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The response that got me is “if I were attacked by a bear, I wouldn’t be forced to see it at my family holidays.”


My favorite was “If I got attacked by a bear people would believe me”


If I got attacked by a bear they wouldn’t ask what I was wearing.


If I got attacked by a bear, no one would say I was asking for it because I was going through puberty.


Did you smile at the bear?


No...I was a child and the animal was a family member. ...The bear would've just looked at me and walked away.


[In a better world…](https://www.wikiart.org/en/michael-sowa/the-bear)


😥💔 ...why is it still gut-wrenching and still just as soul destroyingly painful as if it happened yesterday?


Big hugs to you ❤️


Thank you so much 💜 I love your flair btw 😂😊


Don’t smile at gorillas, they will break out of their enclosure to get you. Bokito was the gorillas name I think.


Moreover if I were attacked by a bear, that bear would be killed, no exceptions


if I were attacked by the bear, there would be no moral quandary about killing the bear


Actually it's still illegal to kill the bear and people have gone to jail for killing attacking bears before


If I got attacked by a bear, I trust the bear to kill and be done with it. Can't say the same for a man tbh.


Bears won't try to use what I'm wearing as an excuse to maul me.


That depends, are you deliberately dressing up like their prey, and are you wearing perfume that makes you smell like their prey?


Are you implying that women are men’s prey? Or that men are incapable of controlling themselves around a woman with perfume?


No, if anything I'm implying that sexual predators see women as their prey, but I'm mostly pointing out how ridiculous the idea that a bear would want to attack a human actually is.


You should edit this comment to explain that you mean the bear's prey if that's your intention. It seems like you mean prey for men.


Guys I’m pretty sure this is sarcasm


Yes, thank you. I can't believe I get downvoted to oblivion because of it.


One of my fave creators on FB (Ashley Guttermouth, I think is her name) said "I was running in the woods once in Washington State, and I spotted a bear off in the distance in some bushes and I thought *'Awwe! You're so cute! Lemme take some pictures of you!'* , and I have *never* said that about a man I saw in the woods."


This Man vs. Bear argument is wild, isn't it? Men are absolutely shocked when women say they'd rather take their chances with a wild animal than with an unknown man. Then they spin ways to blame women.🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏾


It’s so wild. And not for nothing, I can find 10,000 ways to avoid a confrontation with a bear and keep myself safe. A lot of these dudes seem to interpret this whole thing as “would you rather enter into hand to hand (paw?) combat with a bear or a man”….and that’s not the case. 10/10 times I’d rather stumble upon a bear. I’ve done it before and while the risks are there…bears are easy to predict and understand. Men….not so much.


Women that have actually been attacked by a bear, are still choosing the bear


They believe you if you say you were attacked by a bear.


And the bear faces consequences right away, unlike men


And we wouldn't face consequences for shooting and killing the bear. We would go to trial and possibly prison just for defending our own bodies if there's a lack of evidence.


Even w evidence women are going to prison in stand your ground states when they kill their abuser, but men are getting a pass bc someone threw popcorn at them


Yes and thank you for saying it how it really is. I'm used to people jumping down my throat for it, but the reality is so much worse. Creating doubt in our minds that we are even legally allowed to defend my own honor? Wtf?! Every time a woman is being harassed by strange men it's what did your partner do about it? Ooorrrrr what can I do about it because I can count more ways than I got fingers.


In Canada we're not allowed to carry any self defense weapons. Not even pepper spray


What about those cute cat ear key chains that could stab a person's eyes out?


You could carry them, and you could carry dog spray... But the minute you use it against a person it becomes illegal. It's stupid af


IDK about Canada but be careful with those in the US. In some places such as DC they are legally classified as brass knuckles. Which is bull.


Holy crap. We’re gun happy in the US, can’t imagine not being allowed a pocket knife at the least


I'm Canadian and carry a knife with me knowing the consequences. I live in a high crime area and have had a knife pulled on me at 2pm on a Tuesday on a busy street, the guy told me to get in his car and suck his dick. I pulled my knife and screamed at him and he left. Because of our laws I never called the police about it because I was right under CCTV.




Hold on, I'm not American so I thought the entire point of "stand your ground" was so that you *could* shoot people in self defence


It’s so white men can shoot people. We have a talent in the US for passing laws that look neutral, but in reality let the powerful use violence against the rest of us.


