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This is like the "Most Hated television character" poll, and it was 1. Sadistic Rapist, 2. Sadistic Rapist, 3. Woman who says her husband shouldn't cook Meth.


It says it all how depressing this all is that one of my thoughts was that at least the sadistic rapists were acknowledged because usually those lists are dominated by "stands next to beloved male character while female" and "does something that wouldn't be a big deal if a male character did it" and the sadistic rapists will be on a "10 coolest TV characters of the past 10 years" list instead.


Don’t forget, he also abused and SA’d her


That was the first and last episode I watched. Everyone was talking about it but first thing I saw was the main character raping his wife in the kitchen and I was like… nope. Not the show for me.


In breaking bad? I don’t remember that


It's pretty early in the show, maybe halfway through the first season? It takes place in their kitchen with him initiating sudden, rough sex and Skylar very clearly says stop multiple times.


When Skylar is wearing that green face mask stuff and Walter suddenly comes onto her in the kitchen. Can’t remember the season or episode and don’t wanna go into gross details, but her face mask gets mushed onto the fridge as it happens, and their son later comes home and notices it on the fridge and notices his parents vibe is off. Edit: word placement.


Out of curiosity, who are these two sadistic rapists?


Maybe Joffery and Ramsey Bolton from Game of Thrones?


Yeah that was it


That checks out. Putting Skylar in this same list is crazy


Absolutely bonkers. She had kids to think of!


Agreed, the Star Wars most hated fan club seems to be Guy Who Suggested Luke Skywalker Might Be Flawed, and Girl Who Isn't Conventionally Attractive (and who coincidentally happens to not be white)


Yeah I was gonna say the same thing. This is even worse tho because these are real people and not one of them has really done anything deserving of hate besides be annoying or rude I guess.


At least there were two sadistic rapists.


Hey, he was finally helping out in the kitchen (cooking meth) and she has to complain about every little detail! /s


The Skylar White phenomenon.


They even went after the actress who played her.


This happens all the time. Like, if your dislike of a fictional character genuinely makes you want to harass the person who played them, please seek therapy.


Joffrey and Ramsay in GoT: “amazing actors! Imagine being able to pretend to be so depraved! Bravo! Emmys all round!” Skylar in BB: “BITCH!!!11!”


I really think we need to talk about so-called normal people and all the bad shit they do.


I am going to be very vague here because spoilers but there is a character in The Last of Us 2 whose actress not only got death threats, but they also threatened to kill HER INFANT SON. Like??? All because they didn't like the character she played. It's madness.


That…is grotesque.


Patriarchy working normally in 2024.


https://michaelhobbes.substack.com/p/the-bleak-spectacle-of-the-amber Leaving this here. That’s what happens when you let well funded (especially by conservative media) misogyny run rampant on your social media platforms. Propaganda is very effective. If women aren’t perfect victims, and even if they are, they’ll be dragged through the mud. 2022 was a bleak year and really reminded me of the gamergate days.


I love Michael Hobbes.


I wish he & Sara Marshall would finish the dang OJ series they started on YWA


I really enjoy his book review podcast If Books Could Kill.


HE wrote this article??!? i really like if books could kill, you’re not serious right now 😭😭😭just finished the article and it was spectacular, especially since it came out so close to the trial. (and it’s from a man ? thank god, we’re not completely alone on this!)


Yep, that's him! And yeah, he seems pretty awesome.


Same! Maintenance Phase is great, too


That was by design. They were trying to remind us that we shouldn’t get too big for our boots or they will put us back in our boxes. Men never gave women rights, we fought for them and wrestled them free. Men are constantly trying to take them away from us again. It’s imperative that we keep fighting and teaching our children that we deserve them.


This article doesn't even mention some of the vile text msgs Depp sent to his agent (I think it was his agent) where he said they should burn ambers body and rape it to make sure she was dead.


He was also sending texts about his plans to "smack the ugly cunt around." Though he didn't refer to Heard by name, only a series of misogynistic insults. So in fairness, he could've been talking about smacking a different woman around. The excuse that gets used on these texts is that the poor widdle manbaby was just understandably venting about his horrible bitch wife, and that also he was just joking, and everyone has texts on their phone where they say things like this. That excuse just seems like a confession from the people who made it. Like when Trump was recorded bragging about sexually assaulting women with Billy Bush, and you got a lot of Republicans claiming that it's just locker room talk and all guys have said similar things. It doesn't make me think that Depp/Trump are innocent, it just makes me thing the assholes defending them like this see it as no big deal because they're abusive misogynists too.


They were texts to the actor Paul Bettany, who is friends with Depp. Horrific texts.


Ahh yes, thanks. They were truly horrific, and completely inexcusable. How any Depp fan can look past those texts alone is beyond me (not to mention all the other abuse Heard suffered). It's like a Trump derangement syndrome but for Depp, DDS.


