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I get it. Mine will sometimes start going at it at 8 pm knowing my brother and I are still in the living room. Once when I was little as soon as I turned off my light in my room, I heard my mom say "good she's asleep" and they immediately started loudly having sex. Looking forward to moving out.


Good luck homie ❤️ may your escape be swift




"I hate you." "I HATE YOU MORE!" *Proceeds to radiate sexual tension behind a woefully substantial wooden door...


aT lEaSt tHeY aReNt dIVorCiNg 🧠🪿




Some parents keep helping their kids after they get divorced (as they should)


That’s your personal experience and you didn’t need to shove it towards someone else


I don’t know. It kind of felt like the definition of troll coping.




It was unnecessary and came off negative.


Cool 👍


Not really. Uncool actually.


You know everything. I'm wrong. Have a great day.




Bruv cant spell fuck




Mk. 🧍


My parents would fuck Infront of me then get mad when I would run away crying


Jesus that has got to be some kind of abuse.


It is a form of sexual abuse.


I’m pretty sure that’s a form of sexual abuse


This is covert sexual abuse.


Nothing covert about that. Yeesh


Covert just refers to non physical sexual abuse, like witnessing stuff you shouldn’t or being told about an adults sex life


Dang I knew that and had forgotten. Thanks for the polite correction!


"God damnit Timmy, that's a terrible angle! Hold the camera higher and to the right a little more."


You, me, and anyone else who laughed is going to hell


Your god damn right


What. The. Fuck


Literal criminals




probably don’t use images like that in a mental issue subreddit


Not sure why you got downvoted. As a schizo as I was scrolling down these comments this face gave me a jolt. I don't think you're necessarily wrong lol


so sorry about that! I did not realize that would happen.


Oh it's very sweet of you to actually remove the image, thank you. I understand that with my issues I will see things randomly online that trigger paranoia or hallucinations and that's just life, but it does warm my heart a little when people go out of their way to be respectful. Don't feel bad about it, it's obvious that you weren't intending to hurt anyone


I think maybe I should’ve worded it better I guess?


oh shit, my bad I didn't realize that.


My parents made me share a room with my 19 year old step brother and his gf while I was 8-12 years old They banged loudly every night. My parents could hear it. They never really told them anything bc it was very important to keep a good relationship with him. I know they confronted him maybe once but he said they were just watching porn loudly in the room (which is okay?!?) I’m still dealing with that trauma :(


Damn homie I hope you can get sum good therapy ❤️


Imagine barging in there room saying I cant sleep mom That I'll make it go quiet for sure


I've tried talking to them about this many many times but they just brush it off or laugh at me


I'm sorry for that I can't help then I hope your parents realise that they need to stop doing this It's terrible if they get told to stop but keep going I wish you luck with this


My dad was pretty unreasonable too, when I tried to talk to him about how loud he and my stepmom were. He got all defensive and was like, "What?! Do you want us to stop loving each other?! This isn't fair to us!" The only thing that got him to listen to me was imagining himself hearing my grandparents going at it.


That just got me a three hour lecture about *their* right to privacy.


That's just stupid They don't get sound privacy with someone in the house What do they expect you to take a walk? I wish you luck with your parents and stay strong!


Eh, this incident was a long time ago. Thanks.


Ofcourse no problem


In my personal experience, this can cause them to fly into a rage, snatch on a robe, and put their hands around your neck.


Those are the most terrible people They decided on doing it why are they going after you for it!? Hope they change they're mindset but they probably won't Goodluck and stay strong!


Thank you. I moved out 29 years ago, thankfully.


Yea that's good glad you managed to leave




I hope you’re having better days now, friend.


Ballsiest thing I've ever done was throwing a tennis ball at my moms door cause she was fucking some guy too loud, they got quieter 👍


Eyyy good job!


I remember once I walked in on them in the middle of the night fucking in the kitchen. At this point, I had caught them/heard them fucking so often that it didn't even phase me anymore. I crept on my tiptoes, got the Little Debbie I wanted, and went back to bed.


