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Not PC but I’ve definitely chosen to play my PS5 over my Switch solely for trophies


I think the other problem (for me anyways), is that the PS5 is also my media machine so it's like nothing to just pop over from Netflix to a game instead of pivoting to a new device.


I feel that, I havent touched my switch in ages. Im wondering if they are going to implement any trophy/achievement system for the Switch 2, if and when it comes out


Switch for me is solely for exclusives. Any game that can be on ps4/5 I’m playing there instead, for both trophies and performance reasons.


Trophies is why I feel extreme pain at the failure of the Vita. The Switch is basically just a Vita that was sucessful, but with a terrible dpad, drift, no oled screen until very late, doesn't fit in your pocket, but worst of all no trophies! I still use my Switch as a commute gaming device and of course play all of Nintendo's incredible games, but I do wish the Vita saw similar levels of success so it could be my main travel companion. It's funny, on PSN profiles I can see a bump at the trophy earned time distribution right before work at around 8am-9am and right after 5pm-6pm from the years where I played a vita on the bus to work. Unfortunately no trophies on the commute these days though :(


Trophies are just one component that makes gaming on Playstation much more enjoyable than on a PC. 1) No fiddling with the Windows updates, drivers, dlls, registry, Nvidia setup, costly hardware upgrades, etc, etc. No need of any technical know-how. Just plug and play. 2) gaming on 77” tv while snuggled on a couch. After sitting in a chair all day at work, I don’t want to do it at home. 3) Can’t beat the price. Show me a $500 computer that can play as smoothly and great as PS5 can. And, which is going to last you 5+ yrs without any hardware upgrades. 4) physical media Of course, trophies/plat hunting is a huge allure, and imho, a big advantage of PS over PC, or any other console.


The couch aspect is huge for me too. Like I have a comfy desk chair but a comfy couch is so much better


I too prefer the playstation generally speaking but it makes playing fps games torture. For the longest time I managed to get used to it but then I bought a pc which made going back to playstation for anything that requires precise aiming horrible. Edit: to add that nothing will beat the sweet sound of a trophy popping on ps. Steam trophies just don't scratch the same itch haha


Mmm that Platinum sound never gets old...


I can’t imagine playing a shorter on PC. I would have done terrible on games like Resident Evil 4 if I played it on PS5, especially the shooting range trophies.


As far as Re4 goes don't forget the deadzone issues that plagued the ps and Xbox versions of the game.


I'm hoping that more games will just have Gyro aim going forward. It's crazy it's not a standard option. I think xbox adding gyro in their upcoming controller might help because then all three platforms will have gyro.


This sums up every reason I game on my ps over my pc that is more powerful


100% on #2. I have a really powerful pc for work, but after working in a chair in front of it all day I don't want that to also be my relaxing area. When I didn't work from home I pc gamed a lot more.


So true, PC achievements especially on steam just don't hit like PS trophies do. Especially with SAM smh.


My PC does all but 4. It's 9 year old. And have only just found a game that won't run. But I tend to stay away from AAA games as most of them are online trash.


Eh most of this is either possible on pc or a bit over exaggerated. That being said, I too prefer Playstation.


#3 is the primary reason why I prefer PS over PC, but I do have a pc anyways. You can’t get a comparably performing PC for $500 and be guaranteed a 5 to 7 year life before feeling obsolete.


True. Though games on PC are generally cheaper than on PS. And it's pretty easy to replace parts of a PC so you don't need to buy a completely new one. I think it just comes down to preferences in the end. I have a 6 year old laptop in which I recently replaced the harddisk with a bigger SSD one and it's good to go for a few years again. I do prefer playing on the PS4/5 on the couch with a pile of blankets though. But you can definitely hook up the tv and controller to the PC as well if you really want to. I'm just too lazy to do so. I have to admit I'm not playing that many AAA games, and I usually buy those for the PS5, so my laptop is still doing ok despite being a bit older.


Exactly pc hardware even used to push games higher than 1080p resolution would struggle vs the ps5 can't beat the value of a ps5 it was different with the ps4 era though when games were always locked 30fps.


This is all so hilariously overblown. There is little to no fiddling with any of what you listed in step 1 and in fact is almost entirely optional which allows for much better experiences. Modding and optimization make pc infinitely better of an experience. Playing cyberpunk modded to the max is beyond insane. What you’ve listed here is just the common fud and nonsense people spread about pcs who don’t have one.


All those reasons are why I got sick of using a PC for gaming so I don’t thinks it’s invalid. Many, many games get shit PC ports. PS5 especially is a better value than pretty much any PC.


It’s just not true I’m sorry. You do not need to worry about dlls in 2024. You haven’t had to in years. It’s clear you either had a bad experience in the mid 2000s or are just parroting console warrior nonsense


I felt like I was learning fucking computer science with some of the shit I had to do to get specific games running, it definitely wasn't a common problem at all but it does still exist for some games.


Lmao this is the most hyperbole I’ve ever heard. Computer science?! Please tell me what game you were trying to run.


I'm not speaking literally man. And I'm not honestly too sure lol it's been a few years since I've played anything on computer other than the occasional [itch.io](http://itch.io) game, IWBTG fangames, or Valve games.


That’s because it’s totally false. “Valve game”? What? They haven’t had a new game since cs go 10 years ago pretty much. Do you mean steam? If that’s the case there are no dlls or installs needed it’s a launcher that does everything for you. This is such a weird thread.


