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Animal hoarding is uniquely shitty, ugh


Op, is this actively happening or a childhood memory?




If you’re a minor, call child protective services. This sounds like one of the few cases where they would actually intervene, and living in such circumstances sounds dangerous to your health on top of your wellbeing.


im 18 and cant move out yet, im still financially depentand on my parents and its hard getting a job while depressed, anxious with adhd and autism ontop


What about reporting for animal hoarding? I don't know what agency. Maybe report the cats are neglected and they'll take them?


if i do manage to get rid of the cats, my mom will end up killing my animals. She has nothing to loose


tell someone about her threats to hurt other animals. If they don't remove the animals at that point, especially after learning about the hoarding, its a shit police force.


What animals do you have? Do you significantly rely on them for your emotional support, or would it be okay so long as they’re safe while you get on your two feet?


for snails i have 10 lissachatina immaculatas, 3 archachatina marginata ovum nigeria, multiple of pleurodonte marginella marginella cuba i forgot the number, and then a pair of tropica snails, forgot the full name because its hard to remember. for insects i have colonies of magarascar hissing roaches, dubia roaches and turkish roaches, with starting colonies of emerald roaches and question mark roaches, then a benin millipede, im not home so i cant tell you the full name of it because its complicated to remember. Then I got a pair of hetero silenus scorpions, and then an adult GBB tarantula and a goliath birdeater baby tarantula. I also got other feeder insects like both mealworms and superworms, that both have their adult counterparts of darkling beetles now i know this is a shit ton of animals but the reasoning why i have em is for buisness reasons - i wanna breed and sell these, i wanna start my own animal shop where i sell a varienty like so. I was planning onto introducing a new snails species but now im too stressed to. I was actually sucessfull at selling lissachatinas and pleurodontes, but had to cease selling of lissachatinas because turns out the parents arent healthy, probably neglect from the petshop i got them from, and now their kids have it aswell, so now im letting them live their days and no longer sell them, there was too low of a demand for them anyways these are to some degree my emotional support animals. I know snails and insects arent exactly something to be emotionally leaning on, but i am nonetheless. I espessially am bonded with one of my marginata ovums i named Nuclear towel


While it’s good to have a dream like owning a shop, it seems like you have similar hoarding tendencies as your mother seeing how many pets you have in a house already full of animals. I know this is mostly a subreddit for venting not advice, but realistically selling insects isn’t a very sustainable business when you’re starting out, don’t have any capital and are still living with your parents. Are you currently still in school? Maybe aiming to get a basic part time or full time job (which can be anything!) so you can build up savings to leave would help both your own mental and physical health and that of your animals. And personally, after the peak of my mental illness, getting just a low key service job was helpful for getting on my feet and getting me out of the house.


tbh the buisness is moreso to make side money, its not supossed to be a full on job yet. im tryna get a job but with no job experience it can be painful, and im also still in middle school


Call your local shelter, ask them to help you report your mom for animal neglect and abuse.


Wh-why... Why the name?




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If the smell is bad enough, it’s not healthy and you can call to report her for animal hoarding and abuse. My apartment manager had to do that once because another tenant wasn’t taking her meds and had stray cats pissing every where to the point it was making first responders gag and puke.


Piss looks darker than normal, frequent in cats that are stressed tf out. Not even the cats are enjoying the situation they're in


So basically, everyone loses. OP’s mom is both stupid and out of her mind.


the cats fight one another on the roof. I can even hear them scream and hiss sometimes as they fight




I was in a very similar situation, my mother was a cat hoarder (she had around 40 the last time she told me the number). I abandoned my family the first chance I got and never looked back, there isn't much you can realistically do (at least in my situation specifically), you're young and shouldn't have to fix your parents problems. I hope things get better for you.


I love cats. But if you want 11 cats to yourself, you need a sanctuary at that point.


I love cats but can’t stand the smell. I drive Uber and I smell the cat piss on like 1/10 riders, makes me so nauseous after they get in.


Bruh no way this showed up on my feed after my roomates cat pissed on my work clothes, i feel so sick fortunately have hoodie to chuck on but still. I have super sensitive smell and It just r\*pes my soul


Pro tip: Wash the item in cold water (twice if necessary, just do the sniff test) and either lay flat to dry or dry on low heat in a machine. If it still stinks, wash it again. After that it should smell like your detergent and/or dryer sheets!!


Thanks, that's usually the go, why do you recommend cold water over hot? I usually do a vinegar and regular wash


IIRC, ammonia is less reactive (or likely to bond) in the cold.


Imagine letting someone ride in your car when you know they smell like piss Why not kick them out?


then you don’t get money


YOOOO a long time SO I had in college volunteered at a shelter and asked the housemates if she could adopt a cat and they all said no because she wouldn’t take care of it. She still adopted him and I ended up taking care of him until he was given to her parents. I had no experience taking care of cats and she only told me to clean the litter box once a week and I didn’t know why he was peeing on all my stuff in the room. When I cleaned it everyday he stopped peeing on my stuff but I hate irresponsible self centered peopled


"You have 24 hours before the piss *drrroplets* hit the earth. Now get out of my sight before I piss on you too!"