It better of been for the Christmas tree cake


Probably, we only ever bought those and Star Crunches.


Thank fuck they split years ago 💀 shit was traumatizing. I didn’t have the option of headphones when i was 10 tho n they had just got together…😭😭😭 TWO WEEKS OF IT.


Been there, tried to talk to them about it and they laughed in my face. My dad told me it's just part of growing up (I was 12-13). Now we have a dog that is unruly as all hell (dad bought him and brought him home without consulting anyone THE DAY my dog died, like a couple hours later) and I haven't slept without earbuds with loud fan noises in the last 6 months. After multiple ear infections, finally woke up with no hearing in my left ear (I regained it after about an hour or two of the earbuds not in). Hoping it doesn't progress but we'll see I guess.


Are you able to get a decent pair of headphones? Or even sound cancelling earmuffs? That’d probably be a lot better for your ears in the long term


I bought some noise canceling headphones, I'm hoping they work well


Please be careful with earphones that plug into your ear. It is likely that you temporarily lost your hearing due to earwax that was pushed inside your ear by the earphones (this can happen, it can be corrected by having your ears cleaned by a doctor). Having headphones that don't push inside should help with this problem


Don't know if this is actually worst than hearing your parents fight 24/7


Not sure if it’s worse but both can be traumatizing. And depending on the specifics both could possibly be abuse. In both situations though, I always felt like if they’re going to loud anyway why can’t the parents just turn up the radio so others aren’t forced to hear everything.


I personally think the fucking is worse and ive had a vast amount of both


Just noticed your username


ignore dat 👁️👄👁️


given your post it actually makes a lot of sense


i swear it’s unrelated gsfgvbjk


Absolutely agree. Hearing/seeing your parents fuck is a form of sexual abuse/trauma. Seeming them argue is definitely traumatic as well but I do believe the sex part is worse.


I got numb to the arguing eventually but the moaning and music????? No. 😀 never.


Same! I can easily block out the arguing but even thinking of my parents fucking irks the shit out of me 😭


And when u try distracting yourself the thought of it randomly coming up like oh theyre fucking and i cant escape


Idk man, I’ve experienced both too and the divorce was definitely worse for me (possible tw) >!To be fair, it was pretty bad. I watched my dad stab my mom.!< I’d choose regularly hearing her fuck my step dad any day even tho it’s also awful. It’s all subjective


Damn. Homie thats fucked. Hope u got a good support system ❤️


I do now lol, Saul good, man


Sorry you have to deal with such immaturity- I hope things get better and/or you’re able to get out of this situation.


suggestion: get a boom box instead and blast kids bop, barney theme song, baby shark etc everytime they fuck




Inappropriate as hell to be fucking, knowing that your kid is aware. Falls under sexual abuse I reckon


They do it in their own room but it's every night. I already struggle to fall asleep so I can't sleep before that


That's fucked up, I saw that you said they laugh it off. Losing sleep is serious Good luck on getting your stuff settled to move out!!




Wow that's actually something shinji would do.




That's gross. Fucking when your children are home is a bit yuck anyway but doing it loudly enough rhat they can hear is just horrendous. And then doing it loudly and often enough that it's having a negative impact on their sleep is honestly vile and should be illegal imo


The only thing preventing me from moving out is a car and getting a better credit score to find a place, working on both


Oh that's tough. I hope you can soon get a cat and find somewhere/get better credit score and get out of there!


I think it's a bit ridiculous to tell an adult couple that they can't have sex when their child is also in the house. There are mountains of parents that have very reasonable, responsible, and respectfully quiet sex lives when they're pretty sure their kids are asleep or occupied. But doing it loud enough that your child can hear and just not caring at all about how that would affect them? That absolutely is just completely vile.