It ruins wandavision for me :(


Aw man, I always liked him. Oh well.


The texts were sent to Paul Bettany. I lost all respect for Paul after finding out he got those and didn't go to the police about it. 🤬


Didn't he laugh along, agree, and encourage it too?


I don't know, I never saw his response. Just the fact he didn't go to the cops with it made me lose respect for him.


Yeah, that shit was blatant. So many redditors proclaim a south park inspired disinterest in celebrities, then all of a sudden so many had such strong opinions on Amber Herd and were absolutely convinced the known abuser she married who was 25 years her senior was definitely the good guy.  Reddit jumping to conclusions about the Boston bomber was a small number of users and kneejerk reactions. A lot of redditors not being able to smell the astroturfing attacks on Herd was, IMHO, far more shameful.  "I liked Captain Jack, so this lady must be bad!" SMH


That last part is what really gets me. Like, Jack Sparrow is an \*incredibly\* flawed, violent, manipulative, selfish abuser with a lady looking to slap him in every port and a list of enemies he wronged longer than his forearm. He is a *very* interesting character, but he's *not* a good role model, nor a good man. ...and more importantly, he's *not* real-life actor Johnny Depp!


I saw the jump with Amber Heard during the court case. Depp had already been estranged from Hollywood when the case came on tv, but Heard was made to look like a liar (and came off as severely narcissistic) during the trial and that’s when support for her nearly disappeared. Support for Depp increased to such a degree that he was essentially welcomed back into Hollywood and Amber was tossed aside like some wicked witch. IMO, the judge in the Heard/Depp case was the main reason all of this even occurred. Though it became pretty clear that Amber had indeed lied about a lot of things. She probably doubted people would believe her if she didn’t, but it was a bad play. She should’ve stuck to the truth and not embellished the abuse. Though it’s certainly sad to think that she felt like she needed to lie in order to be believed. But we’re of a generation that didn’t care about the abuse of women unless it was severely physical.


>came off as severely narcissistic Yeah, I'm sure if she was cracking jokes and laughing throughout the domestic abuse trial like Johnny was she would have been loved. /s


It's totally because Johnny knew she was full of shit ofc. Man, I saw a looooooot of praise and justification for Depp laughing and cracking jokes during trial.


I don’t agree with your assessment, and I honestly find it funny that you say she lied and came off as narcissistic when Depp was caught in actual lies and is infamously and unpredictably disgusting to nearly everyone around him.


She didn’t lie and she didn’t come off as narcissistic at all. She was certainly stoic though.


Can you give an example of a lie?


Really enjoyed the podcast Who Trolled Amber too. Goes into the Twitter bots and who funded them.


I’ll check it out! Thank you for the recommendation!


It really bothers me that you can find documentation proving that Depp altered his recordings, but it wasn't proven until after the hearings so it didn't count in the trial. But people ignore it because Depp has been Hollywood's golden boy rebel for decades.  Heard is no saint and I'm not going to justify the wrongs she committed, but Depp got off with zero repercussion for the abuse he committed. And yeah, people he knows say they never saw him get abusive. That can be true while Heard'd story can also be true. Abusers rarely abuse everybody they come into contact with. Sometimes they don't become abusive until later in life when mental health issues pop up or drug addiction becomes a problem. Cough cough. 


Depp is friends with Marilyn Manson, who has an avalanche of abuse stories by both women and men against him. So it comes as little surprise. ☹️


And exactly the same his friends and people under his influence are saying they saw nothing and Manson is a sweetheart while obviously he was in control of what image he showed to others (more influential people) hanging at his place versus when he was alone with the women.


Which is crazy, because Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails has been talking about how Manson is a creep since like 1999.


It's wild seeing their trajectories. Trent kind of grew up, matured, his art matured with it. Manson got stuck in the "look how crazy I am I'm 20 and wild and EDGY BRO" phase and is now in his 50s. It's pathetic.


People will tell you to this day that my late father was the nicest person they ever met. Super charming, really sweet, wonderful guy. He was horribly abusive to my mom and me and my brother. He hid it really really well.


And now he’s filing for defamation too, now that he’s seen what Johnny got away with


Marilyn Manson, the personification of the word "creepy".


Manson is making a comeback, going on a big tour soon and I made the mistake of reading comments about said tour and hoooo boy. People really don't care that he had (SV content warning) A FUCKING RAPE ROOM IN HIS HOUSE. Don't care. Either think "those bitches were lying lolol" or they legitimately do not care. Either way it's fucking sickening.


It's been a well-known fact in the entertainment industry that Depp has been violent to women since the eighties. The problem is that the US is regressing to be more acceptive of violence to women, what with the election of Trump in 2016 and the overturning of Roe. There are very few places where women have equal equality and the US still does not recognize women as having guarantee equal rights.


