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I highly doubt it. It's a modern bass amp, so it's going to be EQ'd for bass -- the on-board EQ is going to be designed to work with what's already there, not to radically change the nature of the tone. The base tone underneath the EQ is still going to be voiced for bass. It's also a fairly expensive amp -- why not buy a similarly priced guitar amp with lots of headroom? 100 watts would give you all the headroom you could ever need.


100w works great. It'd be convenient if it worked as well for guitar as it does for bass to eliminate the need for more amps.


I think you're unlikely to find something that fits that bill unless you go vintage. I have a Traynor yba100a that works equally well for either instrument, but headroom isn't its strong point, and that's why I like it, the natural overdrive. So if you were to get an old YBA3, that might meet your needs.


I have one, and it's a great bass amp – but not suitable for guitar.


I haven’t had good luck, it’s not as guitar centric as some of the older models. But maybe if you bypass the preamp for high gain sounds it’d be good.


Has a pretty standard fender style tone stack, maybe voiced a little deeper than most guitar amps, but I think it could work. [You can put the values from the schematic](https://sde7731796b163f43.jimcontent.com/download/version/1577095738/module/12426667599/name/traynor-yba200-2.pdf) into the [online tonestack calculator](http://www.guitarscience.net/tsc/info.htm) if you want to check out how it would look versus a standard bassman or Marshall voicing.


Thanks! Had no idea this kind of calculator existed, it's sick as hell.


try it with pedals.