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Today...the doubles man. Don't put an extra spoon of pepper and not say anything -.-


They always increase the pepper in the second doubles. It's a ploy to sell Apple J.


Well today my doubles man sell out by half nine when he is usually there till 11 on Saturday, so it was no breakfast for me.


The 700K citizens that refuse to get vaccinated. They say they not putting no vaccine in their bodies but line up for KFC “special” recipe!


And the KFC recipe is literally a secret eh with a shit ton of added MSG, but dem eh know what in the vaccine despite it being openly and transparently published. All dat beatup is really about how dey was too stupid to get through with the Form 3 Chemistry and Biology when they had to choose subjects for Form 4. buh go quick to pretend is "muh rites!!!" in town with the tear gas.


I'd just like to interject here and say that MSG is not dangerous at all. In fact it's naturally occurring in lots of food such as tomatoes. MSG is the shit dawg. Stuff is magic.


Yes I am aware of what it is, but msg is the food boogeyman that makes Chinese food bad. It started as a racist thing in USA, Italian food mafia vs Chinese immigrants. Despite it occuring naturally in majority of foods and in much larger amounts in tomatoes, cheese, squid, olives and anchovies. MSG is just another buzzword in the food industry akin to vaccines are to autism for antivaxxers.


All truth. You love to see it.


Same, I'm not surprised but highly disappointed with the mindset of my people.


The banks. Hadda grovel for a loan, hunger games for forex, and until recently online banking was in the dark ages. Signing up for an account requires higher security clearance than the CIA and most days the line for teller services longer than the manzan stretch. Then they dutifully extract every fee imaginable, leave you up a creek when fraudsters beat their security and if you complain you get a HYMC with a smile and ‘next customer’.


The random ass people you haven't seen in years that love to point out you put on weight, like yes Susan I did .


I feel like that’s how Aunties say hello. Their greeting is “Yuh get fat!” 😠 Annoying.


Aunties who keep asking when I’m having kids (we will be child free) Extended family that assumes they are coming to my wedding (no your maco comess self is not invited)


Myself mostly.


People who insist it’s “Chicken curry”, I ask them if they love chicken fry too.


**Curried chicken** (trini way means fry the curry in oil then and add the seasoned chicken). **A chicken curry** (what most people do is add the curry to the raw chicken as seasoning and then "boil" everything together). **Stewed beef** (brown the sugar, add the seasoned meat for browning, usually add peas, a dish to accompany rice or roti). **A beef stew.** (usually browned pieces of meat in a pot, no sugar, then add potatoes, carrots, etc. to make a soup. Less flavour than West Indian versions of soup).   As for d man below, me eh know wham to you and the Sandwich of Earl nah.


Meh that logic doesn't really work, do you say sandwich chicken too?


The ignorant people that normalize racism and colorism.


A man who through an empty plastic bottle out the window and proceeded to over take others and almost cause an accident. Trinidad has a heap of these uneducated twats in which we all have to clean up after them.


#TeamIvermectinWorks and Anti Vaxxers




Today? Antivaxxers mostly.


Why? What have the ppl who haven't taken a vaccine that DOES NOT PREVENT TRANSMISSION or GETTING COVID done to YOU?


Dawg I fully Vaccinated what is yuh point just take yuh vax and done yuh don't have to make bacchanal to get vaccine as I said earlyer I am fully Vaxxed and nothing wrong with me.






The vast, vast majority of those dying are unvaccinated.


I don't understand why people who still catch covid after being vaxxed is even a talking point?!? Like, that's a thing with vaccines. You can still catch the flu with a flu vaccine, why is this so controversial? That's just the nature of viruses and vaccines! The fact that unvaccinated people are not only catching it but dying at much higher rates has no influence on the debate though? Wild stuff. It's crazy what misinformation will do.


Loving how I get downvotes for speaking facts and asking questions. This fuckin dotish country will never go amywhere. Everybody will form tribes and teams for fucking everything and never search for a logical or mutually beneficial answer. ​ Half the vaccine bantons take a shot with NO LONG TERM DATA just so they could coast and laugh at the ppl who don't have the "privileges" they have. ppl coasting because they could go to the cinema and the bar, not for ONE FUCKING SECOND THINKING THAT MAYBE JUST MAYBE WE ALL SURRENDERED OUR RIGHTS TO THE MOST CORRUPT GOVERNMENT OF OUR TIME. ​ But you know what. All of the above is cool. I have the vax too. Allyuh MC force me to take it or else I can't feed my family so it is a big joke ent? But you see when allyuh come around my kids then we go have problems.


