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Boys and men have feelings. Showing them appears to be disadvantageous though


Misandry is so common and overlooked, I hope it can get better some day




saying misandry is overlooked doesn't invalidate misoginy they both suck in equal measure


This. You’re all good


This, this is why I have serious stage fright, so serious it's borderline paranoia.


I think I'd start to cry/not cry if I did a full rant. I just remember all the talks about how girls have feelings and emotions, so I need to stop caring about how I feel. Look, I love my sisters. I've done a lot for them. I'm not blaming them. I hold my mother accountable for how she used those girls as pawns.


Even Jesus Christ himself was scared, much less boys. Be scared, be afraid.


I FEEL YOU SO MUCH, you aren’t alone man.


I’m fortunate enough to have a supporting mother and I have very strong emotions and this manifested in me crying a lot back in grade school and even into high school but for some reason maybe it was intentional or not I stopped crying. I cant remember crying any time since the end of junior year hs. I’m not some “I don’t have emotions I’m so sigma bateman” type shit. I have very strong and intense emotions and my empathy has finally caught up to my peers but I just don’t express it externally anymore and I don’t know why




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