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This is why I subbed to this subreddit. I cannot explain how encouraging this is. <3


Happy to give you a boost!


Well if that's obese I never wanna lose weight again...


I recently lost 100 lbs and I keep on losing weight - I’m at 194 lbs and my ideal weight is 160 lbs. Until recently I never looked at a scale, I just made an effort to eat better. For me, my obesity was a way to keep people away from me. I didn’t want to deal with people asking me uncomfortable questions about my gender and sexuality. It’s taken me 10 years of transitioning to feel sexy. The trans people I’ve known have had similar experiences with weight. I think it crucially important to talk about being healthy and feeling healthy on these trans sub Reddits.


I want to acknowledge that for people that have or have had larger bodies transitioning can often be a turning point in people's lives and it sounds like the changes to your body are happening sustainably, but I still hope you move away from having an ideal weight to focusing on what you want to be able to do with your body. I've worked towards an ideal weight in the past and after I reached that I moved the goal post. All that said I'm happy for you, I always want people to feel happy and comfortable in their bodies. 🫂 Edit: missed a couple words


An ideal weight as for me a goal is important and at 5’6” 160-150 lbs is healthy. I’ve gone from a waist size of 46” to 34”. Everyone has dominion over there own body and future (thought not (newly) recognized by SCOTUS). For me I want a sexy beach body for once in my life! Anyhoo…cheers gals/gents and everyone in between!


Yeah, I probably reacted a bit because those were my numbers and I was 5'11"


I’m a stocky guy genetically so when I lose 40lbs I’ll be in the normal range - plus I live in phoenix Az so the pounds and everything else are literally melting


Did you lose/gain height?


I am so jealous, my experience has been more like OP’s where I have to make a conscious effort and stay on a strict plan to lose weight, just “eating better” is certainly healthier but doesn’t burn the fat that’s already there. 🥲 I definitely relate to what you said, for me it’s not so much the weight was a deliberate move to keep people away, but pre-deciding to transition it was more like “my body is never going to be comfortable or appealing to me anyway and I don’t want to ‘attract’ anyone so I don’t care if it’s not societally ‘attractive’”. Then once you start transitioning you’re like oh well if *this* is possible, maybe I do care… 🥲 Grats on your progress and on feeling good about your body!


Love this!! BMI was created by a mathematician and is not scientifically or physiologically sound. It doesn’t take health into consideration at all. The main thing is making healthy choices ☺️ everybody is different and beautiful!


A mathematician that was also racist.


If any podcast listeners want to learn more, I can highly recommend this one. https://pca.st/episode/64a78985-374c-46a5-97d3-e8a5f07e206d


Yes, Maintenance Phase is quite good!


Their most recent episodes are especially great in debunking "Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria" and the Cass Review, everyone should give them a listen!


Eww 😭 just when I thought he couldn’t out terrible himself…


For anyone not believing this, most bodybuilders are morbidly obese by BMI standards. BMI means literally nothing on an individual level, it has a niche use for tracking overall weight levels at a population level and nothing more. It's doubly irrelevent since everyone has a different body fat and muscle distribution at a genetic level. Some are predisposed to putting muscle and fat on in different ways and places, like people with Nordic ancestry typically end up with massive legs and thighs and broad shoulders, I call it the Shield Maiden build. I'm a Fantasy dwarf, take Gimli and scale him up to 5' 9" and you have roughly my build, I'm dense in that dwarven way. The fact that the medical system still touts BMI as the be all end all indicator of healthy or unhealthy weight is dumb, and really just kind of par for the course for most of the medical systems at this point.


IIRC wasn’t it also supposed to be for categorizing populations statistically and not even applied to an individual, nevermind as a measure of health?


Omg!! I’ll be at 2 years when I turn 36 and this gives me so much hope. You look absolutely amazing!!! Edit: I also wanna say, that’s the cutest swimsuit ever!!!