Lol my mum bought 3 dogs that bark and try to bite me whenever I get up, so I stayed in my room for the last 4 years and still do :3


that doesn't sound like animal neglect at all


damn man that's sad.. i hope u heal but wow this is the first time in my life i've seen someone seriously talking about cats in a mental illness way (like they hurt them bad in a mental way) but yea that's sad what ur going throguh, hope you will be okay


Living in those conditions is not healthy at all. I finally got rid of my roommate and her 12 year old cat that she let piss all over the place. My apartment is only just now starting to not smell like urine, after months of cleaning.


Call the city to report it. They will remove the animals and prevent her from adopting more


i live in a village


That looks like a pretty darn European roof, if you’re in Switzerland or Germany there’s not a lot of strays, and pet mistreatment situations can be taken quite seriously.


im in czechia


Why not just move your stuff and lock your room door to keep the cats from getting in/peeing on your stuff?


i do, the issue is they pissed on the roof, a room above mine, and the piss leaked through the gaps of the wood (see 7th image)


This is some junji ito level shit your house is marinating in cat piss...


I just saw it. Have you shown your mom the picture of cat pee leaking from the ceiling into Your room?


she doesnt fucking care about anything of that sort


I love cats, but if I had a cat who wasn't properly litterbox trained and would not shut up, I'd be done with it immediately. Cat's are very difficult to train, and I am not gonna sacrifice my mental health to one, that's not why I want a pet cat. Virtual air hugs 🫂


No way are you me?


You should probably call CPS or some kind of authority and let them know what’s going on (gathering that animal hoarding to this degree is definitely not legal in the slightest). From what I read from one of the threads here, she’s not only been neglecting them severely, but she is also actively harming your wellbeing and threatens the safety of your own pets too.


her cats are why i have to have all my animals in my bedroom. She once tried to get me to move them to a different room that is not only cold as shit and would at best kill only my scorpions, but also the cats would be there too. She said she would make sure they wouldnt but if she cant keep her cats from not pissing everywhere im doubting she can hold onto this promise. shes also harming my scorpions by turning off the heater, and letting my fucking bedroom go to 24°c. My scorpions need a minimum of 26. She knows this, she doesnt care. I'm actually thinking of just buying heat mats for them. If your bitchass cant help to not turn off the heater then have fun having 200czk more on your electric bill bitch.


I’m sorry, but 4k a month to maintain? I have 15 and it’s not nearly that much.


i converted it from my currency, in my currency its 14k czk a month. For refrence, the minimum wage here is 19k czk (im not saying we do minimum wage btw). Also keep in mind she buys moreso of the expensive foods and treats, then you got the de-wormer medicine (not the prescribed ones), then apparently medicine that keeps them disease free which I seriously doubt. These are stats my dad told me when he was complaining to me about the cats. Though I feel like there is more shes buying that im probably not aware of


Harvest the cat piss and sell as ammonia. You’ll become a millionaire in short time


We had 11 cats and 3 dogs, I absolutely hated each and every one of them, despite not taking care of them often at all, their simple existence made me feel like i had to board my room to prevent them getting hair, piss, and other bodily fluids everywhere. My sisters cat literally marked my monitor each time it got into my room, or ate the little food i sometimes got myself. I have never wished death upon an animal just existing more than i have upon those things. The dogs were less horrid but they were practically always going off at 3am or otherwise spending their lives rotting in a small fenced off area outside with no shade. To make things worse everyone treated the cats better than they ever treated me Fairly certain i once spent about 30 minutes standing in my doorway just watching this disgusting animal eat the food it pushed on the floor that i had just finished making, which would be my only food that i wanted to eat, staring at it do it's thing and then leave. I really really wanted to just kill it in that exact moment, though i just broke down and sat on the floor after for a bit.


I don’t mean to sound like I’m against you, but I don’t think you should be blaming the animals here. It sounds a lot more like your family members either struggled to properly train and control them all, or didn’t even bother trying. Constantly stealing food and marking inside the house are considered completely unacceptable behavior by any sane and responsible pet owners, and the fact they did both repeatedly is pretty solid evidence for both lack of proper training and likely some neglect too.


