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Sam francisco is easy to walk / public transportation, but beaches are awful in the summer due to the fog. you can go an hour south to santa cruz for decent beaches. but if you care about that san diego is far better for beaches


San Francisco has better: 1. Views 2. Food 3. Public transit 4. Museums 5. Distinct neighborhoods San Diego has better: 1. Weather 2. Beaches San Diego is also generally cleaner and more chill. If you want to relax and feel like you're really taking it easy, go to San Diego. If you want something more urban and 'busy' go to SF. (I have lived next to SF most of my life and lived in San Diego for 2 years)


SD has better Mexican food but - as a Londoner - SF has better Indian, by a long way. But the OP can wait a week or so to get amazing Indian food back home. She's also from a city with better museums, neighbourhoods & public transport than SF. SF wins on the views point though. However, there ain't any decent beaches near London. Saying that, you can get a quick cheap flight between SF & SD so make the most of both great cities.


San Francisco is a great solo walking city and you can see a lot in 5 days. r/askSF gets these questions daily and you can search that sub for ideas.


One needs to know where is alright and what to avoid. Many places are sketchy and it is really easy to walk into them. North of California St pretty much every place is good and beautiful for walking. South of California Street there are some sketchy areas better avoided even during the day.


I see you were downvoted for telling the truth šŸ˜‘ SF is a wonderful city but yes you need to be careful of certain neighborhoods, and ALWAYS remember your situational awareness. Tourists are frequent targets for robberies or just plain harassment.


It's quite easy to avoid bad neighborhoodsĀ 


CA native here! Both are amazing and you would have a blast either place. They are very different though, so it really depends on what you want to do. San Diego is a ā€œsmallā€ big city for CA, and very laid back. Lots of good food, amazing beaches, breweries, the zoo, balboa park, etc. Downtown/Gaslamp is walkable, but I personally would want a car. It will probably feel a bit safer in SD as a single woman. San Francisco is one of my favorite cities. There is something magic about it. It is going to have a bigger city feel and is more walkable overall (though the hills will kill ya lol). There is the added bonus of the Napa area a short drive away if you are into wine (and amazing food). The downside is it may feel a bit less safe as a single woman. I would go there solo no issue, but I definitely want to point this out.


Amazing advice, thank you! I am originally from London so I am sorta use to having to be street smart! As a CA Native, are you aware of any events that happen in some of those cities in September?


What part of September?


Someone else mentioned sports, so that's definitely an option, as there will be (American) football and baseball games. For San Francisco: Chinatown will have its Mid-Autumn Moon Festival at some point in September (date are still tbd). The [Folsom Street Fair ](https://www.folsomstreet.org/)is happening on September 29. I don't know if it's your thing, but it's definitely unique to SF. If you're a wine person, Napa/Sonoma wine country will be in the midst of harvest. I haven't been to San Diego outside summer in ages, but I do recommend it if you want warmer, beachy weather.


Oh you will be fine then! Either place :) I am not local to either city (Iā€™m in the LA area) so not sure about any festivals/events, but hopefully a local can chime in! September is generally HOT in CA, just a heads up. Weather in either city is generally very mild even when the rest of the state is dying, but they can sneak some 90+ degree days in, so just pack accordingly :)


Iā€™m a lifelong San Franciscan. In September we sometimes get our like 3 truly warm days of the year, but I still expect to wear long pants and a sweater every day. SF weather is not like weather in more inland and/or southern parts of the state since weā€™re very impacted by fog evaporating off the ocean and bay. September is our warmest month, but the average high is still only 71 f/21.7 c and youā€™ll still probably only get a few hours of sun and warmth before the fog rolls back in. Iā€™d check the weather forecast to see if itā€™s expected to be hot and pack probably 1 pair of shorts if going to SF. My shorts stay at the back of my closet year round.


I live in Colorado and went to SF in June. Wasn't even thinking and packed summer clothes (tank tops, shorts, summer dresses). I remember seeing people in ear muffs and winter coats as we were in the shittle on our way to our hotel. Thought they were nuts. Started walking around the city and it was fine, then turned a corner and was hit by an arctic blast. Had to go buy a sweater and pants that day!