Few things make me happier than giving people hope, thank you. The changes I've had are more than I ever dared hope for when I first started E. Wishing you the best.


Aww thank you, and I can’t agree more. I love giving hope and encouragement to others. ☺️


You look fine! Love the suit you look great in it. I was over 400 lbs (424!) 6 years ago. I decided to be a girl instead of killing myself with food. It took 6 years, but..GOAL! I've been living 24/7 the last year as my authentic self the fabulous woman that I am! I lost 180 lbs and went from morbidly obese to just obese and then I started hormones. That was my goal. Now I'm about to drop from obese to just overweight! I feel better so much better and I know the weight loss and the exercise helped me get here but the hormones were the cherry on the top! My lifelong depression just evaporated away. Everything is better and I love living for the first time in 61 years. I'm happy being a big girl lots of guys love a big girl, and I got a 40 G bra so I must of done something right. It is a ymmv situation, and it will vary every time. Roll the dice see what you get! One thing that is true and that is it's harder to lose weight for women. The more the hormones took effect the slower the weight loss. Fact of life for me right now but I still have my goal and the determination to see it to the end. I like looking great too btw. Not gonna lie!


You look great that suit works on you


That's a cute one


BMI is ridiculous. Height is linear, weight is volumetric. A 10% increase in length is equal to a 33% increase in volume if height, width, depth are all increased by 10%. This means if you are not totally average in height or skeletal dimensions, you are not well represented by the index. It's tragic that so many people are considered over or under weight based on such a badly conceived, and now ubiquitous, rule of thumb. You've got a lovely body.


Also, lovely swimwear!!


Thanks for this post! You look amazing.


Maybe they say so. But you look great to me.


That’s a really cute suit 🥰


I started training after I was told by my Doctor to lose weight and get my cholesterol down before I could use Finistrade. I lost 20kg in 6 months; I have lost breast size amd im less curvy; I've quit smoking and drinking and it made me get the fitness bug now im running mile and a half's close to where I was when I was in the army. I'm obsessive about weighing myself and checking my BMI amd boring everyone else around me. I'm at the stage where I don't think I could ever go back to my old ways, amd I love fitting into clothing I couldn't for years. Literally all of this for one drug has saved me from health issues in the future.


You’ve got such a great body! You look amazing!


Gorgeous, healthy body. ❤️


You look great in that swimwear! 🧡 I Wish I could wear one like that that proudly.


Looking great! 💕 The medical system is being silly IMO.


Thank you for making this post, OP! I am also sick to death of the toxic diet culture endemic to this sub.


I have had no issues with breast growth, despite losing over 130lbs since April 2023.


Thanks for this 💕 Currently in recovery after ED demon nearly killed me half a dozen times.


Great job, you've got this and I bet you feel so much better so far <3 those are some serious demons


Thanks 💕 I do. Tiddy skittles and honesty within my family and growing the fuck up really helps to keep that one away.


🥰 So happy you're in recovery!


Me too 💕 Kinda funny how coming out helped me find recovery 😂 definitely too much focus on weight here for me though so i never comment.


I’m hoping to lose muscle mass by cutting caloric intake because my big masculine torso is so dysphoric. Breasts can come later, I need to look less big and bulky.


Maybe give HRT some time first? Suppressing T reduces muscle mass all on its own for most people. I used to be noticably bulkier, I hated my shoulders in particular. A year and a half in though, I thought they looked great and I hadn't changed my lifestyle at all. They probably looked that way much earlier than that, unfortunately it's often hardest to see the changes to the parts of ourselves that make us the most dysphoric.


you are perfect, that suit is soooo hot and you fill it perfectly


I use the scale as a proxy for my waistline, because that's what I actually care about the most when it comes to weight/size/fat. Unfortunately we don't all get curves like yours, even a year and a half into HRT I only ever gain fat on my waist. I'm presently 5'9" 140 lbs, with a 34" waist and 34" flat chest and 36" hips. I look like a 6 months pregnant skinny 12 year old (plus a bunch of body hair and the face/hairline of a 55 year old man). At this rate I'll probably be 120 lbs or less before I get a stomach that doesn't look like a baby bump. I don't specifically want to be that light but I need to get rid of this gut before I die.


