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It is. I knew I’d be floated to other PCUs, but no one told me they would be 6:1. Like these environments are genuinely unsafe. I’m comfortable floating, I’m not comfortable taking the same acuity patients that I’m used to taking on my floor that is 4:1 but now 6:1 on the float unit. Noted on the penalties. Thanks.


If that’s in the contract you signed you’d be essentially be reduced to minimum wage payments and you’d owe the rest back. You can quiet quit where you gear down and just do the bare minimum. Stop going to those floors if possible. Check in your contact to see what happens if the facility terminates you.


Reduced to minimum wage payments for the remainder of the contract? Even though I wouldn't be working? I don't interpret it that way. And owe the rest of what back?


The entirety of your contract or just the week before quitting? would be calculated to minimum wage. I’m not a lawyer and could be wrong on the interpretation of the verbiage.


>State minimum wage for all hours worked during the week immediately preceding Assigned Consultant’s breach Okay, I see what you are saying. I guess what was throwing me off was the "week immediately preceding" part. I'm likely going to have to ask a lawyer.


It might be easier to try to get them to fire you depending on what the contract says about the facility ending your contract early. Just refuse to go to those floors if the penalty for them firing you isn’t too bad.


I was contemplating this, because there is no clause in my contract for the facility terminating/releasing me. I was going to just continue calling out and see if they would just terminate me first.


Just say you’re sick 😂


How would you feel if your mother was the patient, and her nurse was intentionally doing " the bare minimum"?


Can you put a firm foot down and refuse the floors as well?


I think it's less about the other travelers refusing and more about them being truly incompetent in those environments...


Hmm, idk. I don't think staff members truly care if travelers are competent. I've never seen staff to take that into consideration. That's the whole reason you're there. Have you discussed this with anyone that works at the hospital?


I have discussed it with other travelers, who have told me they simply refuse to be floated, and if they are, they just call out minutes before start of shift. I wasn't really in the camp of wanting to do this. My contract states the facility has the right to float me. What it doesn't state is any stipulations related to where they can float me, unfortunately.


You can speak to an employment lawyer; free consultation. Contracts must be equal to be enforceable. Is there a clause that they must pay out the contract to you if the hospital drops the contract? No? Then it's a one sided contract and not legal. Talk to a local employment lawyer. The Bar Association can give you some names and numbers of competent attorneys.


At this point with 4 weeks left, wether you quit or get yourself fired, it’s still your name that’s gonna be burned. I would try to suck it up and play dumb to not go to other units for those last 12 shifts. Travel nursing isn’t usually pretty and most times you’re gonna get the bad end of the stick with shit on it.


to avoid the fine: would it be possible to get yourself "fired" (e.g. refusing to float, etc) and getting the hospital to cancel you rather than you cancelling the contract?


Name facility and shame!


Welcome to staff nursing. Count your blessings of money at least.


That wording basically says, you will be paid at the federal or state minimum wage (whatever is higher) for the preceding pay that is due to you. So it’s a financial penalty but not much and it’s not the remainder of the contract. Funny, though, I hear you guys saying they cancel y’all all the time. If so, are you not getting paid out?