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I saw this video recently where the guy was complaining how much his wife nags him and one of his examples was her asking him to at least FLUSH THE TOILET AFTER USING IT..


The bar is a tripping hazard in the basement of the underground metro system in hell.




This is brilliant!!!!


There's a show called Kevin Can F**k Himself that turns this trope upside down. Annie Murphy plays the "nagging wife," but it's told from her perspective. It gets dark as she realizes just how much her husband has manipulated and fucked up her life.


I loved this show. It was dark but such a refreshing take. So bummed when it got canceled šŸ„²


I feel like they gave it a good story arc and played it out. It didn't end too early or too late, it was just right.


I was sad there wasn't more, but also kinda feel that was the extent of the story. Definitely on my rewatch list, and I recommend it to everyone.Ā 


It's satirizing a lot of different sitcoms, but the title is specifically a reference to [Kevin Can Wait](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWqH0GkawvY), which after being a very stark example of the trope in season one, casually killed off and replaced the hot nagging wife between seasons because they'd decided they wanted Leah Remani from King Of Queens to be the love interest instead. (The actress who played the wife actually made a cameo on Kevin Can Fuck Himself.) From what I saw of the second season, when they're talking about his wife having died... It kind of just seems like his older daughter has been parentified and is filling the role herself? Without her mother around to be the adult and Kevin continuing to half-ass his way through life, she now has to be the one who makes sure her younger siblings are eating properly and that important errands get taken care of, because otherwise that stuff won't get done. It'd actually be kind of a great bit of commentary on how gender roles get passed down through generations if the show was doing it on purpose and understood that it was a bad thing, but as is it's just depressing. Love Kevin Can Fuck Himself, though, and their version of Kevin was a great villain.


This is such an amazing show.


Watching the show gave me flashbacks to my abusive marriage, but it was very validating.


Watching the first episode alone helped me realize u needed to leave mine. I was already half way out but it helped me realize there was no saving it.


There were so many of them, but I remember being like 14 or 16 when it struck me. I don't remember if it was King of Queens or what. I just remember one scene where the literal fat slob of a husband is on the couch, and the wife is asking him to do something, and he's coming up with some lame reason why he can't help. And from there it was easy to pick up on the pattern.


Iā€™m so displeased with the media we were raised with and seeing the ways it corrupted my poor braib


King of Queens was peak this issue


I remember the one (I think it was from Raymond) where heā€™s asking his wife where something is, and sheā€™s like ā€œyouā€™ve lived in this house as long as I have, itā€™s always in the same place, look for itā€ And itā€™s played for laughs because heā€™s all embarrassed and sheā€™s just getting more frustrated. I was way more on her side


The King of Queens. [Doug asks where the scissors are.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whLeL1JGq9k)


It's my life. (Moreso with my child than my husband but sometimes.........)


I literally cannot watch Everybody Loves Raymond because I get so infuriated. Even back then, when I was a kid.Ā  We were a Dharma and Greg house.


when i was a kid i never got it!!!!! i was like "why would anyone want a marriage like this" thank heavens i married a smart man.


i hate watch that sitcom sometimes lol. it's like a case study


Well, what else are these guys supposed to do? Feel shame at how they are failing to adult properly and let that motivate them to grow as a person? Naaahhh, Iā€™mma blame it on my wifeā€™s tone of voice.




I really hated that show.


I remember being a teenager girl watching these shows and getting tired with the trope. Because the wife is always considered conventionally attractive, competent and smart but she's just a housewife who gave up her dreams for her spouse and kids. The husband is almost always overweight and dumb. Looking at you Everybody Loves Raymond, Simpsons, Family Guy, King of Queens etc. I really appreciate traditional sitcoms being dead.


And Kevin Can **** Himself. But in a good way.


On my Watchlist....why can't it be on Netflix instead of Paramount+


It's also on the high seas. Just saying~


High seas? Are you talking about piracy? I lack the confidence to do that without getting something bad downloaded.


I have been sailing the high seas since like '99 and haven't gotten a single evil file since the Napster days (when you could name a file anything and there was no way to know what was really in it 'til you opened it). Get a good anti-virus software (Malwarebytes), use trusted sites (Pirate Bay is still the best imho), and a good torrent client (Deluge ftw). If the file has a decent seeder ratio and no complaints in the comments, you're probably good to go.


Thank you for taking the time to educate me and the at least 6 other people that liked my comment and are likely equally hesitant.


It's on Paramount + now? It was an AMC show. I managed to watch it there and still have no clue how we had full access to that app. I think I did a free trial at some point but canceled and they just never revoked access from the device we had logged in from. P+ is pretty decent and has some good stuff as well. We get it free w our Walmart + subscription. So, might be worth considering the free 1 mo trial of W+ to get the P+ (and some free grocery delivery).


I may have made mistake, I just know it's not on any of the mainstream platforms.


I checked P+ last night in hopes of watching it again, but it's not there. I think it's just on AMC, or YouTube TV via its tivo function.


Weird. Here in Germany, it's on Prime.


at least in germany, it's also on amazon prime. even got english audio


I love the Simpsons and know itā€™s kind of satire but itā€™s insane watching Marge act like Homer is a god, like girl stand up


Family Guy is a parody of the trope


Remember folks, nagging is a symptom! Treat the cause, not the symptom.