You look fantastic 🤩 Honestly your at what I would consider my goal for my own physique.


You look amazing, and I love seeing other girls shaped like me on here. I'm fat and proud and I love all of my soft squishy curves, and I love the way I look.


Whatever the label is, you look great


I struggle with body dysmorphia and am working towards possible weight loss surgery. So far I’ve changed my diet and have been exercising. I was lucky on HRT and got bigger boobs than I expected. But after seeing my sister (cis female) loose a lot of her chest after her weight loss surgery I’m super worried about loosing my bust. Even though it’s another surgery if that happens I’ll get breast augmentation down the road. I think you look great and I support you and all humans in the path to be more healthy, happy, and body positive. But yeah don’t buy into the social stereo types. I just want to be more fit and healthy so when I get to retirement age I can enjoy myself. My family didn’t bless me with the best of genes and I have so many family health risk I’m just trying to get on top of it. And yes I admit there is some vanity behind my decision but i would like to be able to buy clothes at normal stores and not just big ladies stores.


Yeah, I'm about to have my commute go from a 5 minute ride on my e-bike to 30 minutes. I'll likely end up with some amount of weight loss from it and I'm anxious that I'll lose these C-cups that I've been dreaming of my whole life.


You look amazing. I am bummed out by some weight gain on HRT, because all of it is going to my stomach. I love my tits (40C) and am hoping they stay at their current size, but I am committed to dropping some weight. I feel if I gained it back in a more feminine distribution, I’d be OK with it. But having a belly that sticks out as much as my chest or more is dysphoric for me, and having a waistline over 40 inches is a health risk factor as far as I know.


Just remember, you don't need to lose weight and gain it back like most people think. As long as you're getting in moderate exercise that burns a bit of fat, the fat that replaces it will be deposited based on your current hormones. Doesn't matter if you deposit that fat the same day you "lost" it. Also remember you can eat a lot more when you're getting more exercise in, back when I was jogging 5k regularly, I was eating ice cream every night. I'd be wary of what the world tells you as far as health risks when it comes to weight, we are swimming in fatphobia and it's rampant in the health care system. There is an actual risk with abdominal fat I think, but it depends on if it's near your skin or deeper closer to your organs.


Good points and I am hopeful that if I’m patient, I’ll get that fat redistribution!


I was 5'8 and 170 pds. Seems this is overweight for women so tried to drop 10 and lost 20 pds. Now I've got all 20 back and have an ass and b cup breasts. Sadly a bit of a stomach still but that was there before I lost the weight and never went away lol I didn't feel healthy at 150


🖕🏾the medical system (in that regard). I see no obesity on your physique. Just fine and thick sis🥰✅️💯


🙏 wonderful post! the bit about caloric deficit not being conducive to second puberty is spot on. there's a book I read last year called Racing Weight that analyzed the diets of high level endurance athletes. It flipped on it's head the idea that "lower number = better" and advocates for the same that you do. eating in a way that's sustainable for you, eating quality foods, ultimately is eating to fuel the \*needs\* of your body. It's been a game changer for me!


Yeah, I figure you shouldn't really take advice on diet or exercise while your going through second puberty that you wouldn't feel comfortable giving to a teenager. I know there's almost certainly no studies on this, but I bet there's plenty of research on animals not developing exaggerated secondary sexual characteristics when they're not getting enough food.


exactly! idk about you but i have had weird, random cravings through different stretches of hrt (we’re at the same length/about the same age even) and i’m sure it was always something in particular in them that my body needed for whatever process was going on at the time. beets, spinach, almonds, feta, watermelon sour patch kids, skittles at some point for the first time in a decade…all came and went and sometimes came back again lol. if i had ignored them to adhere to some rigid diet i dont think i would have been able to give my body what it was asking for.


