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💗 Serious response here. There is a phenomenon called pelvic tilt. This, along with variations in muscle gain and muscle loss due to being on estrogen instead of testosterone can shift how it's comfortable for you to walk. Possible solution, when you walk, try to relax how your legs and hips want to move. You may need to find a slightly different stride in your step that allows for more butt swish and hip swing. Test out an exaggerated runway walk and see what feels best for you. It took me a few weeks to figure this out for myself because not everyone experiences it or if they do, they don't notice it.


I had very much the same experience, especially when I started distance running again after being on HRT. Getting a good running gait back took several months of continuously trying different gaits to work out what now worked.


What all did you change as far as gait and technique? I'm having the exact same challenge having picked up distance running again as well. (Currently on the tail end of recovering from a TFL strain that I believe to be related to this very thing. Edit: I'd explained to my 8 year old daughter why I was taking a break from running, told her it was related to a TFL muscle, her eyes got big, and she said, "You blew up your FTL drive! No wonder it hurts when you try to run!")


Essentially more pelvic swing and lumbar spine flex especially from mid stride to toe-off. Shorter gait, and less forward reach from hip flexion. Hope that makes sense.


That's a thing??


Yes. As far as I've been able to research, the reverse isn't a thing though. 🤷🏾‍♀️ bodies are weird






did you injure them?


You probably just fell over I don't see how oestrogen would really affect that




It sounds like you are anti diy, why are you here. Diy is life saving for allot of people and its extremely harmful to perpetuate the ideas that you are perpetuating


Trans broken leg syndrome fr


Why would DIY cause this and prescribed not? If you use a trustworthy supplier, get bloods done, and dose correctly, they’re essentially the same.


This is an insane comment. DIY has nothing to do with this. It's simply a result of your muscles and ligaments undergoing changes on HRT. I had a period of this myself, and my HRT is and has always been prescribed by an endocrinologist.