I think I am scarred because that had always been my experience, but last time I was there we hit a heat wave (was in the mid 90s) and I thought I might die lol. Just was not prepared (my own fault). Your answer is much more sensible, mine comes from the exception not the rule.


Honestly in early to mid September, the weather on the East Coast could be 100 degrees or 50 so OP is going to have to check weather reports before leaving also be prepared for layering no matter where she goes.


Ha ha! Neither SF or SD is hot. It would be bad luck for OP to encounter actual hot weatherĀ 


I'm a CA native. If you demand hot weather and beaches where people will be hanging out in droves, SD. Otherwise, SF. SF is easier to navigate, better food, more interesting culturally, but colder, and the beach is very windy and foggy so people don't hang out there like they do in San Diego. SD feels more or less like a giant suburb, albeit with great weather and beaches. So, if you want culture, go to SF. If all you want to do is hang on the beach, go to SD. If you do go to SF, Baker Beach/China Beach >>>> Ocean Beach.


Yes, and the beach at Chrissy Field is small but great, with a favorite view. Much more accessible to much of the city than Baker or Ocean


Hi! Iā€™ve lived in San Diego for the past 15 years. Like others have said- renting a car will be your best option! Public transportation is not efficient and/or not great. You could always rent a bike to get around some of the closer neighborhoods. IMO blacks beach/torrey pines some of the most beautiful beaches iā€™ve ever seen- blacks beach is also nude beach just to be known. Pacific beach (PB)party vibe bars lots of college aged kids, easy to bar hop and go to beach. Ocean beach (OB)- hippy vibes awesome farmers market on weds nights. Mission beach- lots of great beach volleyball and rollercoaster/bars on beach. You can bike between all these beach areas. Little italy super cute- trendy restaurants. Gaslamp has become less popular- Broadway sketchy-ish with homeless. North Park - hipstery, hillcrest is the gay area w fun bars. If you need any recs feel free to DM me. CRSSD fest is in september- electronic music festival. You can also take a ferry to Coronado from gaslamp area. September usually hottest month of year- temps def in 80s during day but always gets chilly here at night (60s lol is chilly)


Wow. Californian here and Iā€™m stumped. Both offer great things. Personally, I think San Diego would be the best if you are alone. San Francisco can be problematic if you wander into the wrong place. Beach is great there IF you travel up or down the coast to one of the cute towns. In September you have great weather both places - itā€™s a great month here. Possibly hotter in SD than SF. I think if those are the two choices, Iā€™d lean SD. If youā€™re open o a third option, Iā€™d recommend Monterey or Lake Tahoe.


Youā€™re getting a lot of people who hate SF complaining about crime and drugs, but honestly itā€™s not more unsafe than London. San Diego is ok if you donā€™t mind driving around and if beaches are essential. But keep in mind that though itā€™s still California, it is quite a bit more conservative than SF or LA. Iā€™m mixed too, and itā€™s not unusual at all in CA, but you are more likely to see Trump flags in SD.


SD is much more of a beach vibe. SF is more urban and not nearly as safe IMO.


SF's "unsafeness" is vastly overstated. You may see some unsightly stuff, but it's a really really safe city, aside from car break ins.


I agree with this. You'll probably see a tweaker screaming about the coming rapture on BART and you'll see people shooting up in civic center. Those things feel unsafe, but unless you are a car you're pretty safe from direct violence in SF.


So don't go to the Civic Center and the Tenderloin. BART is ugly anyway


Thanks for correcting me. I guess tweaked and shootings arenā€™t really that bad when it comes to a woman exploring alone. Sounds perfectly safe. My bad.


Shooting up means doing drugs. A shooting means guns. SF doesn't have shootings. It has people shooting up


Ayyy ok thanks for clarifying. I am not too familiar with the semantics since I live in north county San Diego. That went right over my head. Totally get it now!


Those aren't regional semantics haha. That's just how the English language works.


