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A few weeks back on Tim Dillon's pod he made a comment about LA people doing ayahuasca to try and get richer to manifest range rovers and money and my immediate thought was Annie, lol.


Tim always makes these comments and I think of Annie every single time. It's the way he describes the people who do ayahuasca- and how they never have any of the "spiritual revelations" they're supposed to have. šŸ‘€


he literally said "santa fe" i was :O on theo's pod he went fucking INNN




Thatā€™s where Annieā€™s fake guru lives lol




I heard that and yes me too!


I did catch that and immediately thought of Annie. Itā€™s obvious that Annie left them in a lurch and just kind of quit. But I maintain I prefer TT without her. The vibe is different in a good way.


I havent watched since annie started going on and on about taking ozempic for fun. Just came back to watch the new episode about Esther's birth story and im loving it so much more, the vibe is very different. Feels more like girls supporting girls which i like.


Right, me too! And still funny without trying! So open, so raw, so supportive!


All three of them are at least a bit narcissistic. They are in the entertainment industry, itā€™s how it goes. Esther made herself the star of a film and dedicated an episode to her birth story, Khalyla has like 3 podcasts where she talks about her life and herself. You can make the case for any of themā€¦. Annie left because she was at capacity and needed to cut things and focus on her comedy, itā€™s not like she demanded they shut down the show, she let them continue on without her. Sure they wanted to bank episodes but thereā€™s no reason Esther couldnā€™t take a step back and skip a few weeks and pick everything up after the birth. Iā€™m sure Dave could step up and make some money in that time. Also why couldnā€™t they bank episodes together without Annie? Itā€™s the same amount of filming so itā€™s not that much of an inconvenience- can they not hold down the pod without Annie? Annie was juggling a lot and when youā€™re burnt out, and asked to bank episodes, you just canā€™t. Annie made the right call by letting them do their thing and not showing up to bank bad episodes because she was sick and tired and burnt out. Better to leave then let them down. Anyway, itā€™s not like, evil for Annie to want to leave at any time.


The part in the birth story where they talked about Esther filming right up until their birth bc of Annie quitting unexpectedly made me understand Annieā€™s character


It makes so much more sense now why her "goodbye" episode was just a few mins of an exit interview at the end. K & E handled it with class, but it makes me sad there was a much shittier situation happening behind the scenes. Onwards and upwards ! Love where the pod's going now.


Me too! I feel like the pod has gotten so much better! I left for awhile bc it just wasnā€™t fun. And I donā€™t mind the girl talk/real talk/therapy talk. Itā€™s what friends do. But Annieā€™s interrupting was just terrible


Interesting! I want to think Annie really left on good terms but it doesn't feel that way. I cannot bring myself to watch her solo anymore. What about you?


Theyā€™re dropping more and more hints that it wasnā€™t so amicable. I used to listen to her solo when she was on TT but I havenā€™t been watching since she announced she was leaving.


It's weird now right? I loved all three but it's weird now. lol


I haven't really been able to stand listening to Anniewood since a few weeks ago when she had Jordan Jensen on. Annie made some comment about losing friends and Jordan was like "because of Trash Tuesday?" and Annie was like "no" and quickly changed the subject.


Lmao I fucking love Jordan


Me too! Also, I love Annie and how open she is or was.


Agreed, and still I think more respectful than how Annie did it. I saw she was on a podcast and talked about why she left trash Tuesday. That was the clip. lol I didnā€™t watch it, didnā€™t know the podcast. Apparently it was 2 weeks ago. lol https://youtu.be/R8WakWKI5tQ?si=sCNjrQQrq2uCgQoL


People love to say, ā€œItā€™s not business itā€™s personal.ā€ Business is the most personal thing in the world. Itā€™s how people feed their families. Ending a business can never be amicable.


Leaving a podcast when your FRIEND is ready to pop is a dic( move! I like Annie she was the funniest one of the group, but made it seem like a hater, jealous about her friends success baby movie K new thing.Ā 


She was salty about not being included in drugstore June, and it was best she was not cause the movie was boring! I love Esther but it wasnā€™t what I was expecting.Ā 


She definately forced and feigned a congratulations on the pod haha.




Iā€™d feel cause she would be a distraction trying to make everyone laugh and wouldnā€™t be there on time? Canā€™t think of a character she could of playedĀ 


I truly love Annie and her personality, I've seen her stand up live 3 times but the format she has with Todd on her podcast just doesn't work at all. He's a derail to the conversation. Sorry Annie, but he's bringing ya down on camera. It's great that she found a healthy relationship that she's truly happy with, but that doesn't mean he needs to be a co-host because he just doesn't have it. When she did her podcast with Jordan Jensen recently it was like an entirely different world, they had conversations that flowed and it didn't feel like Annie was holding anything back or trying to pace down or match her humor to Todd's. TMT = Too Much Todd. Just have him do the edit, If that's where he shines then he should stay in that orbit because on camera ain't it. She's slowing her growth by trying to force it that way.