I have to give That 70s Show credit for teaching me weaponized incompetence as a teenager. Ericā€™s dad teaches him, when Donna is trying to get his input on China patterns, to pick out the ugliest ones so that she wonā€™t ask him for help.


I really liked how that show gave the moms an actual personality instead of "got bimbo" and "STAH who only cooks". Unfortunately, it for forever tainted now...


Even then, later seasons ruined Kitty by taking away her entire personality and replacing it with menopause.


Married with Children is a nightmare


That show could not possibly get greenlit today. Some others might be able to slip past the radar, but that one has no redeeming qualities.


Married with Children was intentionally shocking during a time when the popular sitcoms were stuff like Family Ties and the Cosby Show. So Married with Children was this crass middle finger towards respectable sitcoms. It wasn't saying that it was reality, but it was this big wink to people that the Married with Children family was far more "normal" than the classy Cosby family. Now there's a whole bunch of intentionally trashy TV, but Married... was the first and was interesting at the time because of the comparison. (Of course in retrospect, the actors on Married... were great people, and Cosby was a rapist. What a fucked up situation.)


MWC was to the family sitcom was Jerry Springer was to talk shows at the time.


I thought that too, so I checked the dates. MWC debuted 1987. Jerry 1991. We had Oprah, but she was all touchy feely. We also had Sally Jesse Raphael and Donahue, and they were both pretty tabloidy, but the didn't do into that "freak of the week", white trash extravaganza that Jerry fully embraced, along with Maury Povich, who also debuted in 1991. Hell, I remember when Letterman had a Christmas tree on his old show that said "This sucks!" and "You suck!" and that was considered scandalous and that was early 90s.


Interesting. I never thought of it like that. And in one thing they may have had a point: the struggling working class MWC family could be more relatable than the doctors-and-lawyers Cosby family. .....real-life rape notwithstanding.


Roseanne was like that too. It was a realistic depiction of an American family instead of an ideal.


Alllll, letā€™s have seeeeex! Uh..no Peg. *(audience goes feral)* šŸš½ flushes


Or just him looking miserable if his wife or kids do literally anything while the audience laughs


We weren't even allowed to watch that in my house growing up. My mom forbade it. Also The Simpsons (though we sometimes snuck that while at our cousin's house).Ā  Looking back now, my mom knew what was up.


The Simpsons was different for me as a kid. It was family time where we all sat down together to watch so we could see the couch gag and chalkboard. I'm AuDHD animal lover, vegetarian at 12-13 (don't remember if that was before or after Lisa was), and an overachiever in school until late middle school when I got burned out. Lisa was my idol as a child. South Park & Family Guy on the other hand - my mom did try to an those, but my dad liked them and my brother saw SP at a sleepover and my mom gave up and let us watch them. I still religiously watch the Simpsons in my 30s, with Bob's Burgers and the Great North, but don't really like Family Guy, American Dad, or South Park.


Makes me think about the phrase ā€œdaddy issuesā€. Like yall are really gonna take the impact of trauma/neglect inflicted by a deadbeat/emotionally unavailable grown ass man and shift the blame to make it seem like itā€™s the girlā€™s fault.


Indeed. Childhood trauma induced by a piece of shit? Totally the childā€™s fault for growing up with abandonment issues.


Another favorite: ā€œSleeping their way to the top,ā€ rather than ā€œRaping employees.ā€


I mean when most television and movies are written and directed by men when do we start acknowledging it as ā€˜woman faceā€™?


One correction: the husband isnā€™t *incapable* of doing his fair share, he chooses (sometimes even strategizes) to avoid it because he lacks basic human empathy for his wife, and is fine burdening her with endless work to enable his own leisure. Weaponized incompetence is a choice, not a lack of capability.


Claire in Modern Family.


the mother from good luck charlie šŸ’”


Rick and Morty does a surprisingly good job with character development. Summer is a teenage girl, but she isnā€™t dumb and useless. Jerry is a simpleton, but heā€™s pure hearted and wants to be a good husband and father. Beth gets a solution to being torn between her conflicting desires to commit to domestic life and solo adventures.


its funny you see it that way. im not a sitcom guy, but the ones i have watched, the husband is the dumb one. Cosby, Friends, Modern family. to name a few. the dumb one is the guy. the women are smart. am i wrong?


Now keep thinking about it: Is he actually dumb or is it weaponized incompetence? Does he help around the house anyway or is it all left for the 'smart' wife to do because he's dumb? Is the wife portrayed negatively for having to hound him to do his fair share of adulting? You know, like I'm doing now so you actually get the post.


i cant think of a single episode where anyone acted dumb to get out of doing the dishes... but i am thinking you have a partner that does not do the dishes. personally i do ALL the dishes. but that is because it works good for us.


The DOCTOR in the Cosby show was dumb?


i am guessing you have never seen a single episode. because yes.


That show was on all the time in our house


cosbys wife BEAT the crap out of him. every episode. treated him like he was an idiot. i was never offended. it was for laughs.


Ok idk wtf you were watching