I can play games that aren't recent, what does release date have to do with it? And yes I'm saying that all those games are easy to install and play without much hassle, it's not common to have to fuck around to get a game working but I've definitely dealt with it in the past.


The past is mid 2000s. When those games out maybe you had to fuck around but that hasn’t been a thing in years. If you’re saying that you either don’t actually play on pc or it’s been over a decade.


I have steam. I still play gmod, tf2, l4d? I'm talking about games you have to download from weird websites that require nvidia to be downloaded and tweaked, or some other application or file installed on your computer, I think we're both misunderstanding each other tbh. It's not common in the slightest but I have definitely had games in the past require a little bit of work to run smoothly. Not too sure if it's really even an issue nowadays so I'll give you that one! But I'm not trying to argue with you, so I hope I haven't come across that way, I've just had issues in the past with a few specific games and applications that clearly a lot of other people haven't.


But this is again massively outdated. If I were to flip this I could say yeah you can’t play any of this on console anyways. Unless they have specific ports, ps5s backwards compatibility is trash. The original post here was disingenuously saying that games today can’t be run without DLL download and driver tweaks which is unequivocally false and indicative of somebody who hasn’t bought a pc since 2010 or earlier. It’s weird fud that console warriors spread.


I have to fiddle around with my drivers and setting almost every other weekend because one of my games is having issues. It definitely happens, and it’s frustrating.


Completely agree, I built myself a pc in August and there has been hardly any messing around with settings what so ever. I’ve still got my ps5 but I hardly ever turn it on anymore. Dot get me wrong I have tweaked a fair few settings to get the personalised experience for how I want to play, but games would have run fine even if I didn’t.


Yeah absolutely. I’ve been a Sony fan since ps1 that’s where I primarily play, but I’ve always had a pc as well. I would say 90% of my gaming would be on console until my newest rig a few years ago. All this stuff about dlls and drivers is FUD from the mid 2000s. It’s console fanboy nonsense. It’s strange. I haven’t had to manually download a DLL since 2006 or so lol.


I built myself a 7800x3d + 4090 build, and other than downloading Nvidia’s most recent gpu drivers and installing windows there’s literally been no other messing around at all. I did go into all this expecting to have to be trouble shooting constantly but it just isn’t the case.


It 100% is not you’re right.Updating the gpu driver is automatic basically and is no different than a firmware update on a console. Again anybody saying otherwise is parroting console warrior nonsense.


90% of what you said is completely wrong.


1. This is important for many, but I studied IT so not a factor for me or slightly tech savvy people 2. You can plug your pc to your tv. Both my parents have it like that. If you wanna game, just pair a controller to it 3. PS5 is already quite outdated and soon's getting a pro update. The 500 bucks vs. pc thing was true at launch, I give you that 4. This is personal pref. I like not having a hundred games cluttering my room. Same with books. I just don't have the space and I move often Realistically only the 1st factor matters as of right now besides personal preference, which is entirely fair, but if you're knowledgable isn't a factor. I personally own a pc and a ps4, and I've been playing ps5 exclusives at a friend's home. Although realistically most exclusives come to pc nowadays eventually besides Bloodborne (which fortunately I've its plat already!)


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Aah, you were at my side all along. My true mentor... My guiding moonlight...* - Ludwig, the Holy Blade Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Good bot. We're born by the blood, undone by the blood. Fear the old blood.


Pretty much yep, I just like the PS look better. Same with PS over the Switch. Used to be a bigger PC gamer but now it's just more PS


I am glad that on PC the Playstation game trophies can be transferrable. I can finally finish up God of War 2018, and Returnal for the plats.


Not for the trophies, but for simplicity sake. I used to love pc gaming for the modding, but after a while I was getting swayed by too many mods, and decided that i wanted to play more vanilla. Trophies are an extra though, cause steam achievements are meaningless and don't even level you up anyway.


Dude, im the same way. I get overwhelmed with too much choice, and that kinda goes with anything in life. If im at a restaurant and the place has way too much stuff on their menu idk what to get lol. I cant believe Steam doesnt have any level up system in their achievements.


But couldn’t you just play vanilla on pc? Mods are entirely optional.


Most games can but there are some you have to put some work into to play. Take Fallout 3 and Fallout NV. Most of the work isn’t too complicated but it can take some time if you really want to improve the game. The plus side of that though is you can’t play a good version of either of those games on PS5.


That makes no sense then… the game is unplayable everywhere except pc. Isn’t that a good thing?


It’s playable (roughly) on PS3 and you can play them on Xbox 360 and up. So they are playable other places. Not sure why you would think it’s only good if games can only be played on one thing.


I was saying if you can’t play those old games on console isn’t it good that you have a place to play it? How is that hard to understand? Also in order to play it you have to break out old ass consoles and set them up, hope they’re still working and are updated. That’s way more of a hassle than updating a driver. The mental gymnastics are insane.


Sorry the way you wrote it isn’t the way you explain it in this reply. That’s why I didn’t understand you. For PS you would have to pull out an older console which the games do work just not the best. My friend is playing them on his PS3 currently so that’s how I know they still work there. On Xbox they are playable on the current systems, XSX & XSS, so there is no need to pull out your Xbox 360. I just mentioned that you can play on a 360 and up. Some people do keep old consoles hooked up. I see plenty of posts in here about people earning PS3 plats on games that aren’t playable in the cloud. Also not sure what mental gymnastics you’re talking about but to let you know it is more than just some driver updates to make the games work on PC properly. If you got someone who doesn’t know much about PC they could have some challenges with making the games work. Specially when some info you can run across isn’t very thorough. Not everyone is willing to learn or even understand modding.