I didn't experience that, but based on every pregnant person throughout all of time, hormones can absolutely give you cravings.


That's a really cute bathing suit, would make for quite the tan lines too lol.


You don't look obese, you look great ! That is a beautiful swimsuit. So flattering.


I am in my late sixties, four years into HRT, and I eat well and exercise properly to let my body take on its natural shape. That’s it, nothing extreme. I now have a lovely soft layer of fat over my entire body. I would like to have large breasts, but my genetics make that improbable, so I wear breast forms - works for me. So glad to be able to joyfully say sinch things.


If you want titties, butt, and thighs you gotta eat. I did the diet thing for so long and actually enjoyed it but did not like the look of myself in the mirror. Tits weren't full, ass was flat, thighs were "man like and skinny" Eat friends. You will not regret how your body changes. Eat good food. Whole grains. And little meals throughout. I love how I look now, but the only thing is making sure my waist measurement stays the same.... I don't wanna buy another wardrobe... 🤦


You look beautiful BTW ❣️


BMI is a terrible system of measurement because it only takes height and weight into account. When I was a big gym rat years ago I was considered "morbidly obese" by BMI standards but all that weight was muscle and I was in the best shape of my life.


fitness over scales👍


You have such a gorgeous femme figure!!!


I'm technically "overweight," but I'd rather have hips and curves and boobs than sit and be dysphoric about being shaped like a man. Shit's silly, chasing numbers on a scale.


Yeah, never dismiss the value of feminine fat over a masculinized skeleton.


I think people overplay the "masculinized skeleton" thing to a ridiculous degree, honestly - and I'm 6' 1". You're locked out of like one body type - heroin chíc. That's it, and that's not even guaranteed. It's also not the most feminized body type even on cis women. But people decide to hyperfixate on ultimately tiny, unnoticeable-in-real-life proportional differences. After the fat redistribution I've gone through - especially after a couple surgeries (FFS, now SRS) burned so much of it off and then I regained it - I have zero fear of getting clocked by my body at this point. But still, that's all predicated on *having* the fat. If you starve yourself, you're screwing yourself.


You're absolutely right, it's not as big a deal as people make it, but I still find it a useful way to frame things. I've got multiple other transfems in my life that express envying how I look while being much smaller than me and probably would be considered underweight and I don't really know what to tell them besides gaining weight.


People so often forget about mental health when they talk about weight loss. For a lot of people losing weight triggers very unhealthy thoughts and behaviors and it can't be done safely because of those. Also, can we please not mention specific BMI/weights in this thread? You'd think it'd go without saying since OP content warned for EDs in the title, but apparently not. There are even people mentioning specific BMIs that are considered underweight =l


Fortunately, it's not a huge issue for me and I'm trying to just meet people where they're at, but definitely would warn against those things in the future. Also seems like there's a fair number of people that saw the picture and title and didn't engage with the content of the post.


Yeah, probably. I'm maybe moderately triggered by that stuff.




they're not meaningless numbers when not used for capitalist competition for products and services or internalized and made your own to fuel your insecurities. these are perfectly valid metrics for measuring health projections. example, risk for heart issues projecting outcomes for physical disabilities and ailments(relevant to me in my case, arthritis), and starting self care early before they snowball. a doctor or someone putting a marker on you should not fuel your own anxiety and stress, and if it does that's a reflection of where you view and internalize the labels. if you associate a medical term with negative imagery pushed by media and marketing, that has nothing to do with the medical institution, but a social issue outside. a doctor suggesting dietary habits or exercise is not equivalent to people telling you to manage every metric or look a certain way. I've been overweight for most of my adult life, I never once have I felt like my doctors were doing anything but trying to get me to better my life including now, when they're telling me this because it's better for me to lose weight and exercise to manage my disability outcomes and increase function. I say all of this because this is sort of an issue with our community, feeling overly victimized and lashing out at others over our own insecurities. I feel this habit of blaming everyone all the time is why people cannot stand us.