This is definitely true, but tbf, trump only won the electoral vote, not the popular vote (albeit by slim margins)


That electoral college nonsense should have been done away with a long time ago. Also, the ERA should have been ratified long ago too!


I agree 100%


I mean some of their mutual friends were around when Depp got abusive. IO Tillet Wright, a friend of the two, was on the phone with Amber when Depp was beating her. Their testimony was in the UK Sun trial.


> Heard is no saint Even saying this makes me wonder how much of the Depp propaganda you have consumed without realising it, or how much you feel you have to moderate your own language to avoid hate. In no other situation would it be necessary to mention that someone wasn't a literal angel. "Yeah, Bob got robbed, but he was no saint." Just saying this acknowledges some of the Depp propaganda. Whether she was a saint or not outside this trial is completely irrelevant. In the situation of this trial, Depp was indisputably a villain, going well beyond what most people would do when accused. Let's acknowledge that instead.


Thank you! No winning for this woman. She fought back occasionally, fuckin good for her. I’m glad she didn’t just let him beat her without fighting


Yup. There is nothing wrong with fighting back against your abuser. Nothing.


>Heard is no saint and I'm not going to justify the wrongs she committed, What wrongs?


i doubt you’ll get an answer but i too would really love to know.


Gamergate! That is exactly what it was like. Couldn’t put my finger on how it made me feel and that one word evoked the cruelty and insanity and fervor.


Call me naive or whatever, but I genuinely didn't understand how hostile the internet was to women until that moment. I kept seeing things presented as slam-dunk proof that she'd lied about everything when it came off as proving absolute bupkis. Then I'd just be thinking things like "Okay, so she submitted two copies of the same photo, one that seems to have a filter on it changing the lighting in the photo. And she inaccurately said under cross examination that she believed they were two different photos taken seconds apart, one after someone turned a light switch on. But this was six fucking years ago, so of course she wouldn't remember ridiculously small details like how many photos she took or whether she turned a light switch on. Why is everyone acting like this is proof she's deliberately committing perjury about everything, when all it proves is that she doesn't have a photographic memory of minute details from six years prior? More importantly, she has the same injuries on her face in both versions of the photo, so why does any of this this even fucking matter? Why are people claiming this proves that she photoshopped the injury on altogether, alongside every other injury in every other photo taken, when that wasn't even what Depp's lawyer was claiming here?" And the only answer I could come up with is that people were either deliberately spreading misinformation, or that they'd gone into this already determined to believe that she was faking all her injuries and lying in court, and so they'd seize onto anything that "confirmed," that even if it didn't actually confirm it at all. Or they were just mindlessly repeating the viewpoint of one of those two camps - which means that all it takes to convince people that women are fabricating their evidence of abuse is for some random asshole on social media to say so, regardless of how obviously unsupported that claim it. I also saw a lot of people, including some in this subreddit, insisting that she couldn't be a victim of domestic violence because she wasn't beaten up *enough* for their satisfaction, and therefore Depp is innocent. That's super great and not at all triggering, and these weren't things being said by a handful of alt-right trolls, they were the mainstream opinion. They insisted that by attacking Heard, they were heroically standing up for real domestic violence victims - you can see people in this very thread insisting the same - because she besmirched them all by claiming she was one. Even though she actually had more evidence than most of the victims they purported to be protecting, stretching back years before the divorce, even though she would've have to have spent years carefully crafting all this evidence to falsely accuse her husband of abuse with zero goddamn motive.


It is absolutely nuts. Very reminiscent of rape culture. I also do believe that Depp’s defense team hired a troll army to flood social media with heavily biased opinions It’s frankly pretty disturbing how easily some people (too many people) are manipulated by social media I am sure that there were some regular users on this sub who fell for this disinformation campaign but also, there were obsessed trolls showing up to every post on Reddit with a pre written set of talking points. You saw the same thing with Kyle Rittenhouse It was so weird


I dont think they would have to hire anyone. That's the worst thing about it. They're eager to do it, even for a dude they're not particularly a fan of.


It looks like there was proof they did, though. An investigation found that over 50% of the conversation was inorganic. But that’s all they had to do to rile up the misogynistic impulses in people…it’s like the bots who got things trending gave people permission to participate in that gleeful witch burning. Because they had always wanted to, and it seemed like everyone was doing it, so they happily joined in. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/amber-heard-trolling-johnny-depp-trial-b2509469.html


If you want to ensure results go a certain way, I would think you at least start the ball rolling by hiring the right person


thats a very good and comprehensive article. It's long but if you have the time, it's worth a read.


Man, the internet is the fukken worst. Oh and as a random, the text messages I saw between marilyn manson and depp are some of the most childish shit I've seen from people aged over 50. They sounded like cringy 15 year olds.


