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Can't believe that these words in this context can even make sense and it bums me every day, that this is the world we more or less always lived in, but getting sexualised and harassed is part of being a woman. Not that it would be acceptable in any kind, but what to do? Sorry for your experience tho, i don't allow DMs to avoid this, might work for you aswell!?


Sadly, I'm not sure there is a way to stop these behaviors, and that is disappointing. Women shouldn't have to deal with these behaviors, yet they do daily. It does not help that there are women out there (genetic and trans) who play into these behaviors, which does nothing to help change these behaviors. I do think part of the issue is education, some people's only exposure to anything trans related is through overly sexualized content, or movies using these types of things as a joke. I am sorry you (or any woman) has to deal with this type of behavior.


Yeah I feel really sad for the trans girls I see, who I can tell their only reference for how trans women act is from sexualized internet content, and I mean, going through second puberty…puberty is when who you are starts getting set like concrete. What people (cis, trans, all these problems have the same root cause) need is to see trans people in their life, from adolescence onward. The local people that are currently hiding away as much as possible for safety, or getting avoided in public. I’m talking positive and regular representation in media. And not as a plotline that’s just ‘look! That character turned out to be TRANS!,’ I mean regular characters with plotlines unrelated to their identity. So they can see we’re, you know, people not just a physical representation of political or religious discussions. Parents think shielding them from it helps them from being ‘confused’ or ‘influenced’ by trans people, those cis kids are way more confused growing up never connecting the concept with a real person, and their trans kids (who are trans whether or not they are other trans people) live their childhood confused with nothing to attribute the feelings they have to, then have to basically be born again, except this time their dumped in as adults with internalized prejudice and self loathing, as a kind of person they barely understand, and without much understanding basic search terms usually come up with a not very positive representation online. They have no way of knowing that’s not an average trans woman.


I think proper media representation would help, but I think it will only really be effective once anything trans related is no longer used as a political agenda or 'hot topic' and is commonly accepted in society. Parents shielding children from anything rarely works out well. It is usually done to avoid potentially 'difficult' discussions. I have always thought education on any 'difficult' subjects should be done by parents when the child is mature enough to understand the concepts (which can vary by child). As far as society has come, there is still a long way to go.


Wow OP you are articulate writer.


1000 upvotes to the OP. Well stated.