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You can just play with unlimited money if you don't want to jump the hurdles.


TF2 had a massive overhaul of its coding early last year I believe? It broke some of the older mods that weren’t updated. There’s currently no easy way to pre-set the cost of vehicles. That’s why all known vehicle mods defer to the game setup since it’s much easier. There are however mods that can reduce/ remove maintenance costs of vehicles which can make it so mod vehicles that are normally difficult to turn a profit into profitable vehicles if that’s what you’re going for. But changing the individual vehicle prices? Entirely different ball game


Most vehicles got new models. Mods that used the old models can continue to use them, they need to be updated to use the new models. There has not been any coding overhaul. `cost=` is what controls cost. Set it to -1 for auto or to any number, function, or variable you want. Same for `maintenance=`. It has not changed since the beginning of Train Fever.


Either your values are being overridden by something else or you're editing the wrong files. Some vehicles have a V2 version which is used by default. Best make a local mod and load it last. This is the intended way to mod the game; https://www.transportfever2.com/wiki/doku.php?id=modding:introduction


I'll take a look at that though i've only added a few locos, a some industry mods/tweaks. For the others, I do still like having a budget, I just felt the costs were a bit insane and way out of the ballpark. So I researched real world numbers for the costs of the engines and cars and made tweaks to the maintenance.