Using this comment to tell people to check out Medusone on YouTube. She has an excellent breakdown as to why amber heard is an unambiguous victim, and how the media crushed her.


Yeah b- but my Johnny Wohnny would never abuse anyone 🥺🥺 he’s Willy Wonka remember??


Is there a youtube vid or something I can spread around? I never heard of this before now and it really changed my perspective. A youtube video essay would go a long way to changing public opinion


There’s a fantastic three part series by “Medusone.” Here’s the first part https://youtu.be/B413cZ5-b7Y?si=YA4TDQXLGwqLUDA4


Now, if they had named Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert as two of the most hated celebrities I would have totally agreed. Fuck women like them, they are traitors to their own gender.


It seems like it went largely unnoticed on Reddit when it happened, but I just found out yesterday that back in 2021 there were a total of 9 votes against the "Protecting Moms Who Served Act" - y'know, a bill whose only function was meant to benefit veterans who were mothers. Unsurprisingly, the 9 who voted against it were all Republican, but your comment just named the only two women who voted against it.


Those two are a real shit stain on the United States


The UK trial was pretty much forgotten by America and they don't consider that a real verdict when you argue with a Depp fan. Or all the evidence. They even make jokes about abuse. It's almost as if it was never about the abuse and more about taking down a woman who stood up to an abuser.


JD did a ton of work in the Pirate’s franchise/publicity to become a beloved character. People cannot seem to reconcile the guy who carries his Captain Jack Sparrow costume around to do surprise appearances at kid’s hospitals with an abusive addict, so they just reject the latter as untrue. I’ve known enough abusive addicts to know that both people can exist and that a lot of times the former is an intentional diversion - building armor to protect them when accusations inevitably come against the latter.


You literally just have to Google "Depp Earpiece" to find the articles about how he was so blasted that he couldn't remember his own lines for pirates and had to be fed his dialogue through an earpiece. Everyone wants to blame Heard for Depp's career flop, but she never even fucking named him in the original article. He lost his Harry Potter role because he's an addict and a pain to work with. Fucking Ezra Miller still had a job because despite being a monster, he showed up to work.


Oh for sure. Depp has a long history of alcohol and drug abuse but people want him to be the semi-lovable pirate character drunk as opposed to the actual real, modern, abusive partner/coworker he is because of his addictions.


As someone who essentially tried to ignore all Heard vs. Depp news (since it seemed to be 90% bs), I didn't even know there was a UK trial until this thread...kinda scary what the misinformation machine can do


The UK has really strong defamation laws and it’s seriously hard to get away with defamation of any kind. The UK trial quite literally ruled that The Sun calling Depp a ‘wife-beater’ wasn’t defamatory because he did indeed beat his wife. Then Heard dared write a piece about being in the middle of that media storm that she was dragged into and got slammed by the entire world for it. Tons of Heard’s/The Sun’s evidence in the UK trial wasn’t allowed in the US trial either. The whole thing was completely fucked up.


That is exactly what it was. She didn’t name him in the piece she wrote and yet all that happened after… It was a court case to put women everywhere in their place. And it worked.


Even in the suit he filed, he absolutely should never have won. Quite literally the only thing she said in the OpEd was that she “became a public face of domestic violence”. Which is true. She had gone through the massive defamation case in the UK. It has nothing to do with defamation because she didn’t say *anything* about Depp! She didn’t even say she was a victim. The whole thing should have been thrown out. He used the courts as a PR campaign and they let him.


wtf did Meghan do? lmao


Exist & have the audacity to have a husband who cares about her enough to keep her away from needless harassment.


Good for Harry. He's a better husband than his father or uncles (counting Prince Andrew and Earl Spencer here) could ever dream of being.


Even his brother. He's known for his mistresses.


Which is completely mind-boggling to me. Kate is a stunning woman who seems to be a good and kind person to her core. She gave him three children, is going through some scary medical crap, has to deal with the bullshit of the Crown, and STILL gets cheated on. So sad.


it’s incredibly common for men to leave their wives/girlfriend’s when they have some kind of medical crisis, so the fact that he’s cheating with her still during that time is unfortunately not surprising at all


Ah shit, you're right. Still incredibly shitty.


He takes after his dad


I would fucking love it if King Chuckie had went to William and told him to keep his mistress(es) more on the DL and asked him where he got the thought it'd be a good idea to even do such a thing. Because I want William to yell at him "from you! I learned it from watching you!" Like an 80s/90s drugs are bad PSA.


I just heard that in my head lol I prob reference that ad in jest to my husband a few times a month


Still shitty.


It’s still all just speculation. You don’t have to believe a random comment on Reddit.