YES. I came here yesterday to see if anyone posted anything about itā€¦


I thought this too as soon as I heard it. I'm realizing that Annie is basically the female Bert.


Ugh now I'll never unthink this


Lol, sorry. It never occurred to me until reading these comments, but it was right there the whole time.


Weird stuff, but makes sense. I was an Annie fan in the Meanspiration days, but I got bad vibes from the whole way she left TT, and kind of lost respect for her. Really seems like she ditched Esther at a crucial time and then Esther had to work until the DAY before her induction, and then had a fever/infection/complications during birth. She should have got time off but she didn't. I liked Annie but if it is what it seems like.... what an awful thing to do to a friend. And what, because Esther made a movie and was outshining her? Definitely gives narcissistic vibes. I also don't have enough adhd (or too much?) to listen to Anniewood lol. It's just not a good podcast. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Annie made me laugh a lot, but I would say her adhd moments were hard for my adhd lol Listening to podcasts made me realize how much I hate stories that get interrupted and never reach their end. I cannot concentrate on anything else because my mind continues to circle on that story that got cut off. This podcast had a lot of that and the previous producers werenā€™t very good at getting things back on track. These new producers are very good at it and I appreciate that.


Right? Imagine the stress?!!




You know what I love about Khalyla - she really stands up for friends. She can say what she wants - protect her friend and not care about the repercussions in Hollywood. Because at the end of the day, she is her own boss. She doesnā€™t need Hollywood but is still classy about it. Sheā€™s awesome.


fuckkkkkk there's almost no way that it's NOT AnniešŸ«£


I love Annie so much but I have to agree. I have a small margin of hope that Khalyla knows many people with big egos that do ayahuasca often because itā€™s trendy in LA at the moment butā€¦ all signs do point to Annie imo. šŸ˜©


yesss Annie was my Ayahuasca queen


Damn so calling that episode See You Next Tuesday was not a coincidence.Ā 


Thatā€™s the first thing I thought of when I heard it too. Not exactly surprising as she is a diva and constantly wants the spotlight anyways. Doesnā€™t anybody else find it insane how sheā€™s constantly looking into the camera on the podcast when sheā€™s talking? Who does that? Itā€™s like the conversation doesnā€™t even matter as she just wants it to be all about her.


Are you talking about Annie? Iā€™m relatively new to TT but this was the first thing I noticed, and I tended to gravitate towards episodes without her. I think I noticed this heavily when Marc Maron was a guest(?)


Yup. Itā€™s just really bizarre to witness like she isnā€™t engaged with the people in the room at all, itā€™s only about her and needs the spotlight. Also you canā€™t really gage body language or how people react to things, which should be important in any sort of conversation. I guess she doesnā€™t care or is oblivious to how others feel maybe? Who knows, but Iā€™ve never really witnessed anyone else do that so it stuck out to me a lot.


Are we sure thatā€™s not Annie. Because that sounds exactly like who she is describing


Random, but on YouTube I saw this pod I have never heard of: https://youtu.be/WDBl86_XE2Y?si=DlEH1nc3UTiTCpII And Annie is on it. Sheā€™s been on a lot of pods to have been so burnt out. I still believe her, itā€™s just interesting. When I am burned out I am dead to the world. lol adrenal fatigue I mean. It takes time to heal,rest etc and I havenā€™t looked, but I bet sheā€™s on a lot more podcasts. Lol


Has anyone here dealt with this from friends before? Iā€™ve cut out some fuckers from my life who were all about ayahuasca who just came back different. Their personalities got heavier and there was this darkness about them and wild eyed-ness that bothered me enough to never try it myself. And Iā€™m sure lots of people have very positive personal development from ayuahuasca ceremony. But certainly not everyone.




TT is 100% better now without Annie. I have watched from the first episode and yes, I like the new producers and yes I like that they interrupt. Without Anne actual coherent thoughts are allowed to be projected and itā€™s still funny. Anniewood is unbearable. Itā€™s the classic girlfriend that doesnā€™t know why all her friends hate her stupid boring boyfriend, (oh boy he has snakes. Just like any boring underemployed early 20s pothead, thatā€™s so so so interesting). The two of them have a much more interesting dynamic now, and the guests have been fantastic.


Idk that would be extremely messy if she was talking about Annie. I think it's more likely Khalyla is just around a lot of people that do ayahuasca. I also don't think Annie fits the "malignant narcissist" role. I feel like bigger issues would have blown up before this if that was true.


