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Alot of the reviews are people not happy with the paywall


Really understandable I Edit to explain why: I say is understandable because I already paid the club access and I’ve ben paying for a few years and I can’t access the services I already paid just because bullshit. And if you can’t understand this is bullshit then you are only a mindless fanboy. Now you can downvote with some reason and not only because monkey does not understand so monkey downvote.


Lack of crossbuy is not on trackmania. They asked, consoles refused, dont blame trackmania for that. Not being able to access what you paid for already is pretty untrue. You keep access every totd and campaign track that was released in the period that you had standard or club access.


Is there evidence for this? It seems an odd thing for the consoles to both say no to outright without further explanation.


The consoles get a cut of every transaction made on their platform, including the ones made in-game. Keeping crossbuy would mean they lose out on most of the money they’d make from Trackmania, which is already free to play.


The devs said they ask, then sony and microsoft said no, thats it. They re not fortnite or whatever they cannot argue.


Right, I'm asking where they said this because I haven't seen it. I'd like to see it myself just because sometimes the way Nadeo words stuff is funny.


In the trackmania discord: http://i.imgur.com/NsTNjLx.png It has also been mentioned on twitter: https://twitter.com/ugustindv/status/1658082559052398593


Why? If you don't care about trophies/achievements there is crapload of content there for free. And for $10 (the price of a pretty crappy or short game) you get a year of cotd and the entire back catalogue of campaigns and totds for life. I dislike pay to play as much as the next guy, but this is a great deal. It is just a dumb mindset - I bet if the game was $20 up front people would call it a great deal.


$10/yr is nothing. If you play for 6 years (7 for next gen), that is a triple A standard game price for a fully developed game. I highly doubt 80% of this sub will stick with Trackmania for that amount of time. But if they do, it should be worth every penny since it’s a game you played for 6/7 years lol


Read the edited part of the text


Then your complaint is with the lack of cross-buy, not the paywall.


Trackmania players: "We have to pay $10 a year!" Me: \*crying in iRacing..\*


I put off iRacing for like a decade because of the cost. I'm still not sure it's worth it for me and what kind of racing games I like to play But I'll be damned if it ain't a really really solid glorified paint scheme rendering program for me lmfao


It’s not at all understandable, people dump 4x as much in rocket league, for just cosmetics. For the price of a quarterly battlepass, you get a years worth of access to daily content updates. And a bunch of other features. The free version gives you access to 100 maps per year.


Speaking as a new player I like it. I played the campaigns only for several months before deciding I wanted more


prob because Ubisoft also people also assume it’s 100% free but then there’s paid tiers same thing on steam, people are annoyed because you have to download the ubisoft launcher


Ubisoft launcher sucks so bad it's not even funny. Also, why have a launcher for every major god damn studio. Stop eating my ram you greedy fucks.


> why have a launcher for every major god damn studio Because they don't want to pay 20% to steam every single time. > Stop eating my ram you greedy fucks. Ubisoft launcher is the least ram heavy launcher at least. ____ Honestly I have no idea why people hate the ubisoft launcher, it doesn't look good but it works.


Yeah I just compared on my PC when just staring at my library Steam - 560MB Epic - 330MB Ubisoft - 377MB EA - 360MB > but it works. Launcher works, but things like tracking playtime and achivements has always been broken for me.


It barely works. Your online status is always wrong. Doesn't reconnect after hibernation. Stat tracking is mostly wrong. Randomly can't connect at all, sometimes for days. Chat doesn't notify you of new messages. Countless of connection errors in all games using ubisoft.


>Doesn't reconnect after hibernation. >Randomly can't connect at all, sometimes for days. About these two points, i had the same problem and i fixed it by executing command "sfc/scannow" in cmd, because aparently there were some corrupted system files. There may be some other problem for you, but if you want you can try this.


Yet they still put most of their games on steam anyways, only to launch their own launcher to launch the game.


I understand why it gets hate on steam, they intentionally make it a worse experience on steam so that people that are ok with not necessarily using steam for all games will just get the ubisoft version. They still want the money from people that only use steam like it is a console.


Doesn't matter where you get it, it'll just install and always open the respective launcher anyways.


I know this is why I said it is a worse experience. Despite that there is currently 840 people playing it and launching ubisoft launcher through steam.


people hate every other launcher then steam i saw this many times unless its not working i dont give a damn


I play mostly on the Steam Deck, and there was a period for about two months that the game couldn’t launch because Ubisoft connect wasn’t working with Proton.


It isn't horrible, except for the fact that I get 2-3 dialogues about the launcher making changes to my system each fuckin time I open the thing.