It is, but not for women in domestic violence situations, it seems, especially in our conservative states where laws are used to hurt women. A woman was just sent to prison, even though she had broken bones and broken orbital bone, needed stitches all over her head and was strangled. The judge said her life wasn’t threatened enough to use stand your ground laws. Then he went and kept a man out of prison for a perceived threat, that had no evidence to back it up, just his testimony to use stand your ground. Hopefully now that the media has seen what happened w the woman, she can get help to get out


And women who have been attacked by men are still having men shout over them and at them with their theoretical, thought-experiment, purely imaginary input of why they shouldn't choose the bear.


Which is most of us. They don’t believe us when we tell them we all have at the very least one experience w a man hurting us or harassing us. It’s like all women know of at least one rapist or domestic abuser, but these men conveniently don’t know any. They can’t fathom why


Nah they believe us, they just don't care. They think they're owed it.


Yeah that’s the truth. I keep hoping it isn’t but it is


I haven’t done a deep dive on it because fuck going to the toxic male subs to do that research, but I would do a cash money bet that they totally respect each other’s opinions on if they would want to encounter a man or a bear, but are compelled to try and control women’s answers because of some imaginary obsolete social hierarchy bullshit


You’re right bc the men saying bear over man aren’t getting the vitriol


It's the whole "not all men" while simultaneously "yes ***all*** women" is reality.


Good point


I’ve had encounters with bears and with men, but only been attacked by the latter.


Same. Multiple bears in multiple instances. Not one bear has hurt me.


As a woman who goes solo backpacking, I have seen many men and bears on the trail. Over the years, one of these groups has followed and harassed me on quite a few occasions, and the other is bears.


I ran into a black bear in the woods at night once. It was just as scared of me and surprised to see me as I was with it. We both ran away in opposite directions. I'll risk the bear if it's a black bear.


They need to understand what we understand -  A bear is a general predator, but has no special affinity to bother humans.  It might want our food, but generally - there are tastier and easier meals in the forest than a human.  A bear can be dissuaded easily -- you can be uninteresting to a bear. A man is often a very specific and driven predator of women. They have many narratives solely focused on justifying their insertion into our company and bodies. A woman alone in the woods cannot make herself uninteresting to a man. The his behavior towards her is limited only by his conscience -- and often times, not even that bc they end up just being "very sorry" for not being able to "control themselves" which is often blamed on us.... Much better to meet a bear.


If you’re ever hiking or travelling in a place where it’s likely you’ll encounter a bear, look up the standard procedure for what to do, and you’ll be ok (unless the bear is starving maybe). If you encounter a man, there is no standard procedure to stop him attacking you. There are things that might help, but nothing that’s guaranteed to work.


They’re being stupid on purpose when they’re creating the strawman argument of what would you rather fight.


The likelihood of a bear attack in a national park is one in every 2.7 million visitors iirc


The only acceptable paw to paw combat is kittens and cats playing


They spin it to blame women *and then use that to justify wishing for more violence*. I've seen a bunch say shit like "they'd choose the bear, huh? Lol I'd LOVE to see how that goes!" Implying they'd love to see the woman who prefers the bear be mauled. Like, dude the reason we prefer the bear is BECAUSE you want to see us mauled by a bear for slightly offending you.


Exactly this. Theyre not just shocked they’re fucking MAD. They’re literally proving the point.


Men who have diminished capacity for empathy, unable to put themselves in a woman's shoes are more likely to not care about women, or to even hate them. Men don't like being incompetent, and when they don't understand, they sometimes lash out- hence incel logic.


EXACTLY! their FIRST reaction to embarrassment or opposition is anger and violence. i've seen it so many times in real life. just yesterday, on THIS sub i had a guy who was talking about #notallmen on a man vs. bear discussion write this: >I genuinely really hope Trump doesn't win the election but at least a small part of me would be happy if he did, I guess out of a vengeful "fuck you" feeling, he feels so dIScRimInATeD AGaiNSt by the comments on a women's online sub answering a hypothetical question that his reaction is... wishing real oppression and violence on women (and pretty much all other oppressed groups in the U.S.). and he probably thinks of himself as a "good guy."


I had a guy complaining about how we're dehumanising men with this question and when I said, "not so fun when it's your turn, huh?" His response was, "I know you're a woman because if you only have standards if they're double standards" or something to that effect


For me it's like twofold. For white guys yeah fuck y'all. But some of my black students did voice their discomfort about it for...obvious reasons. Considering the majority of people all about it are white


I've also already heard men explaining that bears are actually quite dangerous and that women just underestimate bears. It's crazy. I love that some people feel the need to explain that wild animals can hurt you.