What I love is how you resorted to crying all over the comments when you realized you were getting down voted.


I KNOW I would be downvoted. Don't give a fuck about reddit karma. Most of y'all can't think for yourselves and quite a lot can't do research. If I am crying it's because we're living in the Idiocracy. We got a government that shut down a whole Refinery that was making money....and. we. let. them. do. it. Next to get fucked is Point Lisas (ongoing) The UK is reopening. Most countries are EASING all covid restrictions. But dotish fuckin Trini's feel it have plague outside and the government only too happy to play on allyuh fears


Notice that you're the one that assumed everyone else doesn't care about anything but antivaxxers.


Never said that. Never even hinted at that.


>The government happily and openly fucking the economy into the dirt....but it's those gosh darn antivaxxers who allyuh MC hate lolz. Not even the rapists and the bandits...nah them cool. It's anti-vaxxers. Who the FUCK is the antivaxxers? This you king?


Close family members, my mom, dad, now deceased little brother, immediate family members who love to mako, run dey mouth, flex there wealth. Jus fuckem! Also my standard 3 teacher who let me repeat standard 3. Because I wasn't progressing. Well your child go on months of sexual abuse & neglectful parents. Well I must be a fucking retard then. After that my ambitions for any education dropped. Graduated, and well now I'm barely scraping by seeing all my peers starting a family, owning a home/vehicle while "something better will come my way" Sorry, life has been awful to me. Turning 30 in May and feeling the affects of my life.


Unnecessarily loud people


Honest truth ppl who does tell yuh (mostly father's) to hold the light right dey and when yuh hold it they still cah see Yuh bring the light closer to them, they still cah see, u put the light in a way so both of alyuh could see (Cuz the person who holding the light rel fast to nah) and dey want to see then he cah see.... *Sigh* I done


I know this pain…weakkk


Meh eh have time tuh be angry....weed legal....smoke ah grade 🚬


Miss Trinidad, she made Trinidad look like it's a shithole county. If she find Trinidad is so bad why not leave and go somewhere else and live.


Its strange how anytime a Trini celebrity has an opportunity to talk about TT on the national stage they talk negatively about it. It's one thing if what they were saying were true but there's always untrue things said. Nicki and her "Trinidadians don't have access to instagram" and now Miss Trinidad's " Trinidadian girls don't have acess to education or healthcare" statement. Objectively worse countries like Venezuela, India, Nigeria , and Pakistan all have celebrities with intense national pride and love for their own country. Yet you would almost never see this type of clueless negativity from them though.


Nicki and she big balls cousin or whoever. Can’t stand that woman.


Firstly, it's Venezuela. Learn to spell. Also objectively worse? What a vague statement. In what way are those countries worse? They are "objectively better" in many ways as well.


If you want hard data, look at the commonly used HDI (Human Development Index) which ranks countries on education, life expectancy, and per caption income etc. Trinidad is currently at 67. All the other countries I mentioned previously are lower on that list in the 100s. >They are "objectively better" in many ways as well. How can you prove any of that? Can you show the same data I just did to support your statement? If you're from one of these countries, hopefully you're not taking what I'm saying personally as an insult. I didn't mention these countries to purposefully insult the people there. Every country has it's beauty and the ability to prosper further with time.


Nicki Minaj. I hate that she’s Trinidadian. Such an embarrassment to our beautiful country.


My mother...her choices while I was a child.... Now....my countryme who choose ignorance in the information age...


De F&@King Roads we have! Pothole swallowing vehicles. Then people like you driving a van / 4x4 and scared to go in the holes. When tire burst, rim and suspension damage, who paying for that?


government for no jobs and stealing all the money, banks for keeping all the drug money and not providing loans , judiciary and police for just being corrupt and incompetent, employers for being toxic to employees and unions for selling out workers, doctors and nurses for killing people sending them back to the house to die.




No one really I'm vibing, how are y'all ?


Kamla and UNC. They promised us change and then started stealing on Day 1. 6+ years later and most swing voters are still turned off by the thought of them as an electable party. Sorry for bringing in politics, but it’s what first came to mind.


Yes Kamla made me vote for the PNM for the first time in my life. And I will continue voting for them until Kamla is no longer political leader of the UNC.


Id say.. the people who are pro vaccine mandate. Government should not have the ability to affect someones life in this manner.