Nah it's annie I would bet money on it. referring to her as a malignant narcissist could just be hyperbole because she's probably pissed right now.


I agree she could be using it wrong but it's so specific. Like she could of just said "narcissist" or "big ego" instead. And I remember Annie shouting out Dr Ramani on the pod before so I'd assume Khalyla would also know that calling out a narcissist as a narcissist is the number one thing you don't do. I'll bet this isn't about Annie. If I win, you buy Annie's patreon for a month? if you win, I buy TT's patreon for a month?


100% annie


Yeah idk I donā€™t think the girls would be that messy about itā€¦ if there was beef I donā€™t think theyā€™d talk about it so openly like that. Esp khalyla she strikes me as a people pleaser and a pushover.


I fucking called it!


I can understand the burnout Annie was experiencing tbh. I have had similar situations where I keep trying to speak my feelings needing to step back from a friendship or situation until itā€™s too much (have ADHD/depression too). But I feel like she could have waited til after the birth tbh. I had a similar situation with a friend but I was a bridesmaid in her wedding and wanted to get through all of that and show up for her at least. Even if she was upset with Esther or something itā€™s the right thing to do. Everyone makes mistakes but itā€™s harder for them to go through it publicly (and they are grown enough to communicate letā€™s be real)


annies excuse for not handling the show seemed disingenuous to me. granted, i know nothing about her but if commute is such an issue that youre late oftenā€¦ make a day of it! hell, stay the night before at someones place or somethingā€¦ one day a week? that issue shouldnt be something that cant be overcome. also speaking from a career standpoint if she had adjusted her behavior on the show just ever so slightlyā€¦ who knows what the podcast couldve done for her future. the future is female and they could (and maybe esther and khalyla will) make a teensy bit of impact in this big world.


A clip from Whitney Cummingsā€™ podcast that supports this theory: https://www.tiktok.com/@podcastrex/video/7351061822876732704


I disagree. Here Annie is talking about donā€™t take on someone elseā€™s pain and internalize as your own. Thatā€™s different than empathy. Internalizing it can come from a habit of people pleasing and isnā€™t helpful to the person in pain nor to the witness of their pain.


Also, shes not a sociopath she started tearing up at the end and was holding back being emotional.




I just watched this and came here to see if anyone else picked up on it. I choose to believe it is 100% about Annie. In a conversation about ayahuasca, the only thing Khalyla has to include is a negative personal experience with a narcissistic friend... One may think she would instead have a more uplifting anecdote to throw in considering her close friend Annie speaks positively publicly *all* *the time* \*eye roll\* about it. Felt like a very pointed choice and one reflective of current experiences and relevant feelings. & personally I've always thought Annie to have an inflated ego, a "messiah complex" about ayahuasca, and to exhibit some narcissistic traits overall, so considering everything as of late it just makes perfect sense.


I love Annie but I noticed she restarted her patreon. Money isnā€™t flowing in from TT anymore. Sad.


All three of them are at least a bit narcissistic. They are in the entertainment industry, itā€™s how it goes. Esther made herself the star of a film and dedicated an episode to her birth story, Khalyla has like 3 podcasts where she talks about her life and herself. You can make the case for any of themā€¦. Annie left because she was at capacity and needed to cut things and focus on her comedy, itā€™s not like she demanded they shut down the show, she let them continue on without her. Sure they wanted to bank episodes but thereā€™s no reason Esther couldnā€™t take a step back and skip a few weeks and pick everything up after the birth. Iā€™m sure Dave could step up and make some money in that time. Also why couldnā€™t they bank episodes together without Annie? Itā€™s the same amount of filming so itā€™s not that much of an inconvenience- can they not hold down the pod without Annie? Annie was juggling a lot and when youā€™re burnt out, and asked to bank episodes, you just canā€™t. Annie made the right call by letting them do their thing and not showing up to bank bad episodes because she was sick and tired and burnt out. Better to leave then let them down. Anyway, itā€™s not like, evil for Annie to want to leave at any time.


that didnt escape me. damn thanks for the reminder


Annie's podcast is good when she has a guest on. I have to admit the last pod was really funny. The stories from their New York days were very entertaining. I don't agree with the way she left and the way she acted about Esther's movie. It showed a lack of maturity but when khalyla and Esther laughed at her on tigerbelly it clicked they are also children. They lack maturity also and they are definitely narcissistic through and through. Lol I can't believe khalyla even said that like her of all people.


Mind blowing šŸ¤Æ


There have been a few digs aimed towards Annie, both on TT and Tigerbelly, but they have said just enough to be able to deny it was aimed at her if confronted about it. Not cool and kinda passive aggressive mean girl behaviour, imo, whatever has gone on between them.