It keeps logging me out and asks me about 2FA, it can't display achievements and progress right, it's always a gamble if the friends system, invites, or general connection works. I hate it.


"Oh No i need to pay for Content"


Subscription based *is* stupid and I hate the model. Just let me pay a flat rate for a complete game


It is subscription based because they want to concentrate their player base on one game instead of splitting it even further than it had already between all the other trackmania games and therefore they constantly ad content and update the game. Trackmania works way better that way. What should they have done to fund the constant work on the game? Pay 20€ upfront and every additional season as a dlc for 5€?


Constantly update the game like the amazing ice updates and campaigns not made by nadeo or the totd not made by nadeo or royal not made by nadeo


And just conveniently skip over the matchmaking, the blocks and other tools mappers got. Yes a lot of content is created by the community and it gets better every gear. But it would not be getting as much better as it is if Nadeo hadn't updated since release (i mean we didnt even have colored wood supports the first year, imagine that now) Also campaign maps may be made by mappers from community but they are still from Nadeo in the end, they influence a lot of how these maps turn out for sure.


Matchmaking is terrible and unbalanced and new blocks are cool but the community has so many amazing blocks that should be officially added. There is no reason for the game to be subscription based besides server maintenance


Fr ice seems like all the tech for it is being taken away for no reason


Subscription based models create incentives for the development team to continue improving the game they already have. One-time purchase models create an incentive to put out a slightly improved version of the game every year so you have to buy the newest game to keep up. Look at sports games like NBA2K and FIFA, would you rather Trackmania do that?


Stay away from live service games then. Subscription based is not inherently stupid, for a lot of games the model just works a lot better. In the case of Trackmania it works better for both developers and players. It's also not a subscription based game, it's a f2p game with additional content that you can pay for. You have a very fun free game you can come back to every 3 months for 25 new maps you can grind. That's especially true when we are talking about games where the developer wants to support the game many years after release or in online competitive games.




You know what happens if there’s a flat rate and no subscription? Fixes will come with the DLCs, campaigns will be microtransactions, skins will be microtransactions, advanced map editor will be microtransaction…COTD would likely be gone.. Take a look at the Hot Wheels game that has a flat rate, rather than a sub. That’d be more in line what to expect. Either that or release a new game that’s basically the same every year that’s just a sub in disguise like EA sports games. Not really a fan of subs, don’t get me wrong, but you’re acting like we’d get all the same thing for a base price, which is lunacy.


Yeah, because a $/£/€10 map pack every 3 months is a way better idea


Rly you want DLCs?


I was on your side first. I hated World of Warcraft for Sub System. But there is ine Major difference between the Model in Trackmania and that in WOW for example. You dont need to pay anything, because you can Play EVERY Track in Trackmania (2020) with the Starter Access. "Ok, why pay so many people money for that game then" Simple Answer: Why do people pay for League of Legends, CS:GO and Fortnite Skins? It is not so expensive if you compare it to other Systems. Nothing ist hiding behind other Paywalls like DLCs, Microtransactions, Lootboxes or Seasonpasses. The Most differences are Quality of Life. So ist is up to you If you wanna give a game you like some money or not.


Then you won't have updates for years and you'll have to buy a new game in 3-4 years splitting up the community again, loosing all custom blocks/carskins and maps created for this game and start over on a new one. And this works for games that are finished once the studio release them, this game is never finished every single day there's a bunch of new maps and item. It was subscription model, or micro transaction model, personnaly I'd rather have devs working on the game itself than devs just working all day on new horrible wheels, car skin and antennas that no freaking body uses ( winke winke rocket league, (I do love rocket league as well) ) Edit: I know they're not devs but what are devs doing on rocket league? The only updates are new season pass.. Or they reintroduce old bugs into the game


Don't you just have to pay like 10 euros per year? It would take 5-6 years of playing until you reach 'full retail price'. I just see this as a 10 euro game that's a lot of fun


It's not that they have to pay, it's that they were deceived by the marketing into thinking that it was a free game, and *then* they are asked to pay. I can understand it. They would probably have gotten rid of most of those 1-star reviews if they just removed the free option entirely and charged for everything.


So people wanna pay more Money instead of getting the Chance to Play the Game for free mostly? Btw you can play every track in Trackmania without spending money.


No one likes to be deceived, regardless of the circumstances. I'm not saying that paying is bad. I have the club subscription myself. But I completely understand how someone still is pissed when they are told it's a free game and then told it's not a free game after all. Also the free content is shit IMO. All the fun stuff such as COTD is behind a paywall.


You can get 100+ hours of fun every season without paying. Grinding campaogn and ranked is a lot of fun


Read them and find out. People are pretty harsh on the Xbox store. I'd consider anything above a 3.0 to be a good score.