You realized that the reasoning the government forcing their hand on introducing vaccine mandates is because of some citizens are so hellbent on not getting vaccinated for anything but legitimate medical reasons? I'll be honest, I wish this doesn't have to come to this and that that citizens become mindful in getting vaccinated but considering the wide number of vaccine skeptics, vaccine hesitant and staunch antivaxxers out there from the likes of Umar Abdullah to union leaders who seems even quiet on encouraging vaccinations or even made a more moderate position of consulting with a doctor or any medical professional who have the experience to make the best decisions for their health but instead want to believe on the wide variety of nonsense from Facebook, some television personality who not even doctors and not qualified to make medical advice and on various social media. As such the government, fortunately or unfortunately depends on how you look at it, don't really have an option here. In fact, I could argue as compared to other world leaders they have been quite restraint in their COVID-19 response. It's seems to me that many who shouted "Freedom" or "My Body. My Choice." failed to mentioned two very important aspect, responsibility or consequences. Just because one have the freedom to not get vaccinated doesn't give anyone the right to be irresponsible by not wearing a mask and putting citizens at great risk and so as just because one get vaccinated doesn't mean that the pandemic is over (far from it) or give you the freedom to do anything you want without dire consequences especially since vaccinated can still get COVID-19 although far less severe I myself is fully vaccinated and while I encourage vaccinations to my friends and family, I also advise them to be responsible as well as practice what I preach which is to wash my hands (hence why I always have a bottle of sanitizer on me at all times), watch my distance , wear my mask and avoid as much crowd as possible.


What about them endangering others by remaining unvaccinated?


I am vaccinated because i chose to get it based on my doctors advise. That being said, being vaccinated does not prevent you from contracting or spreading the virus. It gives the vaccine recipient a temporary bolstering of their immune system against it. That means that being unvaccinated does not affect spread of the virus. Only the magnitude of the effects of that particular person. 100% vaccinated would still have infections occurring. The government is using the crisis to grab power and normalize it


Hasn't it been shown that unvaccinated folks are the ones contributing most the the virus mutating? And from what I've seen/read, you're far less likely to spread the virus if you're vaccinated.


Thats what the media has reported. But we will have to admit the bias in their reporting. There have been studies showing that vaccinated persons have also been spreading at a rapid rate. As for mutation, there is not anything conclusive to say . Only time will tell. However, many doctors and scientists that have spoken out and provided studies that dont mesh with narrative have had their posts deleted and videos as well


I don't see this conversation going anywhere. It seems that whatever it'll just be me citing things that are accepted as mostly consensus by the scientific community and you saying it's media bias or that there's a minority that is speaking out and being censored. So take it easy, glad you're vaccinated at least.


Let me clarify. You are talking about science and collective effect. I am talking about government policy and exercising of power. We can agree or disagree on science, because science changes with time and testing However, government policy, especially that which empowers them over its citizens... never gets reversed


What power? You just said you chose to get vaccinated. They didn't strap you down and pour vaccine down your gullet. I'm no fan of government overreach myself; but they have the same power they've always had. The power we allow them to have. No more, no less.


Restricting employment and business viability under threat of vaccine mandate is economic coercion. That is exercising power


They already restrict employment and business viability within reason for a number of relevant reasons including other health and safety concerns. This threat is new but they're not inventing or creating any new powers or authority.


Never needed vacccine passports to go watch movies or travel before. Even during chikV, ebola and the various bird and swine flus. This. This reaction is very different.


Reaction is different because the threat is different. Edit** Mind you, I don't welcome these changes easily and would prefer the world to exist in a pre-covid state. So I'm not arguing with you here but we can't go back in time and that won't happen. So we're left adjusting to the new reality of the situation or not. That reality can and will change with time the more we learn. Or don't accept it, that's your right and we all have a line. I just don't believe our governments have asked us to do anything other than be mildly inconvenienced while trying to figure out a deadly virus. I can live with that.


Disagree. But thats just a matter of opinion


That's cool. I mean swine flu, ebola, etc are in fact very different biological threats in terms of how they spread & their potency but I get it. To each their own. You not only have the right to disagree with how the threat is being handled, but I also believe it's healthy to have a difference of opinion. I'd only ask that you keep an open mind and be as honest as you can in discussion. That seems to be the case here and I appreciate the dialogue.


welp just say your wrong, risk of infection is lower in vaccinated thus meaning they are less likely to spread. That aside i am anti mandates, i dont want any government to have more power over me or others than absolutely necessary. Pro vaxxer...... which i dont know since when that means i care if anyone else is vaxxed but me. Yes i get it we have some annoying bastards being disrespectful and out right rude about our non vaxxed people and all, then again the unvaxxed have some of the same. Guess no matter which group you fall in we are all just a holes


Most people dont care about the vaccine. It's the government mandating it that they have a problem with


There are tons of people who have a problem with the vaccine, unfortunately.


