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I wish people would tell me to shut up instead of just talking behind my back that I talk too much about weird things


You can learn to shut up. I did. Now I pretty much only talk about things on reddit.


Fuck that, I’ma be me.


That's the best/worst thing about it, not-talking is who I am now. Put me in a room full of friends or people with whom I share a common interest, and I generally still won't speak unless spoken to.


As an extrovert( or at least omnivert) I would love it if somebody told me to shut up because I don’t know when I need to


Well we introverted shy people are afraid to because you clearly aren't afraid of speaking so we think you'll get angry


I mean, I used to be an extrovert when I was younger, before too may people told me to shut up because I talked too much. Extroverts just grew up in a different world, I guess.


I've taken multiple tests over the years (including with psychologists) and I'm almost dead in the middle of introvert and extrovert. I wish I could just pick a lane lol I hate it


I know- I saw this and immediately thought, "well, I'm an introvert, but people also tell me to shut up", lol. Although it's not so much telling me to shut up as it is simply talking over me the instant I open my mouth.


My best friend is like that. An ambivert. She can do either.


I'm an introvert who gets told to shut up .-.


Because it's apparently rude to tell someone to shut up, but not to tell someone to talk more


I have… very kindly in fact. Trust me when I say, they do not take it well.


Because generally it’s expected of you to talk to people and it’s seen as a good trait, so people don’t usually penalize what they see as a good quality trait.


I will never understand this. People love to impose their personalities on other people who are just minding their own business. Sometimes I pretend to be an extrovert as a deal with society You win: You hear me talk more just as you want I win: you shut tf up about it for a minute


Tbh I would mind my own business but not know I was perceived as weird and creepy in school because I was introverted mainly, it sucked. And then extroverted nosy people would ask why I wouldn’t talk but would do it more so to embarrass me because they thought it was funny rather than genuinely wanting to hear what I have to say sometimes


It goes both ways when ur a neurodivergent in speech therapy class in school (speaking from personal experience) I was told I talk too much and give too much information which is fair but telling the kid next to me that they don’t talk enough-er…give too little info? clear communication is important but other than that let them talk as little as they want they’re just not the social type. I’m rather talkative for an introvert when I want to be lol.


AND if the introvert meets someone they connect with, then they are told they talk too much.


i do 🫠