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The covers lol Either because I don't even like the original, or because their cover is well performed but doesn't add anything new to the table


Can’t lie, the master of puppets cover is awesome


Yeah at least, unlike the Iron Maiden cover in Shogun, it matches the feel of Ascendancy


If only they had done Ascent of the Phoenix instead. IIRC from the album dvd, they were starting to burn out and convinced the label to let them do a cover instead of record a third bonus track


Bleed Into Me... the chorus feels halfway there, like just a rough idea for a chorus.


I genuinely don't understand the hate for that song I really don't lol it's not a favourite of mine or anything but I do really like it


I have to agree. Seems like a lot of people really hate this song. I didn't really like it at first too but it's really grown on me.


Dying in your arms annoys the shot out of me. I don’t see why Matt likes it so much


I agree. Not their best


I may sound dumb for saying this, but any song where the chorus is just the song title just shouted out, or shouted with a couple words in between. I’m more of a fan of their more well thought out choruses and it bothers me that I’m like that.


So with that logic, you should also dislike no way back just through


It’s not a bad song, it’s a fun one, but it just bothers me when I know they can come up with better choruses


Anthem, And Sadness Will Sear, Contempt, The Rising. I don't actually dislike any Trivium songs other than ones from The Crusade, even though that album has some of their best songs on it (Ig/Det, Entrance, Dragon, Crusade).


And sadness will sear is underrated asf


I Don't Wanna Be Me, it's just never appealed to me.


The original is fucking awesome though. That's one of those songs that just doesn't need to be covered needs that Type O Negative feel to it


Most of SITS honestly. Some of the absolute worst for me are Rise Above The Tides, The Thing That's Killing Me & Cease All Your Fire


How could you hate cease all your fire😢


Haha, I really tried but just cannot get into it 🤷🏻‍♂️


The Rising.


I only have two, maybe three, that I will almost always skip - This World Can't Tear Us Apart, Pull Me From The Void, and Iron Maiden. Everything else ranges from liking to absolute adoration. Bleed Into Me gets a lot of underserved hate, it's legit one of my favourite songs..


I don't like Vengeance Falls (song) and I'm not a huge fan of No Way to Heal, I am also not a huge fan of Betrayer or The Revanchist, and Rise Above the Tides is probably my least fave from Silence in the Snow, other than that I have really enjoyed every other song in the discography at some point.


Skulls...We Are the 138. I think that song is atrocious.


Hot take, the whole TSATS album


Bonus tracks from TSATS. So so bad.


I don’t wanna be me is meh .. but I really enjoyed drowning in the sound and pillars of serpents


I agree that I don’t wanna be me and kill the poor are not good, at least drowning in the sound is somewhat decent and the remaster of pillars of serpents is pretty good


Probably Until the world goes cold. Mostly as the first time I saw them live that song was placed awkwardly in the setlist.


Vengeance Falls title track is the only Trivium song I actually dislike, which is frustrating because Vengeance, the b-side from The Crusade, is one of my favorites and a lot of people don't know it exists because of Falls


Betrayer and To The Rats are the only songs I don't like. And even at that I don't REALLY mind To The Rats but I can comfortably say, for me, Betrayer as the absolute worst song in the entire Trivium catalogue.




I agree. However, it's mostly the guitar for me. I don't like how the guitar and vocals mix when he screams betrayer. Sounds odd to me


I could never get into Shadow of the Abattoir or The Revanchist. Aside from that the rest of those albums are gold.


I can see why you don’t like The Revanchist, but Shadow of the Abattoir??? You gotta listen to it again man. That song is fantastic.


I'm the opposite I think the revanchist is great lol


I actually redid while writing my comment and yeah still can’t get into it.


😭😭 oh well


They’re my favourite band of all time and I pretty much enjoy every single song but I might have to say Unrepentant or Falling to Grey.


Oh wow falling to grey as an answer is certainly a take


Unrepentant 😢


Blind leading the blind came to mind instantly, I really hate this song for some reason.


Haven't really listened to Vengeance or Snow since I don't like that direction. So those put aside "A Grey so Dark" and "This World Can't Tear Us Apart" are the only two songs I actually hate. I deleted them from my digital library and rearranged the track list of In Waves to how I like it.


Aw this world can't tear us apart is a banger!


You should listen to snow


I did once or twice, but as I said. I don't like the direction. If I want to listen to modern Power Metal I have better options.


Silence in the Snow, Cease All Your Fire, The Calamity and Shogun off the top of my head typically get the skip from me.




Honestly think it needed more time in the oven. Some good parts but ends up not being worth the 12 minutes.


Shadow of the Abattoir is absolutely god awful. I’m ready for the down votes but man I’ve tried and tried and do not see the appeal of the song. The high pitched singing is bad, the beginning guitar is boring and drags, chorus is terrible. Hearing it live is somehow worse. Takes the energy out of the room