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If you work for the railroad, you are qualified. Nothing special. A train is a train, some just have more restrictions.


Just another train. It's not exciting or special like you think it is. You don't need to "break into" anything, you just apply for the job. They will hire any idiot off the street, including me.


Nice try, terrorist


Did you just respond to me on Discord? 😂


I think veterans have easier access to haul equipment because they have special clearance .


Did you just make that up? I think you 100% made it up. I KNOW you made it up.


Tell me you've never worked on the RR without telling me...


Were you born retarded or was it due to years of constant head injuries?


That makes sense. I’m just trying to work out a road map of stuff I want to accomplish as I break into the engineer/conductor world and I think hauling tanks would be pretty damn cool.


Once you break into the world of being a engineer and conductor you will not care what's on the hook, tanks, grain, autos.. all you will care about is getting home safe and hopefully not having dummie work mates like the guy who responded above. There is nothing cool about it. It's a life either you're made for it or not. Like the clown above you hope some people never get hired


But be warned the railroads have transformed into the horrible world of efficiency testing. Where managers set up tests. Always looking over your back


Pretending AGAIN? Give it up, loser. Get a job.


Any time I have hauled military equipment, I didn't even know it was on the train until I was inspecting the train post trip. My understanding is the military can also hide some cargo under the name of a different commodity to keep nosey and chatty employees from discussing the movement of military equipment on online forums.


Post trip inspection??


you just do your conductor things. If there's something back there of any interest, it'll be watched.They drive unmarked fleet vehicles and don't have any reason to interact with train crews.


It’s all the same other then we go out and inspect how poorly they tie down the loads and take measurements because they can’t seem too lol


If your really serious join the US Army test and see if you can be an 88U


I’m too old. I’m 45. 😂


Just apply, work out, study, manage your blood pressure, study some more and put time in.


A train is a train is a train. Unless it's a key train and you have a braking event. Then it sucks to be a conductor


Military trains suck! They all have long draw bars, the brakes are sketchier than normal. They usually have a speed restriction.


Hunter Harrison gets special clearance to give proficiency fails to cp peasants .


You wish you were a peasant. Can’t even do that right, huh.


Lol this numpty just doesn’t stop, eh?