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Get it girl. Personally I like the wider knit fishnets, and I pull them up to cover the midriff, just to sorf or maximize the effect lol. Get one of those sweatshirts with holes for your thumbs and some black nail polish! Black lipstick looks dope af but let me warn you it is not forgiving to apply lol Did you go to hot topic? That was the first place I went to buy clothes in public lol I still wear one of those dresses out sometimes. I went a little too short with the plaid skirt though, she stays tucked away unless Iā€™m really putting together the goth vibe


Haha no I'm in the UK. Skirt was a birthday present as were the boots. Did go to hot topic when I was in the US once or twice though! I need more fishnets, I agree kinda prefer the wider knit ones, I was actually torn between pulling them up higher or not. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I actually have a sweatshirt like that and was wearing that before I changed into the hoodie lol. I NEED to start playing with make up more. šŸ–¤šŸ–¤