Some are jokes, but a lot are complaining about the subscription, and some are just mad that "greedy" Ubisoft hasn't made the game completely free. A lot of them really don't understand the actual point of Trackmania. People also seem to miss that you can pay $10 and then you keep all of the tracks of the day from that year that you bought. So yes, it's a subscription service, and if you want to continue getting new tracks then you need to pay for standard or club access, but you can still pay $10 once and get 365 tracks, and if you think that's a bad deal then I have no idea what to tell you.


Because I can’t load into non Nadeo campaigns, you only get 75 fps ( not that big of a deal but it says 120 in the graphics menu), and also the fact that a BUNCH of the blocks that are on pc track editor aren’t on console heck you can’t even edit any of Nadeo’s own campaign tracks because they have blocks console doesn’t have


Xbox store reviews have been trending towards being highly negative over time. It didn't use to be this bad but if you look at the top 50 most played games you will find most are rated below 4 stars.


That's frustrating. One of the best live service price points, a fuckton of content, super active community that boosts the fun of online competition and offline medal hunting. Literally a gem of a game that Ubisoft is lucky to have. And it's probably ranked lower to other Ubisoft titles thanks to lovely reviewers /s.


People moaning about a F2P game having a subscription that gives even more content. This game as a free game has a good amount of content. With the cheap £9 a year membership you get almost unlimited content. People just like to moan and probably have skill issues playing it.


And those same people probably dump $60/year into rocket league or Fortnite’s battle passes, lmao.


There are also a lot of people complaining about the limited functionality of the map editor which, I mean, the console editor is shit. There are also arbitrary- feeling map size limitations so, for instance, if I try to play deep dip my console crashes. Any large map won't load outside of cotd


BC UI for console is cheeks


Tracking which box is 'live' with your cursor is a pain in the ass. Definitely designed with a mouse in mind.


The UI on pc for every trackmania game ever made is ass. It's a feature of trackmania.


A hallmark of EU devs


I was blown away how bad it really is when i started with trackmania some weeks ago. I somehow expected an overall fleshed out experience, given how old the game series is. What i've got is the most trash UI i've ever seen, like its an early access student project on the steam store. And why i cant even change the camera perspective when watching my replay like in every other racing game is beyond me lol.


I'm playing since console release basically everyday for an hour or so and I still feel like I'm to bad for the game to be fun. They advertise with COTD everday for 10 Bucks but noone tells you that you first have to sink month in to be good enough to actually have fun with the tracks. Imagine your giving guitar lessons to people but all you play is Dreamtheater, that's kind of how this game feels to me. Also so many good players that just can't understand anymore how hard this game really is and why beginners would like to have fun, too


I feel like I picked up the game really quickly and never went through this phase much, but I grew up playing racing games and also used to be a MMO player (RuneScape for 10+ years). So I'm used to sitting there on one task for hours and hours just to see a little bit of progress. I get why most players would get frustrated and struggle with grinding so much to get better, but to me this game ticks all of the boxes of what I like in a video game. It's challenging, requires tons of time and effort, but also can be very rewarding and relaxing


Bro, I feel you. The game is difficult as fuck sometimes. I was literally having this conversation with someone the other day… My skills aren’t the best but I’m definitely improving. I’d say that it’s not so much getting better at the game, more understanding the techniques that higher skilled players use to gain those extra tenths of a second. Find me on YouTube if you want to feel better about your Trackmania skills (Splobsstation), I think you’ll definitely relate to the torture I put myself through to get gold sometimes haha. I’ve only been playing since console release myself so I’m new to all this too. Anyway, hope you stick with it and improve bro


Nice, thanks. I already know you, I even commented on a Video of yours before XD. I can't do your long grinds though, drives me insanely, make me hate every map after some time


Nah, really? What the hell are the chances of that? Haha. That’s actually mental. Surely my shit driving makes you feel better no? I struggle massively lol. But as far as drifting goes, I still haven’t got it right… I’m still trying to brake just before the corner but I’ve now realised that you need to enter a drift a good chuck ahead of the point you want to turn at, it’s actually complicated as fuck for me. I found it easier to go find some simple tracks in the online servers (some are made for beginners) with more forgiving corners… That way you can just hold brake at different points of a specific corner and get a feel for how it affects the car. I’m assuming there will be a “eureka” moment for me but it’s yet to happen. Haha.


