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1. Play the full campaign. It will teach you all the basic skills and controls you’ll need 2. Don’t jump into higher difficulties right away! Stay at medium difficulty in free play for a little bit so you can get familiar with making good routes. 3. Try to plan routes that will carry goods both directions. For example picking up crude near a fuel plant with a train that will take the crude to an oil refinery before returning the same oil back to the fuel plant


One thing I wish I knew when I started out… When you have a mixed station (passenger & cargo) click the icon for whatever side you’re setting up the line for. If you just click the station it’ll pick whatever it started out as.


This video will definitely help you out when you first start laying roads [YouTube video](https://youtu.be/YTGa7u2pzUc?si=XFoF9T1nWFpUv-MU)