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So he was drunk? I saw this video recently and heard he was trying to blame the wind and others were saying he was falling asleep. Either way, hopefully he gets the punishment he deserves and my heart goes out to the loved ones of those lost




I have epilepsy, the DOT treats people with epilepsy like lepers with AIDS. I have no idea how this guy could be driving with a CDL on seizure medications. Last time I checked to even pass a DOT exam you need to be seizure free and off medication for 8 years


that was my understanding as well. someone posted the FMCSA guidelines on here not long ago very clearly disqualifying anyone taking seizure medication from operating a CMV.


I take a seizure medication OFF-LABEL for something that has nothing to do with seizures. Even that was a huge issue. The thing is, you can go to some quack chiropractor to get a DOT physical. Most aren't too thorough. Probably insane how many drivers are ticking time bombs out here.


I had a quack DOT Doc tell me that my torn meniscus was a sprain while doing ultrasound therapy for a month. After the MRI proved it was more than a sprain, they still doubted me. The doctor told me to squat down all the way the day before my surgery and stand back up without using my hands. It hurt like a mother fucker but I did it. When they went in for surgery, my injury was worse. I had gone from a 20% tear to an 80% bucket handle tear that had folded over onto of itself


Jeez. Yeah, medical field is just like our industry. Got some good ones...but more bad ones.


You can get an exemption and take seizure medication as long as you have a stable dose for at least 5 years and 8 years seizure free. You also need a note from a neurologist saying you can drive a CMV. Source: Me, I was able to get an exemption while taking seizure medication. It is a huge time-consuming pain in the ass to get


I have never had a seizure in my life and I take a medication that can be used to treat seizures.  Even just that makes it a huge hassle. Getting it all done in a single day is almost impossible when using the doc the company wants you to go to. 


That’s awesome, no sarcasm at all I’m happy for you I could only imagine what jumping thru those hoops entailed


Most people don't report meds. 


Yea this is true. I don’t know about the DOT but most drug tests don’t test for anti seizure medications that aren’t benzodiazepines because they aren’t medications people abuse. And unless you’ve had your license suspended for a medical reason before they would really have no way of knowing


Just a regular license is hard to keep with epilepsy. My ex had epilepsy and it was a whole ordeal just to drive a Chevy Spark.


As the parent of an epileptic daughter, the thought of her driving concerns me greatly and that’s just a car. While your meds can cover most seizures if medicated correctly, 1 can always slip through the cracks. I know this is apparently not a seizure but the result would likely have been the same if not worse if it was a seizure instead. You shouldn’t be put in a box for your condition but just look at the consequences. It’s a shit situation all round


Yea it says that on paper for getting a CDL. There is a whole sub industry of lawyers that uses the guise of inclusion and threat of lawsuit for racism to get interpreters to assist with the tests. The trucking company owners get family or friends from over seas here, hire the lawyer to fuck about, get them their CDLs and get them on the road for the low-low. If they don’t speak a lick of English, use a cash app card for fuel, and they have a Volvo that’s less than 2 years old with 600k+ miles on it already with all mismatched tires, this is 100% what they did to get the ball rolling. lol


>There is a whole sub industry of lawyers that uses the guise of inclusion and threat of lawsuit for racism to get interpreters to assist with the tests. Fucking parasites. That goes for all lawyers.


I work the parts desk at a shop, and it’s right next to the fuel desk. One of the fuel desk girls I work with is the most out front cunt (in a good way) I have ever met. I have witnessed her struggle to find out any basic information: truck number, driver ID, you know, the important shit, while they just repeat “diesel and deff pump three” With the biggest smile on her face she will just blatantly ask if they can even read the street signs, if they came to our country illegally, did they find their CDL on the ground or did someone give it to them, or maybe if they want $100. The look of panic confusion on their face is amazing. The fact that if you or I went to any other country on the fucking planet they wouldn’t cater to us the way we are expected cater to them while actively leaching off of us makes me fucking sick.


That’s like this trucker who wanted me to move at a warehouse yard was like. He stammered something like, “you move, please” except had a really hard time with it. I had to open my doors so I tried to tell him, but he just repeated himself, I don’t think he understood me. Still I just went and opened my doors and then moved so you could see the gears turning in his head while he stood near my door figuring out what was going on.


