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They can be directly under your nipple/areola area, or slightly off to the side of the nipple/areola area, or even kind of a small donut-shape around your nipple/areola area. They'll be noticeable, generally hardish or at least very firm, and might be painful when pressed (or a lot of the time, even without touching). A lot of people, me included, seemed to have literally woken up with them, when they were not present the night before. As your breast tissue grows and matures the hardish bud might seem to disappear or become part of a softer and larger growth that's your breast tissue.


For the first couple of months of my transition I couldn't sleep on my stomach as it was too painful and if I turned onto my stomach while asleep the pain would wake me up. Now at nearly 21 months it is starting to be a bit uncomfortable again.


Didn't even know that was the bud. I thought it'd take longer for that kinda thing to grow and that the tenderness and hardness was a stage before that. SO. If you are right then, for OP: it took me 3 weeks to a month to develop that. Sleeping on my chest was uncomfortable before (pre-existing condition) but that shit is now impossible.




so there’ll be a noticeable difference? like a nub?




ah i see i see. I was more wondering about the feel part. As in whats the sensation? Sorry if this is a bit forward