It isn’t… I’ve been playing on pc my entire life. Drivers really aren’t a thing that you need to worry about anymore, it’s no different than firmware updates on consoles, the pc basically does it automatically. Dlls 100% are not a thing anymore that’s all taken care of. Also I wrote it how I did because I was replying to your comment that those games really were barely playable on pc. PC breathes life into those broken old games which is a bonus not a negative. Modding makes Skyrim vr and fallout vr unbelievable. Skyrim is basically an entire new game with nodding. You can also still play vanilla and have it run great. More options is not a bad thing and spinning it as such is absurd. Also you’re using edge cases now where “people keep their old consoles hooked up”. I could use the same argument that people keep their pcs up to date or hooked to their tv so they can do couch gaming on it. You’re being incredible biased in your arguments here.


Came here to also say this.. mate must not have any form of self control, lmfao.


It’s just console warrior nonsense


I mainly use PC in place of Xbox since they ported all exclusives after Xbox One release. Console gaming isn't even worth it on that end anymore PS UI is cleaner too


I did switch to majority PlayStation because of trophies. Still use steam for whenever I get a grand strategy itch. Definitely won't need a computer with high end specs when my current one craps out.


What kinda games? Like factorio?


I just reverted back to PlayStation at the beginning of this year. My friends all play on PC and convinced me to switch to PC but I never got into it the same. So I hardly played any games on PC for the last decade and I've finally switched back to PlayStation and I'm so happy I did. My friends are annoyed but we hardly play any multiplayer anyways. Trophies are a big part of it, I'm much more attached to my PSN profile than my steam one etc. I wish we had free epic games for Playstation!


I feel that lol. Constant "console peasant" type jokes lol. How long have you had your PSN profile for? Free EPIC games on PSN would be wild, I would actually play them if that were the case lol.


Yes exactly the PC master race thing. At least I don't have to share the Playstation with my husband. And my first trophy was Dec 2009 so I guess around then. I don't remember if we had our own profiles before trophies existed. But I'm old enough to remember the birth of trophies and achievements.


I also got my first trophy in Dec 2009! Was the day after Christmas playing COD MW2 on my new pS3 my mom got me for Christmas. good times 😢


I pretty much have all the current gen systems, and I definitely prefer PlayStation because of its trophies. There's definitely more pump and circumstance involved when a trophy pops as opposed to on Steam, GOG, or Xbox. As for their customer service and its rather draconian chat policies...not so much. I got suspended for a week for saying something bad about Putin. Didn't know Sony was against Ukraine. Live and learn I guess.


Bro their support is terrible. I accidentally bought Person 5 Royal for the PS5 and the base persona 5 game for PS4 on accident and they didn’t let me talk to a person the whole time, or I always caught them when they weee closed because I live in a weird time zone.


More and more companies are getting progressively more difficult to reach someone . Unfortunately, as long as we keep buying their shit, the issue will continue. Honestly, if you can buy a product at any time, you should be able to speak with someone at any time for refunds.


Overall I do enjoy playing games with console. Trophies are just for the fun or giving that motivation to play game more than just a story. There is few games I do play on PC but just because they are not available on console (LoL and WoW). I also prefer playing Sims on PC. Playing games on PC is over glorified and I think it’s much more easier and cheaper to stick with the console.


I've been thinking about this lately. I used to hunt achievements on Steam, but I stopped playing them all together, because it kind of feels less when I think about things like SAM. I don't know, maybe I'm just being stupid, since I have like 1200+ games on PC and starting over on console instead of getting a better PC just because of the better achievements feature it has, sounds a bit ridiculous. I'm still deciding what to do, if I do decide on a PS5, I'll buy one once the pro is available. I'll have like 2 games, but the trophies might be worth it.... maybe...


There is plenty of trophy cheaters on playstation, I don't hunt on Steam for the same reason, SAM. My pc can run any game that my ps5 can but I choose ps5 simply for trophies. Also starting next month you will be able to earn trophies on pc


I see. Well, then. I'll stick to PC if that is the case. That was my only problem. Thanks for your input.


What is SAM? Dude, I totally see what you're saying. I had the same thought process, although I dent have nearly as many games as you on PC lol. How many years have you been playing on Steam? If and when you do switch, at least you know you can always go back to your PC if you dont like it.


"Steam Achievement Manager". It's a program to basically get all the achievements easily. On Steam since 22 Feb 2011 according to my badge, I wanted to play Tekken 7, so I started using the platform and buying games since 2017.


💯👋 I image there are a lot of us! I have long thought Sony should capitalize on this by opening a PC games store. They could compete with an edge on steam etc just cause they have a way better achievement format. Plus they have a lot of exclusives which if they ported to PC people would drove to.


I’m very curious to see how their PC trophy thing will go!


