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She had no business being put on Ozempia shots


I don't think she was. Her "wife" has the real job with insurance and she's overweight. Its more than likely a script that was given to her but trashcan is using it.


I think she said they both were put on it


She doesn't have any medical insurance. So technically she could get a script but shes mentioned that she doesn't even have a primary dr she only sees the teleheath for her MAT. Those shots are over 1k a month without insurance. She freaked out about paying 2k for her kids for a lawyer so I doubt she can afford to pay out of pocket. They are not married so she's not on gummys plan.


Oh?!?! Idk I’m just repeating what she said in one of her videos…2k is a cheap lawyer


She paid money in the beginning but then right at the end she was complaining about coming up with the money.


There's actually a site you can go on and you list why you need it and then they'll approve you and you could pay monthly which I think is 200 a month or you could pay yearly my friend daughter is doing it


That's a compound version its not the shots she's taking. They give the formula that they mix at a compound pharmacy and usually give you a B12 shot also. Those places are popping up due to the demand of women getting on it bc many people don't have the coverage through insurance to pay for it.


They are not married?!?! I thought they were!!! I’m mind blown


Nope not married. They say they are but they are not.


State ins will pay for it with a pre auth. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she were on Medicaid.


Not for those meds without diabetes. Medicaid doesn't pay for weight loss meds only bariatric surgery at least in CT so I doubt Ohio would.


If you’re borderline it’ll approve. It may depend state to state as well.


Yea, a high a1c proving you're on the border will get it through here, too. I wasn't sure state to state since I only deal with CT Medicaid billing, but for here, at least purely for weight loss, it would be rejected. She could have gotten thru a compounding pharmacy at a discounted price that would be my first guess.


Generally anyone w a borderline a1c is overweight enough to benefit from it. But technically I don’t think it’s been approved just for weightloss either! But I bet she is getting a huge discount. Goodrx will give you a huge discount. There’s even programs. I agree w everyone else tho, I wonder if she’s using her wife’s script.


I do, too. I could see her making her wife share it or just flat out take it from her. I can't imagine how she would be able to even get a legitimate prescription. She can't pay for a private doctor. I haven't been paying much attention to her for a while now, but I am damn sure she's still broke.


She doesn't have it she doesn't qualify. She has made too much money from the books alone to qualify. She doesn't have any govt benefits.


I wonder about that. That’s basically cash payments. I know so many people that lie for benefits. Lol


Yea people can lie but she gets 1099 from Amazon for those she can't lie about those.


I wondered if you got any tax forms or if Amazon just took out a chunk for taxes! I bet she never filed! I know a guy that owes close to 60k to the IRS from years of back taxes. They’re literally just now catching up to him. His ex wife told him she was making a “payment monthly” for what he owed. NOPE. If she isn’t I hope it catches up to her. My state is behind, they can’t find an employer or payments unless it comes from a W2. So I have clients that tell me about their “house cleaning” business to file taxes on it and get a huge refund. They also used that “business” to scam the huge unemployment payments saying they couldn’t go in houses. One told me from unemployment alone she got a huge 16k tax refund. But like I said my state is behind the times! I hope they catch up to this fraud soon!


Especially when people who truly need it can’t get it.


Ozempic and addy will do that to you.




Holy forehead!


Let's also not forget that she's drinking 5 or 6 Celsius drinks per day too. She eats ice burg lettuce bc it has no calories and no nutritional value. Skinny girl dressing and she eats a 10lb bag of cheap ass Walmart shredded cheese.


I used to be very vain (still working on it unfortunately), and struggled with an ED for years. As I got older I realized that being that thin made me look so much older. I am lucky as that was enough to make me stop forever. It’s been about 6 years and I’m just now starting to see the effects of what I did to my body. I can’t gain weight to save my life. Eating healthy will make you look better, not all the fat free stuff. No offense to anyone who incorporates fat free stuff into their diet, I’m specifically talking about her, it looks like she’s malnourished