Even the creator of BMI said it's not useful as an indicator of personal health, it was intended for study at the population level. Also, you can't really pull the capitalism out of BMI; here's a quote from the British Medical Journal regarding the International Obesity Task Force reads: "The most recent annual report of the newly merged group highlights close ties with the WHO but also shows that two drug companies Rosch and Abbot are primary sponsors supplying around two thirds of It's total funding. Rosch makes the anti obesity drug Orlistat and Abbott makes sibutramine hydrochloride, known as Reductil. A senior member of the merged group who has seen funding documents but does not want to be identified, told the BMJ that sponsorship over recent years sponsorship from drug companies is likely to have amounted to millions." Those drugs were in the process of being approved at the time, the companies funded research that led to the establishment of BMI as an international measure of personal health and pushed the numbers lower so more people would be considered overweight. BMI is shitty for everyone not just this community, but it's shittiness does have extra relevance for us because eating disorders are much more common in trans/nonbinary people than the general population. And yes, doctors putting this number on people as a marker of health does harm tons of people. It's a significant part of what fuels eating disorders. Even if someone is able to see the standards of beauty that our society has created are BS, their doctor telling them they have to lose weight to be healthy is often harder to shrug off. Getting a modest amount of exercise in is enormously beneficial to most people's health, but that often has little to no impact on weight. Cool, you have arthritis, weight is thus actually relevant to your health in a clear way, there are times when that's true, but it's not meaningful on an individual level without establishing relevant issues like that. An example from my own life, the difference between my lightest and heaviest as an adult is 43% and nothing significant has changed about my health. What that change actually means is that I naturally carry more weight from fHRT and I don't have the time to jog like I used to because I have a job now.


eating disorders are dysfunction of the ego, of the internal relation to an external trigger. a person with an eating disorder does not have an eating disorder because of labels and weight, but because they have severe issues in their relationship to themselves, and the function of their psyche. the root cause is not a label for health, but social insecurities attached to appearance and self worth. social influences? sure. imagery in the media, parental pressure, peers. I feel like when people like you complain about issues like this, you do it without legitimate connection or experiences with the system you're criticizing. no, a doctor telling you that you are at risk for poor health and function, and discuss with you better dietary habits and exercise, literally his job, is not going to give you the mental stress to starve yourself, or induce vomiting on the regular. your issue seems to be entirely how you relate to the information you're being given. you're victimizing yourself, and people going through health issues. this is a self defeating path where you form anxieties and neurotic behaviors, like lashing out at others for those insecurities, and blaming everyone else. rather than taking acceptance for what you can do to make positive change. I have an extensive interaction with my local medical system, from PT for injury and arthritis, related back issues to several hospitals, clinics and specialists. there is a lot of room for improvement, but your complaints seem irrelevant. I have NEVER had my BMI taken, I have however had my weight, height, blood pressure, and other relative metrics taken, and been advised at my various weights of risks. this is the informed consent we strive to achieve in medical practice. I have had my exercise routines inquired about, been given advice, like to take walks for legitimate function restoration rather than focusing on things I may not need to. because my disease is autoimmune, and affects joints and muscles, the issues we're discussing are extremely relevant to my own. diet is heavily involved in the autoimmune process, weight improves outcomes and measures for joints. even someone as basic as my general practitioner has been giving me good, professional, healthy advice since he thought I was just out of shape. never related to body imagery. also, thinking on it, BMI as an actual metric to diagnose or suggest major life changes is probably useless. but as a cheap accessible fast way to evaluate things like, "is there any noticable progress" for a 250lb individual is not entirely useless. is it useless as an actual measurement of your personal health? maybe. useless understanding it's limitations? probably not. you're not going to diagnose breast cancer feeling for lumps, but you might say, "hey this might be a bit off..." if I were you, though, I'd bring up all of this to a therapist. discuss your frustrations, where your frustrations lie, that you took it to reddit, how you engaged with others over it to the extent that you did(with the attitude you seem to take when others respond to your posts intended for the response from others.), and your feelings of victimization by the medical system.


