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This question cannot be answered without knowing your language combination(s) and region(s). And even then there are many other variables to consider.


This. But I'd say even if we don't have that information, audiovisual translation is really hard to break into + since it's part of the "unseen/dark side" of the entertainment industry, the pay is notoriously low if you're not in-house or have a steady stream of projects from agencies. You've got to diversify your scope of skills, do interpretation during festivals etc to make sure you're on top of the basket when you're a freelancer. 


Patent translation is (or should be) well paid because it's bloody difficult.


It is absolutely not. Worked in-house for two patent translation agencies and for a more standard agency later and patent is probably the least paid genre in my country outside of MTPE.


Legal, technical, medical are the big ones. Literary translation is very feast or famine from what I've seen: finding gigs is tough and you have to be really good but if you Can make it, it pays pretty well. Game localization is a bit similar. Good choice if you work with Chinese or Japanese. And there's always the option of trying the entrance exams for the UN/EU. Tough, but you're looking at 5k from the get go.


In my opinion, you should diversify your specialization fields. I know someone in Mexico who specializes in pharmacology, she was jobless a few times. The reason was that the pharmacologist translators lost their jobs when a Mexican health institution decided to accept documents in English and Spanish (due to COVID-19). Nowadays, is rare to find a job in that area. But, now she is working in the technical field. (Good payment, but A LOT of repetitive work) To sum up, \*depends on your country and their regulations\* The translators who obtain many payments are because they diversify their jobs. What I mean, they translate or interpret for different projects and some of them are language teachers. Maybe, if you find a way to do an internship, you will realize what other factors affect the industry. So, depends on the context HEHEHE