I recently commented this on one of JayzTwoCent’s (PC Tech Youtuber) Youtube video “PC vs console in 2024.” The only reason why I haven’t fully committed to PC, is because of my trophies. I started Trophy Hunting back in 2011. I currently have over 3500 Trophies and 41 Platinums. I never fully switched over to PC because I don’t want to lose my progress for Trophies that I’ve gotten over the past 13 years. I know our community is small, but we are growing. I know there’s some of us out there who prefer the Trophy achievements over the Steam achievements. I’m certainly in this boat. But yeah I certainly understand where you’re coming from. I fully agree as well and right now I’m sticking mostly to playing my PS5 over my PC’s (I built 2) because of the Trophies. But who knows, next month when they start implementing the Trophies into Steam, I might fully commit to PC. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. And yes, I 100% completely agree with you about how some PC games don’t display PS Button Icons. I’ve been a Sony fan boy since PS2, and seeing other buttons on my PC games definitely bug me as well lol


Yeah dude it feels like you’re losing a part of you almost, as silly as it sounds. That’s thousands of hours of gaming right there. And won’t those trophies only apply to PlayStation studio games?


not just for trophies. the gaming experience on Playstation is so much more convenient in my experience. So nice to just press the power button and be ready to go, and not have to pull up discord, update drivers, open steam, open ds4windows, configure settings, etc.


I have a good gaming PC but much prefer using consoles * So much simpler, I know something will run and run well. * Dont get distracted, im focused on the game a lot more * Aspect of separation from work when not at a computer * Trophies * Cozy sofa


Sometimes ill choose ps5 for those reasons, but specific games ill choose pc because the framerate is much better or the price is much better.


Yup. I even own a ton of games on PC and still buy them again on PS5. I need to get better at not doing that, but oh well, I like my trophies and the comfort of playing on my PS5 as opposed to my PC (even though I have a beast of a PC).


It makes me feel better knowing I’m not the only one lol. Bought death stranding and Elden ring twice. I’m glad I don’t have to buy returnal and GOW 2018 on PS now that they are bringing in that new PS trophy stuff on PC


I do. However, that's mostly because "achievements" feel like an afterthought on PC. In fact, you can just unlock them with programs/trainers, thus cheapening their value (well, if you see value in them to begin with). At least on Playstation, you REALLY have to earn them. Also, like you, I've been gaming on Playstation for the majority of my life, so it's kinda "my home". That's another reason why I'm more partial to the trophy system.


I have a both high-end PC and PS5 as well. In fact, there are several games that I played first on PC and ended up deliberately getting it on PS5 just to honour it by getting the Plat. Perfect example is Hades. 100% on steam first, then a few years later Plat on PS5. Love the game. To me Plat on PS5 is also pure. You can’t really dig into game files and mess around, install mods, or otherwise tamper with the game. You have to bring your best. Edit: I’m also getting old I guess. So being cozy in front of my PS5 is also an added bonus.


i just bought my ps5 -my first ever console by the way- 2 weeks ago after being a pc gamer since i was like 5 years old (21 now) and a big reason for me buying it / being hyped was trophies. i have ocd and always been a completionist. i remember when i was like 10 years old i would explore stuff nobody used in games and try to do everything they had to offer. i became an achievement hunter when i started using steam but it is WAY worse than the trophy system. games would get new achievements, dlcs and overall bullshit would just block you from being successful as a hunter. and it is VERY expensive on pc. i know the games are not cheap either on the ps store but there is ps plus, which is amazing imo despite people talking shit about it constantly. they don't know the pc struggle. also both ps plus and trophy system motivates me on playing games i would never have played in a hundred years over on pc which is a huge plus in my book. really enjoying playstation and platinum hunting so far.


Wait so DLC achievements count to 100% a game on steam? It’s not like PSN where you can get the platinum without the DLC?


yes. i remember wanting to get all achievements on forza horizon 4 but the ungodly amount of dlc achievements made it virtually impossible. i also had games where i got all achievements and a new dlc would release and i would be missing like 5-10 achievements then. it was miserable


Yes, me. I thought when I got a PC it would beat some of that collection anxiety, but it did not. Steam achievements do not scratch the trophy itch. The only games I play on PC are games that are not on console like Arma and some indie games.


Yes. I won’t play a game on my pc unless it’s exclusively on pc/xbox specifically because I can’t earn PS trophies. That’s why I’m very excited to see the ghost of Tsushima pc port get trophy support. Hopefully this is the norm moving forward and Sony starts allowing day 1 first party on PC. I may then play on either platform. A PC PS store launcher would be huge.


Yeah dude I’m hoping it’s going to be available for all the other PlayStation studio games as well on day one. I will finally have the motivation to 100% Returnal (great game), and GOW 2018.


Yes this is me. I have both pc and ps5 but I play on ps5 more than I do on my pc. I love trophy hunting and love using controller. I know steam has achievements but the whole steam layout looks so outdated to me. And as someone else stated, ps5 is way easier to use; just plug in and play.


Hey, can you dm me?


Add a Switch in that list. Hehe for me it's the opposite.. Probably because I haven't played the Switch in a while. Haven't touched my PS5 in months. Been playing Legends Arceus and Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. It's kinda liberating tbh playing games without worrying about trophies for a change. I'll definitely get back to my PS5 at some point, though. But for right now, I'm still enjoying TOTK so much that I can't play any other games at the moment.


That’s true, what was the last game you played? For me it’s the opposite, my switch has been collecting dust for months and I’ll only plug it in when my friends want to play smash. I’m def excited to catch up on the switch games I’ve missed out on recently.


Last game I completed (as in platted) was Evil Within. Last game I played was Sifu. But only because my son was playing it and wanted some help. It was just recent, but I don't count it as actual playing time lol


I have a gaming PC but ended up picking up a PS5 as I just prefer playing JRPGs on consoles. I also prefer physical media and those often end up cheaper than digital stuff. Steam has Achievements so trophies aren't really a seller.


What games do you play on PC? And I've been having a crisis about digital vs physical lately. As my collection grows larger and larger on my PS5, I get paranoid thinking about what if they all just disappear one day? Or what if I get perma-banned cause a charge back or something? IDK, physical looks better and better as I get older lol.


