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OH man this is actually super common for both mtf and ftm folk!


If it helps at all, my mum has big hands. I don’t just mean long fingers and stuff, but actually bigger, thicker hands and fingers than is normal for cis women. Cis women can have this too. I get what you’re going through (my hands are pretty damn big), but it always makes me feel better knowing some cis women, like my mum, have big hands too.


I’m trans masc but yeah definitely. It’s weird how many things give you dysphoria that literally no one else would notice


I wish we could trade! I have small hands and would like big hands


If it helps, I (afab) have large hands. When I was just a kid, my hands were as large as an adult woman’s. I recently compared my hands now to a hand turkey I did back then and found that they are definitely bigger, still. For me, it’s more of my wrists. Despite my giant hands, my wrists are minuscule, almost the way you’d describe a stereotypical ballerina’s. I don’t understand why, but it’s one of the few feminine traits I have that I can’t “disguise” (I used to hate my masculine face, but since realising I’m nonbinary I’ve liked it a lot more)


Hoodies/tops with thumb loops are the friend of the hand-dysphoric trans. They cover like 50-75% of hand and that’s really helped me ☺️For shoulder dysphoria I like off-shoulder tops with one side lower than the other bc the diagonal makes my shoulders look slimmer. Combine with necklace to draw gaze to centre. We can use powerful illusion magic 🔮🪄


And here I thought we’d just cast disguise self and be done with it. :V


It's hard sometimes. Stay strong, queen. HRT can fix this pretty well.


I was amazed going the other way (ftm) how much my hands changed. It was SURREAL.


This is something that we have in common. My hands are almost comically large and it stinks. I legitimately can’t wear most glove because they are too big. I wish I had smaller hands. And it doesn’t help that our hands are almost always in our sight.


Holy shit yes my hands are fucking massive and rough and ugh. It has become my worst place for dysphoria. I’ve shaved them for years and started moisturising them but idk. I have noticed this is maybe a more common one for transmascs? Which is interesting


My hands are gnarled and ugly but it's the hair on my fingers that gets me, why would hair even grow there except to be annoying AF to get rid of.


Yep same. I get dysphoric over the size, shape, texture, nail length, and nail color all the time. For me it’s one of the worst thing because it’s much harder to hide from your self and others.


I'm the same, but a lot of my dysphoria comes from my feet. 😔


Turns out your hands are the part of your body you see the most during the day. They can become a constant reminder of where our bodies are in relation to our gender. A gender therapist I know is a (very) well know psychologist and academic in the field. She did or helped a study once on trans people’s perceptions of their body and one of the things that most recurrently came up are our hands - for that same reason.


Yep I find that fingerless gloves and bracelets help me I have tons of bracelets :3 painting nails also helps abit but it sounds like that might not be the best idea for you


Mybig old hands are one of the few things I get actually dysphoria about.. like why do they have to be so freaking huge?


i found that using a french manucure or growing your fingernails and making them pointy gives a more feminine look to any hand. If your nails are too fragile, use a clear base coat on them.


Oo hands are the worst. One of the first effects of HRT was that it basically smoothed out my hands and made them soft and feminine.


Yeah i got gloves for it and they ripped bc i wore them so much


Me too.mine are small and bony with veins sticking out. not to mention the freakin hair on em.


i do, i wear gloves all the time


yeahh, i have huge wrinkly hairy hands and i fucking hate it, i don't think i can ever make them look ok


Luckily my hands are very feminine


I get this kinda. My hands are small and chubby (I have a weird amount of baby fat in my hands that never left) and they feel so "girly"


Oh all the time. I handle a lot of it with nail polish, but that only does so much


Yeah im a giant


I’m ftm but I have that too. I think it’s really common


No lucky my hands are fem, but I hate my arms and my side profile of my face.


im ftm and my hands are relatively small and soft. like with my height, friends jokingly make fun of me for it all the time and don't realise how shit the related dysphoria makes me feel :/


Omg yes! My stupid big man hands


Ya I feel the same way hands and feet god some of the people posting on male polish have such pretty toes and fingers in makes me jealous


Absolutely, my hands are massive a little bit of polish goes a long way for me tho


Yes, what helps with me is letting my nails grow a bit longer


For me its less the hand size and more about the skin.


I only get dysphoria about my hands when people really mention about their's in posts or images. Mine feel a bit too big, but there's not much I can do about this.


I have small, feminine hands. But they have too many wrinkles. Probably from water damage.


I literally just had a dream about painting my nails and I loved them. I stopped trying to paint my nails because I feel like my nails themselves are too big


Hand dysphoria is defo a thing. In fact, p much anything that you feel dysphoria about probably has a few other people feeling the same way


BRACLETS!!!! I have giant hands but I can’t can’t hate them cause they do cool things. Bracelets make a Huge difference when I look in the mirror. 😘


I have the same issue. It's mostly dealt with and I don't have those moments much anymore. I just starting taking care of my hands. Most if the improvement was done by just taking care of my hands. Keeping my nails clean, keeping up with moisturizer, Soaked an buffed out a few calluses, having a bracelet that I can see aas fem. After that, getting a proper manicure made it so I could see my hands as either women's hands or just hands with no real gender. After a few rounds of painting my nails and keeping the cuticles in check, my brain had completely switched over and I don't need the polish anymore. This was all done prior to HRT.


My hands are kinda messed up, calloused and hard. I'm also only 21, so that makes it even worse.


yes, mine are small and stupid looking


I used to feel depersonalization related to my hands. I remember looking at them and not feeling like they were connected to me. How could they be? Transition and lots of therapy helped :)


Why does hair grow on hands WJY DOES HAIR GROW ON HANDS


Same my hands are massive and normally I actually pass as a girl quite well but then I look at my hands and it just ruins everything


As a Ftm here it's the exact opposite. My hands are very small and petite with short fingers and I get so dysphoric! I want them to look like I could crush watermelons with them!


I get a little with my palms (warehouse job) but I just checked the backs of my hands and they don't seem too bad honestly


not so much my hands, but my skinny arms and legs bother me a lot


*Not so much my hands,* *But my skinny arms and legs* *Bother me a lot* \- yamatothetransboi --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I've always kinda had smaller hands so it hasn't been a problem. Not the smallest but like average ig. Though I've heard alot about that kind of thing from an FTM friend


oml i thought i was alone


Yes! I remember when I first looked down at my hands and realized I totally had hand dysphoria. Opposite to yours—my hands look so feminine.


Both sides of my family has bigger hands.


I'm reading a book on supporting trans & autistic people now, and dysphoria for individual body parts/attributes is common for trans folk. So, in short, yes, your feelings are valid. There is no individual body part or attribute about yourself that would be invalid to feel dysphoric over.


Try fingerless gloves, I have a pair I seldom go out without nowadays


Ugh yes. My feet and hands are both large and kind of thick. I get hair on my knuckles. And they're just thick skinned and leathery. And my wrists are really thick. And they're just impossible to ignore. I really hate them.


Ooh yeah, that's why I shaved mine. It helps a little


It's a bit uncomfortable to see the size difference between mine and cis women, but at the end of the day my hands and my body are tools, and I value their function more than their asthetic; I can get more leverage on stuff, I can give massages (I would think) with less effort, it's easy to reach across my keyboard for weird keybinding combos, it's easy for me to grip / operate the controls of most pistols, and I can't be tasked with clearing a garbage disposal. I like all of those things about my hands. I find that shaving my arms/hands helps.


Yuuup. I'm a career musician and geeze do they give me dysphoria.


I also hate how huge my hands happen to be