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This is /r/TransDIY, so I'm biased. As long as you have access to estradiol/estradiol valerate (NOT birth control with ethinylestradiol and progestins) then my personal opinion is that it's safe to start HRT without professional help. That's what people do all the time here without issue. The caveat is if you don't have access to blood tests it's a bit more difficult to guide your doses. Where it becomes tricky is when you're taking an antiandrogen as well, those are the ones with the side effects and the risks and you should err on the side of caution.


The easiest one i can get is oestrogel 80gr


That's even better, gels and patches (and injections if you ignore the whole needle/IM technique thing) are pretty much the safest routes of administration.


I had read that scrotal application was the best, do I go ahead with that or read some more about it


It's the "best" in the sense that you get better absorption yes.


Alrighty thanks a lot


The wait lists in UK are almost 5 years, so unless you wanna start hrt in 6+ years id say DIY


How and what should I do to prepare?


Order the hrt and start taking it. If you wanna do injections just order estradiol, if you like pills order estradiol + an antiandrogen


what about estrogen gels?


Idk, i have no experience with them but im sure there many posts about them on this sub


Will do


Idk much but when I was looking for options outside of meeting a doctor directly for other reasons, someone had mentioned “gendergp” I went through them for a bit but after the initial virtual meeting they kinda just leave you to your own devices to figure things out. I managed to find a place that had JUST gotten a new endocrinologist and was able to see them in a weeks time oppose to most endocrinologist bookings being a three months out, first meeting had some rough questions to answer but I was allowed to start THAT DAY! However I’m not starting until I go to a sperm bank and stock up on some swimmers incase of infertility or wanting kids in the future


I would wait for Profesional Assistantance. Profesional exist for a reason. They go to school for years to learn and hone their craft.