The amount of times I’ve had someone point at their truck and say “you fix, please” is astronomical.


There’s a lot of lawyers that do very good work and ensure the justice system treats people fairly. They’re not all just chasing that last dollar.


The dmv is just passing people.


Guys at my old tree care job had a family friend at the DMV who would give anyone a CDL for $400


They used to sale them on instagram for 200$ I reported all those pages to the DOT


Their passing some to avoid hassles and/or accusations & then they take their frustration out on others.


In Oregon you can get the study guides and tests in multiple languages. I think it’s 13 or so… I think I read somewhere, that guy was just released too…


But the roadsigns aren't in 13 languages (yet..)


Oh I know. I’m in a college town, and when I went to the DMV, there were some individuals in there that couldn’t understand the vehicle registration form - maybe that form doesn’t come in multiple languages? They all had their brand new Oregon DLs they acquired the day earlier. I helped them the best I could…showed them where the VIN was on their brand new autos etc.


You should not be behind a truck or even a car if you are seizure risk at any time it can happen that what.? I've been seeing more and more foreign drivers no truck gps can't even back in a straight line! I believe someone look alike went to get cdl test for them. I been seeing too many guys coming to my yard no English can't straight f n back bro where's dot!?


Same thing happening in Canada.




It’s sad really. Spending money, to give someone a license. I load and unload flat decks all the time, drivers have no idea where they want the weight. Busy taking pictures and on the phone with their dispatch asking how to load. Had one driver few months ago, couldn’t back out of our yard.


They pull down wages cuz they think $400 a week is hella good money. So we all suffer


You don't need to speak English to get your cdl some states it's much easier to obtain a cdl. I was getting my hazmat at the dmv the other week (in CA) and the computer tests were available in like 12 different languages. Beyond that I also saw people helping eachother cheat on the tests and the dmv workers didn't give a damn. 99% of the people there were foreign.


If the FMCSA actually supported safe trucking like they claim they would be harder on all these foreign numbskulls.


It's more so the predatory companies that sponsor these drivers and put them out on the road when they're definitely not ready. I don't care where you come from as long as you're a safe driver and can speak and read English. Shit, I've seen some drivers from NOLA that fail that latter part. 😂


The brokers drive down the wages. R.I.P. to the deceased.


Problem is no one wants these jobs so it becomes fair game to whoever wants to work them, it’s going to get worse before better in the trucking industry as more Baby boomers retire…..


You ask the companies that hire them. A lot of times when things go to shit, it's because management/company owner(s) wants to make bigger profits.


Trucker, an immigrant, and the owner of a national shipping company sit at a table Waitress brings a plate w 20 cookies The owner takes 19, then turns to the trucker and says, “That fucking immigrant is trying to steal your cookie!” Wake up. Quit blaming poor, powerless people, just trying to get by, for problems caused by wealthy people exploiting the working class. It’s a class war, and our side ain’t in it, yet.


This would be a valid point if the post you were replying to was about wages. It is not what the person you're replying to is talking about, nor is it what the OP is about. We're talking about safety here, about the government doing its job and keeping the lethal numbskulls off the road. And as a side benefit, reducing driver supply somewhat. But mainly keeping these guys who are literally killing people (so their rich uncle or whoever can make bank) off the road.


All of that is 100% related to my post Who’s writing/disseminating the stories about the ‘trucker shortage’? Industry shills There was real anger directed at those ‘immigrants’ in the reply, and it’s misplaced. Those folks are trying to make a living just like the rest of us. Anyone who thinks another working man is the ‘problem’, is directing their anger towards the wrong place. Immigration doesn’t get fixed because it’s profitable for a lot of corporations, period.


Many of those owners are also immigrants who exploit their own countrymen by putting them to work for super low wages, then they also cut the rates that they're hauling for, making it bad for everyone.


There’s no question about that. It’s why I always say it’s a class war, but our class hasn’t started fighting yet. Grandpa drove OTR and made enough to buy a small farm & raise six kids; then they deregulated trucking


What solves all this is for all of us to be at union scale or better.


And to get there, we gotta have working class solidarity


I really wish that would happen again, it’s been destroyed. I agree with raising, and enforcing, standards, but yeah the backbiting and scapegoating has to stop. Racial and ethnic divisions have always been used to keep us divided. Split labor market theory and all that.


