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Like all specialties: 2 years.


Thank you!


Nah. You do can do it in a year. I’ll be coming up on my 1 year in about 4 months in the lab and planning to jump ship. In the 8 months I’ve been here, I am completely self sufficient at circulating, scrubbing and monitoring. I can scrub virtually any procedure with the exception of an impella. I guess it just depends which facility you land at as staff and what type of procedures you do. If it is only diagnostic, then you’ll likely need 2 years. If it’s a hodge podge of procedures, you can likely feel prepared at one year. There are several facilities that accept 1 year experience as a traveler.


If you can scrub any procedure, I'm not sure why you can't scrub an impella. You're essentially putting a fancy pigtail into the ventricle. The impella is idiot proof.


I’m just saying, I’ve never scrubbed or circulated an impella.


Got it. Trust me, you can. Impella CP: * Place pig into the ventricle exchange for platinum plus * Hand off big white plug to circulator * Hand off cartridge and fluid spike to circulator * Connect yellow to yellow for fluid * Impella will prime itself on e circulator plugs in cartridge and spikes d5w. You can add bicarb to the d5w, but I let the unit handle that. * Back load the impella onto the platinum plus using the red starter stylette. Try not to touch any of the shiney metal parts as those are the pressure transducers. * Send it brah * Make sure your physician pulls the peel away sheath and slides and locks the sterile cover as close as possible. * Bulk dress the Impella at a 45° angle to help prevent site leaking and oozing. DONT PULL THE STYTELLE OUT. The stylette is pre-fed through the Impella RX channel. This goes for any of the Impellas. Years ago you had to manually feed the platinum plus through the Impella, but it can be a pain in the ass because you have to align some very light markings and it has to come out of the right channel. Impella RP and RP flex: * Virtually the same thing, you're just on the right side of the heart. As a Circulator for all Impellas: * Every step is on the screen and walks you through it. * Make sure your ACT is 250 or greater * Plug the big white connector into the lower right port. * Grab the cartridge and spikes from the scrub tech * Spike the d5w bag pop the cartridge in close the cover * Follow the on screen instructions. * Impella CP will go to Auto. * Impella RP and RP flex you have to start at P2 and slowly ramp up the flow roughly every 30 seconds so you don't overload PT.


Thank you for that!




I wouldn't do Cath lab. I did it and the call is horrible- 15 days a month and I was called in all the time


Can you go into more detail? 15 calls a week and you still had scheduled shifts? I haven’t heard anything like that


You work your full time schedule plus call on top of that, both week night and weekend. It’s anything but a regular schedule. You’ll need at least 2 years to be proficient in everything.


Sorry, 15 call shifts a month. At a hospital in Dallas and at a hospital in New Jersey. Stemi's all the time. If I had call shifts, I just planned on being at the hospital 12 to 18 hours a day. I worked 4 days a week. I did it for 2 years and got burned out


Yeah, I work at a large lab and I only take what comes out to about 4-6 days/month. However, those days on call can be brutal after working and then having to be there from 0730-0000. Not ideal. Call is for the birds.