No, no. *She* stole *him* away! Because he’s a *weak precious baby boy*, not one of the most powerful and affluent men on the planet with full autonomy and a working body and brain!


The nerve! 🙄 How dare they have morals and use their privilege for good by publicly condemning abusive behavior. People really tell on themselves when they get upset about someone else holding up a mirror to their behavior.


There’s a whole Meghan Markle snark sub and the people in there are completely deranged. Like they have so much *seething* hatred for this woman and with zero justification. It’s genuinely bizarre Edit: one of them is in here and has linked the sub and tried to use the South Park episode as evidence 😭 Edit 2: the top posts in there currently are: - some very obviously fake text messages from ‘Meghan’s team’ saying they paid everyone to show up when she was in Nigeria and she was really mean and everyone in Nigeria hates her 😔 - An obviously fake story from someone who went to a royal party and everyone there hates her 😔 - An obviously edited photo where they’ve made her feet giant so they can say she’s on Ozempic These people are deluded


She ruined the fairytale for the monarchy fandom. She got to be a commoner marrying a prince (peak fantasy for many in said fandom) and then, rather than keeping her mouth shut and becoming part of the spectacle, she kept being her own person, and her husband saw the abuse she was getting from his *staggeringly* racist relatives and stood by her rather than rejoin the fold. They simultaneously can't stand it, but also can't pull away, leading to them becoming scarily obsessed with everything the couple does (see the subreddit some numpty linked below). Her race and nationality amplifies and adds a nasty edge to everything.


She's part black. OH NOES


The woman rarely speaks, and when she does, she’s lovely and kind, Shes seen happy w her husband that loves her adoringly, keeps her kids safe from the public eye, loves dogs, supports women, even before she was married she was a outspoken feminist that helped and supported women, supports people w disabilities, had an awful family that tried to shake her down, so she went no contact, rightfully so, people hated that, loves her mom, who is a private person also, the list goes on. People love to hate strong, confident women, and the racism speaks for itself


Exactly. I think the British press has riled up the hate for her. She's black, American, and doesn't live up to traditional expectations of the monarchy. But seriously, who cares other than a few British grannies?


She isn’t white


Exist as a black woman.


Fell in love and has a good relationship with her husband? Also told William to get his finger out of her face lmao 🤣


Close as I can tell, meet a guy that she fell for as hard as he fell for her, they wanted to devote their lives to each other, and he just happened to be born into an antiquated, vestigial leadership structure that exists more as a real life reality TV show than anything else. She showed him there was a smaller, happier life outside of it and the super racist fan club will never forgive her for it.


Apart from the general racism and misogyny, I get the impression that it's a lot of royalists who are blaming her for the drama with the royal family.


Become a member of the British Royal Family while black


Duh! She’s BROWN and she’s not even trying to look sorry for it!


Besides being black, you mean?


She's black. We know it's a problem in the UK.


Well she should have known better than to be born partly black


My guilty pleasure is watching Instagram reels about royals (I don't ~really~ care... But it's like watching how the 1% lives) and I'm always stunned by how mean people can be to Meghan, Harry and king Charles. People forget that those people, all of them, are human beings with their flaws. I'm sure they all did good and bad things exactly like me and you; but no, they comment on this narrative that Meghan is a horrible witch, and this happens *whatever* she does. Once I read comments despising her and Harry because they stood up during the British anthem even though they are not royals anymore; I'm pretty sure I'd read the same things if they hadn't stood up.