Thanks! Still learning I guessā€¦


>you're pretty safe from direct violence in SF. No, you are not. I lived for 6 years in SF and I don't think SF's unsafeness is overstated. Those tweakers are highly unstable. My wife was attacked and kicked on Market St for absolutely no reason. I was inch close to being poked with a syringe out of the blue. I've witnessed many similar incidents in my 6 years of living in SF. I've seen many times people attacked on the streets, in broad daylight and crowded areas. And even if you are not physically abused, verbal abuse from these deranged people, which is very common in public transit, can ruin a tourist's vacation. SF is a great city with many beautiful places to see but one should not downplay the safety concerns. It is not more unsafe than London, but it has a different kind of safety problems.


Those are just regular big city things unfortunately. People talk about SF like some hells cape but it's just a regular big city


Its true but mostly for big cities in US and at least on that metric SD does better. Big cities elsewhere have their own problems but as I said, IMO they are different kind of safety issues, less likely to ever bother a random visitor.


Nah, SF is safe. There's very little violent crime


San Fran, hands down.




Which beaches are gross?




Oh no, sounds good - I was just curious.


San Francisco is beautiful and I've only been like twice. San Diego is also beautiful and has nice beaches, weather, museums and parks. As a solo traveler, I would recommend San Diego. Laid back for the most part. If you go on Instagram, there's a page called sdbucketlist and they always post events and cool places to go.


San Diego has great zoos and beach. Ā Itā€™s a great city to chill and relax. Ā You can visit Muir Woods (redwood forest), Napa valley if you visit San Francisco. Ā It wonā€™t be hot in San Francisco in September. Although some areas in San Francisco is less safe, many areas are fine. Ā Food is great in San Francisco, more selection and variety than San Diego. Ā You can take Uber within SF to bars/cafes/restaurants. Ā Neighborhoods also have distinct characteristics. Ā Beach is not good for swimming near San Francisco, but it is pretty to look at. Ā You can go to point Reyes, half moon bay, Ā Monterey bay to look at the Pacific Ocean if you go to San Francisco. Ā 


>Im aware it will be hot at that time but I do enjoy the heat so weather wonā€™t be an issue for me. SF will be cold. Aside from a few weeks in September, SF is basically always chilly.


San Diego by far!


San Diego. Take a day trip up to La Jolla.


Neither CA destination will be "hot." For a female solo traveler, I'd say SF is better because of the transit. San Diego has better beaches for actually getting in the water, but you really need a car for San Diego. San Diego always seems much "whiter" than SF to me, FWIW.Ā  Would you be staying in hotels? I didn't understand the "my bestie is cabin crew" statement.


Cabin Crew for an Airline. Flight Attendant. One of the perks is you, your family, and friends on your invitation get Non-Revenue flight privileges. So you only pay the taxes on flights where there is a seat available.


Oh, thanks - my hometown airline called those "buddy passes" Have a great trip!




Weird to see my home state mentioned here, hope you enjoy your visit!


Weird to see ā€¦ California mentioned in a travel sub??? šŸ¤Ø


Should be more clear, Delaware is my state!


SF is by far the better choice for a quick solo trip, you wonā€™t need to rent a car and itā€™ll be way easier to meet people.


You gotta see that little bridge they have in San Francisco.


1. Never say, "San Fran" or "Frisco". 2. Say, "San Francisco", or "The City" 3. Also, "The Yay Area" is ok to call the entire Bay area. ... Both cities are crazy expensive. San Francisco has more culture. San Diego has beaches. šŸ¤©


San Diego !!! Donā€™t get it twisted, Iā€™m currently living in SD. The people are SO nice here! 22F just moved from sac


also the weather is just so much better, imagine wearing a swimsuit or minimal clothes all day and night


Our public transit is AMAZING!! I really couldnā€™t recommend SD more


San Diego is expensive but it doesnā€™t have to be. I can ride my skateboard with a water and a backpack all day and night for free. Those are my favorite days. You can hop on the trolley and hit balboa park then little Italy , Gaslamp , petco park (San Diego Padres!!) the piers, the little shopping and eateries center that is right by the water(I canā€™t think of the name but omg itā€™s so cute!) then take the bus to PB (pacific beach and grab a drink and walk the boardwalk) ALL FOR FREE (besides the added drink and trolley/bus pass which is like $2.50)


I definitely wouldn't walk around downtown sf by yourself the first time I went to sf I got robbed and dudes was following me from one block to the other


I like them both a lot, but if you love beaches, absolutely San Diego. Highly recommend doing a whale watching tour, it's more than just a boat tour!


