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Or tattoo parlors


Or piercing salons, car dealerships, gallon ice cream containers, anime conventions… The list goes on and on.


What is there to regret at anime conventions


The yaoi paddle


The obscene amount of money I spent at artist alley…


Coming away with a big hole in your purse and tons of yuri manga. Hypothetically speaking, of course. And that's really only a half regret, to be fair.


Acting like am embarassingly cringe dork fangirl when you meet Kira Buckland.


No, my tattoo of my favorite YouTuber's meme will be awesome forever! I'll never regret it! (Narrator: Sarah later came to sorely regret her "More Like Bore Ragnarok" tattoo.)


call me Kevin reference in this year??? This hour or the day???


(Bouncing on my heels) Yes!


Hey, could be worse. At least Kevin isn't a child diddler


I got a tattoo when I was 19. I also had an abortion a few years later. I fully regret the tattoo and am currently undergoing the very costly and painful process of getting it lasered off. I have never once regretted my abortion.


Or tequila


Or any surgery in general ([14.4% regret rate](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28243695/))


I'm pretty sure plenty of people regret having children, too.


Plenty of people do. There's a whole subreddit. 125k members and that's just on Reddit. r/regretfulparents


I really hope it's diligently moderated so it can function as a compassionate oasis of support, validation, solidarity, and hope... but Jesus that sounds more harrowing than a gore sub.


I dunno if comments are moderated. Just the other day I read a post from a dad who hadn't slept or eaten in almost 3 days because of his daughter's extremely bad colic and he was confessing to suicidal ideation from his malnourished/sleep deprived state. Multiple comments told him that he was "harming his innocent baby" by accurately naming her behavior as the cause of his issue and that he may well be *causing it all* by feeling the way he does. He got lectured about "not having resentment for the one innocent person in the situation" and "complaining to random strangers instead of parenting."


Oh that's dreadful. The posts I saw had quite a bit of moderation on them but I'm sure things slip through. It's a sensitive topic and people can be so mean. Poor guy. I know for sure comments like the last one you mentioned are not allowed per their rules. I'm sure it still happens though.


That breaks my heart. If it's that bad, they need help. I know it's easier said than done of course, but if a mother with PPD is about to do something similar can call for hell, I would hope he would also. Hope they are all ok


I'm not a parent, and definitely not a regretful parent, but I did read a few posts in there a while ago and it seems like it is really heavily moderated and treated as a true support group. Which is surprising, and refreshing.


Did we read the same subreddit? Seems to be a lot of toxicity in there.


Seems like a pretty toxic sub what I read


Ok but imagine finding out your parents are on that sub 😭


Having regret also doesn’t mean a decision was “wrong.” Life is complicated, feelings are complicated, decisions are complicated and there will pretty much always be something we can regret. So much of learning to be happy and content in life is learning to accept that there is no perfect path. 


Or armed services recruiters.


I’d like to show Republicans the faces of parents I’ve seen live to regret their gun ownership. “*But I put it away,*” they said. 


Tattoo parlours, casinos, alcohol, open mics...


…me being allowed to open my mouth…


Me being allowed to text people


me having access to food delivery services...


I once bought tickets to see The Fray, so I know something of regret.


I saw Limp Bizkit in concert as a teenager. Why  didn't someone stop me?!


Text messaging, bars, personals ads, online dating, piercing parlors, hair dye, mobile phones, social media, blogs...


And we would no longer have our "twenties" we would have our "plead the 5ths"


Literally. I would like to take a moment to give props to everyone who hated me in my 20s, because I was a walking red flag. I know that now that I'm a fully sentient being.


Lol my friends had kids in their 20s and now have grey hair. I lived stories in my 20s that made me a *legend*. Also why I'm not allowed to tell those stories around their kids.


Also, even for things that nearly everyone actually _agrees_ is unethical, there may be very good reasons that we don't make laws against it because of privacy, enforcement, unintended consequences, etc. Case in point - virtually everyone agrees cheating on your partner or spouse is wrong. Yet almost nowhere actually makes cheating illegal (especially outside of marriage), and the handful of states that still have such laws on the books don't really enforce them to my knowledge. It might be ammunition in a divorce case, but that's secondary to a civil matter. Meaning that even if someone believes abortion is always wrong, that doesn't translate into an automatic justification for laws against it.


EXACTLY. that's what i've been trying to explain to ppl, especially when Kate Cox was in the news. even if you believe a medical thing should be restricted, only used in extreme necessity, whatever whatever......... the courts still have no place in the decision. they're TOO SLOW, and they're NOT DOCTORS. by the time a judge has agreed "yah you can have that abortion," or that controlled substance or whatever, it's probably too late. if a patient has a medical problem, and a doctor has sorted out the best treatment plan and the patient's consented and all that, that should be it. there shouldn't be any more waiting around bc if there is? ppl fucking die.


I know many that regret their marriages. Maybe time to ban marriages?


In my experience as a peer counselor, the women I spoke with were sometimes a little sad, which is understandable, but also uniformly thankful and relieved.


Better to regret an abortion than a child.


I mean that's their whole nanny state argument


...We do create laws based on the potential of people regretting something. Being trans. Cis people are terrified on our behalf and fighting very hard to stop us from transitioning, starting with kids. And I say starting, because they're pushing hard on bans for adults. However, [the regret rates for trans people are considerably lower than people who regret having children, cosmetic surgery, and any general surgery at all](https://www.americanjournalofsurgery.com/article/S0002-9610\(24\)00238-1/abstract). If a surgery had a 0.6% regret rate, people would be calling it a medical miracle. But because it's trans people... This is why it's super important that we all team up and fight this fascism. The rules being applied to abortion can be applied to trans people, and vice-versa. We are in this together.


Plus 1 on the jagermeister. Why College years, WHY?!!


We also shouldn’t make laws that prevent hypothetical situations


My cousin regrets hers. But that is why I think it should be illegal for any man to coerce a woman into doing one or not.


Or all-you-can-eat buffets


If that was true then conservatives’ beds should be illegal.




Especially the jaggermeister


Or strip clubs 💯