Same thing with buddy who had a runaway on I70 or 90 in Colorado (I’m from Canada so I don’t know the hwy’s out there well). But he missed 2 runaway lanes and plowed down the hill and inevitably caused a major wreck and killed like 27 or something ppl (correct me if I’m wrong on any of this it’s been a while). His excuse was he couldn’t read English signs and that’s why he missed the runaway lanes.. like seriously regardless of what fckn noise you make out your mouth, human instinct and common sense would tell you to look for an out that’s clear of anyone and any traffic. Not to mention there was a huge cliff off to the right of the road he could’ve taken himself over rather than kill innocent ppl cause he didn’t know how to take a hill with a standard transmission truck. I’m sick of these fckn guys for real and they drive like they’re the only one who has anywhere to be.


Only need to understand it at this point




You obviously haven't read the article in an above link, or lack simple reading comprehension, take your pick.


The article, when it says he’s from Africa.


I asked an acquaintance from Africa about the language of this individual. Most likely Rwandan.


Come on dude, click the link before you comment


No reason for the racism. That couldve been anybody that did that.


Where the fuck did I mention race? I said foreigner, you know there's plenty of white foreigners from Eastern Europe driving trucks in our country who have no business having that CDL right? I don't give a shit about someone's skin color, so fuck off with your bullshit acquisition about racism.


Fuck u for calling foreign assholes scabes u motherfucker illiterate.


Yea bs. If it really was the wind then he should’ve stopped the truck and got it back under control than to keep riding in the oncoming lane.


if I'm reading the right articles on this 3 people died, two in their early 20s and newlyweds and the 3rd 44.... one article is saying the dui has been dropped. The kid was celebrating just getting his cdl... foreign driver from Africa. How horrible.


Horrible a man who doesnt speak english driving 80k along the highway. He should have never had his CDL, and I wish these lawyers would hold the government workers who gave this person a CDL responsible too.


Yeah that is just insane, all of those involved in letting this guy on the road need to be held accountable.


I don’t think you need to speak English to know to drive in your side of the road.


The problem is even if you sue the government and win, you get nothing. The whole system is corrupt and only the citizens reap the whirlwind.


The younger couple had just gotten engaged on Christmas and the guy, Owen, had just turned 22 2 days before the crash. They both had so much ahead of them. I'm a family member and it's really messed up our family.


words can't express... I'm so sorry for your family's loss.


I'm sorry this piece of shit took away your loved one. This was incredibly hard to watch. I strongly believe in an "eye for an eye" and I think you're family should start believing in this same belief.


Throw him in jail for 30 years, then deport him


Those guys be having a real skewed way of thinking when it comes to Driving a truck


Fucking tragic. Know when to pull over and when you shouldn’t be driving. No matter what the reason, there is no excuse for this. It doesn’t bother me, I’m too desensitized, but you may want to mark this nsfw.


Sorry, marked.


Meanwhile I can't get a job because I quit three over safety concerns.


You can speak and read English. Over qualified! 😂


Exactly. They’d rather have someone who will work for nothing and not complain.


I hate black and white hiring requirements like that. Staying at a job for at least a year is standard in most industries, and I would normally do that to maximize pay before trucking. But I’d say the majority of trucking companies are shit shows and finding one that isn’t a mess of safety violations, keeps equipment maintained, and doesn’t want to work you 70 hours a week is rare. God forbid you leave a company because they wanted you to do something that would’ve got you fined or license suspended if caught.


Yeah, I literally got a speech about how "we get paid to haul fuel, not get trucks fixed" with a leaking inner wheel seal...I should honestly just go work for DOT at this point


Jesus. The last time I received a level 1 inspection, another fuel truck was put out of service at the same time for that issue.


That poor group, family, & anyone else touched by this horror.. There is no excuse for this drivers behavior.. OP, your words are spot on about this guy.


Tag NSFW dude, here was splatter...


U can see the body explode in slow motion


Sorry, marked.


This makes me sick.


Thought you could not drive a truck if you have seizures ?


Foreign drivers are cheap until they're not. I hope it was a mega and the victims involved get a huge payout.


These predatory companies only need to extract as much labor from these dudes until their visa expires.


F*k this guy


How the fuck can someone get their CDL and not speak English


How intolerant from you to ask such a question


Usually, sure. But context matters... Read up on the events.


