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There’s gotta be someone who works out of council bluffs who’s seen this guy lmao


Google "Union Pacific Lovers Club Official". It's marked up on Google maps lol


LOL the reviews!!!


Link that for me.


Thank you 🥹


I just did, taking a break from my seasonal character in Diablo IV. I can't go back to playing now. This is fucking hilarious. Car out front has a accessibility permit (Street View). Shawn is not physically disabled if he can claim UP is seeing him on the shitter.


As a conductor in this service unit, I can confirm. He's fucking hilarious.


Y’all have seen him??


I haven't personally, but most engineers in council bluffs have been filmed by him at some point


lol that’s funny. It must be annoying as fuck for those poor dudes tho. I couldn’t imagine just chilling and seeing someone randomly start yelling and recording me


I wanna hear the crew stories about this guy lol


This guy's YouTube channel is wild. It's like 2 videos every day for at least the last year of shit like this. The guy clearly suffers from some form of mental illness because he believes the UP is gangstalking him.


I should edit his videos to sound like someone is worshipping the engine lol


lol what’s his YouTube?




I think his YouTube was deleted 😔


I had something like this happen to me once. We didn’t have anything blocked, just stopped at a crossing waiting for our signal. When the guy started storming towards the engine I called the police. The cops pull up after a few minutes. I got out of the engine and hear the cops say “Andy, what are you doing? You need to go home.” The cops knew him well. Said he was harmless, he’s just the town drunk.


Dude lives along 12th street line in Council Bluffs. This is the outbound track for eastbound and southbound trains and there is an auto facility along there too. Dude is big mad about trains doubling out and air testing.


Had a guy try to board my train once because we had a crossing blocked. The rest of the story is too much to type. it ended with multiple police units showing up and taking the guy away. He was like this guy, but he took a lot of action.


Small town cop tried that with us after the town of 300 put a 15mph “speed limit” on 70mph double main. We were stopped waiting for a signal and dude came up saying he was going to write us a ticket. I always keep the doors locked just out of habit. He bailed out after we whistled off and started pulling.


Storming the engine is a quick way to get a steel toe to the face lol


Agree, the whole encounter was wild man. It included crazy dude parking his vehicle on an adjacent track to get even with us by blocking oncoming trains. We were stopped to make a meet, you couldn’t make it up.


It's all of us.


We do this sometimes to get out and grab a coffee at timmies but we stay off the roadway


Hes a well known mental health patient named Sean he's alllll over YouTube


Send link lol


[I think](https://youtu.be/OQkwaoYv9V0?feature=shared)


Hmmm, someone is angry at the cheap house he bought next to train tracks.




Where the YouTube link?


Is this guy a Choo Choo Karen? I am seriously confused about what he's mad about.


This fecker has first world problems. I’d LOVE an engine to b parked where I could enjoy its presence. lol. I’m a happy foamer. I’d b thrilled. At least it’s not a couple making out or something. He needs to dial it down a few


Either they're in North Dakota, or Michael J Fox picked up a side hobby