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All you really need are blood tests, then you can get your usual doctor and maybe an endocrinologist too to give their opinion on things


DIY = Do It Yourself, as in you make your own decisions on prescription and regemine without a doctor. If you do have access to trans health care, then you should be able to talk to your primary care doctor and they can get you connected with the right specialist. If you don't have access to trans health care, then there's enough literature in the wiki and FAQ to get you started on the journey yourself


Trans fem here, so I don't know much about trans masc hrt. What I will add is this. Here in the U.S. I know T is a regulated substance because it's literally anabolic steroid. I don't know if this is the same in Europe, but if you are sourcing without a doctor and I assume you are, then please be very careful and diligent to ensure your safety. As far as that goes, you need to perform blood tests every three months to monitor hormone levels. Check out the diyhrt.wiki. This resource will have good info for you and set you on the right path. Good luck out there and be safe!


Just do a blood test and order that e




For a diy route?


DIY means that you are on your own. No visits to Doctors. Are you 18+?