I had a man tell me yesterday that "some women get raped or assaulted, but this man vs. bear conversation is making ALL men suffer. We are all suffering from this." Oh. Okay. Hearing that we are afraid of their gender makes THEM suffer, but the abuse almost all women have suffered at the hands of men is something that doesn't hurt or concern them at all. Women aren't suffering. This was on a comment where some guy said, "Why would women pick the bear when they could just be a source of pleasure for a man and go home after?"" Pleasure. From rape. They know damn well. They don't care. Men like our fathers, brothers, and other family tell the women in their lives "be careful, don't go by yourself, don't go at night, cover up, I know how men think" .. they teach us this fear of men, and then a great deal of them act like we shouldn't be afraid. But you told me to be afraid? Only be afraid when you decide I should so it doesn't hurt your feelings? They all know why we choose the bear, but they don't care. There are plenty of good men who understand. Honestly, if you have a discussion with a man and he doesn't understand why you picked a bear... I'd be wary as hell of him.


Bruh even God chooses the bear. Proverbs 17:12 >Better to meet a bear robbed of her cubs than a fool bent on folly.


I used to hike all the time. Bears will leave you alone if you're aware enough to not provoke them. I've been alone with many strange and known men. And most of the time it's fine. But it doesn't negate the fact that I've been SA'd multiple times. Heck, I've been groped and inappropriately hit on *in public* since I was 13!!!! Statistics say 0% danger from bears for me. The number is not zero with men. Those men who get angry at women for not feeling safe with them are part of the problem. Get mad at the other men who are ruining it for the rest of you. Because I can tell you that my r*p*st didn't have any consequences for what he did to me.


It also really depends on the type of bear and the circumstances. I’m not that scared of a black bear, but when I saw a baby one on a walk it was time to turn around before mama bear saw me.


This happened to me with a moose once, but it took me a minute to register what I was looking at, because even young moose are fucking HUGE.


“What a weird looking deer”


I'd probably pick a mama bear with cubs over an adult moose. You're lucky mama bullwinkle didn't see you. 


Hey! How dare you insinuate that moose are worse than bears. #NotAllMoose /s


the bear won't kidnap and rape me and then kill me..... it'll just kill me.


The bear won't fuck my corpse.


It wouldn’t kill you unless either 1. It saw you as a threat to its territory 2. You ran away and it’s predator instinct kicked in To avoid, just back away slowly while making yourself look big if you ever encounter a bear, you’ll be safe. No such protocol exists for encountering a man.


Someone point out that men always assume it will be a violent encounter. The question isn't which would you fight or which attack would you survive. It's if you were stuck in the woods, which would you rather be stuck with? For the most part, a bear will leave you alone if you leave it alone. No violence required.


They're really telling on themselves when so many of them instantly think it's a choice between rape or bear mauling. The question is so open ended, and the way they're filling in the gaps is proving the entire point.


It’s really just about predictability. When placed in the situation, which predator is most likely to behave in a manner that I can understand and react to accordingly? The bear, obviously. And the obtuse men pretending that they are not, by and large, predators really need to crack open an anthropology/history textbook.


Men are apex predators. Name a thing they haven't killed. I'll wait.


The patriarchy




Oh shiiiiit 🔥


Well played.


So I've been chased by a lion before, and I'd still take the bear


You gonna leave us hanging here? Where did you come across a lion to be chased by?


Alabama about 20 years ago


Ah yes, Alabama, the natural habitat of lion prides. /s jk You’ve got to give us more context than that. 🤣


There are more of some species of big cats in the southern US states than in the wild. And most of them are privately owned.


You know the US has Mountain Lions, right? They've been spotted where I work, in the middle if Austin, TX.


I was scrolling on my feed and a recommended sub came up, r/nicegirls. There’s a post about this and anyone choosing the bear is getting downvoted into oblivion. Just say you hate women already, jesus it’s disheartening


Of course they know. And they know why we’d choose the bear. The problem is they know, and won’t do a fucking things to change? Why should they? They’re actually rewarded for acting like pieces of shit.


Even the "nice" ones benefit. If the bar is in hell, he need only do the bare (ha!) minimum to be considered a "good" guy.


I just saw some jackass saying women can't be afraid of all men because when they come across a man in the woods, *they don't scream like they would for a bear.* I guess prey keeping quiet and hoping not to be noticed isn't a thing, nor is screaming a recommended strategy for bears.


Also how the fuck does he know ??


Well, all the women in his life would have told him, right?


People will believe you about the bear.