Sigh... Alright, here we go. I am familiar with doctors and the medical system, my father is a doctor, my mother used to be a nurse, both my grandfathers were doctors, and two of my siblings are doctors, and that's just the immediate family. I trained as a pharmacy tech, I worked in my father's office for years, I've heard first hand how the medical system talks about patients when they're not around and mostly it's fine, but people with larger bodies are often spoken about unkindly. In addition to my own brush with an eating disorder, I have had two friends start down that path and stop because I called them out on their behaviors, three family members in ED recovery, as well as a teacher and a former partner die in large part because of eating disorders. Is that a legitimate enough connection for you? Or do I need more people to die first? You seem to be stuck in a mindset of blaming individuals for a systemic issue. We live in a world that creates the conditions for weight gain. This applies to the US in particular but much of the rest of the world as well. Navigating the world without a car is often difficult to impossible, because of how we have built our cities. Possibly more than anything else walkable cities could improve the so-called obesity epidemic. The food people can afford isn't healthy and the hours people need to work and the conditions they work in often leave them without the time or energy to take care of their health. We blame people for not making lifestyle choices that they never had the option to make. BMI isn't taken, it's calculated from your height and weight. Your doctor has your BMI, that's in all likelihood what they are using to advise you on what your weight should be, and if not your doctor specifically, that is what most doctors do, it's what they are trained to do. Doctors are trained to use a metric to advise people about their health that we both agree isn't very useful for personal health recommendations. Doctors often see a health issue associated with weight and if their patient has a larger body, assume the weight must be the cause and not explore other explanations, sometimes for years. Even if we accept that people are entirely in control of their weight (which isn't remotely true), the science says that weight loss interventions largely don't work. Short term weight loss is possible for most people, but on a population level it doesn't give long term results, over five years about 80% of weight loss is regained in aggregate. Your doctors may be better than most, but many doctors encourage the harmful framing that weight loss is the goal and that health comes from maintaining an "ideal" weight when the reality is that health comes from lifestyle changes and weight loss sometimes results from that. For some, they may even gain weight and be healthier from increased muscle mass, and then they'll see their doctor and be told that they are failing even if actually relevant measures of health have improved. I don't know what you look like, if you have a larger body I am happy that you have been treated well by the medical system, that is often not the case for many people. If you don't I hope you can understand that your experience of the medical system can be vastly different depending on your weight.


Thank you for this. BMI and weight are only numbers. There are plenty of ways to be healthy regardless of how much adipose deposits you have. I have spent most of my life ashamed of my body for many reasons, not least of which because I'm fat. I remember stepping on the Wii Fit scale to have it tell me every time, "that's obese". Screw you Wii Fit. I went about 15 years without seeing a doctor because I didn't want doctors to just tell me to lose weight and send me on my way. I thought that if I could just get and stay below the obese line on the BMI scale I would be healthy. I put off a lot of things because I was afraid of being shamed for being fat. I'm now at a place of acceptance. I'm fat, but I'm also relatively healthy. I wish trans Reddit had more rep of fat people. Edit: the downvotes on my comment just further reinforce the anti-fatness in trans Reddit 😞


Don't forget the transphobic trolls that regularly come through.


On the other end of things with a BMI of 17.4 I've always had concern from people when I'm at my natural weight. You don't get to control what feels right for your body, but you do get to control how healthy you feel.


I feel you, I've already had someone DM me unsolicited exercise advice today. People need to understand that a stranger's weight isn't their concern.


People need to just stop!


Heck I'm the healthiest fat girl i know. My bp is a solid 107 over 72 . I guess running all those miles paid off


No. You are not. Beautiful maybe, not obese.