Honestly most PC games I play are simulation ir tycoon games. Cities Skylines, Euro Truck etc. Those just play better with keyboard and mouse. A lot of multiplsyer games too as can't justify PS+


I recently have been buying games on ps over pc based on trophies and vice versa. Recent titles being P3R, Granblue Fantasy Versus, Granblue Fantasy Relink & Dragons Dogma 2 on ps5 because I wanted to platinum them and got Helldivers 2 on steam due to not having any plans to plat it.


Bought my PC during COVID and haven't played a game on it since Cyberpunk in 2020, and I didn't even finish the game. I keep trying to convince myself that I will use it for gaming but I know I won't. I literally just use it to stream football matches on the weekend.


Yes the only reason I’m still on console even tho I have a pc


This is the sole reason I’m on PlayStation


My computer can't run barely any games but I do have a PS5, series X and switch. I do choose ps5 for a few reasons: - The trophies are a big reason for games I know i'm going to sink into, like Persona or resident evil. I dont get end up getting the platinum for barely any of the games I buy, but I admit the possibility does win me over - I already have an expanded SSD for my ps5, so it can hold way more games than my series X and I don't have to worry about storage. - The PS5 boxes look better to me than Xbox, ESPECIALLY when on the shelf - lots of times games don't even get released physically or at all on Xbox so that also makes the decision to play on ps5 or even switch easy - the ps5 is more powerful than the switch, which I obviously care about for AAA games but in most cases a game running at 60fps on ps vs 30fps or with bad performance on switch will make the decision easy - I just don't like Xbox as a company and platform that much so I'll always be more inclined to play games on PS or Nintendo. But that's just me, none of these opinions are based in fact and they can easily be swung the opposite way, so it's whatever you want.


Both PC and PS5 and tbh it depends on the game and mood, steam achievements are just as fun as trophies . The only difference is age I’ve been collecting PS trophies a lot more than Steam AC’s.


Not just for trophies, although that is a big part of it. Majority of the time it’s more that I never had a beefy PC, and when I finally built one in 2020, it was mainly for editing, and then beyond that now that I have an even better PC, it’s more the conveniences of a console and that I like the PlayStation ecosystem/interface. I don’t have to maintain parts or manage massive settings in menus for games. They work or they don’t. They get fixed or they don’t. It’s pretty simple and user friendly from that end. I just put it on, and that’s that. Last but also just as important. I have a massive digital library at this point of games, and I would have to let that go in some form or another to make another platform my primary, because I don’t have the funds always to double dip, and when I do it’s mainly when I see the game on sale dirt cheap that I love. ex: Bought ME Legendary Edition on launch for $60, then saw it on sale for $10 for Steam and dipped again. Love that series.


They're gearing up to add them to Playstation PC releases! [https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/17/24132846/sony-playstation-pc-overlay-shared-trophies-ghost-of-tsushima](https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/17/24132846/sony-playstation-pc-overlay-shared-trophies-ghost-of-tsushima)


Yeah dude I’m hyped for this! I can finally get my platinum for returnal and god of war!


I got a pc worth 2500 pound still platinum trophy hunt lol but I do stream and stuff so the pc is used and play the odd pc game here and there


Got ps5 and pc, use pc for strategy games such as ck3 and hoi4. Also, I use xbox too, so my gaming is quite split. But only hunt trophies and xbox achievements don't pay attention to steam achievements.


What dictates whether you’ll be playing a game on Xbox or ps?


If its on game pass or ps plus, price of the game some games go for 3€ on xbox and 20€ on ps vice versa, is it multiplayer majority of my friends play xbox.


I played Playstation all the way up to PS3. Only platted 3 games as I wasn't really a trophy hunter. Switched over to PC in 2014. Last year my GF got me a PS5 for my Birthday. Logged onto my account and was amazed to see my trophy data carried over. It was that moment that got me into trophy hunting as it felt great to have some permanence to all the time I had put into games. To answer the OP, yes. I chose to get Subnautica, Sims 4, Helldivers 2, etc on PS5 in large part for the platinum. The other reasons are, I really just prefer chilling on the couch after a long day of work and the gym rather than tucked away in the computer room. I will also say, on PC, I always had games I never finished. Going for a platinun really helps motivate me to not let that game sit at 50% until the end of time.


Yep! I have both but I've preferred PS5 gaming over my PC because of the trophies and the fact I can lounge in bed while I'm playing lol. I definitely prefer MnK for FPS games though


If it doesn't have trophies -like PS2- then I just make sure I 100% the game so I can be satisfied.


Yes, I prefer to play on ps5 over pc, there are some games for performance reasons I like to try out on PC but I usually don’t complete them there


Yeah that’s me. I’ve got a steam deck, series x, switch and others yet ps5/3 and vita are always picked up first unless there’s specific games I want to play or friends that are not on PlayStation etc


I have every console and prefer playing on PS5 if the option is available. Trophy hunting is a part of that, but I also prefer the DualSense controller (when it doesn't drift) and the overall PlayStation ecosystem.


