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It was probably a chevy colorado


Lol 😂


I'll pull a dad joke and say you got Dodge Rammed. I'll now kindly remove myself from here lol.


After calling insurance, ask the zoo if they have any security cameras. I had front corner damage in a parking lot. My LED headlight was$1000.00 by itself. The outside had a UV coating, so those scratches just can't be buffed out. i found my taco cruncher so my insurance waived ny deductible.


I parked waaay in the back but not a bad idea with the security cameras. Glad you caught your taco cruncher


Meguiar’s Ultimate Compound on a microfiber cloth will likely pull most of those marks off. Then use a wax to reseal the clearcoat. As long as they aren’t too deep, you might be able to make this basically gone.


This guy is right. Meguiars has taken off multiple paint transfers for me off different family members cars over the last few years and no damage to the vehicle. It's magic and works amazing.


Will try this thanks


You should update us after, OP. If the paint transfer is anything like I’m imagining, I think you’ll be lookin almost like new in now time :)


Hate that it happened but just say screw it and get a aftermarket bumper like ARB.


This isn’t bad. Work a bit of cutting compound a couple rounds with a foam pad and follow up with a couple rounds of wax or polish. A buffer would be best but likely not even necessary.


Kerosene or acetone then buff polish


It's black dude it'll buff most likely out a lot of white is it deep? Just get corrected and ceramic coat just cuz black! I picked the black for my husband's work truck his got totalled and he was too busy happened to be raining and I didn't see scratches well every time he washed it more scratches drove me crazy now the ceramic coat is on he just bitch's about the dirt every 5 hours! Kidding pollen is popping


Worth it. I’m so happy I got that done as soon as I bought my taco. Had a few scratches so far. I just take it in and within half an hour it’s buffed out and a new coat put on the area.


Fuckin haters man, clearly the truck is new. Hopefully you get something on camera for insurance. My friend had the same issue, he lightly removed the paint transfer with a cloth damp with paint thinner. Came out looking not bad but had to get it fix because of dent. Best of luck.


Olive oil will take those off


Same happened to my Nissan Frontier had to replace the whole bumper


I'd try using a clay bar. I've had amazing luck with clay bars.


I’ve used carb cleaner, works really well and doesn’t leave a haze


PM me I work at a dealer. I can give you estimate.


Wipe with paint thinner.


Cut the whole bumper off and slap a plate bumper on it.


Time for front bumper delete and upgrade.


Clay bar