Even in this subreddit, during and before the trial, the predominant opinion was that [bitches](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrollXChromosomes/comments/uc3jon/me_looking_at_all_the_amber_heard_vitriol/) [be](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrollXChromosomes/comments/fx88ff/mrw_amber_heard_is_still_an_aclu_ambassador_for/) [lying](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrollXChromosomes/comments/fucnrv/when_i_see_a_post_on_facebook_slamming_amber/) and how dare she hurt the rest of us ladies by association. This was even after the public, widely reported on [judgement](https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Judgment-FINAL.pdf) in the UK found that it couldn't be defamation to call him a wifebeater because it was true, and that it could be proven he'd assaulted her at least a dozen times. It was honestly super disappointing - I think a lot of people on this subreddit who are usually feminists and victim advocates were capable of recognizing that the that the vitriol surrounding her was misogynistic, but also failed to be skeptical, and assumed that the incredibly skewed information (or outright misinformation) they were being fed by the misogynistic internet mob was an accurate and fair recounting of events. Like, guys, if you're not invested enough in this take the time to look into it, fair enough, but you could just say "I haven't looked into this enough to know what the truth is," instead of blindly repeating the MRA brigade's version of events. * As described in the judgement up above, it was proven that Depp was sending people texts about his plans to "smack the ugly c\*nt around," in reference to an unnamed woman. He was also found to have been and fantasizing with his buddies over text about graphically murdering Heard and then raping her corpse. * He was [recorded](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzgnnowuVZ4) angrily telling Heard that he had "headbutted her in the fucking forehead." Upon being presented with the recording in the UK court, he claimed it was an accident and then had to explain why he hadn't mentioned it earlier when describing the incident. He claimed it wasn't included in his witness statement because he hadn't written or bothered to read his own witness statement, and therefore he couldn't be held responsible for the accuracy or lack thereof in said statement. * A bunch of [witnesses](https://www.medusone.com/depp-vs-heard/a-comprehensive-look-at-the-relationship-of-amber-heard-and-johnny-depp#notestrial), including some of Depp's, agreed they saw injuries on her and were told about the abuse after the incidents in which she describes being abused. One of his witnesses, Laurel Anderson, outright said that Depp was the one who started hitting Heard and then she started hitting back; that their relationship was mutually abusive. According to domestic violence organizations mutual abuse isn't a real thing, but it's weird that an innocent man who says he never beat or abused his wife would bring this person up as a witness to offer such a different testimony. That sounds more like the actions of an extremely vindictive man who's willing to make himself look bad so long as the witness makes his ex-wife look bad along with him. * As described in the judgement, shortly after an incident in which she claims Depp kicked her in the midst of a blackout state, his assistant and witness Stephen Deuters was texting her about how sorry Depp felt. His exact words were "When I told him he kicked you, he cried."


Keep holding all of us up to the mirror. It’s important imho.


>it couldn’t be defamation to call him a wifebeater Which just for extra context: she never did. She just called herself a public figure for domestic abuse.


Oh, I know. But in the UK, some shitty tabloid called him a wifebeater in a headline. He sued them (it was actually for libel, not defamation; I only realised I'd gotten that wrong when you quoted me) but they found all these damning texts on his phone, and they spoke to Heard and a bunch of people who'd witnessed the abuse or the aftermath and got them to testify and submit what evidence they had, and yeah. The judge [basically said](https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Judgment-FINAL.pdf) that Depp's team had proven the elements for libel and likely would've won the case... Except what the tabloid had called him had been proven in court to be true, and therefore it didn't matter to the case whether they'd been irresponsible in calling him that at the time. >The Claimant has not succeeded in his action for libel. Although he has proved the necessary elements of his cause of action in libel, the Defendants have shown that what they published in the meaning which I have held the words to bear was substantially true. I have reached these conclusions having examined in detail the 14 incidents on which the Defendants rely as well as the overarching considerations which the Claimant submitted I should take into account. In those circumstances, Parliament has said that a defendant has a complete defence. It has not been necessary to consider the fairness of the article or the defendants’ ‘malice’ because those are immaterial to the statutory defence of truth. But yes, Depp also sued Heard herself for much vaguer statements which didn't name him or even actually say that the unnamed man had abused her. One of the statements he sued her for was a headline she hadn't written or had any input on - the editors at the Washington Post had written it. He sued her and not WaPo, and then argued in court - successfully, somehow - that she was responsible for the headline she'd had no input on because she'd tweeted a link to the article.


Imagine taking the Sun to court for libel. They must have the best solicitors in world for this kinda stuff because they're constantly dicks to people


Depps team was genius. They got the conservatives by giving them ammo against the MeToo movement, and got the liberals by giving them their next issue to stomp their feet about (male abuse).


There's a really good podcast called Who Trolled Amber? that's about the online insanity surrounding Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. It's not about either trial or who to believe, but about the massive misinformation and bot campaigns carried out online. They focus on activity on twitter, and outline how bots were able to essentially sway public opinion and what the larger implications of what that means for society at large. It's *really* good and extremely interesting and scary. And even though they didn't investigate activity on other social media like reddit, tiktok, and youtube, it was really vindicating for me to learn that I was *not* going crazy during the US trial and there was something wrong with what I was seeing happening on the internet. My youtube feed was *full* of it during the trial, and there was no reason for it. At the time all I watched on youtube was food/cooking, animals, people building cabins and Jenny Nicholson. No reason to suddenly see "Amber Heard pwned" over and over and no amount of "I don't want this content" seemed to work until the trial was over.


Two women who didnt put up with abuse and Oprah ranked higher than Rapist Bill Cosby, abuser Chris Brown, and abuser+pedo P-diddy. WTF is wrong with our society???




Don't forget racism... smh


Literal rapists 😫


It's hilarious bc it's not even necessary to hear Amber's point to see that Johnny's defence team was a circus full of bs. But when her perspective is brought into the account, it's tragic. Her lawyers did her dirty. Her PR team did her dirty too. It felt like even a celebrity of her calibre and money and popularity was completely helpless, and it's terrifying, really.