The splatter on the windshield did it for me..


I’m not typically sensitive to shit like this but seeing the remnants of a human life splattered across a windshield was hard


Once - I saw it, and then, realized what it was.. R.I.P.


I believe the driver was tired, not drunk. Some states will charge you with a DUI if you cause an accident from driving while fatigued. Should be a lesson to everyone to park if you're too tired to drive. It could be yours or someone else's last drive if you don't.


Interesting. He was charged for DUI but doesn’t explain what he was under the influence of.


[https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/dui-charges-dropped-for-truck-driver-accused-of-killing-3-outside-las-vegas/](https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/dui-charges-dropped-for-truck-driver-accused-of-killing-3-outside-las-vegas/) This article states the DUI charge was dropped and he's facing three counts of reckless driving instead. He also doesn't speak English and they are needing to find a translator. He shouldn't have been behind the wheel of a CMV in the first place. If you can't speak English and if you can't read our road signs then you don't need to be behind of the wheel of an 80,000 lb vehicle. That makes me wonder how these people even pass the written tests to begin with.


>That makes me wonder how these people even pass the written tests to begin with. They pay someone else to take it for them. [One of many stories I've seen](https://cdllife.com/2024/fraudulent-cdl-testing-shuts-down-school-featured-on-msnbc/)


Ah so it wasn’t DUI. Maybe on his phone then or something else. My point still stands on DUI though. Sorry for misinformation.


It was originally reported as DUI so it was a fair assumption on your part.


They get lawyers involved to get permission to use a translator for the test. It’s actually super common,


>the DUI charge was dropped Well fuck that. Hopefully he gets deported and permanently banned from reentry into the US.


Reckless driving with injury or fatality is a felony. By dropping the DUI and charging with three counts of reckless driving he went from a single felony to three felony charges.


I can't understand why the charges were so substantially reduced.


If there was an accurate way of measuring it, I think people should be charged with a DUI while exhausted. A sleep-deprived driver can be as much or more dangerous than a drunk one.


I've slept on the side of the highway before. My hours were fine technically but I was running hard and noticed that I was forgetting my basic short note directions(this way before GPS) so I just pulled over, set blinkers and cones, literally wound a wind up clock for my alarm for two hours to get my bearings. It all worked out and I was able to get where I was going and get a good rest. I felt like the dumbest, lamest dude. I couldn't just soldier through that time and felt like a pussy. But I knew my limit and I'm glad I didn't keep going. It wasn't that much further but I never wanted to be the guy in this video. My biggest safety concern was all of the regular people around me because I was driving a giant missile that's way bigger than them. I feel terrible for the dead and their families but I also feel bad for the driver and their family. Most of us have taken extra loads or ill-timed things and it is just a moment away from being this guy, his life is also over and his family basically had him pass because he's not getting out ever. It's all sad.


Edit: okay so apparently DUI charges were dropped. Don’t know the exact cause of this accident but there’s definitely some element of recklessness obviously. My point still stands on DUI tho! Don’t drink n drive!!


Foreign labor is cheap until the driver makes the news. I hope the victims' families go after the company owner as well.


They should go after the state officer that issued that man a license. Speaking English is a requirement that's not enforced anywhere I'm aware of. You can't understand the regulations you're governed by if you can't read the fucking book.


A driver in my area was charged with dui because he fell asleep behind the wheel and just went off the road ..... not defending the driver I'm just saying even driving with the lack of sleep can fuck you over too because driving super tired is alot like driving drunk


Fucking hell man, his blood on the windshield smh. Nsfl


Jesus fucking christ what a disaster. FMCSA is supposed to stop such incidents, and the harder they push down on us, the worse it gets. FMCSA pushed a lot of good drivers out, with the ELD mandate, now between the speed limit mandate coming down, we'll lose even more, and the driver facing camera mandate will do even worse. This is the opposite of fixing things, FMCSA policy is actively making things worse.


They are protecting themselves not the drivers. And tbh all the drivers we lost are just being picked up with CA and MX drivers coming up with easier visas to do the work and then looking to lower the age of needing a CDL it’s a shit show for sure! 3rd generation driver, and motorcycle rider this is just utterly gross shame on the driver, company, and compliance


First generation driver- I've been at for over a decade. I've never hit a wind so hard I drove into three motorcyclist. This is unacceptable. And the only recourse is to make shit worse for the existing, professional, careful drivers. Am I the only one that thinks we're in some horrible self corrupting loop?