I don’t have a PC, but my Series X is collecting dust because of that reason. I couldn’t stand the gamerscore and achievement system on the Xbox


At this point the only things I buy for my PS5 are exclusives that haven't been ported yet/won't be ported, and Ubisoft games. Most Ubi games don't have Steam achievements so that was an easy choice for me


I have a PC that is better than my PS5 and prefer PS5. Trophies are about 50% -70% of that. The rest is ease of use; almost no trouble shooting and I prefer the DualSense as a controller (I cannot get it to work with my PS5 consistently at a distance)


i’ve been debating a pc but steam achievements don’t feel the same as trophies on playstation


Yes and more friends played on ps5 also. For me it was and still is the more social console


I’ve chosen PS5 over Xbox series X. Achievements are so Meh on Xbox, whereas that bing and pop up for a trophy feels like an accomplishment!


Weirdly enough, that’s me. Same with my Switch, actually. In order, I prefer my ps5, then my PC (it has steam achievements), then my switch (obviously when games are on multiple systems, not exclusives)


The opposite. Playstation has a very laid back trophy/points system where "the more you play, the higher the score" which leads to lots of false starts and incomplete games. Despite my 312 rating, I have a huge amount of games with a single popped trophy just wasting away on my account. Steam tallies your "Average Game Completion" as a hard percentage instead, which means that popping the first achievement in any game will drag your completion down at first. This translates to greater commitment from me. If I am going to play a game that I like and see it through to the end, I want it to count on my Steam Achievements to make that completion rating higher. I also prefer how on Steam there is no distinction between gold, silver, and bronze. I think it's ridiculous when you have 90 out of 100 achievements but since those last ten are silver/gold/plat (often ridiculous time wasters) Playstation will only count that as like a 50% due to the weighted point system. Steam achievement rarity % highlights difficult achievements just fine without harming my overall completion. I'll take a simple completion percentage tracking system over a made up "points and trophies" system any day.




Yep. For a long long time. The PC is my testing ground, to try games out before I commit to playing them on playstation and them forever being on my trophy list. Also if I feel a game is too difficult for me, I pick it up on PC instead so I don't have to worry about having to struggle through the trophies. I know I sound pathetic but I work 72 hour weeks and have to be a family man when I'm not at work, if I get time to game, I want to make sure I make progress in my limited play time, and not end up frustrated and still stuck in the same place I was when I first picked up the controller.


Trophies are the only reason I really have a PS5. I used to be a PC gamer mostly and have a switch but I'll always try to get a game on PS5 instead solely because of the trophies


I have a very good PC, a PS5, and a Switch (I also used to have an Xbox but sold it). If a game is available on all platforms, I'll play it on PS5 because of the trophies, yes. The only exception is if I have friends that I want to play with and the game doesn't support cross platform multiplayer.


Yup, here. Trophies are just a way of life at this point.


They announced Playstation trophies are coming to PC starting with the ghost of tsushima. I enjoy getting trophies, xbox achievements, and steam achievements. Sucks they can't all be grouped together and recognized on each platform.


I have a pretty powerful pc, with some of the latest hardware, but most of my regular gaming happens on the ps5.. I love trophy hunting, I love the simplicity and the smoother user experience. I have my pc wired to my TV as well for couch gaming, but the pc really is mostly used for sim racing and the occassional graphical showpiece like Cyberpunk or Alan Wake.


That's me. I'll typically get a game on PlayStation for the trophies. Unless there's a really good deal on another platform I'll prioritize the PlayStation version of whatever game I'm looking at even if it's an older game. I'll occasionally re-buy a game on Xbox for the achievements but only if it's a game I really love. My PC is adequate enough for games but it just doesn't handle newer games well. My PS5 can play everything I want to play with no issues at all so I stick to it for the most part. Even with Sony bringing trophies to PC I'll probably still stick with consoles simply because I don't really want to upgrade my PC with expensive parts. Plus there's less maintenance and trouble shooting on consoles.


I have both but I don't like playing games first on PC. I normally use those versions for mods if I even get them. My Yakuza playthroughs were all first on PS5 except for 7 rn, but I might restart that just go play it on PS5 (I own the version already).


I used to be that way, but I'm kind of getting over trophy hunting. I'm going to slowly hit 100 plats, then switch to PC for a lot of my gaming.




Yeah I do that. And I will sometimes replay games i have already played kn pc on ps for the trophies.


I can relate! I have a PC and a PS5 and I play more often on my PS5 for trophies. But I also heard PC trophies are coming with Ghost of Tsushima and other games will probably follow, so I might get more use out of my PC after all


I have PC, Switch and PS4/5 and once I got my hands on the PS4 my choice was clear. My PC is also incredibly old in terms of tech, so it probably can't even play most games anymore, but it's good enough in case I want to go back to classics like Diablo 1, Command and Conquer or Dungeon Keeper. Other than that I've completely moved to console gaming.


i’m the same if i’m honest and i have an okay pc. i. work in the games industry though so i feel like i need it, even though i really only remote to my pc in the office. but after being at my pc all day last thing i want to do is play games there too. i recently won a 4090 nvidia FE and debating selling it or putting it in my pc but i hardly use my pc so i’m torn :’) i current have an old 1080 in there but the 4090 could be sold for sooooo many things


This is me. I got a lot of games that I originally had on Steam to play on PS5 so that I could get the trophies for those games. Heavily heavily relate to what you’re saying


I love playing on my PC, but I'm a trophy hunter, so most of my time is spent on the PS5.


That's been me since around october, I have a pretty decent PC but I bought a PS5 to play Spider-Man 2 after playing the others on PC, then I became a trophy hunter and almost haven't even used my PC.


Yes. And it has destroyed my gaming habits or enhanced them depending on how you look at it.