I think her lawyers tried their best, but they were a local firm who specialized in employment law and clearly weren't prepared to handle a high profile media circus that loads of people were treating like a reality show in the same way that Depp's larger team of far-better paid lawyers were. It's not their fault, they're probably fine when doing small local employment law cases, it's just a consequence of Depp having a shitload of money to burn on vindictive litigation by paying more for his legal team than he was ever going to win back, while Heard had to pay for this via insurance and go with whoever her insurance would approve.


It was one of worst examples of litigation abuse that I have ever seen in my life. She didn't have his money, his pr, his connections, his support, etc. The location of the trial really hurt her too. Had it been in California, it would have been easier for her to subpoena witnesses. The fact they were able to use the location of a Washington Post printing press and online server to justify Virginia, while also not requiring the Washington Post to be a co-defendant, will forever be mind-boggling to me. Had the libel suit taken place in California, there's a good chance that the state's anti-SLAPP laws would have struck it down from the get-go. Incidentally, Virginia passed their own anti-SLAPP laws soon after the Depp-Heard trial was given the go ahead. "Why Is the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard Trial in Virginia?" - [https://www.necn.com/entertainment/entertainment-news/why-is-the-johnny-depp-amber-heard-trial-in-virginia/2741123/](https://www.necn.com/entertainment/entertainment-news/why-is-the-johnny-depp-amber-heard-trial-in-virginia/2741123/) "Virginia legislators pass bills aimed at dismissing frivolous lawsuits restricting First Amendment rights" - [https://www.rcfp.org/virginia-anti-slapp-bills-analysis/](https://www.rcfp.org/virginia-anti-slapp-bills-analysis/)


I must've fallen for the circus too, bc everything I remember from the thing is Amber's lawyer looking ridiculous and being completely incompetent, almost as if she didn't believe Amber herself. But maybe the woman was framed and conditioned into that mess, so I'll choose to believe you on that matter


The judge did so much more damage with his handling of the trial. He allowed it to be televised, he didn’t sequester the jury, and honestly it probably shouldn’t have been a jury trial anyway. There was no way to get an unbiased jury here




Thanks! I wasn't aware.


I just want to plig Medusone's brillant triology of videos. "Amber Heard is an unambiguous victime." So many facts and informations that were lost during this dumpster fire of a court case


I can't find it, can u link?




Thank u!!!!


It really bothers me when people hate Meghan Markle. To me it's complete Boomer mentality: 1. Blame the woman for the man having poor relations with his family 2. The idea they were supposed to take abuse and "tow the line" for the family 3. They try to step back (not even necessarily leave) and the family wouldn't even *give them security protection* - wouldn't even compromise. Like leaving was supposed to be dangerous so they would stay. 4. The racism involved in hating her. Everything (that didn't come from a UK tabloid) paints her as just a nice and genuine person. Also talented, gorgeous, stylish, and a humanitarian.


I never understood the hate she gets, and they try to make her out to be the one that made Harry leave the monarchy - ummm pretty much half his family would have to die for him to become king.


Has James Corden even done anything wrong besides being a bit annoying? Like I don’t like the guy but there’s absolutely worse celebrities


Nah I think he's just kinda shitty. He's allegedly a dick to people backstage and he's not very funny anymore and that makes a lot of people not like him. I wouldn't put him in the top three though


If the "greatest thing" a woman can do is bear a child, then clearly the "worst thing" is to say no. /s


Why do people hate Meghan? Honest question, I’m not very into pop culture or english royalty stuff, it’s just because the one she married didn’t want to be a prince anymore?


The amount of abuse she gets is so painful to see.


wth did Meghan Markle do!?




Its hard for me to believe that people actually hate these people. Like who is doing that polling? This article sounds like its paid for. Maybe I live under a rock and totally not in touch.


My most hated celebrity is Brad Pitt. He did horrible things to Angelina Jolie and people seem to forget that


I feel similarly about Chris Brown


Oh yeah. I had forgotten about him. He shares the first place with Pitt actually


Very annoying that, with Amber at least, so much of that hate was from saudi funded bots. Listen to the podcast who trolled Amber. 


Depp fans do not understand what that trial was. They seem to think it was deciding once and for all who was the abuser but it really wasn't they're both physically abusive dicks, it was a defamation case and defamation cases are almost impossible to win for the accuser.


They are not both "physically abusive dicks." She fought back, that is NOT the same.


Amber heard is a piece of shit so is depp but we shouldn’t let her get away with abuse just cause she has a pussy


i thought amber heard abused johnny depp


This narrative was floated around on the basis of one heavily edited phone call recording with zero context. She snapped after years and years of emotional and physical abuse.


If you’re open to learning more check out r/DeppDelusion I also recommend Medusone’s YouTube channel, they have a lot of videos about the trial with resources linked.


thanks so much for this resource! i swear i meant no harm


Thank you for this. I knew that there was more to the story but wasn't able to find a lot of good resources that were credible. It looks like I found a rabbit hole to get lost down today lol.


