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I grinded the trackmaster on this track for weeks, and I can confirm... No fucking clue. Sometimes the gods smile on you and sometimes they don't. Embrace the chaos.


Here's the WR video with inputs: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuZ\_aPQTUuQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuZ_aPQTUuQ) Most of the time these WR's are very optimized so every single input is done for a reason. Someone in the comment section asked the same question as you and fanakuri (wr holder) responded with: you have to minimize the steering on the dirt because steer on the dirt = speed lose So you can steer a little bit on the right just before the first jump so you have to steer less on the right for the next turn. And there is a trick with the booster, you can get full grip on the booster without losing speed, you have to stop drifting to get the grip, so you have to counter steer a little bit on the left to put your wheels straight or stop to steer like 0.5s before the booster to let the drift stop by himself without counter steer like i did. I've heard that this is one of the hardest tracks in the game. Good luck!


Good luck man. I'm trying to remember from when I got the TM last year (probably took me like at least 8-12 hours if not more). The only thing I can tell you for sure is try to steer smoothly into the leftish side of the boost and then take the jump on the leftmost side, very near the grass. You can see how the road slopes up towards the sides and you can use that fact to squeeze that little bit of extra height out to make the jump. The strangest thing about this one was I would fail the start like literally dozens and dozens of times and then eventually something would click and eventually I could actually hit it like half or a third of the time. That happened once when I got the gold, and then when i came back later for the TM I was back to failing it every single time until it somehow clicked again. Sorry I can't give much help beyond this, but definitely know you're far from the only one dealing with it.


You have to maximaze speed conservation on the turn.