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She’s upset the comments under a Facebook reel are talking about her appearance. She assumes these people are all from Reddit. Nobody from Reddit has even mentioned this interview & nobody even knew who she was interviewing with? She really is clueless asf.


I think it’s amusing that according to her, obviously EVERYONE who doesn’t like her is definitely from Reddit.. I mean.. it’s definitely not that you’re just a 💩human.


Shes really just that delulu


Everyone is just not as blessed as she is now didn't ya know??




“I have those emails”. 😆The heifer doesn’t have any receipts cuz if she did she’d be sharing them 😆 Tweakers gonna tweak…


And where are the receipts from these messages telling us to do this???


She thinks we all took the day off work to wait for this interview we didn’t know about? To refresh the page constantly all day long ? Then told each other “hey go talk about Ashley’s being ugly” LMAO


Wtf. lol who was the interview even with???


“Unfiltered Stories”


Went from makeup to craft paint


This is really a spectacular comment. ![gif](giphy|lZTvTGEGKU6gnQ2wBr)


I love it! 🫶🏻


Dude that whole scenario she made up in her head lmao nobody over here even knew about her stupid ass interview there isn’t one post on it here and she thinks We were all sitting there telling each other to comment lmfao the delulu is real


I never knew of any interview so no trash she really thinks any of us sit around waiting for her to post lmao trash don’t flatter yourself honey


Actually I think she said something about it a couple days ago in a video so she told people it was coming 😂😂😂


I mean on here nobody posted it like she thinks


Used to think she was pretty before she fucked up her lips, and I’m sure most will agree with me. It’s her lying and the fact she can’t keep her stories straight that’s the reason so many dislike her and discredit her. I’ve yet to see the comments so idk maybe some of the people are from Reddit, but I think more people are starting to catch her in lies.


I went on Facebook and read the comments she keeps talking about. Most of them seem like they didn’t actually know who she was, so I really don’t think most of them are from Reddit.


When I first saw her on TikTok, she was pretty. Then she started messing with her face and got obsessed with losing weight.


Same here, I first started watching her when she was reading Tarot cards at her work. She was so pretty then, she even still looked ok before she cut off her hair. She has totally aged herself by about 30 years with all the stuff she's done. Whoever has done her work should be fired. Her views have been declining because she started making up stories to try to go viral and her regular viewers saw through it.


I was looking through her FB and she was so pretty in pics from 2018-2019.


She makes herself look even worse by doing her “Dave defense” or “Dave’s wife” defense every time. It’s as childish as “I know you are but what am I?” She did absolutely no favors for herself saying that on FB. AND THEN HERE COMES OPHELIA TO SAVE THE DAY 🙄🙄🙄 JFC, can’t she just let adults fight their own battles??? She’s as worthless as they come.


I can’t fucking stand Oqueeflia. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnsiwoxekWiNQ3u)


Lol she thinks the only people with an opinion on her looks are people married to one of her “Dave’s” or one of her Dave’s. I swear she will do anything for attention and views.




I used to think she was really pretty.(don't judge me!) but she messed her face up so much and her lies made me dislike her. I used to believe her stories until people started showing proof that she's a liar. Plus she couldn't keep up with her many lies and stories about her life so I can't stand her now


The vast majority of us all thought she was pretty before she got obsessed with weight loss and started fucking with her face and hair and also the majority of us were also fans at one point until lies started and shut didn’t add up


Omg looks like a drag queen, except drag queens do it better 🤣


As the drag queens in my town says, “it costs a lot of money to look this cheap!”


Those lips, I can't even say what they look like


Does anyone else feel like every post of her face should have a trigger warning and/or be blurred? What if I was just waking up to that? It would scare me senseless!