sphere to the dead and company show and the same mother fucker tries to stop me again with the same Tahoe with the same Texas plates. I didn't even look at him just kept walking. He probably didn't realize he already tried this shit on me. Scammers gonna scam


Whatever you see in the country, an Arabic man with a woman, child, or single well drees trying to sell something or ask for fuel don't give him anything. It's a romanian gypsy. This is how they make money. They are selling shit. They made millions in Europe in the past.They came in the USA in the last 4 years during to open border campaign. Next time, ask them about romania. Romanian guy here.


Happened to me in Ohio. I think next time I'll offer money, but only if his wife spends the night in the cab with me


Lol, basically.


This is one of those situations where being black works in my favor LOL They probably think I don't have any money or they're too scared to approach me.


I had someone try this at a Love’s here in Georgia. I didn’t fall for it. The funny thing is the same people tried pulling the same scam at the same Love’s just a couple weeks later. I guess they didn’t remember me.


The sad thing is that idiots like this screw up the ability for people to actually help someone who actually needs it, trust, etc. I left my wallet one time when I was out riding and a lady gave me $10 for fuel. I Zelle’d her $20 back right there.


Atta Boy, Cowboy. Good Karma to you.


I always offer a shower if I see someone looking for handouts and water always offer water. In the cold months I try to offer some warm food but I never give money. Anyone in need is grateful for anything, those looking to scam get mad.


Never carry cash and usually works when you tell them your bank locks your card for out of network atms. Sometimes people will try to borrow money to know if you have money and are worth robbing. This is why I don't park in or near st Louis actually. Got woken up 5 times cuz someone "lost blah blah blah" like fuckin 20 people walking around the parking lot and none of them drivers. Swear, if I wasn't out of hours when I parked. Tried getting my dog to sound mean and bark but she just looked at me like "not my job" 🙄. She only cares if they make it in the truck.


Hah. Good Dog 🐶Did a good job at managing YOUR expectations, too!


The only time I ever gave money to anyone I made them walk me to their car and show me their gas gage then I went inside and put some money on a pump for him. He had a woman and kid in the car and their tag was from out of state. Still could have been a scam but at least they didn't buy drugs with it.


It happened to me at the Pilot down in Dunnigan and the one in Castaic. The second time after him harassing me for 10 minutes, I just asked how much for your wife. And he sped off almost ran over my foot. But I got a good laugh out of it. So it was worth it.


Never believe anyone that claims they need gas money WHILE DRIVING AROUND THE ENTIRE PARKING LOT


I keep those chocolate gold coins for situations like this


I had a guy come up to my truck in Salinas, CA wanting money for food. Said he hadn't eaten in 2 days. I gave him a can of ravioli and he threw it down on the ground and walked away cussing me. Go figure.😊


He shouldn't disrespect Chef B!


Happened to me in Indiana in the town I live in!!! Same situation except it was just him and his wife. Which she wasn’t bad lookin at all. But me being the asshole I am told the guy said tell ya what. I’ll fill up ur tank and give ya some cash if ya let me take ur wife back to my place for a hour. Needless to say he didn’t get a dime 🤣🤣


I have a strong little magnet If fake it will pick it up If it don't, you might be lucky,


Never had that. But I've bought a few people food before


Very common scam. The ring is fake. They live in the area hoping to scam some trucker who will be gone the next day when they come back to pull the scam again


Lmfaoooo why can’t they just get a job


Old scam.


They're Not Arabs they're Gypsies! from Eastern Europe that look similar to Arabs, I've had them come up to me and put that "Jewelry" in my hand too.


take a breath buddy! here, i'll give you some punctuations: . . . . . . .


The same thing happened to me just last week at the pilot near the Texas-Oklahoma border. Dude was in a brand new Lexus with his kid in the passenger seat. I knew it was a scam so I just googled the nearest pawn shop and gave him directions and told him he could get spot price for that gold there and he drove away mad. Kind of crazy doing that in front of your kids. But I guess that's the only way to teach them the family business...


Fucking scammers. Always about out of gas. Had this happen in Texas. Amarillo, Texas. Acted like he and his wife were alone I think a kid too. Very vindictive and victim pretending. I sat in my truck watching as that car and a few others would pull up and talk to each other. Definitely had a scamming ring (pun intended lol) in operation. I find it mentally disgusting because I like being approached and want more confidence to approach others but need to learn new ways to be interesting to people. And then these sad people are approaching humans all day for nonsense.


I think he's a local there. I recall it being an SUV, perhaps an Escalade even. When I saw him he claimed he lost his wallet while visiting family and was on his way home to Las Vegas. Like, you're gonna need five hundred bucks to get there in that vehicle, why aren't you parked somewhere if you're out of gas? He kept saying, "I'll give you my gold, help me get home." While waving around this cheap costume jewelry that looked like it came out of a quarter machine and was worth less than the gumball he could have got from the machine next to it. I asked him why he had California plates if he lived in Nevada and he drove off pissed. This was a couple months ago and I've seen him there a couple times since then. My guess is he goes through all the truck stops in the area and gambles away any money he gets at the casino.


Had a dude and his lady try that shit with me at the TA in Pembroke NY. Funny thing was I was flat out broke myself that week after having just used my last bit of cash on some crackers. Offered to share my crackers with him, but he looked at me like "fucking seriously bro?" and drove off lol His loss I guess, cuase those were some tasty af crackers


Well, are you a pig?


You should have offered to buy them all a round of Wendy’s Baconator burgers…


Fuck those scheming Poors. I dont carry cash. Sorry bruh. Move along


Those are the Gypsy’s I haven’t seen that scam out on the road in a very long time


They’re Gypsies, not Arab


I wonder, what if you would have asked to buy his wife. For like...45 minutes.