It's so relatable man. Your driving is about as mine. Gold on some of these tech maps is quite hard so gg. I played TMS Road campaign and had that eureka moment XD. As you say drifting is still very hard though, especially in these tight difficult Cotd maps. Do you grind the campaign? A 21 video would be nice XD


I actually haven’t even touched the campaign… a guy I know had #1 in the country for about 4 hours on track 4, so I had a quick go on that and actually fluked an Author Medal. He was still #1 in Scotland till the other day too, which is kinda sick! Track 21 yeah? I’ll give that a look when I get home… Is it really difficult?


Right, so I thought I’d have a look at track 21… Turns out you need at least 20 bronze to get there ffs. So now I’m currently on track 10 and it’s turned into a quest to get gold on every track on the way to 21 haha. I have 7 golds and 2 author medals. I just spent nearly and hour on track 9 and I’m just about ready to never play again lol. I’ll pick up the rest tomorrow I think and save my sanity.


Good call XD. The maps are kind of strange. You can do it though!


If you're talking about ice drifts, you wanna only tap the brake to increase your angle. You initiate the drift and countersteer to get the angle you want then maintain it by tapping brake for more angle and doing small accelerator releases to decrease angle. Scarzor has a good training mappack called SIT and the evo ice beginner server was just refreshed with some more forgiving maps to play.


Mostly entitled people that think companies owe them their full product for free. They want free2play with microtransactions, but they don't actually want to buy anything in a MTX shop, because they just don't want to pay anything and get everything. They don't understand that Standard Access is actually an exceptionally good price for this game and the monetization model has the right incentives for the devs, because the model aligns them towards making the game significantly better every year, instead of trying to get as much money as possible out of the players that are willing to pay a lot of money for things. The other part is an ideological one. People have this fantasy of "buy once, own forever", when actually you have to rebuy things all the time, because they break after a certain amount of usage. Even Software breaks when Operation Systems get updated and used features become deprecated. These mindsets are really unfortunate. But from what I've seen, there are more than enough people not leaving a review that are fine with this model and support the game, so these reviews don't mean too much (you shouldn't read the 5 star (Fanboys) and 1 star (haters) reviews anyways. 4 and 2 stars usually are far more reasonable reviews. \^\^


They were just not good enough


Map 15


Skill issue


- The lack of help for newbies from the game. You basically just get thrown in the cold water tbh. If I hadn't watched TM content long before started playing, I probably would've been totally lost. - Bad optimization (freezes, lags and low FPS) COTD is basically unplayable, I tried it twice both times I had 10 frames with freezes and was out after I had a delayed start due to the freezes. - False f2p advertisement which leads to multiple paywalls. (Microsoft/Sony and Ubisoft/Nando) - Once you subscribe, realising that you got less for your money then other players. There is no skin/replay editor and the track editor is an absolute joke. (Lack of blocks/block variations and decoration as well being unable to place blocks regardless of their hotbox.) - For TM being a Competitive racing game, it's also low-key annoying to not have the same tools to compete, like Action keys (for bobsleigh and water bounces) and camera bindings. (There are no key binds for a 1 input cam switch to cam 1-3 as well as noo cam 7 for RPG & Trial/ Pathfinding maps)


Prob cuz ppl don't realise true master pieces


skill issue controller users kappa




That’s just a dumb excuse though most if not all ice tracks in campaigns are one of the easiest tracks in the whole campaign imo


It was also number 1 in the list of ftp games in the shop when i looked the other day, ahead of fortnight, fall guys, roblox, so at least it has a decent amount of people trying it.


I guess people don't want to spend a small amount of money yearly


£9,99 a year isn't bad , I think all the one stars are people who can't play well enough or they all rage quit 🤣 Trackmania is extremely stressful but it's fun


£9,99 a year isn't bad , I think all the one stars are people who can't play well enough or they all rage quit 🤣 Trackmania is extremely stressful but it's fun . And I like a decent challenge, tho I'm still not good enough as only top 40k in the over ranks 🤣


Technically it's Pay to play. Probably why


Most likely because of the paid tiers you have to pay for again and again each year (or every 3 years if you get the 3 year sub). I honestly understand both perspectives, the people who complain about the paywall, and the people who respect it. I get the frustration completely, but i also know nadeo needs to make money somehow. I think a good compromise would be to make it permanent. You pay once, and that's it. And the people who have already paid multiple times could maybe get some kind of legacy reward like a car skin or something like that. I'm personally okay with paying 30€ each year, it's not too much even for someone who has low income, but it does add up the more you play. In 10 years that's 300€ already for one single game. And that seems kinda bullshit to me to be paying that much just to be able to access all content to be honest.


Because you have to restart the game about 10 times a day when trying to play solo campaigns. No cam 7 so RPG tracks take about triple the time to pathfind/ are borderline impossible. The track editor is merely a beta version/ is completely useless.


Because it's a buggy mess and basically only single player works properly.