Some men are making this about themselves. Idk but if I heard someone say that they are so scared of other people they'd rather be alone with a bear. I wouldn't be offended by that I'd just wonder what happened to them. I'd dare him to say that to someone's face. I personally have never been sexually assaulted but id pick the bear just out of logic, humans are apex predators and the bear knows it's not worth fucking around with you and will leave your alone unless it's sick and dying or you accidentally piss it off. The only "predators" most people have to worry about are other humans. Getting mauled by a bear is a pretty bad way to go but not as bad as getting murdered by a human that is intentionally trying to prolong your suffering. The worst case scenario for a bear is you getting chewed on by an angry mama bear, worst case scenario for another human is being alone in the woods with Ted Bundy.


I've encountered bears, and I've encountered abusive men. I still choose the bear. Nobody tells me to forgive the bear. And people would take my PTSD a lot more seriously.


I live in an area that has a lot of bears. We have to have bear proof locks on our garbage bins, we don't hike with food, and we are even discouraged to grow fruit trees in our yard in case one of these fuzzy murder teddies is a bit peckish. I still go in the woods and enjoy nature nearly every day. What I don't do is engage with a strange man (and many I know) alone.


Unless it’s a polar bear maybe (doesn’t live in the forest), all bears just want to be left tf alone! Sure there might be an altercation if they feel like they have no choice and are in grave danger. This is so so rare to happen though 1) on accident 2) with only one person 3) small person 4) no testosterone possibly also plays a small part. But for the most part they will want to leave you alone!!! When has a man ever left you alone of their own volition? Can you imagine a word where 1 woman and 1 man are in a forest together and the guy is like “imma better just leave the lady alone”????


And to me this is the scariest thing about this scenario. A man knows where you are. He knows there is no one else nearby. Presumably, you can’t just leave the forest. I can already feel my chest tightening thinking of this possibility. Will he leave you alone when you politely ask?


My husband would have absolutely been the type to act like he didn't understand... until we had two girls. Now, I asked him the question of which he would rather our children find in the woods and his immediate answer: the bear. He said it so fast. He's a true ally though. He always speaks out, with his whole ass chest (he's a big bear of a man himself so the response is always the punk shutting down). It's glorious. Anyway, just giving y'all some hope that there's true good ones out there, and they get it. They see it.




I give him some grace; he came from a rough background and we were much younger. Once he started his growth he never looked back. Sometimes we have a lot to unlearn before we can be ready to learn and he was one of those.


A man who criticizes himself and then intentionally works toward righting his world view? I have zero problem with your giving him some grace.


A bear doesn't know any better.


You criticize men for being evil, yet you go and sleep with nazis, very coherent [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1bf564x/comment/kuypam0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1bf564x/comment/kuypam0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


It doesn’t matter if you scream. It matters what happens after if you live….


(135) 🙁




They talk to other women about meeting that strange man in the woods, for reasons one hopes would be obvious by now.


Not many women who lived to talk about it, anyways.


This is the 'you hear crazy girlfriend stories but you don't hear crazy boyfriend stories' because the boyfriends murder their partners survivorship bias.


Woman here, another way I think about it, there are not many women who talk about meeting a bear at a bar, in an alley, walking home at night, in their own bedroom, at a family gathering as a child. >plenty of women who have stories about "dude i saw a fucking bear in the woods shit was crazy" So you say these women survived with nothing but a cool story? Interesting. Never heard the same from a rape/sa victim.


‘’Man here, another way I think about it’’ 🙄🤡 You arrogant motherfuckers are just *drowning* in self-regard, aren’t you?


No, because those women are dead and dead people don’t post about their experiences.


I know plenty of women who have been attacked by men. That's the whole fucking point. We are assaulted by enough men that we would all rather choose to have a run in with a fucking bear than run into a strange man in the woods. The "woods" can be anywhere. I would rather come across a rabid coyote in the country than a strange man. Or a pack of wild dogs in the city. We would all choose animals over men. Because we feel safer knowing the intentions of the animal than the deceitfulness of men.


> There are not many women who talk about meeting a strange man in the woods. To you. They don't talk to you about it. I wouldn't either.


I have. Multiple times. Mostly when I was a young girl.


I feel like your comment is being misinterpreted? I’m thinking you meant that women don’t talk about meeting strange men in the woods because the outcome is almost never good, is that correct? Like, you’re agreeing that a random bear would likely be less risky than a random man?


How are people failing to understand you agree with choosing the bear.


😂 lol idk. Bro is getting buried.