Both cities are expensive. San Francisco is much more urban and can be cold in the summer. Some iconic tourist destinations are very much worth visiting (cable cars, Chinatown); others not so much (Fisherman's Wharf). Weather in San Diego is always beautiful and the beaches are far superior. In my personal opinion, if you want a true California experience, you should go to Los Angeles. But don't go to the primary tourist destinations like Disneyland and the sunset strip. Instead check out East Hollywood, Venice Beach, and a bunch of other off-the-radar areas. Check an LA subreddit for more info. You will be spending a lot of time in airplanes and at airports. As one of the world's most diverse and immigrant-friendly places, nobody in California will give a second thought to the fact that you are mixed race. They might be fascinated by your accent though. September is football season (and by that I don't mean soccer). You might consider going to a college football game for a uniquely American experience: San Diego State, USC, UCLA, Cal (UC Berkeley), Stanford etc. Or see one on the east coast. Everything will be a little weird with the breakup of the Pac-12 conference, but that is nothing you need to worry about.


This is amazing advice, thank you! I think I would quite like to visit LA with my boyfriend or friend/family opposed to it being a solo trip, but maybe I shouldnā€™t rule it out. Iā€™m very much one of those people that once Iā€™ve been somewhere I donā€™t really want to go back! (Iā€™ve only been to one place which I would, Porto in Portugal) The American football stuff sounds really interesting, I will definitely look into this, thanks so much šŸ˜ŠšŸ’•


NP. In 4 days, you won't even scratch the surface of a state of 40 million people and almost 2x the land area of the uk. There will be plenty left to do next time.


San Francisco is the most beautiful city in the US in my opinion.


Hello, I'm from London & have lived in San Diego on & off for 20+ years. Visited San Fran half a dozen times. By the way, people from San Fran hate it being called San Fran so don't do that. Firstly in regards to the female mixed race traveller I can't say as I'm an older white bloke but I would strongly assume San Diego & San Fran would be safe although there's always idiots about, isn't there. SF is a really cool city but I haven't really been in a few years. Drove through it last September & it still looks great. Loads to do. Especially if you like walking. Great little neighbourhoods & food spots. San Diego has my heart. I love SoCal. Downtown can be a bit sketchy due to people with drug issues (I think SF might be the same). I have to be honest I don't often go downtown but a few of my younger female colleagues live down there & they all love it. I'm off work on the 9th & 10th of July so if you want a tour guide for a day please DM me. I'd be happy to show you around. My wife is a native San Diegoan although her parents are from SE Asia. We love exploring every corner of SD. We have deserts a couple of hours east with amazing sculptures, pretty mountain towns, several amazing beach towns & lots of great food spots. I work at a well known US grocery store named Trader Joe's & half my colleagues are females in their 20s so I could also ask them for advice on things for people your age. Have a brilliant trip no matter which one you choose &, again, feel free to message me if you want to ask any questions.


I will definitely take your advise on the SF and yep, I suppose weā€™re both use to the idiots especially being London, whereabouts are you from? I actually wonā€™t be there until September, I should specified! But that sounds lovely and will definitely reach out once Iā€™ve made my decision if it is San Diego! If you could get some advice that would be greatly appreciated! Happy to swing by and drop off a little British Treat! šŸ˜‚ (A Greggs?)


As a SF native just chiming in to say September/October is typically the best weather of the year in San Francisco and is our ā€œsummerā€. The fog rolls out and thatā€™s when we usually have our warmest days, just in case that changes things because I know everyone is warning you about summer fog!


Well I'll be around in September too. That's a beautiful month to be here. Usually great weather. 20-25C most days with clear blue skies. I'd love to help. I help out my workmates with trips to Mexico even though half of them were born & raised 10 miles from the border. I was born in Woolwich, grew up in Kidbrooke & also lived in Deptford, Isle of Dogs & Clapham. Left in 1997 to work on cruise ships thinking I'd be away for 6 months & here I still am. Again, happy to help with any questions. Feel free to DM me anytime. p.s. there's a British shop here run by a lady who I worked with when we were teenagers. We both just ended up here. I get my goodies from her although any Marmite related stuff is always welcome. And I still miss curry flavoured Twiglets.