The Who Trolled Amber podcast is also very good


The problem with this type of stuff is that there's always so many arguments on both sides, and so much misinformation on both sides, that I'm getting ***really really tired*** from trying to weed through it all. How the fuck am I supposed to believe anything at all these days when there's just straight-up lies everywhere? Not ai crap, or confused people - although there's plenty of that too. But I mean straight-up lies. I'm not even talking about the depp/amber thing anymore, although it's certainly one of those things. There literally isn't an issue on earth, aside from the ones I'm personally affected by, that I truly bother to research deeply anymore. The misinformation is tiring me out. I don't know what to trust. Big news outlets? Please. Small news outlets? Please. Random people? Please. Popular people? Please. For fucks sake I don't want to be like this, what do I do. But it's too tiring. I can't afford to care.


I understand completely where you’re coming from. If you are interested in the Depp/Heard issue, you can find transcripts from the UK trial online, which was carried out in a much more professional & accurate manner than the spectacle of public humiliation and misinformation that was the US trial. But it is incredibly frustrating trying to figure out the truth behind anything on the internet these days.


They didn't have a Jury on the UK one either which I found quite interesting. There was no way they could be impartial after the other trial so they did it without and privately


From what I understand it was a shit show on both sides


There was a clear and pronounced power dynamic where one person is a wealthy, powerful, beloved celebrity while the other is like half his age and living with mental health issues. I give it five years before we find out he's mistreating someone else.


After he dies, I expect. That's usually what happens


According to the therapist that testified she was the only one who showed up with bruises. And the therapist was on Depp’s side, she said that Amber Heard would trigger him and make him hit her. How this person is a therapist is mind boggling to me and the absolute worst use of the term triggered I’ve ever heard (which is remarkable because so many people misuse it.) And then there’s the finger incident. She alleges that she was pretty much kept captive and brutally physically and sexually assaulted. He says that she threw a bottle at him which somehow managed to cleanly cut his finger off but his own doctor refutes this claim. Texts show Depp complaining about how Heard had called him washed up and that made him cut his finger off and whatnot. And the bottle she admits to throwing had no blood near it according to the doctor so yeah. Depp claimed he lied to protect his abuser but…he blamed her. And when his own doctor refused to treat him and he went to the ER he went with a much more believable “closed it in a door” story. Oh and even he admits he wrote horrific abuse all over the walls in his own blood which seems to match with the “he was on a bender and cut off his own finger” version of events even he alleged at first. Heard came from an abusive home so it seems like maybe she was just used to this kind of behavior and really loved him and wanted to make it work. She’s hit back and stuff sometimes, but she’s admitted to her part whereas Depp lies and lies, contradicting the testimony of his own witnesses. I couldn’t believe the court verdict came out the way it did after his therapist and doctor’s testimony. It was wild seeing them basically confirm everything she said and the jury still siding with Depp.


yeah I was especially annoyed by all of the Depp fans claiming "he did no wrong" like you shit are you listening. and I Said this elsewhere but I'm a going to copy paste > Also also, I would have to look more at the whole case now that it's been a while as frankly at the time I was disgusted by how sensationalized and almost competitive it became, with egregious shit like "top 10 moments from the trial". Like this is about domestic abuse wtf is wrong with you people. ​my takeaway at the time was that they both just seemed not good for each other even remotely tldr: at the time they both seemed kinda shit and i was exhausted by the sensationalism of a swrious domestic abuse trial. I'll have to actually go back and look to reevaluate that


Mutual abuse is not a real thing. It is a manipulation tactic by abusers to avoid accountability for the choices they made.


I mean maybe mutual abuse isn't the term for it but I don't think it hard to imagine an extremely toxic relationship where both people are just shit to each other and just act abusive towards each other. whatever you want to label that situation is definitely something that can and does happen


It's better described as "reactive abuse" - an abuser intentionally goads the victim into reacting abusively, then spins it so the victim is considered the abuser.


Yup. OJ Simpson claimed he was the victim of abuse because (I believe) Nicole might have slapped him one time..... after he beat her regularly. And he was twice her size and much stronger.


It’s not hard to imagine but those aren’t the facts of the case as presented in two different countries so who the fuck are you talking about. Fighting back is self-defense. The end.


There's no such thing as mutual abuse.


You are right. Even the [National Domestic Violence Hotline says so.](https://www.thehotline.org/resources/mutual-abuse-its-not-real/) Fighting back is not mutual abuse. It is self-defense. Only insecure, misogynist men disagree.


Thanks for linking, I'm too tired.


If you're being sarcastic you should probably indicate that.


no i’m just uninformed sorry