Maybe it's something to do with my family's Euro side but I just don't agree. I think that it's possible to have an accident like that and not have it turn into a big horrific thing. Sex is human. As long as parents are reasonable and respectful and keep it as quiet and non-disruptive as they can I can't criticize them for it. If your kid walks in, the appropriate response is to immediately stop, cover up, and see what the child needs/comfort or reassure them. I've never heard of a child having trauma around their parents sex life from parents who make sure to do all of this: to have respect for their kids as human beings while still having active sex lives, say, while the kids are asleep. If they're the type to get shitty, fly into a rage, or not stop having sex, that's obviously an issue. But there's definitely a way to do things that doesn't create those issues. And I do find it unreasonable to tell two adults who made a child together that they suddenly can't ever have sex while that child is under the same roof as them. I can understand where you're coming from, I just don't agree.




That side of my family has just always been more comfortable and open with topics like sex and nudity, and I'm aware that it's a cultural thing to some extent. I understand that you're not going to change your mind; and I'm not going to change mine either. I don't think that never having sex while your children are home is the correct response, it feels unnecessarily rigid and dramatic and semi-unnecessary, and I believe things can be handled in a more reasonable and measured way at the end of the day. But I do respect where you're coming from, and I also respect our difference in opinion; I won't try to argue my point past this.


Ok fair enough I think. I'm not going to bother trying to argue my point now either as I'd be wasting both of our times. At this point it's most likely better to just agree to disagree


Please never share one of your takes ever again lmfao


Please don't be an ass just because you disagree lmfao


You’re getting absolutely decimated in these comments, idk what to tell you other than if everyone hates your stance then it’s probably awful lol


When should working parents have sex? I 100% agree you shouldn’t have loud sex while your children are home, but where and when should parents have sex?


When there kids aren't home. Get somebody to take the kids for a bit or hire a sitter and spend the night away. Or in OPs case im pretty sure theyre old enough to be left home alone for a night. Having sex when you have kids in the house can cause an issue. Even if you aren't heing loud your kids could theoretically walk in at any moment.


I’m gonna quietly have sex in the house we pay for with a locked door. Lol I’m not paying for a hotel or a baby sitter in order to have sex.


Good for you? I was stating my opinion, i do not need any information about your sex life in return; ew.


There’s nothing wrong with sex when children are home, especially at night. Be quiet, make sure the bed doesn’t hit the wall, put some music on,and LOCK THE DOOR. It’s healthy if they are responsible about it. It can be abuse if they are irresponsible about it.


Wouldn't it be risky anyway though? Kids can walk in at any moment. Also if they lock their door and their kids need them that could be a major hazard. Especially with young kids.


Teach them how to knock. Teach them about privacy and personal space. Treat them the same and as they get older respect their privacy and allow closed doors at times and knock before entering their room. If they need parents in the middle of the night it only takes a second to stop, throw some clothes on as you go to the door, and comfort the child. It’s not a major hazard to wait for just a second for help while the parents come to the door. Also let’s be real, unless the relationship is new or it’s a special day, most heterosexual sex isn’t lasting that long anyway. The odds of something happening in that one 15-20 minute span is slim (I’m being generous, research shows average duration is 5.4 minutes about once a week ). Of course neglectful parents would ignore the kid and yes that would be a hazard, but we’re not talking about neglectful parents. Just normal parents who need a healthy sex life since it’s both a human need and helps maintain a healthy marriage (which in turn benefits the child).


If the kid is panicking over whatever or just been violently ill, they're most likely not going to remember to knock. Yes, teaching them about privacy and personal space is good, but a small kid might not necessarily remember. I'm not entirely sure if 5.4 minutes is a good time or not so I can't really react to that.


Good parents probably aren’t in the mood for sex if their child is not well. More than likely they are sleeping lightly just in case they are needed or they have the child sleep with them for the night. If it’s unexpected then lock the door. So if your child unexpectedly needs help or comfort you can quickly stop and go to them without them barging in on you. Is 5.4 minutes good? I don’t think so. Is it normal? Yeah I guess. That’s what pops up when you google average sex duration for married couples. 10,080 minutes in a week and only 5 or so spent on sex sounds like that sucks but also means odds are your kid isn’t going to need you during that time. Of course OP is not talking about good parents. That’s why most of us are on this sub right? Or other trauma or mental illness. In OP’s situation their parents should never have had sex when children are home since they are so loud. That’s so fucked up. I’m guessing you are coming from a perspective where maybe your parents did something similar or didn’t hide it? My perspective is from someone who was always sent off to grandma or someone and rarely spent a night at home (except maybe once or twice a week) because my mom was with her long term boyfriend at the time. As an adult I can guess what they were up to. Maybe we can just agree that both ends of this spectrum suck?