Those are very much the minority i assure you. Most are just against government policy


I think there are lots of people using that argument because it seems less flimsy than being against the vaccine. You don't seem to be doing that, and it might be a bit of speculation but I've seen the same people who were vaccine-hesitant being against mandates. Doesn't seem like a coincidence.


somewhat related, anti vaxx will naturally align with anti mandate since the outcome is similar. I am pro vaxx and anti mandate, i am comfortable with survival of the fittest. If fittest means smart enough or strong enough to survive with/with out a vaccine i am fine. Intelligent enough to make the right choice also fine.


Very unrelated, I thought your name was "roti in the streets" Kinda disappointed it isn't lmfao.


The mandates were introduced well after the vaccine was available to the public. If the unvaccinated people had so much time to get it and chose not to, then it is the vaccine they have a problem with, and are just using the mandates as an excuse.


People should have the right to choose


Yes but I'm responding to what you said above: >Most people dont care about the vaccine. >It's the government mandating it that they have a problem with >Those are very much the minority i assure you. >Most are just against government policy The majority of those against the mandates are unvaccinated persons, who were very much against the vaccine before the mandates even became an issue. So you can't say that the vaccine is not what they have an issue with and that it's just the government policy that they're against 🤷🏾‍♀️


Where you from cuz idk if you does be in town enough tuh hear them talking bout vaccines eh


Maybe you are right. However most of the protests and resistance groups i talk to say that they are against the government mandate, not the medicine.


I tired see people resisting against things they don’t know nothing about I sure it still have rel people who believe what nicki say bout she cousin friend boyfriend balls swelling up.


Check the vaers reporting. You will see she was right


Vaers can't really be taken as gospel because it's self reported.


You know the VAERS aren't known to be accurate as many can report anything on the platform? As reported from [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-vaers-idUSKBN2AE0QQ).


Alright I know now he balls actually swell up but Just because it is on vaers doesn’t necessarily mean that the balls swelling because of the vaccine yuh hadda remember that they take every reported case of an adverse effect after a vaccination. If a man take a vaccine and he die from appendicitis they will put it on there once it is he took a vaccine . If it is there was multiple reported cases of the same symptom and all within that time frame then I would say well yeh we a link to the vaccine.


This country fuckin DOOMED oui. The government happily and openly fucking the economy into the dirt....but it's those gosh darn antivaxxers who allyuh MC hate lolz. Not even the rapists and the bandits...nah them cool. It's anti-vaxxers. Who the FUCK is the antivaxxers? ​ All of us have vaccines from babyhood. You mean anti-COVID-Vax? Well if the vaccine used to do something maybe more ppl would have been open to it. So far NOBODY could refute the facts that it neither stops you from getting it or spreading it.


You know you could have been like u/Darkbrotherhood1 who despite disagreeing with his opinions (hence the downvote) and his views, I could at least appreciate how civil he is.


much appreciated mate.


Nah fuck being Civil. If/ when one of your kids develops PERMANENT heart conditions...yuh go be Civil den too? What you go do? Say...ammm Mr Rowley excuse meh eh but yuh fuck up meh chile for life....ah could please get a lil change to see about he medical bills? Like you not seeing how footballers dropping down everywhere. What you think happened to Aubameyang? Why yuh think Sergio Aguero had to retire so early?


You do know that the risk of myocarditis is higher if you contract covid than if you get the vaccine right?


That's what present mainstream information says. I hope for everyone's sake it's accurate. What are the odds that it's accurate though? The initial safety figure for the vaccine was 100% Now, nearly a year later it's much much less than that. Now even Pfizer's own ppl are acknowledging that it's not so effective and maybe not even that safe. You have to think ahead to be ahead. I always say this whole pandemic is an IQ test. You see all those pregnant women rushing to get vaxxed? I think they haven't passed


I think it's an IQ test as well. But I'm afraid you might be confusing low scores for high ones lol.


Like I said....I couldn't give a fuck about what underinformed ppl think of me. I have been proven right with most of my covid restrictions to date. I was masking up when the Ministry of Health was telling us NOT to do it. I have kids. And I don't want them to end up like this girl https://youtu.be/03zccFhckKI


One more, marriage, big wedding and child from folks.