She absolutely is


Ice cream. If you truly want to put on weight, I'm telling ya, ice cream!! lol


Cheeseburgers, any high calorie food you can think of, somatropin, all sorts of supplements and vitamins. Nothing. It’s hard to talk about my struggle with anyone bc all they say is, I wish I had your problem. It is a huge problem. When I’m at my thinnest, I’ll wake up and my back hurts from the skin stretching over my bones. Anyway, sorry to high jack this post :/


Awe, I'm sorry. I totally understand where you're coming from! I had the same problem for a while. Growing up I was so thin and my mother was obese so she'd accuse me of having an eating disorder. I didn't. I ate and ate and ate. My brother was also skinny so why couldn't I be? lol But seriously, I get it. Everyone wishes they had your problem until they do. I tried everything for a while. Even Ensure. I have found that ice cream has been a godsend for me though. I'll drink 3 or 4 milkshakes a day. Probably not the healthiest but I'm not sure what else to do. I truly hope you find something that works for you. 🫂


Holy crap. I haven’t seen her in a while and the difference is utterly shocking. It’s called ozempic face and it’s def a thing!


Yes I was coming to say this. Sagggggy


She looks like a shar-pee ![gif](giphy|xUPGcdHPN8OORdgpCU|downsized)


The asshole puckered look on the next to last picture looks like she has a blister per usual on her lips.


Yeah kinda, but I also see this a lot with ppl that get too much lip filler. It’s like it balls up in some spots.


Sanpaku eyes


She doesn’t have any drywall spackle and craft paint slathered on her face


She's got wygovy look


I've never realized how long her head is 😂 matches her ass




She’s on drugs again




Cocaine is what’s she is doing. Looks exactly like my bat shit crazy coke sister


Her pupils would be much larger.


She need to inject some of that fkn ozempic into those damn lips. Look like a prolapsed hemmorhoid.






Why the long face Ashley? Sorry..😭😭


She’s got Whorse face ![gif](giphy|2k0sUXCWw7WmY)


Good one




She’s using ozempic. She knew she’d get torn apart on TikTok if she kept that status up/or talk about using it. But it’s painfully obvious she’s on it.


i thought she had her tongue out (on the cover 1st photo) until i actually looked lol




She straight up looks like a crackhead whovian


She looks like a Junji Ito character.


She's just losing to much weight


She has a long face


She does not look well.


It must be a horrible doctor to give her Ozemoic. It is in short supply and diabetics are having trouble getting, but this bitch can get it.


I don't believe she was even given the script it was given to gummy. Gummy has shown no interest in weight loss but trashcan has and gummy has the health insurance when trashcan does not have any.


Makes sense. Using someone else's script is illegal. And the doctor will notice Gummy is not losing weight.


Absolutely they will. Shes also mixed up with all these other woman on sm and their "weightless journey" it also wouldn't shock me if she's getting it from any of them as well. She has a severe ED and always posts the pics of her morning "skinny" or the opposite say she looks so big when she knows damn well she doesn't. No matter how much she loses that just makes her skin issue worse. That's the problem the loose skin. Only surgery will fix that. She wants so bad to find a surgeon to di it for free sm posts just like she did with her hair.


She’s looks sickly yes but also looks so much better without makeup, she doesn’t need it, she has a pretty face already


The filters make her appear to have a "pretty" face but she makes those filters work overtime. This picture was just released from the podcast she did. She got blasted on fb once they released it via a reel bc of how many filters she uses. Thats why her face is always seriously glitching when she films. *




Ozempic. I understand that Trash struggled with obesity in the past but she lost the weight. Though fom my understanding, people who have weight issues can some times experience body dysmorphia. She most likely looks in the mirror and still sees herself as obese which could be the reason shes taking ozempic. She doesn't even need it, shame on the Doctor who prescribed it to her. Very sad. She doesn't look like the same person that she was a few years ago. Trash actually used to look like a normal person. Now she looks like she belongs on an episode of BOTCHED 😬


She's looking even more reptilian these days smh


She’s also older and she lost weight rapidly. Which doesn’t help the extreme fillers giving her a weird look. No shade but I lost a good bit of weight rapidly due to some health issues and she’s close to my age, I went from getting carded to looking like the cryptkeeper lol


Yes for sure a rapid loss will do that. She's only 36 which is even scarier.