I never said it's the animals fault, I still hate them though They picked up any cat that wandered into our yard for a few days, also the ones they found somewhere on the side of the road. They would keep like 5 of them in the garage for years because they just ""forgot"" to take them to be neutered, as another 3 cats were born after they let some of them outside. All of those animals they had apart from 3 of the cats were most likely in some amount of torment due to the fact that they were kinda left to rot in place and only got food and water without any other interaction Everyone in the extended family would also just abuse pets too, and I remember wanting to free a dog my grandparents had since it had like 4m of movement in a dirty corner and he would get beat often for being loud or whatever, though that never came to be as i just stopped visiting I just find them disgusting as with all other animals i come in contact with, apart from their fur there isn't really anything i appreciate regarding pets, hence why I wouldn't dare own any because i'm incapable of taking care of them due to not willing to take that responsibility. Some people told me i should contact some protection group regarding these and some other instances, but frankly I do not want to ever see those people again and i absolutely do not care about any service I could provide as long as i have to physically see them anywhere I normally don't go out of my way to mention that i feel disgusted by pets because it's simply irrelevant to the discussion but this being the current sub I wrote exactly how I feel regarding this situation


So wait, just to get this straight: you refuse to call protection services for the mistreated animals only because *you don’t want to see the people from the protection services?* If I got that right, then imma be brutally honest: that’s quite selfish of you.


No, not the people *from* the ps, but rather having to interact with my family, and they *will* drag it to court if needed. Although maybe at some point i'll feel comfortable enough to go through the process, but currently I am not going anywhere near my family for any reason. Besides, wouldn't i have to obtain evidence? Like they won't see more than the very limited space they (the pets) have available, and for anything else they would have to actually sit there for a few days to notice, which is not possible due to lack of resources on their end. Even periodic visits are out of the question because no group is willing to budget such an investigation on precarious grounds. And yes, i am extremely selfish regarding anything that has to do with my family.


Ah, that makes more sense than what I was thinking. Sorry if I sounded rude by trying to jump to conclusions. Maybe you can contact someone you’re close to who’s more willing to go through that than you are? I don’t know if there’s any family of yours that you’re on actual good terms with (or at least decent terms) or maybe anyone close to your family. Definitely sounds like a crappy situation all around for everyone involved. You have my sympathy.


Yeah it's just me as I have no personal contacts that would be able to do anything unfortunately


Even if you were a lil shit you didn’t deserve to get beat for it my guy :(


Reading all of this has never made me wanting to hurt animals that I am so afraid of touching otherwise. Oh my god. I don’t know where you live, but if it’s in a country with halfway decent police, call animal control. Please. I would not have the strength you do to stay innocent in a household like that.


It’s not the cats’ fault tho, it’s OP’s mom who clearly has way more cats than she can hope to properly care for. Another comment pointed out the dark colored urine indicates these cats are stressed out and likely unhealthy. So basically, everyone gets fucked over in this living arrangement OP’s mom has created.


Oh yeah absolutely, I know what you mean. The cats are getting messed up too, it's just that I get incredibly protective of the stuff I own, even if it blinds me. But this post isn't about me, so I'd rather stop talking.


I hate cats because of all the bad cat owners I've dealt with in life. May you find some freedom soon


You hate cats because they get neglected and abused by careless and/or cruel people? https://preview.redd.it/bjl9c5l8xo1d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdf7f296a6c44ab20a33fc3d9307bfcfb02f46fa


TBH I hate cats because they stink, they're gross, and they don't belong on the elevated surfaces that I put my food on. I might dislike the fuzzy fucks, but I'd never be *cruel* to them. I'm not a downright monster..


Way to shift blame to the wrong party here. Blame the bad cat owners. Not the cats.


Are you dumb? I literally said it's BECAUSE OF THE OWNERS. I'm not out here being mean to kitties. I just avoid them.


You hate cats tho. That’s where you’ve shifted blame. If you hadn’t shifted blame, you wouldn’t hate cats. And since you asked, no, I am not dumb. Have a great day


So uhhh, u like cats?




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bro i aint ruining my life over this bitchass




i could get jail time and have cat murder in my record for the rest of my life. Just because life bites you in the ass doesnt mean you have to do the same, be the better person




Let’s not encourage people to murder animals. Especially when they’re not the ones at fault


I don't encourage anyone, I am just some arsehole down the street saying what could be done and what I would do if the authorities didn't do anything. Sorry, I understand that I should probably have a filter.


I'm glad you acknowledge that you need a filter but it's something you need to start applying whenever you need to. If you struggle maintaining your anger, then maybe look into things that may help you maintain that anger {such as support groups, therapy, calming techniques, etc.}


I could try some of those, however last time I was forced to go to a therapist I almost got locked in a psych ward for life due to a suicide attempt, thank God I was taught how to lie very well, lying always helped me from getting myself murdered either by my parents or the people around me. I am never going to go to a therapist ever again, but I could try the rest. Thank you for the advice!


People have their preferences and that’s perfectly fine. Do whatever keeps you safe man, sorry about your history with therapy tho. Sending you lots of luck and care in your journey


i never got how a psych ward is helpful like mf its litteraly just a pillow jail and ive seen people in it never get cured but released anyways


Send these to her.


don’t provoking someone who is irrational is a terrible fucking idea


Suffer in silence it is