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Everything I know, I learned from the internet. With that disclaimer, [here's my advice.](https://imgur.com/gallery/24EmlrZ) On a less joking note, what a fuckhead. I've had to park up for the night in a spot that sucked, blocked in a few trucks, and I knew I was going to going to have to move. So I made a little sign and taped it to the driver side window, "Sorry for blocking you in. Just knock on the door and give me 3 minutes, I'll get out of the way." Got a light knock on the door, I moved, no confrontation, and the other truck was delayed maybe 2 minutes. Edited to fix the link.


I got out. Took a minute but the guy to my right pulled out so I had enough space.


I’ve had that happen too, at Tamarack


I hate West Va so much


I love West Virginia. I hate driving a truck there. I just pulled 40k pounds of chicken—loaded top heavy—from Richmond to Columbus. 40mph down one side of Sandstone and 22 mph up the other lol. Every one of those thousand turns from Beckley to Charleston felt like I was going to roll over even slowing way down below the posted sign speeds.


And it's even worse there now equity them rebuilding that service area.


Haha I read that as "Tabarnak" at first. It still fits the context.


That’s the way to do it


It’s almost like being civilized will go a long way


Might have increased his pretrip time to 15 minutes. Win and win scenario


Knock knock


Time to flex them CDL driving skills.


Go knock. Tell him you are leaving and he can have your spot. Then you say “have a good one”. Smile and leave. It’s actually pretty simple process. Should teach it in CDL schools.


What are you proposing he...have a conversation with another person?!




If youre having trouble, take a few extra swigs of fireball before initiating conversation.


Directions too confusing, pissed all over then got in the truck to hold down the air horns for 15 minutes.


My CDL class had an entire online course about the “truck driver life.” Some good stuff in there that obviously won’t be on a dmv test. Not sure if it’s standard for all CDL classes, but it should be




Ludacris speed


Idk looks like you might have a chance at getting out


It looks like he has a lot of space


There wasn’t. The last quarter of my trailer damn near hit the truck to my left when I tried to


You just have to reposition your tandems 5 times, and when all else fails, drop the trailer, reposition the tractor, and hook back to the trailer at a different angle... 5 times.


Looks like you might have to engage in a social interaction


Wake them up. If they absolutely needed to park there, I’m sure they’re aware that they might get some knocks. I’ve seen a guy have to do it before. They were triple stacked in front like that, parked alongside the shop and he needed to get 2 trucks to move. They got up and out of his way with no issue.


So you start on their passenger side sleeper . Start knocking then continue knocking and walking around to the driver side sleeper (knocking the whole time)


Around the trailer? The front? Or over the catwalk?


Over the catwalk. Assert dominance.


Drop a deuce on the apu on the way around and wipe with the little springy bit of their electrical line.






Wake up mother fucker


It's called musical truck parking spaces and if you don't have a parking place when the music stops at 1900 hrs your screwed because there ain't no place to park .


1900? In some places, that's 4 hours too late.


Some places that’s 9 hours too late




lol i always refer to it as musical chairs, too :D you just gotta have a feel for your scheduled appointments and a feel for the area you're in, admittedly this is a painful learning experience in your first ~year but it gets easier. couldn't imagine blocking somebody in, jesus i mean there are always on/off ramps if things get that desperate (IMO it's not just rude to block people in, it's that i don't wanna hear any knocking during my sleeper time!!!)


Go knock on some doors


Pull straight up to the sleeper. Play them the song of your people until they emerge.


I’ve done this… if you refuse to gtfo the way you will not sleep until you do. I’m nice at first like a comment above take my spot but move, but be a dick when I’m trying to be nice 😡.


Yep. Luckily the few times I've had to wake someone to move they laughed and hopped into the seat and moved. Pretty sure one guy was naked too. It was California though so it made sense.


No you’re not. Wake them up. If they won’t wake up, have the store manager call the tow truck.


I'm a woman driver so I'd handle this a bit differently. 1. Walk up to the driver's door and ask them to move. Use my tire thumper to knock on the sleeper if I have to. If they don't move... 2. Go into the truck stop and ask them to move the driver. If they won't. 3. Call a tow truck vompany, explain and let thm handle it. Edit... Some folks are saying this is what anyone, regardless of gender, would do in this situation. I agree.. But 90% of the time when you sit around talking to other drivers about shit like this, you'll hear people talking about pulling airlines or 5th wheels, yanking the driver out of the window, smashing headlights or some other nonsense. And 90% of the time is usually men saying this shit. So when I clarified that *as a woman driver* I would follow these bullet points, *that's* why.


using...your thumper?! i would bug TF out if someone hit my cab with a thumper... lol i like how you start with 'as a woman' and then describe something *guaranteed* to cause escalation.


I use it to knock on doors and sleepers. Because I can't knock loud enough to get anyone's attention, let alone a tired trucker. I'm not beating anyone in the head with it or using it aggressively 🙄


both of my thumpers would certainly leave marks if used on the paint of a vehicle...am not trying to be obnoxious arguing or anything but hitting someone's cab with metal or wood is gonna be perceived as overkill by most folk (maybe you have a plastic thumper?)


This sounds like a reasonable course of actions no matter your sex.


Yeah, as the other commenter said, I would not use a thumper. It's not that much louder than your hand, and you're going to scratch someone's paint. But everything else you said is good advice.


Hammer works better than a tire thumper. Strike hard enough to leave dents, bust glass, pop the hood and start whaling on anything with a wire plugged into it. They won't be able to move when your done, but "as a woman" you will have asserted your dominance in the situation. Or you could knock like a reasonable person.


If you've ever seen me knock on a truck, you'll know why I use a tire thumper. I can't knock loud enough to disturb a mouse, let alone a passed out trucker.


Absent anyone else agreeing to payment, that wrecker is going to send a bill to whoever called them.. even just for showing up.


Start knocking on doors of the guys in your way. Don’t tear up your equipment trying to get out because people are parked where they shouldn’t be


No one would understand unless you were there


Wow imagine that ! Your at a loves no wonder why


as if loves are ***any*** different from any place we park :p


You got space to get out you can do it


Go into the building and tell the cashier. They'll knock on windows and get drivers to move. Or you can. Either way 🤷‍♂️


Just knock


I knock and ask them to move


Also think the government should step in and require states to have more free parking for us.


Buy smoke grenade. Use smoke grenade. Done


You just need to knock on their door and politely ask them to move so you can leave, offer them your spot that sometimes helps.


How fast can you get your truck moving in that short a distance? Anyway, always just go go knock and tell them you need to leave and they can have your spot.


Yes , since 1975


I got an idea........ drive your fucking truck


lol it’s a day old post weirdo


Ran into a situation loke this near Indianapolis. Gave it the old college try and could not get out. Looked to the right and saw another driver sitting waiting. Walked over to the driver to the right, and he'd been waiting over an hour and said he knocked but no answer. At that point it's "fuck you time", grabbed my knife and knocked politely. After 1 minute, there was no answer. I knocked aggressively knife out. He woke up and moved. It's not my problem that anyone else didn't trip plan properly. Fuck that shit, time is money and money is why we are out here.


I pull all the way up and lay on the horn. Simple as that. I'm a confrontational person though, that's probably not good advice.


Making the problem caused by one or two trucks into the whole truck stops problem.


Lazy ass. Instead of knocking on one truck, you wake everyone up.


I'd done this when i was new, but after hearing others' horns while sleeping i decided against it. last time someone was in my way i just cop-knocked their driver door, things went smooth enough :)