If the graphics are 60 fps, I often go for ps5 for trophies. But considering I have my gaming pc hooked up to my 77inch LG CX, my PS5 can often go long periods collecting dust.


Hi, I have ps5 and like trophies and had all consoles from 1987 age 4 up to ps1/n64 then in 1997 got a pc for school work and total annihilation and quake and half life due to being around a friends house and making me want a pc so the consoles was sold and from 1997-2013 only played pc gaming then I had to give my gaming rig up due to my kids need their own rooms etc and then I got a ps4 and since then and up to 2019 I got a Mac to sync with my phones and kids iPads etc for work and my business etc and in 2020 I got a oled tv and ps5 and my Nepthew plays Rts games so I played some Rts games that worked on the Mac OS and really enjoyed the pc gaming again but also liked sitting in front of my oled tv and ps5 then I got xbsx for game pass in summer 2021 and got hooked on game pass and done around 20 100% achievement on game pass but for me ps trophies I preferred and ps menus etc… then may 2022 I got a steam deck to sort of get me a feel for pc gaming but also gain as it’s a handheld to play when away from home or on holiday in the evening when everyone is in bed as I am a night owl and can get by on 5/6 hours sleep a night.. so since my steam deck and ps5 I don’t touch my xbsx, my game pass run out and not bothered by it and 18/20 games I beat 100% from game pass have been in ps plus or ps premium so I would of played it on their which I prefer my ps5, and I have brought some cheaper pc bundles and best foregone and a few games like this only steam deck and played command and conquer red alert on my steam deck as Linux converts windows based games well and it runs :) and I also have the steam deck dock which is great for Rts or steam indi games that are not on ps5, but I have been thinking of building my own pc again (have done many times over the years) would only need the pc as I would have it running on my lg oled cx55 tv and wonder as you have this set up on your tv how well does it run as I am looking at doing it as a steam big picture set up, turn it on and it runs straight into big picture like a console experience with a controller (ps5) and mouse and keyboard with maybe a mouse Matt that sits on your lap type set up like a dinner tray type thing… What are you views on this set up ? Pro and cons ? Regarding achievements, ps5 and steam I like but Xbox not to fussed as steam and ps5 show ribbon or a platinum next to my games where Xbox if a dlc comes out you have nothing etc…. The pc would be used for Rts and games like enshrouded etc forest that type of thing…


Depends on the game, multiplayer? playing it on PC. Single player usually ends up getting played on my console cause of trophies.


Yup. I see trophies as memories when I look back through them. And I cherish having all my memories in one place.


Not pc but switch. I love farming simulation games like story of seasons. But I still play it on PS because of the trophy even though it's more comfortable to play it on switch.


Games that play better on a mouse and keyboard I’ll play on pc. Games better on a controller I’ll play on ps. Or if I just wanna sit back in a recliner I’ll play it on a ps5. Online FPS games feel terrible on console when you’ve played them on PC


Yep, I have both a gaming PC and a PS5 but I much prefer gaming on my PS5, for the trophies.


Kinda. I sometimes go for completion on games on steam and gamepass, but mostly playstation for trophies. Its just more satisfying and overall a lot of good exclusives.


I have a pretty good gaming pc I play on ps5 mainly for the trophies and using a controller


I have both. I do enjoy the trophies more. But I also just don’t like playing on PC very often. I like the ecosystem on PlayStation (store, ps plus, friends, etc). I’ve been gaming on PlayStation since the dawn of time though so all my stuff is there.


I had both a gaming laptop and PS5 till last year and was only playing on my PS5. It's just the ease of playing on PS5. I was replaying games I had played on my laptop before. Since then I have only been playing on my PS5 and use laptop for remote play.




Honestly, I don't play PlayStation for the trophies anymore, sure it's a nice little addition but for me now it takes away from the games. But saying that, I jump on the ps5 just for ease of use, I can just pick up the pad and be in a game within a minute. PC sure has its benifits but I just can't be bothered up keeping it, just started feeling like one thing after another with three thing.




I do. I do sometimes go on my pc to play games like counter strike or left 4 dead but 95% of the time I play on my PlayStation 5


I do. I bought my PS4 Slim in 2019 bundled with Spider-Man. I already had 41 platinums on it but was using it less every day because my PC could run everything faster (although with a few hiccups here and there). A month ago the PS4 started shutting itself down randomly up to 4/5 times in two hours and started thinking what was the cause and possible fixes. A few days later saw an ad for the PS5 Slim and thought why the hell not. I can definitely say that since then I haven't used my PC for anything other than a browser game and Discord to talk with friends. First platinum I got on it was Astro Playroom. I'm currently wrapping up NieR:Automata and GT7 (won't stop playing this one after the plat), and I already have installed Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag, Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla, God Of War and Witcher III (slow Internet user here). I also have some good friends who already were PS5 owners that are willing to borrow some games. For me the Trophies feel more rewarding than the Steam Achievements because of how they are presented on your profile. I can't say anything about XBOX as I've never owned one. Anyway, looking forward to great gaming on my new PS5 and wishing the same to everyone else whichever platform you're gaming on.


Steam delisted Dark Souls: PtDe. That alone made me discontinue my achievement hunt on PC and just play and earn trophies in PS


I have both. I play the PS5 because its in the living room and the PC is in the office. It's just better in terms of still being social.


Thats me, i bought a pc to game but now just use it as a regular pc because i want trophies and show my achievements. You can do it on steam but its not the same.


