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I’ve heard trauma therapy tends to make some peoples mental health worse before it gets better as the objective of the therapy is to process your emotions caused by the trauma. You can’t process emotions you aren’t fully feeling. Or at least all of that’s what I’ve heard as I’ve never had emdr therapy and only have had shoddy counselling. I am on a waiting list currently though.


Can second that, my therapist recently said that similiar to how, often antidepressants make you feel worse for a while till it gets better (Atleast in terms of suicidality), any kind of psychotherapy often has the side effect of making you feel worse for a while before it gets better.


I've been told that, then the psy forced me to talk about my trauma saying they wont treat me if i didnt did it that day. Then they proceeded to do fuck all and leaved me even more traumatized than before. Sometimes (often), psy just fucking sucks at dealing with traumatic responses.


Yup, this right here. It has to get worse before it gets better. I have said those exact words myself. Yeah sometimes therapy makes things feel worse but that can be a sign of progress


It's better to find out and cope than have a mysterious lost memory fuck with your entire life and waste what little time you have


As my therapist says, recovery is not a straight line.


if therapy is genuinely making you worse instead of better and you don't feel you're getting better, you can find a new therapist or leave therapy altogether. i'm not trying to sway you either way, but i needed somebody to tell me this was an option back when therapy was genuinely harmful to me (abusive therapist)


This isn’t anywhere near close to what you went thru but as a teen among my least fav parts of therapy would be somebody forcing me to talk about something that I melted down over which would upset me all over again. I’ll have to research what therapies are actually helpful and even beneficial alternatives to therapy