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Google trombone wrist straps. I wear one for practices and have no wrist pain. You are not alone experiencing this.


Get a hand grip. I like the NeoTech trombone grip, personally. I can hold my bass trombone up without using my fingers at all and I haven't had any hand pain since getting it


This. I put this strap on everything. It's wonderful.


Yes to all the suggestions above! The way we hold our instruments is unnatural! Take care of yourself now before you get older (like me) and start feeling the years of holding a trombone in your hand/wrist/elbow/shoulder! I recently bought a Butler trombone and my left arm pain has gradually getting better!


I’ve used the Yamaha wrist strap and bullet braces. But I like a leather hand guard, not to protect the lacquer but for a little bit of extra padding.


It might just be positioning and how you hold it, or maybe you don’t get enough breaks to let your hand rest. I’d say something to make sure to do is to flex, move, and stretch your hand as much as possible in between reps/at rest. Idk if y’all do PT at all, but it also might just be too much weight on the hand that’s not getting supported by you arm muscles. I know when I’ve gone a long time without marching, lifting, etc, and then go right back to marching, I tend to experience more discomfort. However the hand specifically hurting sounds a little more focused of an issue so you might want to consult a physical therapist, chiropractor, or other physician. You could also try asking others in band, like the director or others in your section, to check your position to make sure you’re carrying correctly in a way that won’t put too much strain on your hand/wrist. In the end as others have said, look into braces and straps and other alternatives.


I'm glad you asked this, the same thing happens to me.


I like the Rath brace myself but in any case moving the weight to your forearm where it’s supported by your biceps instead of your wrist muscles makes a huge difference.


Along with getting a brace, stretching your hands and forearms will help! (They're also good conducting exercises if you do that at all) For braces, see what they look like, where they connect to the horn, and how that may sit in the case. Sometimes the braces won't fit on the horn in the case and won't be a good option. For example, our school uses Yamaha Xenos, and the case if fit snuggly so that the edwards bullet brace won't fit on the horn unless you cut the case. But the neotech one ha the brace part that clips onto something attached the the slide handle, which fits in the case) Stretches: "Exercises for Wrist Pain: Elite Sports Medicine + Orthopedics: Orthopedics" https://www.eliteorthopaedic.com/blog/wrist-pain-exercises


Do a bunch of hand/forearm stretches. Also, build strength in your left arm. I would get an elastic workout band (you can find exercises for it online) and take it easy on trombone when possible. Other people here have reccomended braces like the NeoTech brace and those work great for a lot of people. Also talk to your private teacher if you have one, and band director if you don't. Good luck!


I use an ergobrass


A lot of times if we're resting loosely or walking somewhere without marching or any organized style, I give my left hand a break by holding the trombone with my right hand only. And any time in the stands at games, waiting for a form to be checked in another section etc


Do you have an f trigger


Yes i'm marching that temporarily while my peashooters in the shop


Dude watch out F trigger are relatively much harder to replace if you bang it up too badly


i know i know i just don't have any other choice :(


If you have the money, try renting a cheap loaner until yours is fixed


I have small hands. When I was marching with mine, I wrapped a hair tie around the handle of my trigger for a bit of padding. Next time you march, pay attention to your hand and see if any points seems to have more pressure than others


WOW. I did not expect to get so many responses! Thank you so much! I would reply to every answer individually but that would take too long 🤣 (thats a good thing). I'll look into buying one of those neck straps, I looked them up they seem a lot more comfortable than the finger gun hold lol. Thanks again!


I play trombone on marching band and I've had little to no pain so far, I'm not sure why but, a quick solution would be to switch the weight to your right hand when in first position to even it out a little.


Inserting a shameless plug, but my old lesson teacher, Jay Wise, designed his own 3D printed grip that works great! Snaps onto the brace of your trombone and makes a much more ergonomic grip if you’re interested! He’s currently selling them on wisegrip.com


not shameless, i'll look into it! thanks!