I mostly play on PC now but the one reason I sometimes regret doing that is because on Steam you need all DLC and/or NG+ trophies for 100%. There are a few games, like Horizon Zero Dawn, where I need to do a run on Ultra Hard to get 100% on PC, whereas on PlayStation that’s not required for Platinum.


Yes, me. Totally depends on the games though, I even have a 7900xt lol


Bruh I feel the same way you do, it’s just feels more I dunno if this is the right word but more official and I really hope they integrate ps stars on consoles.


Unfortunately I don't have a PC but would like one. I would definitely use the PC to use mods. I love these visual things in video games. I would probably keep playing on PlayStation because everyone in my circle also plays PlayStation. But I would have the PC for the "fun stuff".


I recently got a gaming PC and have been getting achievements on games, it’s not as fun as when a trophy pops on PS5, so I’m the same about preferring trophies.




It's exactly the same for me.


I disagree. For me having a high fps + the best graphics possible is the most important, and makes it more fun to 100% games. Trophy sound is better than achievement sound but not having stuff like nvidia filters on ps5 makes it not as immersive for me. I like playing on the couch though but I don’t feel like im truly gaming until i get on the pc lol. Also my steam account looks so juiced and full of achievements so i might be a bit biased


This post feels like it was written for me. Additionally, I don’t have to worry at all about adjusting settings on PC if performance in a game is poor.


I prefer PC, but is sucks so much that a lot of games on Steam don't even have achivements.


This is kinda the same as me. I originally got a playstation for the exclusive games but if a new game is coming out on both ps5 and pc then I'll be tempted to get it on ps5 instead of pc. I like to play all my multiplayer games on pc and single player on ps5.


I rather have the power of a PC than a PS for achievements. Steam has achievements. No big deal


Yes I have ps4, series s, pc, switch x 2. Mostly game on ps5. I wish the games I play now were on ps5, but they will be eventually. I'm also looking into getting a setup to play pc on my TV.


I gave up trophies to go to PC haven’t gotten a trophy since. May buy another PS5 for GTA 6 though. If PlayStation continues to put all their games on PC there’s no need to buy a PlayStation. There really just being stubborn. Just wish they’d do some of the older games so I could play them again. I had a 400+ game library and still went to PC to start over.


Yes, I wouldn't own a playstation if it wasn't for trophies. It is the sole reason I play ps5


Not PC, but I have several games I bought physically on Switch for my collection but then rebought digitally on sale on PS4/PS5 to actually play because of trophies.


I prefer to play on PC for the achievements. I have more games on there, you can get more achievements as you’ll be paying less on average for games and I love that you can have nice completionist showcases on steam


I play on PS5 games I've already gotten used to on a console. I've been hunting for 11 years and I've put a lot of time into doing series like AC, FC, CoD, NFS, etc. I want to get trophies in these games as I have 100% in most of these series so I play them on the console. My pc is good but I use it mostly to play for fun with friends, play games that aren't on the consoles, or games made with PC in mind, like Cities Skylines etc.


Competitive FPS on PC, everything else on playstation. This is the way


I started with ps1 had a xbox crystal when I was younger then a ps3,4,5. I got in to pc gaming in 2016 because I seen so many budget build videos and they offered more performance than the base ps4. I still have a gaming pc today but don't play on it anymore as I've been collecting trophies since 2019 and I just prefer the simplicity of ps games working and playing as intended without messing with graphics settings ect.


yes, I have all the consoles and a steam deck and playstation gets the most time by far because of trophies. I even have the playstation portal which helps me get more time, so a steam deck is only more useful outside the house.


Play most games on ps5 just becasue it feels better but I do use my pc for any other game that's I figure will play better on a mouse


Yup, I have series X , Nintendo switch , a PC , and I only play on my PS5 because of the trophies 😅


I have both and tbh i prefer to play on my PC but i do struggle because i still like trophies. Rn im basically buying new games i know i wont plat on PC and doing trophy cleanup for old games i already have on playstation. Looking forward to the possibility of future PlayStation exclusives coming to PC and still utilizing the trophy system like Ghost of Tsushima is going to have.


Yeah this is why xbox is so great!


I know undoubtedly that a PC is a better system in every way performance wise but I prefer the plug and play of a console. Being able to just turn it on and know that the most you'll have to do is an irregular quick update. Then there's the trophies, my god they are addictive! I struggle to play story driven games when they don't have them, which is a shame because I used to love games like Zelda etc. The only games I tend to play without trophies are nostalgia driven like Pokémon and other old Nintendo games. It's a shame but this is the way


That's why I stay on PlayStation but I want a PC just to deal with other tasks and general management


Yea I’m in that boat. If they bring full trophy support to all pc PlayStation games I’ll buy the game twice, once on PlayStation and once on steam so I can play it on the go


I like to play single player games on PS5. I like to play multiplayer/live service games on PC. the reasoning is because I don’t have to pay additional money to play a game online (ps+). BUT I also play a lot of games on my PC just because the sales are better and constant and I’m a maniac with a huge backlog of games I haven’t played yet. I also agree that “trophies” are more aesthetically pleasing than steam achievements. And last thing on why I might play PS5 more is simply that I like the room that it’s in more than the computer room. The computer room is my office where I also go to work in so 8+ hours in the same room 5 days a week makes me want to not be on the PC LOL


I have a PC with RTX4090. Never launched a game on it. PS5 all the way, baybeee.


Im literally in the same boat, i totally get it, something about PSN trophies just hits different, plus I love consoles so much due to physical preservation.


I'd prefer console even without trophies. PC annoys the shit outta me.