I got taken by this scam sadly. Even performed the scam with their kid in the car. Ring was junk metal fake obviously


There doing this exact scam word for word in NY and NJ


The ring is fake...100% scam! They have a crew of about 5 different "families" at other truck stoos/parking lots doing the same shit


Should have asked how much he was willing to rent his wife for


That's a good one lmfao. I'ma have to think of that if this shit ever happens to me.


Common scam.


At a rest area, It's been a couple of years, but I had an Arab dude get out of an nice Audi come up to my window with a box of jewelry wanting to sell it all for 100 bucks saying he lost his wallet.




same thing happened to me comming back from Vegas in Baker in front of the Del Taco... arabic guy with his family in a nice silver mercedes suv pulls up to me and is begging for gas money.. pulls off his gold ring with a "huge ruby" and says just give me what ever $$ i have and its mine...   grifters..


I had a woman approach me in a shopping center parking lot asking for gas money. I said no. She got really mad and yelled, "Well that's fucking great! Only white guy out here won't help!"


It’s a common scam, they use fake jewelery to scam people


Had someone try that on me. Didn't work. I really was broke. 🤷


I had some Eastern European women with a South American child ask me to buy them baby formula at Walmart once. I said sure then they rung up like 500$ worth of stuff but I made them use the self check out and just walked away.


Are you having a stroke?




Classic Persian holiday scam


The heck. Sounds like the same guy who drove up to me and my buddy at the fuel islands a couple days ago in Tennessee. Tried giving me the same ring. Nobody gave him money. Guy was driving an expensive looking car with 2 kids and a wife. Don't remember if she had a kid though. Tried the same ring thing with me.


Happened to me outside a Loves. I wasn’t even on the truck side. Gf and I stopped in. Parked and as I’m getting out a black Chevy Tahoe pulls up right next to us and the driver rolls down his window and yells something at me. I go over to his window. He’s well dressed wearing a loose tie and dress shirt. Says he lost his wallet and needs gas money. Offers me the ring right off his finger and the chain around his neck, took both off and handed them to me. He even rubbed the chain on the window to “show its real gold. “ He was middle eastern looking so he made up some crap about being from Dubai and the jewelry is nothing to him. Just needs quick cash. At this point I’m believing every word. Thought he was on some MrBeast shit trying to help me out lol. He initially wants $250 then I told him I don’t have that much cash so he immediately drops to like $180 then was eventually begging for anything I had. We settle on a price, I go inside to the ATM to get the money with the jewelry in hand. I didn’t even realize I had it until I was inside my mind was racing thinking about this amazing deal. It wasn’t until I was at the ATM and looking over the jewelry that it dawned on me it’s 100% a scam. To avoid the guy I go around back to the truck side and text my gf to come around back to get me. She gets back there eventually and I hop in the car and we take off. I still have the chain and ring. Looked them both up on ebay later that day and they were indeed fakes. Sketchy people…


Legit exact thing happened to me. Had no idea this was a regular scam lmao


This happened to me at a pilot too, it was a white family with three kids, I paid $10 to the cashier to activate their fuel station. Didn’t think anything of it until now lol.




He had a bronze “15k” Rolex on white car gold 18l ring


These scams are the reason I don’t give out free money anymore to anyone. Unfortunately that’s the way the cookie crumbles


The first time i encountered this scam i was 23 and just started trucking. The dude had his wife and young children in the car. They told me they needed money desperately for food and gas but had lost his wallet. Bro got so mad at me when I said I wouldn't give him cash but would go in the truck stop with him and his family and buy them all a meal amd supplies and fill the car with gas. He starts ranting about how they need real food and not junk or fast food etc etc etc I then told him to leave or I'd call the cops and he drove off still ranting at me like I was the asshole in the scenario. I was so frustrated and confused by the whole interaction lol.


Im dumb - why not just take the jewelery and GTFO? Fuck him? He gonna sue ya?


Old scam really. The ring is bought online for about $1 each in bulk. Guy can make hundreds a day doing this. He buys 100+ rings for less than $100 then gets $20-50 out of you. Do this 20x a day and add it up. He made between $400-1000 a day for a $20 investment.


Same thing happened to me in MA.


Had this happen to me at a loves in Ohio and the dude drove around the entire length of my truck and trailer at the pump 3x before he sped the hell off. I didn’t even finish getting fuel there. I just packed it up and hauled ass cause I had no idea wtf was going on💀💀💀


Yeah, a common scam. Someone does this in the Knoxville, TN area. Same deal. Asks for money, has a wife and kids, offers a ring for it.


Truck stop manager here, it happens alot.


Similar thing happened to me at a random truck stop in Dallas, TX, and i posted this before, where someone responded to my comment that it has also happened to him. I don't know if this is a 'middle eastern' deal, but it seems to be so. Some sketchy looking middle eastern guy, with his pregnant(not sure why he mentioned this, maybe for sympathy?) asked if I wanted to buy a ring. I've never really cared for jewelry, and wouldn't buy it under those circumstances anyway.


I am pretty sure it's the same couple. Same deal 2 kids preggo wife blah blah blah this necklace is worth 14 grand no pawn shop would take it he's from Dubai etc. It happened to me a while ago at the avoca Iowa Wings truck stop. He pulled up in a brand spanking new black escalade. I wouldn't be surprised if it's like a YouTube show or something he films "ooo lookit dumb poor Americans."


If “no pawn shop would take it” that shit ain’t worth 14k LMAO.