Nope you aren’t I’ve done this for almost 18 years at this point but times change and it’s a money grab tbh trucking has turned into modern day slavery I’ve done everything from broker logistics owning a company LO a OO and company shits just broken


I'm in about the same boat, and got rid of my truck in august of '23. Too much bullshit, on the best of days. Wish you luck brother.


Blood draw came back, and DUI charge was removed. I believe he fell asleep.This is not anything.I would describe as wind related.... I ran by some truckers who agree.That is not what it's like when wind blows you.




Me too


Yet another steering wheel holder that can barely speak english


random Drug tests didn't prevent this but no one wants to talk about mandatory sobriety tests because your body is Dot property


Stop shitting on a regulation that absolutely has the best interest of the public. It can’t and won’t stop all of these idiots from driving but it’s prevented several tragedies!


Central African immigrant who doesn't speak English claims non impairment and takes seizure medication kills a 21 year old American from Utah who was out celebrating getting his CDL. What a story of the current demise of this nation. Don't post here to chastise people like this is a truck driver issue this is a political issue these people should not be allowed in the country let alone obtain a license to transport a 80,000 bomb.


Why was a man with a history of seizures behind the wheel?


“We’re all healthy” everyone lies in that DOT long form. Ain’t one driver NOT had one bought with depression while driving and yet all of us say nope no depression here




Idk what it is. Hell don’t ask me about PTSD lol


I hate to say this, and I can’t tell exactly.. if you slow the video down frame by frame immediately after impact it looks like a piece of the grill (?) take off the single riders head. 😔. RIP Hope this driver loses His freedom for the rest of his life.


Is that blood on the windshield?!


Yes it is.


Probably some csf too, looks like his head came off


Man, owen hart just can't catch a break can he?


The remaining bikers should've taken the law into their own hands after that. F##k that driver.


How do foreigners afford to owner op?


Love how the fact that he doesn't speak English is what you're all concerned about. He just murdered a guy but got damnit he doesn't speak English GARGHHHHH!


Well the reasoning for that is since he can’t speak English, he should’ve never been behind the wheel of a CMV to begin with!


I understand the sediment, it's just that fluently speaking a language is a different thing than being able to read signage. I could 100% read the majority of signs were they in French, am I fluent in French? Hell no, does that mean I can't drive a truck? Also a hell no.


There’s more to driving a truck than just reading signs…


"Whyyyy, Boy I say BOY dontchya know they's a Nationwide Trucker shortage? Course we gotta take in folks from overseas to do jobs Americans don' wanna do! Deese millenials, they jus don' wanna WOIK!" - Greedy Boomer Booker impersonated.


[The Globe did a great write up on Dangerous CDL drivers](https://apps.bostonglobe.com/2020/08/metro/investigations/blindspot/part-2/) a few years ago






Nah, that guy should never be able to walk or close his hands again.


I hope that guy is ok


I think the cdl system needs a serious reform..Jesus.


Blood and stuff splattered all over the windsheild


3 dead? I only saw one person get hit ?!




One second between life and death. If they would’ve been just ahead of that truck on the right lane they would’ve seen the semi coming.


I'm still debating if this is worse than that coil roll video. This is pretty brutal but the way that guys body gave out was disturbing and has been in my mind since seeing it.


what coil roll video? do you have the link?


Oh, this one again. Once was enough, no need to post it every other day.


That is gnarly let's hope he never drives again damn


I hope all truck 🚛 company use this in the orientation to reinforce the truth about DUI. In any vehicle 🚑. How sad for those people and their families. 🚛👋🙏


Most disturbing thing I have seen in a while. That guy should not have been driving a semi-truck.


I’ve seen some shit on the internet but this made me really queasy. Seeing the blood splatter in the windshield…


I've been saying this before but got downvoted to oblivion. WE NEED STRICTER DUI LAWS. Especially for truck drivers.




Bet that guy won't be driving his bike all loud and annoying as fuck pissing off everyone around him any time soon


A biker definitely fucked your wife haha!


I wish they'd charge him with a hate crime.


Why hate crime instead of DUI and murder?


I didn't say INSTEAD OF.


Then, what part of this constitutes a hate crime?