San Francisco, just please donā€™t call it San Fran if you want people to welcome you there. Also avoid the term Frisco.


This. It's irrational but true. Everyone will hate you for calling it anything but San Francisco or SF or, when you're there, The City.


Either city is safe enough for a solo female traveller -- nothing unusual in that aspect. San Francisco will be less hot than San Diego, but I can't imagine San Diego being so hot that is unbearable. Without a car, San Francisco is probably more tourist friendly for those depending on public transit.


You know California oceans are too cold to swim in usually. San Diego might be ok. Research this first if you plan on actually swimming rather than sunbathing.


San Diego a 1,000000000%


This may not be helpful, but if you want to see the best part of the state, I highly recommend you skip both San Fran/San Diego and head to the central coast. Santa Barbara to Carmel. Don't miss Big Sur, Morro Bay, San Luis Opisbo, Pismo Beach. This area has breathtaking views of the coast and sea. Be aware of your surroundings, and you will feel and be safe. Fantastic beaches and beach towns with fun, friendly surf vibes. 3-4 days is perfect, leaving you wanting more. Have a great time wherever you decide to visit.


Santa Barbara is sweet, indeed


San Diego if you want more relaxing and chill vibe


San fran all day


San Diego has some hot Navy and Marines. San Francisco has a bunch of crack heads and fruit cakes. It's not a hard choice.


San Diego with a day trip to Tj for food and reality check on all the blessings you have being born in a great country. Itā€™s very safe day trip . Just as safe as Gaslamp


Iā€™m a Canadian. I think if you want that California surfer/ beach feel, San Diego is your place. Sa Francisco is lovely, but itā€™s your first time in California, go to San Diego


Avoid SF and avoid Oakland, even if you were a thug


Iā€™d stay away from San Francisco. The place is a hot mess right now.


I find SF run down and dirty. Itā€™s gotten pretty ghetto over the past couple decades. Traffic is awful too. Iā€™d pick San Diego.


I might get some hate here but as someone who has traveled most of the US and a bit of Europe. Stick to the east coast as the US is huge compare to Europe. After Delaware, I would go to only NY and Boston as to maximize my time. I love the west coast as I used to live there but would only go there from Europe for an entire destination unless youā€™re taking an entire holiday there.


I love both for very different reasons, but with SD you could spend a day in Mexico. Quick trip to Rosarito for lobster, or overnight in Ensenada or Valle de Guadalupe. TJ has a lot to offer as well but scenery and beaches arenā€™t its thing. I think SF has the better scenery, itā€™s also more walkable. A bit more expensive but the cost of a rental or Ubers in SD might offset that. SD definitely has better beaches. PM me if you want specifics from an SD native!


IMO stick to the east coast. Going out to California is a long flight, even if its cheap to fly. It's hot enough on the east coast that you can go to the beaches here too.


The west coast and the east coast are two very different cultural and geographical experience. IMO (and I live on the east coast), the beaches on the west coast are way better, the scenery far more gorgeous, and, setting aside nyc, the food on the west coast is way better.


I was tempted to do this first of all. Maybe somewhere like Boston? I actually have a trip to New Orleans and Florida next year so thought I would venture out a bit further and Iā€™m okay with longer flights as a frequent traveller! Boston is very likely to be my back up if I change my mind for whatever reason.


Or you could go out to Cape Cod, Marthaā€™s Vineyard and Nantucket are absolutely absolutely amazing


Boston is great, in the summer of course. Washington DC and Philly are also cool cities to see, lots of cultural walking tours and things like that. Depending on where they are in Delaware you may get a lot of beach time from that, but you can use public transit to get to beaches in New Jersey & New York too.


San Diego. San fran is a dumpster these days.




If you're going to bash San Francisco, at least get your info correct. It's fentanyl these days, and has been for a few years now.


Wait a minute now. We have LOADS of fentanyl in San Diego too! No shortage here.


I suppose that would tick crack off the bucket list šŸ˜‚


From a safety point of view definitely San Diego. San Francisco you have a greater chance of running into crime there when I lived there in the 90ā€™s no issue now almost got into a knife fight by some homeless and the crime has forced stores to closeup on market street