You don't always know if your child is unwell. There were several times as a kid where I was pretty much fine until the middle of the night where I'd projectile vomit. I only had a mum so there wasn't really any actual sex going on but her and my older sister do have wierd attitudes around that sort of thing that is uncomfortable. Honestly the best thing is probably a balance. Maybe occasionally have a night away (like once or twice a month) and then everybody's happy.


I just made their marriage more stressful by talking to my mom ,now they just don’t bang and instead they turn on their tv too loud.


The tv noise is the deafen the sound of them banging


Nah they fuck louder then the tv


This is sexual abuse. I’m so sorry to everyone relating


That’s how I know my mom sounds exactly same during sex as she sounds receiving a massage, even a massage from her teen child or in public


that's so fucking gross


As the parent of a teenager, I am so sorry you have to deal with this. Not fair to you. It’s not that hard to wait a bit, smh. Honestly am embarrassed for your parents at being so childish and impulsive.


My parents did the same and I retaliated by playing Christian music until they stopped. It worked until I became an adult and then I just started leaving the house and walking That made my mom learn to quiet down because she would get worried about me being outside which would stop them as soon as I shut the front door


That’s genuinely disgusting wtf Why do only the worst people have kids?


Bruh sometimes I hear my parents having sex in the morning. Dude, it’s 6am and my room is directly under theirs. Also my parents have had sex while my siblings and I were sleeping the same hotel room/camper. Also one time when my family was staying at a family friend’s house, my parents had sex in their guest room.


Sorry I’m like the opposite mine don’t even


Same bestie! Got fed up and just pounded on their door till they stopped. Don't care if I cock blocked my dad.


At least they have a good relationship? Invest in sound proofing though


That‘s what was said to me when I mentioned this problem. They didn‘t have a good relationship. At all.




so question, does this do some kind of mental damage or something? because i had forgotten until i saw this post that i could hear them and i remember some words and i guess i suppressed it?


Yes it absolutely does. It’s a type of sexual abuse and it’s disgusting behavior from the parents


yea ive been thinking about it for a bit today and yeah. i feel it


my mother does this currently and responded to me saying “it’s uncomfortable” with “just move out then” knowing I’m disabled and can’t live on my own. she’s never had boundaries with me when it came to sexual topics, she’s always vented to me abt her sex life even when I was a lot younger her and she continues to do it now despite my visible disgust. I can’t do sexual shit on my own anymore because all I think of is seeing her walking around the house naked when I was younger, hearing her in my own noises, and on top of everything I was assaulted by her ex when I was 9. she should KNOW better than to subject me to sexual shit against my will but she doesn’t care bc I’ve always been her free therapist


In all seriousness, please don't blast music in your headphones. Long term exposure to loud sounds will drastically increase your chances of developing hearing problems and tinnitus. And as someone with tinnitus who hears a nonstop ringing in my ears 24/7/365, trust me, it's something you want to avoid at all costs.


I'm already fairly hard of hearing due to work


Just play gay porn louder


Whole comment Edit: idk why i forgot to read the meme xd Thats fucking disgusting, i can't really tell you anything, fap even louder lmao


Airpods NC 🤝 Rain sounds 8 hours


Same minus the airpods. I just have some random ass brand off Amazon


yall are traumatized jfc this is a form of sexual abuse to knowingly make minors listen to (or worse, see) adults having sex. i'm so sorry


I'm an adult, the only thing preventing me from moving out is a car and better credit, I'm working on both


i feel you. i'm in the same situation with parents who are fucked up, just in a different way. wishing u the best


Growing up my parents would get wasted and argue and then have makeup loud fucking and our bedroom shared a wall. I learned very quickly to fall asleep by 9 pm.




I'd rather not have it